The Highlander's Maiden

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The Highlander's Maiden Page 17

by Carole Archer

  As Richard offered reassurance to Colleen, Duncan and Harvey headed out into the village. Word had already circulated and a small army had gathered in the village square, each man intent on helping to secure the release of Colleen’s sister. They were all willing to put themselves forward as they were all fond of Colleen and wanted to help her, but Duncan apologised as he told them he was restricted to taking ten men.

  “I really appreciate how you’re all willing to stand by my side and fight to get Colleen’s sister Kaitlyn away from Lord Ambrose Carleton, but I hope you understand that I can only take ten men. Harvey and I are going, and as the boat we’ve secured only seats fourteen – and we’ll have Kaitlyn and Alroy with us on the way back - I need to select the men I feel can serve me best at this time.”

  “You’d better take us with you then,” a gruff voice said. Duncan turned and came face to face with Blayne MacLennon and his father Finlay. Two of their men were standing behind them.

  “We heard what had happened,” Blayne said, “and we wanted to offer our assistance. These are my two best men. We’re all willing to go with you and help in any way we can.”

  Duncan was reluctant, but he saw the opportunity to fully end the feud between the MacGregors and the MacLennons. He nodded and held his hand out towards Blayne. “Thank you,” he said warmly, shaking his once bitter enemy by the hand.

  “I’m happy to come,” offered Finlay, “but as you’re restricted on numbers maybe you should take younger and fitter men,” he advised.

  “Thank you,” said Duncan, shaking his hand. “I really appreciate your offer of help, but I think it would be best if you stayed behind this time,” he said, hoping he had not offended the old man.

  Finlay smiled brightly. “Good luck,” he wished Duncan, “and I mean that sincerely.”

  Duncan turned back to his own men. “I need seven men to go with us,” he said, relieved when the men talked quietly among themselves before the ones he considered to be his best warriors stepped forward. He had not wanted to single out who he believed were his best men and risk offending others.

  “Thank you,” he told them, looking to the other men. “Thank you for being willing to stand beside me in battle. You will all still be required to do a very important job, keeping my wife and our village safe in my absence he told them,” pleased when every man nodded in agreement and wished him well with his mission.

  Duncan looked at Blayne thoughtfully. “If we’re successful in freeing Kaitlyn,” he told him, “I believe she would make an excellent bride for you when we return to Scotland.”

  Blayne nodded gratefully. “If she’s half as beautiful as your wife, and half as feisty,” he grinned, “I won’t be disappointed.” Blayne looked to his father, who nodded in agreement.

  Duncan looked at Harvey. “Yes, those terms would be acceptable,” Harvey said. “Kaitlyn is a sensible girl and would be happy with that arrangement. She is indeed as beautiful as her sister. She’s not quite as feisty,” he said, looking sympathetically at Duncan, “though she has her moments,” he smiled.

  Blayne nodded and immediately agreed to the deal.

  Duncan, however, had one condition. “You must give me your word that you will treat her with love and kindness,” he implored, looking at Blayne.

  Blayne agreed without hesitation.

  “And no-one must say a word of this to Colleen. I can do without her protesting on behalf of her sister, especially as she doesn’t have a very high opinion of you after you took her captive,” Duncan said, looking at Blayne.

  All agreed it was best to keep Colleen in the dark about that one small detail. They then set about making their plans to get Kaitlyn and Alroy out of Ireland.

  Duncan was surprised at how quickly things moved and he was relieved to be able to go home that evening and tell a visibly distressed Colleen that plans were in place and they would be leaving at midnight.

  Duncan spent the evening with Colleen, desperately trying to reassure her that they would be bringing Kaitlyn back, but he was relieved when she finally fell asleep in his arms as it was breaking his heart to hold her as she cried, feeling her body trembling against him as her loud sobs made his resolve to bring her sister back even greater.

  Whilst Colleen was sleeping, Duncan went to speak to Richard and Robert, telling them that they must do anything necessary to keep Colleen safe. Both men were fond of Colleen and both agreed they would do whatever it took to keep her safe and well and see her reunited with her sister.

  When it was finally time to leave and all the men were assembled in the village, Duncan considered slipping away while his wife was sleeping soundly. Richard and Robert could tell her when she woke, but he knew she would not quickly forgive him for leaving without saying goodbye to her.

  As his men headed out of the village, they met with the MacLennons and headed down to the shore to board the boat that Harvey had arranged. Duncan decided he couldn’t leave without saying goodbye and went back into his home. He guessed Richard and Robert would never forgive him if they had to put up with the tantrums that would surely follow if he abandoned his wife without a word.

  Reluctantly he shook her gently until she woke. “Colleen,” he whispered, as she opened her eyes and blinked rapidly. “We’re about to leave. I hope to be back with you very soon. Please be good for Richard and Robert. They’re under strict instructions to keep you out of danger and they have my permission to do anything to ensure they achieve that. Do you understand?” he asked sternly.

  To his surprise Colleen nodded meekly. “I promise I’ll be good, if you promise me that you’ll rescue Kaitlyn and you’ll both return safely to me,” she whispered. “I cannot imagine living without my sister or my husband,” she said, reaching out to stroke his cheek gently.

  Duncan smiled and kissed her fingertips. “I promise,” he whispered.

  Duncan smiled and hugged her close. My little brat is finally growing up, he thought. Kissing her softly, he stood up. “I’m sorry Colleen, we really must leave now. Be good. We’ll be home very soon,” he promised, hoping he would be able to keep that promise.

  Colleen smiled, tears glistening in her eyes. “I miss her so much. Take care,” she whispered, reluctantly letting go of his hand and allowing him to leave.

