The Highlander's Maiden

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The Highlander's Maiden Page 14

by Carole Archer

  Duncan looked into her eyes again and as tears streaked her pale cheeks, he spoke calmly to her. “I love you Colleen,” he told her, “and that’s why I’ve chosen to be so harsh with you today,” he added, smacking his hand sharply between her buttocks, stinging her bottom hole and causing her to squeal in pain as she desperately tried to lower her legs once more, her cheeks flushing crimson. You can’t smack me there, she thought in horror, but Duncan was holding her too tightly and as she struggled to break free, his hand smacked between her buttocks once more, causing her to shriek in agony as her bottom hole stung.

  Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as he smacked her in such a private place. After a few more smacks directly on her bottom hole, which made Colleen cry in pain and shame, Duncan stopped.

  “Colleen, I want you to hold your legs in that position for me,” he told her, helping her to hook her arms around the back of her knees and pull her legs towards her chest.

  “Good girl,” he whispered, leaning forward and kissing her softly on the cheek. He stroked her hair gently and gazed into her eyes. “You’re not going to like what I’m about to do to you, but if you want to be my wife you’ll be obedient and submit to my discipline, no matter how awful it is. A bit of humiliation will do you good and ensure you never behave so foolishly again. Do you understand?”

  Colleen nodded and closed her eyes as she tried not to think about how she was displaying herself so wantonly to Duncan. She breathed slowly and deeply as she waited for him to return, trying not to imagine what else he might do to her. But whatever it is, I have to accept it. I have to show him that I love him and that I’m worthy of his love, she thought, not willing to lose him when he’d only just declared his love for her.

  Duncan returned several minutes later. Colleen’s arms and legs ached from the strain of holding her position. She lifted her head when she heard him enter the room and her eyes widened as she took in the huge metal contraption in his hand and the bucket of warm soapy liquid he was carrying.

  “This is a clyster, which Harvey gave to me before he left,” Duncan explained. “Apparently they’re becoming very popular for cleansing purposes,” he cheerfully told Colleen. “I put it away, believing I would have no use for it, but this is the perfect opportunity to try it out. It’s generally used for medical reasons, but Harvey told me how effective it would be for a humiliating and unforgettable punishment, which I think is just what you need now, young lady,” he stated as he approached her.

  Colleen had no idea what Duncan had brought into the room and she was very apprehensive about her punishment.

  Duncan patted her bottom gently. “Right, young lady, keep your legs wide apart for me please. I think we’ll keep you in this position to administer your punishment.”

  Colleen gasped loudly and squeezed her eyes tightly shut. Oh Lord, this is so wrong. Duncan should not be seeing me like this, she thought, as she kept her legs in the humiliating position she was still in.

  “Now hold still, I don’t want to hurt you,” Duncan warned, as he pressed his finger against her anus. Colleen whimpered as his well-greased finger slipped easily inside her bottom, causing her to squirm uncomfortably as he probed her.

  “Right, Colleen, keep hold of your legs while I administer your medicine,” he ordered calmly.

  Colleen’s cheeks burned with embarrassment. “But Duncan, I’m not sick, I don’t need any medicine.” And what kind of medicine needs to be put there, she thought in confusion.

  “Colleen, you’ve been very disobedient today and this is an appropriate punishment. I hope you are going to co-operate?” he asked calmly.

  Colleen cringed with embarrassment and nodded, hoping no-one would walk in and see her like this.

  “Hold still,” he warned, as his finger slid slowly out of her bottom. Colleen breathed a sigh of relief. She had not been comfortable with his finger inside of her and although she had no idea what her punishment was to be, she was just relieved that he no longer had his finger in such a shameful place.

  “I’m going to put the clyster in now,” he told her calmly.

  Colleen heard the sound of metal against metal followed by a strange sucking noise as Duncan submerged the clyster into the bucket and pulled the plunger to fill it with the liquid.

  “Hold tight,” he warned. “Try and relax,” he added, as Colleen felt the cold metal nozzle slide slowly into her rectum.

