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The Highlander's Maiden

Page 11

by Carole Archer

  As Colleen sat up in bed, the sting in her bottom instantly reminded her that the previous evening she had decided to wander out of the village and had yet again been caught by Duncan. I swear that man has eyes in the back of his head, she thought, as she stood up and reached under her nightgown to rub her buttocks.

  Sighing, she headed to the kitchen. She enjoyed spending her days cooking and cleaning and learning the skills that she hoped one day would make her a good wife to someone. She smiled as she hoped that special someone would turn out to be Duncan. Even though he is very strict with me, I really do believe I’ve fallen in love with him, she thought, as she busied herself around the kitchen.

  Colleen found that her days passed quickly with so much to do and she couldn’t ever imagine returning to the life she had lived in Ireland. Of course I want to return to Ireland one day, she thought dreamily, smiling as she thought of her beautiful sister. We could look after father’s castle between us, she thought, smiling brightly as she imagined how proud their father would be. Unless of course Duncan takes me as his wife, she grinned hopefully, taking out all the ingredients she needed to bake bread.

  As Colleen combined the ingredients in the bowl and kneaded them to make her dough, she hummed a happy tune. Daddy would not believe how happy I am helping out around the house, Colleen giggled, recalling how bad tempered she would be when asked to help out with chores around the castle.

  Colleen thought of her days on the road with Harvey and sighed wistfully as she recalled him teaching her how to light a fire and cook. She had become quite proficient at preparing their meals and she was always encouraged by how grateful Harvey and his men were. Aunt Annie and Duncan were equally enthusiastic about her cooking and she spent every available minute learning how to prepare new recipes given to her by Aunt Annie and the other women of the village.

  Colleen put her dough aside to rise and started to prepare breakfast. Duncan will be here soon, she thought, grinning broadly. She loved it when Duncan spent time with them and she smiled brightly as he once again joined them for breakfast. She made an extra effort to please him by cooking eggs and bacon. She hoped it would help make amends for her behaviour the previous evening.

  Colleen was thrilled when he spent a little longer than usual chatting to her after breakfast, especially when he told her his breakfast was “fantastic”. As he clutched her hand, he smiled sympathetically. “Are you OK this morning?” he asked.

  Colleen nodded as her cheeks coloured. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, glancing down at the table. Duncan squeezed her hand encouragingly before kissing her fingers softly. “I only want to keep you safe. You understand that, don’t you?”

  Colleen nodded once more, unable to meet his gaze.

  Aunt Annie smiled knowingly as the pair once again chatted happily, the awkward atmosphere as they had discussed her punishment of the previous evening now gone.

  “Oh Duncan,” Aunt Annie whispered under her breath. “You’ve scolded me for nagging you about making Colleen your wife, but if you don’t get a move on that beautiful young woman will give up waiting for you and find herself another man. It would be a real shame if that happened.”

  Colleen turned to the old lady. “Did you say something, Aunt Annie?” she asked.

  “No dear, don’t mind me, I was just chattering away to myself. I used to do it all the time before you came to stay,” she smiled.

  Colleen turned back to continue chatting to Duncan, and when he reluctantly announced that he needed to leave as he had things to do, Colleen escorted him to the door. As she was bidding him goodbye for the day, she squinted her eyes as she saw a cart trundling into the village. “No,” she gasped in shock.

  “What is it?” Duncan asked, alarmed. As the cart moved closer, Colleen let out an excited squeal, pushed past Duncan and ran towards an astonished looking Harvey. “I’m so sorry,” she told him, as he jumped down from the cart and she threw herself into his arms. “I didn’t run away from you. I know it probably looked like that had happened, but I went for a walk because I was angry and upset and I unfortunately I stumbled across those awful drunken English men. One of them tried to attack me but I managed to fight him off. I ran so fast and when I stopped running I was hopelessly lost. I’m so sorry,” she explained sheepishly.

  “I’m just pleased to see you’re safe,” Harvey told her, as he held her close and kissed her forehead. “We’ve never given up looking for you. I believed you’d run away because I’d punished you, so we headed to Northumbria. I felt sure you would have gone there. No-one had seen you, but all who met you had remembered you. You left a real impression.”

