The Highlander's Maiden

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The Highlander's Maiden Page 15

by Carole Archer

  “Oh Duncan,” she squealed, overcome by the feelings he was causing within her. “Duncan,” she yelled, as she had the first orgasm of her young life and her body bucked and trembled across Duncan’s lap. When she was calm Duncan lifted her to her feet. He was shocked when he saw tears rolling down her cheeks, but when she smiled down at him and whispered “that was lovely, thank you”, he stood up and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her softly.

  Lifting her to her feet, he slowly undressed her, kissing her lips as she blushed. He gently laid her down on his bed, quickly undressing himself as she watched wide-eyed. He lay down beside her and kissed her as his fingers trailed across her body. He took Colleen’s hand and put her fingers around his swollen cock. She gasped as she saw how large it had grown, as Duncan encouraged her to slide her hand up and down the length.

  As Duncan gasped and threw his head back in pleasure, Colleen warmed to her task and used both hands to stroke his cock gently before she gripped her fingers firmly around the shaft and stimulated him as he had shown her.

  Eventually Duncan took her hand and moved it away, getting up and straddling across her. Colleen tried to get up, her eyes wide with fear, but Duncan pushed her gently back and kissed her again, his hands running gently over her breasts, occasionally pinching her nipples and making her gasp with pleasure.

  “Relax for me,” he whispered as he parted her legs and knelt between them, nudging his hard cock against her pussy. He rubbed against her gently, whispering encouragement to her. As he pressed his cock against her entrance and started to slide into her, Colleen panicked, but he continued to whisper to her. “Colleen, I love you, I’ve waited for this night for so long. I don’t want to hurt you. I love you and I want desperately to make love to you and make you mine. It’s our wedding night. Help me to make it the most special night of our lives.”

  Colleen nodded as she reached up and touched his cheek. “You’re so big,” she said nervously. “I’m scared it’s going to hurt.”

  Colleen gasped as Duncan pressed against her, trying to ease himself slowly into her. Kissing her more passionately, Duncan eased her legs wider apart as she stiffened. As he encouraged her to open her legs further, he made small movements, slowly easing his way inside of her.

  Colleen clung to him as he deepened their kiss. Pushing her legs towards her and raising her hips from the bed, Duncan thrust forcefully into her and broke through her resistance. Colleen yelped and struggled as Duncan kissed her, trying to drown her cries of pain with his kiss. He was relieved to have got the worst part over for Colleen and he covered her face with soft kisses as she wept at the sharp pain that had accompanied the reluctant loss of her virginity.

  “Good girl,” he whispered, as he started to thrust more urgently as her pussy clamped tightly around his cock and she clung to him. As Duncan thrust into her, she started to kiss him more passionately and loosened her grip on him, instead stroking his flesh gently as he made love to her.

  Colleen squirmed underneath him and Duncan shifted position, spreading her legs wider and thrusting harder into her. As she started to cling to him once more and her breathing quickened, Duncan reluctantly pulled out of her and put his head between her legs, thrusting two fingers into her wet pussy and licking her clit, also nipping it gently with his teeth, causing Colleen to buck her hips and shout “oh my God” as her body trembled and she orgasmed once more.

  Duncan crawled up the bed, trailing kisses from her pussy, over her tummy and breasts, squeezing her full breasts in his hand and sucking on her nipples, before kissing her softly on the lips.

  He was encouraged when Colleen grabbed handfuls of his hair and kissed him passionately. She thrust her hips towards him and Duncan pressed his cock against her and thrust hard into her, filling her with his cock and causing her to gasp. He deepened their kiss, his tongue exploring her mouth, as he thrust hard and fast into her as she squirmed beneath him.

  Moments later Duncan groaned loudly as he thrust one final time into her and Colleen clung to him as she tried to keep his cock inside of her.

  Easing himself off her, Duncan kissed her softly as he lay beside her and pulled his wife into his arms.

  “Are you OK?” he whispered. Colleen nodded and smiled at him. “It hurt at first,” she whispered, “but it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it might be. After that it was wonderful,” she grinned. “I didn’t know sex would be so enjoyable. Thank you for being so patient with me.”

