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Paula & Her Professor

Page 2

by Charles Graham

  The rational part of her brain tried to convince her that Professor Goss was not the sort of man who would ever do such a thing to her against her will…but the emotional, primitive part that lurks in the dark recesses of every human mind, responded to the possibility with immediate sexual excitement, stiffening her nipples and releasing a slick of juices to coat her sex in preparation for love-making.

  Ashamed of her instinctive arousal, Paula struggled to regain control of her traitorous body, crushing back thoughts of sexual pleasure with Professor Goss until she was able to re-establish some semblance of normality and make herself believe that she was once again the sensible, logical, level-headed woman she had always thought herself to be.

  “I am not a real prisoner,” she told herself aloud, “and he is not my real captor. I can handle this and I will handle this without letting these crazy feelings get the better of me. Get a grip, girl. It’s not real. It’s only an experiment and we both know that.”

  Then she began to put on the suit, doing her best to ignore the sensual pleasure that set every nerve-ending in her skin tingling with delicious pleasure as the supple rubber enveloped her in a tight, warm cocoon, holding every inch of her body in a firm grip as it molded itself to her smooth curves.

  Just as she had feared, the ballet-boots did indeed force her feet onto the tips of her toes and triggered an immediate sharp ache in her calves as her legs became an almost straight line from toes to groin…but as she saw herself in the mirror and marveled at the gleaming picture of displayed femininity she had become, Paula knew that she had never looked better or more desirable.

  When she eventually returned to the sitting-room, Professor Goss’s reaction was everything she could have hoped.

  For almost a minute, he stared at her in speechless appreciation.

  “You look…incredible…beautiful…superb…” he breathed at last, then chuckled. “If I really had kidnapped you, I would forego the ransom and keep you for myself, my dear.”

  Paula smiled in embarrassed pleasure, “Well... Thank you, Professor. It’s... really nice of you to say so.”

  “Oh, I meant it, Paula,” he told her. “You would make any man want you, looking as you do now. Surely you know that?”

  Paula flushed, but before she could think of an answer, he hurried on, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you, true though it is. Tell me, how do you like the suit?”

  “It’s wonderful,” she replied eagerly, her eyes sparkling, “I love how it holds me and makes me look and feel. But…well…the boots are a bit much.”

  “Mmm, yes. They are rather high, aren’t they?” he agreed cheerfully. “Still, you seem to be managing and I’m sure you’ll get used to them after a while.”

  Paula was by no means so sure, but any doubts she might have expressed were lost as he turned to pick up a long tube of glistening black leather with a double row of lacing eyes spaced all along it. “Turn around, please and place the palms of your hands together behind your back as if you were praying.”

  She hesitated, realizing at once what the leather tube was for, then took a deep breath and complied.

  Even as she did as he asked, she was tempted to ask if it was really necessary to tie her up, but before she could, a broad strap tightened around her wrists and she knew it was already too late.

  With her wrists buckled together, she no longer had any option but to accept his wishes.

  Eye by eye, he pulled the laces tight, working upwards from the tips of her fingers, the leather clamping her hands into the prayer position until she couldn’t move her fingers a fraction, then rising to her wrists and forearms and higher still, all the way to a point well above her elbows.

  It was uncomfortable, stressful…and frighteningly efficient, for as the leather tightened, her arms were welded into a single, totally immobilized column that left her not the smallest hope of escape or relief from the relentless pressure that pulled her shoulders back.

  She tried to complain that it was too much, first asking and then demanding that he loosen the device, but he only responded that he wasn’t finished yet and it was only when her elbows were touching that he had knotted the laces and looped the leather strap over her shoulders to hold it in place and prevent it from slipping down and loosening, that he gave her an explanation.

  Holding her wrists in one hand, he told her that the device was called a single-glove, that it was completely inescapable when fitted properly as he had fitted it…and that she was going to be wearing it for the entire duration of the experiment.

  Paula twisted her head around to argue with him, her eyes wide with shock and horror, “You can’t do that,” she protested, “not the whole summer. It’s inhuman. I won’t be able to stand it. Please, you must let me go.”

  “Let you go?” he said calmly, “Why would I let you go? The ransom hasn’t been paid and you surely don’t expect a kidnapper like me to set you free until I’ve got the money, do you?”

  She tried to pull her arms free of his grasp, but when he casually levered her wrists upwards so that she was forced to bend forward from the waist, she realized just how helpless she was and just how easily he could control her with almost no effort on his part.

  “But… But you aren’t a real kidnapper,” she moaned. “This is only an experiment.”

  His chuckle sent a tremor of icy dread up her spine when he replied softly, “Is it, Paula? Are you quite certain of that? And as to whether I’m a real kidnapper, well; let’s examine the facts, shall we? Number one; you’re tied up and helpless, while I’m free. Number two; you’re my prisoner, while I can go where I please. Three; I can do anything I want to you, while you cannot resist me. And four, I know from the records that you were planning a solo trip to Mexico and were going to be out of contact for the summer, so nobody is expecting to hear from you for some time. Therefore, you will not be missed and nobody but me even knows where you will be. I think that’s a fair summary of your position, wouldn’t you say?”

