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The Highlander's Maiden

Page 8

by Carole Archer

  “Are you going to stop this nonsense?” he asked calmly.

  Colleen scowled defiantly.

  Sighing deeply, Harvey dragged her to her feet and pulled her alongside him. He broke a switch from a nearby tree and returned to his seat, turning her once more across his lap. “Let’s see if a switching on your bare bottom improves your behaviour,” he said calmly, before he swished the branch against the centre of her bottom. Colleen squealed as the thin stripe rose against her reddened buttocks. Harvey whipped the branch against her bottom and thighs, ignoring her sobbing as she squirmed, desperately trying to wriggle her bottom away from the painful sting of the birch.

  Colleen howled. The birch hurt much more than Harvey’s hand and she squirmed in desperation as she tried to break free. Despite her anger and her determination not to cry, she could no longer deny the agony that he was inflicting on her. As the switch continued to stripe her bottom and thighs, Colleen slumped across his lap and sobbed pathetically, begging him to stop.

  Harvey brought the switch down across her sit spot. Colleen howled in pain and her upper body rose from his lap. He tightened his grip and swished the branch once more against the same spot. Colleen whimpered as the switch snapped in two and Harvey threw the broken piece to the floor.

  Harvey pulled her to her feet and regarded her sternly as she clutched her buttocks and her lower lip trembled. “Let that be a lesson to you, young lady,” he said sternly.

  Colleen threw herself to the floor, her bottom still bare, and rubbed frantically at her burning buttocks. Harvey went to sit by the fire and when he approached Colleen a few minutes later and tried to cover her bottom and encourage her to get up, she wailed loudly and shrieked “go away”. Harvey sighed and reluctantly walked back to the fire.

  Eventually Colleen got up onto shaky legs and moved towards the cart. Instead of getting on the cart she wandered around the back of it and went for a walk to clear her head. She felt bitter about Harvey taking a birch rod to her bottom and although she did not want to be punished again, she felt some satisfaction in defying him by wandering away from the camp.

  Colleen had only been walking for a few minutes when she realised with terror that the English soldiers they had encountered earlier had set up camp nearby. She turned to run back to the safety of Harvey’s camp when rough hands grabbed her and pushed her down to the ground. The ringleader she recognised from earlier pulled her dress up and as Colleen struggled desperately to stop him, he managed to lower her drawers and roughly forced her legs apart. Colleen whimpered and tried to fight him off but he was too strong for her.

  As he pressed his mouth against hers she felt sick. His stubble scratched her face and his rancid breath made her gag. Colleen turned her face away and he roughly kissed her neck, while reaching between his legs and unfastening his trousers. “No,” screamed Colleen, as she realised with horror she was about to be raped.

  “Harvey,” she whimpered, wishing she had stayed at the camp where he could protect her. The soldier clamped his hand over her mouth. “Shut up,” he snapped.

  Colleen shook her head from side to side, desperately trying to break free, before eventually clamping her teeth down on his hand. The man grunted in pain as he tried to pull his hand away. Colleen bit down harder, despite tasting his blood in her mouth, and she only released his hand when he slapped her face hard with his other hand.

  Colleen tried to push herself up but he was still straddled across her and pinned her down once more. “You little bitch,” he yelled, “you’ll regret that,” he warned. Colleen spat at him and reached forward, gouging his eye with her fingers, making the man even angrier.

  “Roll over,” he told her nastily. “I’ll have more fun this way,” he leered. “And when you’re crying in agony as I pound into your tight little asshole, you’ll only have yourself to blame.”

  Colleen whimpered in fear as the man moved away from her. She kicked out at his groin area but she barely connected and he merely laughed as he flipped her over effortlessly, threw her cloak and dress over her back and grasped her hips roughly. He laughed as he saw her well punished bottom. “Who’s been a naughty girl?” he asked, pawing roughly at the marks left by her switching.