  Colleen smiled as she clung to him tightly.

  “We eventually gave up and headed back to Oban, where we intended to stock up and travel around the Highlands, make enquiries about you, as we’ve done every day since you disappeared. William told us you were here. I couldn’t believe it. I came straight away. I didn’t even fully re-stock the cart. I was just so relieved to hear you were safe,” he said, hugging her close to him.

  Colleen sighed as he released her from his tight embrace. “I’m sorry I was too hard on you,” he said sincerely. “I haven’t dared to go back to Ireland. I couldn’t tell Kaitlyn what had happened. She would never forgive me for losing her sister. I vowed to find you again before I returned to Ireland.”

  Colleen shook her head. “I don’t blame you for punishing me. I deserved it. I always thought you were being overly protective not allowing me to wander off alone. I learned a harsh lesson that night as I discovered you were telling the truth and there are some very bad people out there. When I realised I was hopelessly lost, all I wanted to do was sit on your lap, be held in your arms and told I was forgiven,” she confessed. Looking up at him, she asked: “Am I forgiven?” she asked, her voice catching in her throat.

  Harvey smiled and hugged her once more, kissing her softly on the forehead. “Of course you’re forgiven,” he told her, putting his arm around her and facing Duncan.

  “Thank you for looking after her,” Harvey said, shaking the big Scotsman by the hand. “I hope she hasn’t been any trouble.”

  Duncan laughed, causing Colleen to blush and lower her eyes. Oh, please don’t tell him you took a hairbrush to my bottom last night, she silently pleaded.

  “Not too much trouble,” he replied. “At least nothing we couldn’t handle.”

  Colleen breathed a sigh of relief that their secret was safe.

  Harvey laughed and shook his head. “So will you be joining us again then?” Harvey asked.

  Duncan held his breath and watched Colleen intently.

  Colleen turned and looked at Duncan, gazing up into his eyes for a few seconds, before turning back to Harvey. “I really like it here,” she said, blushing as she looked at the ground.

  “Ah, I see,” smiled Harvey, looking at Duncan who appeared similarly flustered.

  “Oh no, nothing like that,” Colleen replied.

  “No, no, of course not,” added Duncan quickly. “Colleen’s been taking care of my elderly aunt, that’s all. They enjoy each other’s company and it would be a shame for her to leave, unless of course she wants to go,” Duncan added sadly.

  Colleen smiled. “Yes, it would be a real shame, and Aunt Annie would be so disappointed.”

  Harvey grinned. “I don’t think Aunt Annie would be the only one who would be disappointed,” he stated, looking from Colleen to Duncan.

  Colleen blushed. “I think Aunt Annie likes the company.”

  Harvey nodded and smiled. “I’m more than happy for you to stay here, Colleen. As long as I know you’re safe and I know where you are so I can come and visit. Just make sure you’re behaving yourself, young lady,” he smiled.

  “Where’s Richard and Robert?” she asked, quickly changing the subject.

  Harvey nodded towards the back of the cart and Colleen giggled as she walked round and saw the two sleeping soundly. Prodding Richard firmly, Colleen shouted playfully:
“Hey, lazy bones, you’re supposed to be guarding Harvey’s produce – not that there’s much of it left,” she said, looking at the almost empty flat back of the cart. “It seems to me that all you’re doing is drinking it, yet again.”

  Richard grinned and stumbled from the cart, pulling Colleen into a bear hug. “Good to see you, young lady, we were all worried about you,” he said, hugging her close. “Thank God you were found by someone who has taken good care of you.”

  Colleen nodded and smiled at Richard. “I am sorry I made you all worry,” she told him. Richard smiled and ruffled her hair gently.

  “Fancy wandering off and getting lost, leaving us to fend for ourselves. Since you’ve been gone we’ve had to put up with Harvey’s burnt offerings for dinner each evening,” Richard told her, grinning as he glanced across at Harvey.

  Colleen giggled as Harvey playfully swiped Richard across the head. “You and Robert could always try lending a hand if you don’t like what I cook,” he grinned, “though I fear if I let that happen we’d be living on mead.”