  Paula had never considered the situation from that viewpoint and as she realized that he was right, her lips parted in what was intended to be a cry for help.

  It never emerged, for as her mouth opened, his free hand snaked around her face and wedged a huge, bright red rubber ball against her lips.

  “Open up, Paula,” he demanded sternly, increasing the pressure of his hand and when she was forced to obey, he wedged the gag deep into her mouth and fastened the buckled strap behind her neck, pulling it so tight that she could not eject the ball.

  She tried to scream and was shocked to hear the low, muffled whine that was all she could produce and when he chuckled again, Paula whimpered in anguish, realizing that she could no longer even protest or argue with him.

  “That’s better,” he told her cheerfully, “can’t have my hostage calling for help, now can I?”

  Pushing her bound arms upwards, he brought her to her knees, then eased her down onto her belly and quickly straddled her, facing backwards, his thighs on either side of her buttocks and his weight pinning her wriggling body.

  Her long legs kicked and flailed as she fought to escape, but it was to no avail and when he seized one and then the other and she felt a thick leather strap encircle her ankles and draw tight, she knew she was lost.

  Demoralized, she put up only half-hearted resistance when he bent her legs up towards her bottom and when a second strap linked her wrists to her ankles, immobilizing her and hollowing her spine into a deep curve, Paula trembled helplessly to the knowledge that she could never get free without assistance.

  Bound as she was, she couldn’t even turn over when he removed his weight to stand up and as she heard him say, “Stage one completed,” in a tone of complete satisfaction and then walk out of the room, she could only stare numbly at the carpet in front of her and try to imagine just what “Stage two,” might entail…and how many other “Stages” lay ahead of her before Professor Goss was satisfied that their joint “experiment” had run
its full course.

  Chapter Three

  In the weeks leading up to the summer break, Professor Goss had made all the necessary arrangements to procure sole use of the research facility he had discussed with Paula.

  With his reputation and high standing in academic circles, it had not been difficult to persuade the owners of the laboratory that he was engaged in a project that required absolute privacy and total discretion and he was certain that they would cooperate fully.

  There would be no distractions or unwelcome intrusions to interrupt the progress of his experiment with Paula and though she might find herself wishing it to be otherwise, he would be in sole control of everything that would happen to her while she was held in the secure surroundings of the remote country site.

  As a scientist, he was genuinely interested in proving to his own satisfaction, the accuracy of the “Stockholm Syndrome” theory and had every intention of keeping detailed and scrupulous records of Paula’s responses to her captivity and subjugation…even though he was well aware that those records would never be published in any scientific journal or, for that matter, ever see the light of day.

  To allow them to do so would be professional suicide and he had no intention of seeing his career destroyed by scandal-mongering journalists eager for a sensational headline.

  They would remain securely locked in his private safe where only he would ever peruse and analyze their evidence.

  However, he was not just a scientist…he was a man, too. A man with the same urges and desires as any other. One who now had an extremely attractive young woman bound and gagged on his sitting-room floor and a signed piece of paper in his pocket giving him a free hand to do much as he pleased with and to her, without fearing the consequences that would usually follow.

  Science, he decided with a grin, was such a rewarding career.

  Especially when a pretty, argumentative and somewhat naïve young woman like Paula was prepared to go to such lengths in the pursuit of knowledge.

  He had no doubt that by the time summer break was over, she would have no trouble at all in getting an “A” grade on what would by then have become her specialist subject…the “Stockholm Syndrome” and its effects on a kidnapped hostage.

  With a beaming smile lighting his face, he went to his garage and made a final check on his vehicle to ensure that all was ready for Paula’s transportation into captivity.

  The strong leather straps hadn’t given a fraction and Paula lay exactly as before, her rubber-clad body arched in a hogtie, belly-down on the carpet.

  Only the bead of sweat at the tip of her nose betrayed the effort she had put in to try to escape her bonds…and the expression of miserable resignation in her eyes was confirmation of her complete lack of success.

  Professor Goss would have been extremely surprised and disappointed if she had managed to get free, because he had done a great deal of research to find the most secure and reliable bondage equipment he could and then insisted on several demonstrations and practice-runs before he had handed over his money.

  That attention to detail had paid dividends and as he gazed down at her, he was satisfied that she was not going to be able to wriggle out of the restraints he had placed on her, no matter how hard she tried.

  He bent down to gaze into her blue eyes, “Time to go, Paula,” he said and ignoring the muffled whimpers that greeted his words, slid his hands under her and lifted her with an ease that surprised her.

  Cradled in a pair of arms that were much stronger and more muscular than she would have guessed, she was carried from the room and into the garage where his large and powerful, four-wheel drive truck stood waiting with the doors open.

  With a grunt of effort, he lifted her into the cab and laid her across the passenger seat on her left side, then closed her door and got into the driver’s seat, “It’ll be a couple of hours,” he told her, “so just relax and leave the driving to me. Not that you’ve got all that much choice.”