  Duncan smiled. “It won’t hurt that much again,” he promised. “After the first time, it isn’t too bad.”

  “Might we be able to do it again?” Colleen asked, looking down at his flaccid cock.

  Duncan laughed. “Give me a chance to catch my breath and I’m sure we’ll be ready for action again,” he told her.

  Colleen smiled and blushed as she asked “might you spank me again when we make love or was that just for the first time, to relax me?” she asked.

  Duncan smiled brightly as he sat up on the bed. He immediately pulled his wife across his knee and started to land playful swats on her bottom.

  “Oh I think we can manage that,” he laughed.

  Colleen squirmed across her husband’s lap and smiled. Oh I think I’m going to like being married, she thought, as Duncan’s hand continued to warm her bottom. She felt his cock harden beneath her once more and he quickly laid her on her back.

  As he entered her again, it still felt uncomfortable as he stretched her tight pussy, but the sharp stabbing pain she had experienced earlier didn’t happen this time and she relaxed and returned her husband’s kisses as he proved to her that it really wouldn’t hurt so much after the first time.

  Colleen smiled as her husband made love gently to her. He thrust into her for several minutes, kissing her and stroking her hair, before he once more upped the tempo and thrust into her hard. Oh yes, I’m going to like being married very much, Colleen thought, as Duncan collapsed on top of her then moments later rolled off and lay beside her, thoroughly exhausted. She smiled as he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly as he drifted off to sleep.

  Colleen lay awake, gazing into his face, liking very much being in his arms and in his bed. “I love you,” she whispered, kissing his lips gently and reaching down to caress his cock before she finally succumbed to sleep and drifted off beside him.

  Chapter Fifteen

  For the next few weeks following their wedding, Colleen tried really hard to learn how to be a good wife to Duncan. She spent her days doing household chores in both their own home and Aunt Annie’s home. She continued to learn how to cook, asking the women of the village for help and advice.

  She spent much of her days with Aunt Annie, insisting she be allowed to continue to put the old lady to bed each evening and cook and clean for her. She loved to sit and listen to Aunt Annie talk about her life in the village years earlier when her beloved husband was still alive. Colleen delighted in hearing the old lady talk about how her husband and the other men of their clan founded the village and built their homes.

  Colleen was also surprised that she enjoyed lovemaking since her first painful experience and had quickly learned what she could do to make Duncan happy in bed. She was also becoming bolder and would often initiate their lovemaking, which she knew Duncan loved.

  Several weeks after their wedding Colleen had finished all her chores for the day and had sat down with Aunt Annie, her intention to spend the rest of the day with her, before making dinner for Duncan’s return later.

  Colleen was pleasantly surprised when Duncan strolled into the house and kissed his wife, as he did every time he came home. This is one of the best things about being a married woman, being able to kiss such a handsome man several times a day and being loved so much by him, she thought, pressing her lips against his.

  “What are you doing home so early?” Colleen asked him, knowing that he had headed out to another village that morning to speak to the leader of the clan and attempt to form an alliance with th
em. He’d told Colleen that the bigger the alliance the Scottish clans could make amongst themselves, the more chance they had of eventually defeating the English.

  “It was a quicker job than we could have imagined. We got there and the leader of the clan had already made his mind up to join forces with us. We headed home as soon as we’d discussed our plans with him. He wholeheartedly agreed to everything we proposed,” he told her. “So I thought I’d come home and take my beautiful wife out for the afternoon.”

  Colleen smiled brightly, before glancing across at Aunt Annie. “Oh, but what about Aunt Annie?” she asked with concern. “Who’s going to take care of her?”

  Aunt Annie shook her head. “I’ll be fine Colleen, go out and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. I’ll be sleeping all afternoon anyway. I wouldn’t be much company for you.”

  Colleen smiled and kissed the old lady on the cheek. “Are you sure Aunt Annie?” she asked, getting to her feet and smiling at her husband, excited to be spending the majority of the day with him.