  Colleen laughed along with the others before she went back to the cart and prodded Robert. He took a bit longer to rouse but as soon as he did his eyes lit up with delight and he hugged Colleen tightly, telling her how worried they had been and how much they had missed her.

  “Yes, but I think you only missed my cooking,” she grinned.

  Richard climbed onto the cart and joined them. “Can we be serious for a moment, Colleen?” he asked.

  Colleen nodded solemnly.

  “You weren’t hurt, were you? William told us that you’d been attacked and that had caused you to run and get lost. Please tell me you weren’t hurt?” Richard’s eyes were filled with compassion as he looked at her.

  Colleen smiled at him. “I was fine,” she told him, gripping his hand. “It was the men we’d encountered earlier in the evening. They were so drunk they were incapable of hurting anyone, but I was scared and I ran. That was it.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Richard, concerned.

  Colleen nodded and smiled. “One of the English fools grabbed me and wrestled me to the ground. He caught me off guard and I fell quite hard, but I fought him desperately.”

  Richard and Robert listened wide eyed.

  “I bit his hand hard, I poked him in the eye and when he still wouldn’t get off me, I picked up a rock and slammed it into his stupid head. He won’t go attacking another young woman in a hurry,” she stated.

  Richard and Robert were grinning broadly. “Wow,” Richard exclaimed. “Remind me never to cross you,” he said, causing Colleen to giggle as he wrestled her down onto the cart and held her as Robert tickled her.

  Colleen squealed loudly. “No, make them stop Harvey,” she yelled, “please,” she shouted, giggling helplessly.

  Harvey smiled as he pulled Colleen away from his men and lifted her down from the cart, hugging her once more. “I’m just glad you’re safe,” he said, “and I’m glad there was no real harm done”.

  “Harvey,” Duncan interrupted. “I’m quite happy for you and your men to stay in the village for a few days. I can put you all up in my home and you could spend a bit of time with Colleen.”

  Colleen smiled brightly.

  “Thank you,” replied Harvey. “That’s very kind of you. It would be lovely to spend a few days with Colleen.”

  Harvey turned to face Colleen. “We’re going to head back to Oban now to re-stock and do a bit of trading. Do you want to come with us?” he asked hopefully.

  Colleen frowned. “Can I stay here and prepare a meal for us all?” she said, chewing her lip nervously as she hoped she had not offended Harvey.

  Harvey smiled brightly. “That sounds wonderful, but please try and keep out of trouble while we’re gone,” he said affectionately, pulling a scowling Colleen into another hug.

  “I’m so pleased to see you again,” he said, hugging her so tightly that she struggled to breathe.

  “Harvey,” she giggled, breaking free of his hold. “I’m fine. Duncan has taken very good care of me.”

  Harvey nodded. “Yes, I can see that,” he said, reaching out and shaking Duncan’s hand once more. “Thank you so much for taking care of her, and thank you for your hospitality. We’ll see you all later,” he said, kissing Colleen on the cheek.

  Harvey and his boys set off back to Oban and Colleen threw herself into Duncan’s arms. “Thank you,” she smiled, hugging Duncan tightly. “It’s so kind of you to invite them for dinner and to let them stay for a few days. I’d like to spend some time with them before they leave. I will miss them but I hope you don’t mind me staying here.”

  Duncan hugged her close before leading her back into his aunt’s home. “I’d love you to stay. Aunt Annie loves having you here.”

  Colleen broke away and looked at him sadly. “And I quite like having you around too,” he added, making Colleen and his aunt smile.

  Duncan smiled brightly as he held Colleen’s hand and the pair gazed into each other’s eyes. “Right, I’d best be going,” he said, leaning forward and clumsily kissing her on the cheek.

  Colleen closed the door and turned to face his grinning aunt.

  “I’m glad you’re staying dear,” Aunt Annie said kindly. “But I think we both know you’re not really staying because of me.”

  Colleen blushed and started to tidy around.

  “I can tell you like him,” the old lady pressed. “And I’ve known Duncan long enough to know when he’s infatuated with a young lady.”