  Colleen scrabbled helplessly at the ground, clawing at the dirt as she wriggled desperately to stop him from having his way. As he grasped her buttocks roughly, pulling them apart and pressing his hardening cock against her bottom hole, she wailed with despair. As she was about to stop fighting and reluctantly accept what was happening to her, she couldn’t believe her luck when her hand felt a large rock on the ground. Her fingers closed over it and she gripped it tightly. When she was certain she wouldn’t drop it, she screamed “Nooo!” as with every ounce of strength she twisted her body round, swung her arm back and then cracked the rock against his skull. His face went pale, his mouth fell open in shock and he slumped to the floor, blood trickling from his head.

  Hearing the voices of the other drunken mercenaries coming towards them, Colleen realised they must have heard her scream. Struggling to her feet, she pulled her drawers up and stared at the unconscious man. Hearing his men’s voices get closer, she turned and ran.

  Tears blurred her vision as she ran, worried that the other men would catch her up and would do even worse things to her than their fellow soldier had intended to do. Eventually she stopped, exhausted, and looked behind her. She was relieved to see the Englishmen had not followed her. Catching her breath, Colleen thought of Harvey and wanted desperately for him to console her.

  She quickly started to walk in the direction she hoped she had come from, trying not to think about what could have happened to her.

  After walking for some time, Colleen realised she was hopelessly lost. Oh Harvey, I’m so sorry I wandered off. Please come and find me, please, she hoped. I’ll never stray from your side ever again.

  Oh Daddy, she prayed, please help me find Harvey once more. I wish I’d heeded his frequent warnings, but from now on I will do exactly as he says. Just please help me to find him again. Please.

  Chapter Eight

  Colleen walked all night, sobbing as she rubbed her extremely sore bottom and replaying the events of earlier. She wished desperately that she could sit on Harvey’s lap and apologise for her behaviour, tell him what had happened to her. He would be angry with her for wandering off, but he would hug her and comfort her and she would feel safe once more.

  She continued to walk, barely noticing where she was going or in which direction she was headed. She was just desperate to find Harvey again before he moved on. What if he thinks I’ve run away and doesn’t bother to come looking for me? Colleen thought. I don’t know what I’ll do without him to keep me safe. Oh Lord, please help me find him.

  Colleen was terrified walking in the dark, the slightest noise making her jump anxiously. It’s just a wild animal, she told herself. It’s probably more frightened of you than you are of it.

  She looked up into the sky and took comfort from gazing at the stars, convincing herself that her parents were up there watching her, keeping her safe. Daddy won’t let me come to any harm, she thought optimistically. Daddy will lead me to safety.

  When morning finally arrived and the sun started to light up the sky, Colleen felt less afraid and enjoyed listening to the dawn chorus from the multitude of birds, many of which were hidden in the treetops. She was absolutely exhausted and she looked around, hoping to see something familiar, but there was nothing that she recognised. The woodland and the mountains all looked the same to her.

  Sitting down, she sighed deeply. Scotland is a beautiful place, especially the Highlands. They remind me so much of my beloved homeland. Colleen hugged her knees against her chest as a tear rolled down her cheek. She wondered what her sister Kaitlyn was doing and what she would think if she knew Colleen was all alone and totally lost.

  Absolutely exhausted, her feet aching from walking all night, Colleen crawled into a crevice between two large rocks, wrapped her cloa

k around herself and went to sleep, hoping that a bit of rest would help her come up with a plan of what to do next.

  When Colleen woke several hours later, she was cold, wet and confused. It had been raining and she was soaked to the skin. Shivering, she tried to squeeze the water from her clothes and she moved around as she tried to get warm. The sun was setting and she realised she must have slept all day.

  Colleen wandered along for a little while until she came to a stream, where she satisfied her thirst. She was also quite hungry and set off to find food. Oh why didn’t I stay with Harvey last night? Why did I go walking in the woods alone? You foolish girl, she scolded herself. Wandering off was exactly the reason why he spanked you in the first place.

  A couple of hours later, exhausted and hungry, she crawled into what appeared to be a broken down old cottage where she settled down for the night. She realised she had been alone for over 24 hours now and she started to cry, realising how stupid she had been.