  Aunt Annie laughed. “Go on, get out of here and let me have some peace. I’ll see you later. Have a good time.”

  Colleen ran all the way home, with Duncan in hot pursuit. “What are you doing?” he asked, as he finally caught up with her in their kitchen and lifted her up into his arms, whirling her around and kissing her once more as she squealed in delight.

  “I’m just gathering a few things for us. I baked some bread this morning so I thought I could slice some bread and cheese to take with us,” she suggested.

  Duncan smiled and wrapped his arms around Colleen’s waist, kissing the back of her neck as she prepared their food and wrapped it up. Turning her to face him, he kissed her softly and pulled her into his arms. “We could just go to bed,” he suggested, reaching around her and squeezing her buttocks.

  Colleen giggled and slapped his hands away. “No,” she squealed playfully. “Didn’t you have enough of that last night,” she laughed, running from the house into the village square.

  Duncan picked up a blanket and ran after her and when he caught her he picked her up and spun her around in his arms once more, kissing her softly. “I love you,” he whispered as he lowered her down and put her feet back on the ground.

  Colleen smiled up at him. “I love you too,” she whispered. “Now where are you taking me?” she demanded, giggling as he gave her a playful smack.

  A couple of elderly villagers watched them intently, smiling at the boundless energy of the newlyweds. “I remember when we were like that,” the man told his wife. She grinned at him and gripped his hand tightly, envying the youngsters’ vitality. “Enjoy it while it lasts,” the old lady willed them, smiling as the young couple ran from the village, blinkered to all around them.

  Taking Colleen’s hand, Duncan led her out of the village and through the woods, stopping every now and again to scoop her up in his arms and kiss her.

  After walking for over an hour, Colleen started to complain. “I’m tired,” she sighed. “Is it much further?” Duncan grinned and lifted Colleen into the air, throwing her over his shoulder. Colleen squealed as she felt herself tipping forward over his shoulder but his strong arm held her in position and she squealed louder when he raised his other hand in the air and cracked it down on her bottom. Colleen squirmed playfully and was rewarded with a few more sharp smacks to her bottom which caused her to squeal with delight.

  Eventually Duncan stopped and threw their blanket to the ground, dumping Colleen onto it. She giggled and gazed up at the huge man towering over her. Colleen smiled, barely able to believe how happy she was.

  Duncan sat down with her and they hungrily ate their lunch before lying down side by side and looking up at the blue sky.

  After lunch Duncan took his wife for a short walk and Colleen gasped as he led her onto a hill that looked over the valley below. “Oh, it’s so beautiful,” she told him, turning to face him and kissing him softly.

  Duncan gathered her in his arms before once more laying her on the ground, but this time he straddled across her, pushing her down onto her back. As he kissed her, he reached under her skirts and took hold of her drawers. Colleen squealed and tried to wriggle free. “Duncan, what are you doing?” she shrieked. Duncan smiled and kissed her again. “I’m about to make love to my beautiful wife,” he told her.

  Colleen squealed and tried to break free, giggling as she fought him off. “Duncan, anyone could see us,” she told him, smiling shyly as he continued to lower her drawers and tugged them completely off.

  As he kissed her and his hardening cock pressed against her, he unbuttoned her dress to her waist and she gasped as Duncan bared her breasts and leaned forward, taking her nipple in his mouth, sucking and nibbling her as he played with her other breast. “No,” squealed Colleen breathlessly.

  Duncan stopped and smiled at her. “Are you daring to say no to your husband?” he playfully scolded. “We’ll see about that,” he said, smiling at her as he led her towards a rock, sat down and guided her across his lap. Colleen pretended to resist but she put no real effort in when she kicked her legs and squealed. Duncan rested one hand gently on her back as he rubbed her bare bottom. Colleen gasped as he smacked his hand down firmly and the loud smack echoed around them.

  He continued to spank her, hard enough to sting, but his gentle caresses after each smack made her squirm her hips as she felt his cock harden beneath her.