  Colleen’s face lit up. “Do you really think he likes me too? Sometimes I’m unsure. He said only the other day that he hopes to marry one day, but that he would be expected to marry from within the clan.”

  Aunt Annie scowled.

  Colleen looked sad and the old lady reached out to her and pulled her to sit down beside her. “Nonsense,” she said. “Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it, you stick with me and we’ll soon change his mind.”

  Colleen smiled brightly and sang happily as she carried out the rest of her chores before preparing dinner for six people, her biggest challenge so far.

  When Harvey arrived, Colleen was thrilled when he gave her some pretty red ribbons he had got for her during his day’s trading. Duncan took them from her and tied them clumsily into her hair. “You look beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her on the cheek. Colleen blushed as she smiled back at him.

  They spent a lovely evening together and Duncan was thrilled that Colleen served them such a wonderful meal. His aunt winked at Colleen, who giggled happily, grateful for the old lady’s assistance once again. She was learning so much from her and she was thrilled that Aunt Annie had shared the recipe with her for one of Duncan’s favourite meals, haggis with neeps and tatties.

  Duncan was really impressed, especially when Aunt Annie told him that Colleen had done all the work, she had just told her what she needed and how to do it. Duncan kissed Colleen on the cheek once more as he squeezed her hand. “Well done, that was wonderful.”

  Colleen felt she was about to burst with pride and she was pleased when Duncan did not release her hand and continued to hold it under the table.

  “Colleen, do you know what haggis is?” asked Harvey.

  “Yes,” said Colleen. “It’s sheep offal, suet, spices and a few other things, stuffed into the sheep’s stomach,” she told him. “I didn’t prepare the haggis, I bought those ready made from the butcher, but I cooked them and I prepared the rest of the meal,” she added, proud of her achievement.

  Harvey grinned. “Ah, is that what the butcher told you? I guess he didn’t want to upset you by telling you what it really is,” he added.

  Colleen frowned and looked at Richard and Robert, who were trying hard not to laugh.

  Harvey reached across the table and took Colleen’s hand, as her other hand clutched Duncan’s beneath the table. “Sweetheart, a haggis is a cute furry little creature that runs around the hills. They catch them with nets and boil them,�
�� he told Colleen, as she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

  Richard nodded at her. “Yes, that’s right, and a haggis has one leg longer than the other so he can only run in circles around the hills,” he said, causing Colleen to frown and turn to Duncan, who was suppressing a grin.

  “Colleen, they’re teasing you,” he smiled, squeezing her hand gently and leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek. “The butcher was right when he told you what a haggis is. It isn’t a furry animal,” he added, looking sternly at Harvey and his men before laughing loudly.

  Colleen giggled as she looked at Harvey. “I almost believed you then,” she laughed, glancing at Richard and shaking her head.

  Colleen enjoyed their evening and thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Harvey and his men. She had missed them and she almost considered leaving with them when Harvey told her that he would be returning to Ireland soon to let Kaitlyn and Alroy know that she was safe and well.

  A tear rolled down her cheek as she thought of her sister. Oh Kaitlyn, you have no idea how much I miss you, she thought sadly, but please understand that for now I need to stay here. I will come back and see you soon, but now isn’t the right time.

  Colleen jumped as Duncan gripped her hand tighter. “Sweetheart, I understand if you need to go back to Ireland to be with your sister. You can always come back to visit us,” he offered.

  Colleen smiled, but she had made her mind up. If I go back to Ireland, she realised, it will be the last I’ll see of Duncan because Alroy will more than likely say it’s safe for me to stay with him and Kaitlyn. Although I miss Kaitlyn terribly, I will see her again one day soon. I know she’ll understand when I explain things to her.

  Smiling, she clutched Duncan’s hand. “I’d love to stay here, if that’s OK,” she whispered. Duncan nodded and smiled brightly at her. “That’s more than OK,” he agreed, before quickly releasing her hand and fiddling with his empty plate as he realised all eyes were on them, especially his aunt’s, who had a wicked twinkle in her eye.


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