  As she settled down into a pile of hay on the floor of the cottage, she bitterly regretted wandering off and getting lost. I am so foolish, she thought. No wonder he punished me so hard. He wanted to prevent me from getting myself into trouble and putting myself in danger. He was right. I’m stupid and I deserved my punishment, even though it hurt dreadfully. She reached back and lifted her skirt, eased down her drawers and caressed her aching buttocks, running her fingers over the marks left by the birch. I love Harvey so much, she realised. I would give anything to be in his arms right now. I would even accept another spanking, if I knew I was safe once more with him.

  Colleen trembled in the cold, dark cottage. Hopefully tomorrow I will find Harvey, she hoped, otherwise I’ll head to Oban and find William. He’ll know what to do.

  Suddenly feeling more optimistic, even though she had no idea how to get to Oban or even if she was headed in the right direction, Colleen closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  The next day Colleen went outside and was pleased to see there had been no more rain. Her clothes were still slightly damp and she was shivering. She felt quite unwell and was desperate to eat. She wandered a short distance away from the cottage and drank from a stream, before returning.

  Maybe I can rest here for the day, she thought. I really don’t feel well. If I could only get these wet clothes dry, then I would feel much better. And if I could get something to eat, that would be even better, she sighed.

  Taking off her cloak, dress and petticoat, she hung them up on a rail in the cottage. Looking around to make sure no-one was around, she added her drawers to the rail and shivered as she wandered naked back across to the hay, gathering it around her and curling up in a ball in the middle of it. Feeling very unwell, she eventually drifted off to sleep again and woke much later, when it was once more dark.

  Colleen got up and on shaky legs she crossed the room of the cottage and retrieved her clothes, dressing quickly. The hay had been scratchy against her skin and she itched uncomfortably. Her clothes didn’t feel as damp as they had been, but she still shivered. Her throat was parched and she nervously headed down to the stream.

  As she drank from the water, she felt she was being watched and she suddenly froze. Lifting her head slowly, a pair of eyes shone at her from across the stream. Colleen breathed a sigh of relief as she realised she had been frightened by a small deer. She laughed out loud and was disappointed when her insane laughter startled the deer, which turned and ran back into the woods.

  When she had sated her incredible thirst, she wandered back to the cottage. Maybe after another night’s rest, I might feel well enough to continue, she thought hopefully. Harvey might even catch up with me in the meantime. If not, I’m sure I can’t be far away from Oban. I’ll ask for William and someone will lead me to him and he’ll make sure I’m reunited with Harvey. Everything is going to be fine, she tried to convince herself.

  Colleen wrapped her arms around herself as she shivered and her stomach grumbled. She cried herself to sleep as she once more longed to be back on the cart with Harvey, Richard and Robert. “I’m sorry, Harvey,” she whispered into the dark.

  The next morning, Colleen woke early and forced herself to leave the cottage and continue on her way. She had seen no-one in this remote area and she feared that if she didn’t find Harvey soon, she might die of starvation and never be found. Pushing the worrying thought to the back of her mind, she set off once more, hoping that the path she was taking would lead her to Harvey or William, or even some food. She was absolutely ravenous.

  Colleen spent the whole day walking, in the hope that she would find help soon. She stopped occasionally for water at small streams, but the scenery all looked so similar. For all she knew, she could well be going round and round in circles. Unfortunately she did not manage to find food nor did she see anyone who might be able to help her.

  Exhausted she wandered down to a small stream where she slumped at the water’s edge, reached down and used her hands to cup the water and drink.

  Oh, why did I wander off alone? Colleen thought sadly. Harvey might have been hard with me but I guess he was only trying to keep me safe. At least he kept me fed and watered. Oh Lord, please help me to find Harvey again, but please don’t make him angry with me. I couldn’t bear to be punished again.