  “Oh no,” she whimpered. “Please don’t. I’m sorry,” she cried out.

  Colleen squirmed as the nozzle probed deep inside her, even deeper than Duncan’s finger had gone. She lay still and was encouraged when Duncan patted her bottom gently. “Good girl,” he whispered, “this will soon be over,” he soothed, as he suddenly pushed the plunger firmly and emptied the contents of the huge syringe into Colleen’s bottom.

  “Oh,” shrieked Colleen, “oh no, what is that?” Her body stiffened and she clenched her buttocks in a desperate, but too late, attempt to prevent the liquid entering her rectum. She closed her eyes in horror, trying to shut out what was happening to her.

  “Good girl,” praised Duncan. “It’s just soapy water. It’s designed to clean you out. Now be a good girl and hold still while I add the rest.”

  “No. Please don’t,” cried Colleen, squirming at the realisation of what he was doing to her. Duncan pulled the tube out of her bottom and dropped it back into the bucket. Ignoring her protests, he once more pulled the plunger, filling the metal contraption with the rest of the mixture. As he pressed the tube against her anus again, Colleen tensed her buttocks. “Please, I need to go,” she whimpered, horrified that the liquid he had put inside of her desperately needed to be released before she had an accident. The thought of that happening made her frantic with worry and she squirmed desperately and tried to release her legs.

  Duncan shook his head, held her legs firmly and gave her bottom a sharp smack before he pressed the tube between her buttocks. Colleen squealed as despite her resistance, the slender metal tube found its way back into her anus. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut, praying her ordeal would end soon. I’m not going to stop this happening so I might as well try and co-operate, she thought miserably, realising that it did not hurt quite so much when she did not resist. When she clenched her buttocks and tried to halt the progress of the thin tube, it was quite painful, but when she relaxed it did not hurt but was still very humiliating.

  Colleen held her breath as she waited for Duncan to once more empty the contents of the large contraption into her bottom. She opened her eyes and blushed as Duncan smiled at her. “It works better if you hold it for a while. We’ll wait a minute or so, give you the rest and then you can stand in the corner for a few minutes, think about your behaviour that has led to such a humiliating punishment,” he gently scolded her.

  Colleen closed her eyes, utterly humiliated, and she tried her best to relax, but she had never felt so ashamed in her entire life. She squirmed slightly at the uneasy feeling inside her bowels and her squirming increased as Duncan pressed the plunger for a second time and filled her uncomfortably. She gasped as the warm soapy liquid worked its way inside of her once more.

  As he slowly removed the tube from her bottom, Colleen lowered her legs and tensed her buttocks as Duncan helped her to her feet and walked her to the corner, raising her skirts to bare her bottom once more. Colleen gritted her teeth as she desperately tried to hold onto the solution that filled her tummy. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she acknowledged that her own bad behaviour had led to this humiliating procedure.

  Colleen whimpered as she shuffled uncomfortably in the corner, holding her dress above her buttocks, letting Duncan see her well punished bottom. The need to release the liquid from her bowels became more urgent and she turned to face him. “Please,” she begged Duncan. “I can’t hold it any longer.”

  She was surprised when Duncan took her hand, but horrified when he pointed to the empty bucket in the middle of the room. She wanted to run home, where she could
hide away from him and have some privacy, try and get over the embarrassment of her ordeal before having to face him again, but the sudden cramps in her stomach told her she would not make it that far, even if he gave permission for her to leave.

  Squeezing back tears, her cheeks blushed crimson as she reluctantly squatted above the bucket. She was relieved when Duncan told her he was going outside and she spent a few uncomfortable minutes balancing in some discomfort over the bucket in the middle of his room.

  After several long minutes, her legs ached and she guessed she was finished. She blushed as she thought about Duncan coming back in while she was still in this position and she quickly got to her feet, cleaned herself up and reluctantly headed outside to find him.

  Duncan smiled as she approached him. “Do you feel better?” he whispered, holding her at arm’s length and looking at her. She nodded, her eyes deliberately avoiding his gaze.