  Taking a tight grip around her waist, Duncan spanked her bottom firmly as she squirmed and whimpered quietly. When her bottom was a nice rosy uniform shade, Duncan pulled her to her feet and kissed her stomach through the opening of her dress, before lifting her up and carrying her over to the blanket. He laid her on the ground and raised the lower half of her dress, kneading her bared breasts with his hands.

  Colleen closed her eyes, delighting in feeling the sun warming her naked skin as her husband’s fingers trailed over her thighs and his lips followed, covering her long limbs with soft wet kisses. As he reached her pussy, Duncan used both hands to pull her lips apart crudely, as he buried his face between her legs and lapped at her soft folds of flesh, delighting in hearing his wife’s cries of pleasure as he teased her, until eventually she bucked her hips and cried out as her orgasm shook her body.

  “I love you,” she cried out, as her husband straddled across her. She spread her legs as wide as she possibly could, no longer fearing her husband’s large cock. He gently teased her entrance before thrusting hard into her and burying himself to the hilt. She also no longer cared if anyone walked by.

  “I love you,” he whispered, covering her face and neck with kisses as he thrust gently into her, barely moving his hips as he made love to his wife slowly, causing her to cry out for more. Duncan pushed himself up onto his elbows and continued to thrust slowly in and out of his wife as he looked into her deep blue eyes that twinkled in the sunshine.

  “Oh what did I do to deserve you,” he whispered. “You make me so happy.” Colleen smiled brightly, watching her husband as his breathing deepened and he started to thrust harder and with more urgency into her. Colleen was delighted to see his face contort in ecstasy as he thrust into her hard and cried out as his body jerked convulsively as he spent himself inside of her.

  As Duncan lay on top of her, trembling slightly, Colleen kissed him and ran her fingers through his long hair. “I love you so much, Duncan,” she told him. “Thank you for making me so happy.”

  Duncan smiled and rolled off her. He lay beside her, wrapping the blanket around her and holding her against him. They fell asleep in each other’s arms and a little while later Duncan woke and shivered. Seeing his half naked wife beside him, his cock immediately hardened and he pulled her up, breathlessly directing her to get on all fours.

  Colleen sleepily complied, smiling as he put her into the position she enjoyed most. Duncan knelt to her side and landed a couple of sharp swats to her bottom, causing Colleen to squeal with pleasure as she woke completely from her slumber.
  As he knelt behind her and put his hand between her legs and his fingers teased her clit, Colleen threw her head back and smiled. Duncan continued to tickle her clit, encouraging her to spread her legs wider and raise her bottom. As he reached around her waist with his other hand, his fingers trailing down her tummy and onto her pussy, he started to rub her clit gently as his other hand slowly moved backwards, his wet fingers trailing along her pussy lips.

  As his wet finger trailed between her bottom cheeks and skimmed over her anus, Colleen tensed up. “Hush,” he whispered, kissing her back gently as his finger moved away from her bottom hole.

  As one hand remained between her legs, teasing her clitoris, Duncan started to kiss Colleen’s bottom, nipping the soft flesh gently with his teeth and trailing his tongue across her buttocks.

  “Lie down,” he told her, watching her as she lay on her back on the blanket and spread her legs wide, urging him to continue. Duncan smiled and buried his face between her legs, bringing her close to orgasm with his tongue and fingers before moving away and trailing his tongue up and down her inner thighs, causing her to gasp with pleasure.

  Kneeling between her legs once more, he took her ankles and raised them in the air, encouraging her to bend her knees, forcing her legs against her. He encouraged her to hold her legs in this position and although it was a little uncomfortable, she threw her head back and moaned in pleasure as Duncan buried his tongue deep within her pussy.

  She once more felt his finger rubbing her anus gently and her eyes flew open as she tried to get up. “Relax,” he whispered. “I promise I won’t hurt you,” he urged, pushing her legs towards her once more.

  Colleen gasped as he buried his face in her pussy once more, thrusting his tongue deep into her before slowly running his tongue down her crack. Colleen stiffened as he continued to trail his tongue from her pussy towards her bottom hole. She gritted her teeth and cringed with embarrassment when his tongue gently flicked against her anus and started to circle the sensitive area.


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