  Colleen continued to drink greedily from the stream, managing to sate her thirst, but her stomach grumbled in protest. When she could drink no more Colleen slumped to the ground and hugged her knees to her chest. “What am I going to do?” she mumbled. “Oh where are you Harvey? I’m so sorry I ran away. I promise I’ll be good if you only come and get me.”

  As Colleen put her head in her hands, she jumped in shock when she realised she was no longer alone. This time she was certain it was not an animal that had come to join her. Her heart lurched as she felt certain it must surely be her guardian.

  “Harvey,” she squealed, lifting her head and looking up. She wanted to jump to her feet but was disappointed when she realised she did not have the strength to do that. Her expression quickly turned to one of fear when she saw a huge, very rough looking man standing over her.

  “Go away, leave me alone,” she screamed, as the big man squatted beside her. “My guardian’s close by. He’s armed,” she warned him.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you,” he said softly. Colleen trembled but couldn’t help immediately trusting his warm smile and his friendly, soft voice that reminded her of William, who had treated her with so much kindness when she had first arrived in Scotland.

  The stranger’s bright blue eyes, that mirrored her own, seemed to bore into her soul as she looked at him. She looked at his long hair, dark and straggly, and wondered if he too was living rough. She grinned as she noticed his clothing, but decided she wouldn’t make the same mistake as she had made with William by calling it a dress.

  Her eyes travelled up and down his body, admiring the kilt which was fringed at the shins. A mottled cloak of various colours, mainly red, covered his kilt and a thick, heavy belt was worn over the outside of the cloak. Her eyes lingered on the belt, making her cringe as she recalled Alroy taking a belt to her bottom. It was then that Colleen noticed the man was carrying a sword over his shoulder and she recoiled in fear. “Please don’t hurt me,” she begged.

  The man smiled and reached out, softly stroking her cheek. “You’re a long way from home,” he pointed out, noting her Irish accent. Colleen nodded, glancing at his sword again.

  He had a kind face and she really believed she could trust him. But if he decides to draw his sword, I don’t have a chance, thought Colleen.

  As he smiled once more, she decided that if it was his intention to kill her, he would surely have done so immediately. She relaxed a little, grateful that she was no longer alone. Maybe he has some food for me, she thought hopefully.

  The man’s eyes scanned over the young Irish girl. She had calmed down slightly, but he could understandably still see fear in her eyes. He smiled as he gently brushed hay ou
t of her hair and from her clothing.

  “Whereabouts in Ireland do you come from?” he asked, slowly taking off his cloak and putting it around her shoulders as she shivered.

  Colleen swallowed nervously and leaned against him, closing her eyes as he wrapped the cloak around her. “I’m from Ramelton in County Donegal. I lived there with my parents and sister Kaitlyn. My mother died a few months ago. Daddy was killed by the English recently.” Colleen struggled to hold back her sobs as she told the tall, handsome stranger about her family.

  “I was brought to England for my own safety but I seem to have lost my guardian,” she explained.

  The man scowled. “He wasn’t much of a guardian. He should have been taking care of you,” he snapped. “If I was entrusted with your care, I wouldn’t let you leave my side,” he added.

  Colleen shook her head defensively. “Oh he did take good care of me, but he became cross with me when I was disobedient and he…” Colleen looked at the big man and blushed, immediately looking away from him as his eyes twinkled knowingly.

  He laughed loudly and gave her an affectionate pat on the head. “He smacked your bottom, did he?”

  Colleen blushed and looked down at her hands. He smiled as the young woman fidgeted and averted her gaze.

  “I’m Duncan MacGregor,” he told her, extending his hand towards her. Colleen looked nervously at his huge hand, before reaching out and shaking it, gulping nervously as he gripped her hand tightly. I certainly wouldn’t like those huge hands spanking my bottom, she thought, blushing as she pushed that vision from her mind, looked into his eyes and politely responded “I’m Colleen O’Shea”.

  “Come on then,” said Duncan, jumping to his feet. “Tell me where you were with your guardian and we’ll go and see if we can find him.” He took her hand to pull her up and was shocked when she started to sob.


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