  Duncan kissed her softly on the lips. “I hope I never have to do that again, young lady, but I will if you make it necessary,” he told her firmly. “Do you understand?”

  Colleen nodded.

  “Do not make it necessary for me to punish you so harshly ever again,” he told her, stroking her hair and kissing her once more. “As my wife, I expect you to be obedient. I need to be able to trust you when I leave the village,” he told her sternly.

  Colleen nodded. I’m going to be married! Colleen thought happily, wishing that her sister could be there to share her joy. She took his hand and allowed him to lead her back into his home, where Duncan sat in his chair for the rest of the evening, holding Colleen on his lap and rocking her gently, whispering that he loved her and she must never do anything so foolish again. As he caressed her sore buttocks, she swore she would never disobey him again.

  When it got late, he lifted her in his arms as if she were weightless, and he carried her back to Aunt Annie’s where they broke the good news of their upcoming marriage to her. She was absolutely delighted for them.

  After Duncan left, Colleen sat with Aunt Annie. She was unusually quiet and Aunt Annie stroked her hair and asked what was wrong. “I deliberately disobeyed Duncan today and wandered out of the village. The MacLennons caught me and Blayne tried to claim me for himself.”

  Aunt Annie looked shocked. “I knew something bad had happened but no-one tells me anything,” the old woman complained bitterly. “One of Duncan’s men dropped by to say that you were with Duncan and would be home later and his wife came round to prepare my dinner. I knew something was wrong but neither of them would tell me anything,” she frowned. “Just because I’m old doesn’t mean I’m stupid,” she complained.

  Colleen hugged the old woman tightly. “I’m sorry, Aunt Annie. Duncan was so angry with me for making him worry. He spanked me so hard,” she told her, blushing as she glanced away.

  Aunt Annie smiled, realising the real reason for the young woman’s unhappiness at what should be a happy time. She stroked her hair gently as Colleen told her of her very eventful day. When Colleen came to the end of her tale, where Duncan had spanked her hard, she scowled.

  “There, there, my dear. Duncan only spanked you because he loves you and wants to keep you safe,” she told her.

  Colleen nodded. “I know, but it hurt so much. It still does,” she told Aunt Annie, reaching back and clutching at her painfully sore buttocks. She thought about the humiliating position he had also put her into, and the painful spanking he had delivered to her bottom hole, and she blushed once more, determined that Aunt Annie was not going to hear about that. And she certainly won’t be hearing about what else he did to me, Colleen thought, quickly pushing the memory from her mind, not wanting to relive that particular humiliation.

  The old woman hugged her tightly and whispered words of comfort to her, before lifting her face and looking into her eyes. “I know it hurts, but will you learn a lesson from it?”

  Colleen nodded her head. Oh yes, I won’t be giving Duncan cause to do that to me ever again, Colleen thought.

  Aunt Annie smiled as she stroked her hair gently. “That’s all that matters, Colleen, as long as you learn your lesson,” she whispered wisely, hugging her once more.

  Chapter Fourteen

  On the morning of their wedding, Colleen went to sit with Duncan for a while and was thrilled when two of the women from the village called by to give her a beautiful dress to wear, which they had made for her. Sending Duncan outside, they put her into the dress and smiled at her as she twirled around happily. It reminded her of the beautiful clothes she wore back in Ireland.

  Duncan smiled and kissed her tenderly as he admired his soon to be wife. “I got you these,” he said. He held out a few ribbons to her and Colleen smiled brightly as she took them from him. They were red, but not plain red. She was thrilled to see they were the same tartan as Duncan’s kilt. “They’re beautiful,” she whispered. “Thank you so much.”

  She kissed Duncan before turning away from him and rushing back to the home she had shared with Aunt Annie for the last few months. Colleen smiled as she showed off her new dress to Aunt Annie, before she sat down on the floor in front of her and begged the old woman to add the ribbons to her hair.

  Colleen sat patiently as Aunt Annie’s arthritis riddled fingers tied the ribbons into the end of the two braids in Colleen’s hair. Colleen was then shown a small bunch of flowers that Aunt Annie had got one of the local children to gather for her. Aunt Annie had kept one of the ribbons aside and she tied this around the bouquet before handing it to Colleen.