  The garage door rolled up to admit a flood of golden afternoon sunshine and as the truck moved forward, Paula shuddered in humiliation at the realization that anyone glancing into the cab could not fail to see her.

  Even in her rubber suit and tied up with a gag stretching her lips, she was still perfectly recognizable and as she imagined one of her student colleagues or a member of the teaching staff flagging-down Professor Goss for a chat and accidentally discovering her in bondage, her face burned with shame and despair at the unwanted and unlooked-for heat that swirled through her belly and stiffened her nipples at the appalling prospect of being found in such an embarrassing and decidedly compromising position.

  Thankfully, it didn’t happen and even though her situation was basically unchanged, it was still a considerable relief to her when the campus was left behind and they were on the open road.

  But only for the first hour or so...

  Professor Goss turned left off the main highway, onto a much narrower, rather bumpy country road and after a short distance, pulled the truck off onto the verge and braked to a halt in the dappled shadow of a clump of trees.

  He turned off the engine and swiveled in his seat to smile down at her, “Only another fifteen miles to go, Paula,” he told her casually, “so, from here on in, you travel outside.”

  Paula had no idea what he was talking about and from her position lying across the passenger seat, couldn’t see what he was doing as he climbed out of the cab, took something from the open bed of the truck behind her and fitted it to the massive front fender.

  When he had finished and lifted her out of the vehicle, she still couldn’t guess what he had in mind and it was only when he explained the purpose of the inverted steel “T” bolted to the front, that she realized what he intended.

  The cross-piece at the bottom of the “T” was a thick pad of rubber over a steel plate, while the upright bore a number of bright red webbing straps with large buckles and as Paula learned that she was to be bound and displayed on the front of his truck like some sort of outsize living mascot, her eyes bulged in shocked outrage.

  She shook her head furiously, squealing her adamant refusal to be exhibited so shamefully, but as Professor Goss lifted her and positioned her so that her knees rested on the rubber pad, then used his shoulder to hold her in place as he buckled the straps around her thighs and hips, waist and torso above and below her breasts, Paula found that her gag-muffled objections, no matter how vehement, carried very little weight with her ingenious “kidnapper”.

  With each strap carefully tightened to ensure that there was no danger of her slipping from her novel perch, Professor Goss stood back to admire his handiwork and drink in the erotic spectacle of Paula’s tightly-cinched body, each strap indenting her rubber-clad form as evidence of the security of her bondage.

  Above the red ball-gag sealing her lips, her eyes gazed beseechingly at him while he double-checked her bonds and he gave a slow nod, confident that she was beginning to understand how truly helpless and utterly dependent on him she had become.

  He reached out a hand and hid his smile as alarm flashed into her eyes and her body tensed when he slid back each of the zips at her breasts, exposing the taut, firm globes.

  Her eyes flickered downwards, then back up to his face and he saw her throat work as she gulped to the knowledge of how easily he could take advantage of her defenselessness to caress her breasts, whether she willed it or not.

  “Very nice,” he said casually, suppressing his natural desire to do exactly that as she obviously expected him to, then he simply patted her gagged cheek, got back into the truck and drove on.

  Paula couldn’t believe it.

  From the first moment of her arrival at Professor Goss’s home, she had been constantly aware of a simmering sexual tension between herself and him.

  A tension that had ignited a surprising, but undeniably delicious warmth between her thighs and which she had been almost certain that he shared despite his apparently aloof and distant manner. />
  His reaction to seeing her in her rubber suit had strengthened her view and when she had allowed him to bind her arms, she had actually found herself wondering whether the whole “experiment” thing was just a ploy to get her into his bed…and realizing that she wouldn’t have minded too much if it had been.

  The gag and hogtie had put an end to that thought, but even when he loaded her into his truck and drove her away, she had still retained hopes that he was just playing some sort of kinky sex-game with her and would drive around for a while, then take her back to his house and his bed.

  She didn’t think that anymore, because nobody, no matter how kinky or sexually adventurous, would drive around in public with a rubber-clad, half-naked, bound and gagged woman strapped to the front of his truck. Not unless he wanted to be arrested and have his name splattered all over the front pages of every newspaper in the country.

  Professor Goss had to be playing a game with her…but it was a game whose rules only he understood and when the truck began to move and Paula felt her naked breasts jiggle up and down and from side-to-side as he drove slowly along the poorly-surfaced road, she whimpered in horrified shame, dreading the appearance of another car and the unbearable embarrassment she would inevitably be subjected to, if and when one came along.

  The fifteen mile drive took forty-five minutes…the longest forty-five minutes of Paula’s life…and she spent every second in a state of tormented anticipation, dreadful humiliation…and shockingly-intense sexual excitement.

  For she found, to her helpless despair, that the unavoidable jiggling of her breasts and the movement of warm air across her exposed nipples created a constantly-changing stimulus that caused her breasts to swell and her delicate pink buds to turn a light chocolate-brown as they engorged to aching hardness and transmitted electrifying jolts of devastating arousal through her body and down into her sex at every bump in the road.


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