  “You look beautiful,” Aunt Annie told her. “Enjoy your day. I’ll be thinking of you,” the old woman said, smiling happily.

  A couple of the women from the village came to get Colleen, telling her that everyone was waiting for her, and she looked sadly at Aunt Annie. “Are you sure you won’t come?” she asked.

  Aunt Annie smiled apologetically. “I haven’t left the house in years. I’m too old and frail to walk more than a very short distance. I need to sleep now, but you make sure you come and see me afterwards,” she smiled, as Colleen literally skipped from the house towards the village square where everyone had assembled to see her marry Duncan.

  The service was lovely and Colleen was thrilled when Duncan leaned towards her after they had taken their vows and kissed her softly on the lips. She clung to him as the kiss lingered, and she was breathless with excitement when he finally released her.

  Colleen smiled throughout the day, popping in several times to see Aunt Annie, who was never alone when she visited and always had someone sitting with her and chatting. Colleen smiled, relieved that Aunt Annie would not be alone when she moved in with Duncan, though she promised the old woman that she would visit her every single day.

  Colleen held Duncan’s hand tightly whenever she was near him. They had food and dancing in the village square and Colleen was disappointed, but thoroughly exhausted, when the day was finally over and Duncan led her back to his home.

  As they entered his house and Duncan led her to the bedroom, Colleen became nervous, knowing what would be expected of her on her wedding night.

  “I love you,” Duncan whispered, lying down on the bed with her as he covered her face and neck with kisses. “Don’t worry, we won’t do anything you don’t want to do,” he whispered encouragingly as he continued to kiss and caress her gently.

  Duncan ran his hands over her body, trying to help her relax. Eventually he sat up and pulled her to her feet, standing her beside him.

  As he pulled her across his lap she pulled away, her eyes wide as she looked at him. “Please Duncan, I’m not being naughty, please don’t punish me.”

  Duncan smiled up at her and pulled her towards him. “Don’t fight me, Colleen,” he whispered affectionately. “I’m not punishing you. Try to relax. I want you to enjoy tonight too.”

  He once again pulled her across his lap and this time she reluctantly allowed him to put her into position. She tensed her buttocks as he raised her dress and rubbe
d his hand gently over her drawers. As Duncan raised his hand, Colleen held her breath, sensing a stinging spanking was coming. She was surprised when Duncan’s hand smacked so gently on her bottom that she barely felt it. She didn’t protest when he continued and as her bottom started to heat gradually, he took hold of her drawers and smiled as she raised her hips willingly, making it easy for him to lower them.

  Colleen sighed in contentment and rested her head on her hands on the bed as Duncan caressed her bare bottom gently before he continued to spank her slowly. She squirmed as he landed a slightly harder spank on her bottom, but as he rubbed his hand gently across the reddened area, Colleen once more relaxed.

  Duncan landed a firm smack on her other buttock and once more Colleen squirmed and whimpered slightly, but his gentle rubbing immediately eased the sting. As he continued to spank her firmly, she began to squirm, raising her bottom to meet his now sharp smacks.

  “Oh Duncan,” she said breathlessly, “I didn’t know spankings could be so nice.”

  Duncan smiled. “Spankings can be very nice when you’ve been good,” he whispered, as he rubbed her bottom and his fingers trailed down between her legs. Colleen tensed up and quickly closed her legs.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, as her husband patiently returned to spanking her bottom very gently and rubbing her buttocks. When he again put his hand between her legs, he met with no resistance and was pleased when Colleen allowed him to trail his fingers along her pussy.

  As he slid a finger inside of her, she relaxed, sighing happily as he moved his finger quickly in and out, making her gasp with pleasure.

  Duncan left his finger inside her as he started to rub her clit with this thumb. Her breathing deepened and she blushed as she wantonly raised her hips and opened her legs wider, inviting him to thrust his finger in and out of her as his thumb rubbed her swollen clit.


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