  As Colleen lay face down on her bed and sobbed, a hand rubbed gently on her back. She jumped up, expecting to see her husband had returned to give her another kiss and cuddle. She was disappointed to see Richard, who smiled kindly at her. “They’ve gone,” he told her, “but I’m sure they’ll be back very soon. I bet you can’t wait to see Kaitlyn again.”

  Colleen smiled brightly, the thought of seeing her sister again being just too much for her to imagine. She jumped out of bed and surprised Richard by climbing onto his lap and hugging him tightly. Richard held her and he was relieved when a short time later she was snoring softly in his arms.

  Holding her for a little while longer, he kissed her tenderly on the cheek before laying her back on her bed and covering her with a blanket.

  Richard sat and watched her for a while before heading to the doorway, where he closed the door quietly and put a chair against the wall and sat down, watching her for a few minutes before closing his eyes.

  “I’m here for you Colleen,” he whispered into the darkness, “if you need me.”

  Colleen tossed and turned as she dreamed of her younger sister, held prisoner in their home by the ruthless Lord Ambrose Carleton. As Colleen started to cry out in her sleep, Richard jumped to his feet and rushed to her bed, where he crouched down beside her, shaking her gently.

  “Colleen, wake up,” he whispered. “Wake up. It isn’t real. It’s only a bad dream.”

  Colleen sat up quickly, tears rolling down her cheeks, and Richard gathered her in his arms. “It’s OK,” he told her, “it was only a dream. Duncan, Harvey, the MacLennons and several of their men are on their way to Ireland as we speak. Kaitlyn will be safe and back here with you very soon, I promise.”
  Colleen clung to Richard. “Lord Ambrose was hurting her,” she told him, “and Kaitlyn was crying out for help, but no-one went to her.”

  “No. She’s OK. It was only a bad dream,” Richard told her.

  Eventually Colleen calmed down and accepted what he was saying, and when Colleen said she wanted some fresh air, Richard insisted on going with her.

  Colleen smiled back at him. It would be nice to have some company while Duncan’s away, she thought.

  Colleen smiled as she took Richard’s arm and walked outside with him. It’s good to have someone who truly cares about me, she thought, hoping that Duncan would be safe and would be able to keep her sister safe too.

  Colleen smiled as she stopped and looked up at Richard. “You and Robert,” she told him, blushing as she felt a little foolish. “You’re the big brothers I never had,” she told him.

  Richard smiled. “And you,” he told her, “are the little sister I like to tickle,” he said, as she squealed with delight and fell to the floor, shrieking as he tickled her into submission. “No more,” she begged, relieved when he helped her to her feet and walked her back towards her home.

  Colleen smiled, having no doubt in her mind that her husband would be returning very soon with Kaitlyn.

  I can’t wait, thought Colleen, allowing herself to smile as she dared to hope she would be reunited with her sister very soon.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Duncan and the small band of men he had assembled reached the shores of Lough Swilly early the next morning. They headed out to the farmhouse where Alroy was still staying. Alroy had received word that Duncan MacGregor and Blayne MacLennon were heading over with Harvey and a small band of Scottish warriors. He had got in touch with a few of the sizeable Scottish population in the north of Ireland and they had provided horses to get the men to the O’Shea castle. Several men had offered to go with them to boost their numbers and although Duncan politely declined their offer to ride out with him and his men, he was pleased to see there were so many willing to help Colleen and Kaitlyn.

  The farmhouse was too small to accommodate the number of men who descended on the small town of Rathmullan that morning and they assembled in the courtyard as Alroy welcomed them warmly, thrilled to meet Colleen’s partner at last. Harvey had told him about Duncan and he was pleased to see that he had since married her and had come to Ireland at his wife’s request to help free her sister.

  He was pleased to meet Blayne too, and was quickly brought up to speed with the arrangement that had been made. “I’m sure that Kaitlyn will be happy to marry you,” he told Blayne. “She’s a good girl. Since finding out her sister appeared to be close to getting wed, she’s talked excitedly about finding herself a husband. She’ll be thrilled for Colleen when she discovers she’s now married to Duncan, and she’ll be even happier if she is to be wed too.”

  Alroy watched Duncan organise the men and commented to Harvey how impressed he was by his leadership skills as he set out a plan to storm the castle and rescue Kaitlyn. After feeding the men and arranging their horses, Alroy joined them for the ride out to Ramelton, back to the castle where until less than a year ago Colleen and Kaitlyn had spent their whole lives.

  Alroy confided in Harvey that he felt bad that the English had managed to take Kaitlyn and he hadn’t kept his promise to their father to keep the two girls safe. He felt he had already failed the girls when they had to be separated. Harvey shook his head.

  As he rode alongside him in convoy to Ramelton, Harvey watched his friend. Eventually he spoke to him. “Alroy, it isn’t your fault. There’s nothing anyone could have done to stop them taking her. You were alone and trying to fight Lord Ambrose’s men off wouldn’t have done you any good at all. You’d have got yourself killed and they would have taken Kaitlyn anyway, but no-one would know where she was as you wouldn’t be here to tell us,” he said, hoping to persuade his long-time friend that he had done all he could do to keep his promise to the girls’ father.

  Alroy shrugged his shoulders. “I still feel I could have done more,” he said.

  “Well hopefully we’ll get her back today and then you’ll feel better,” Harvey smiled. “We’ll be celebrating later, I’m sure of it.”

  Alroy nodded but did not feel as confident as his friend did. They continued to travel in silence and late morning they reached the castle. They tied their horses up nearby and took a closer look at the castle. There were only two guards visible and Duncan and Blayne sneaked up behind them, grabbed the men and quickly slit their throats, dragging them behind bushes to conceal the bodies. The rest of the men joined them and headed towards the castle.

  * * *

  As they moved in, Alroy and Harvey up front with Duncan and Blayne as they knew the layout of the castle, the rest of the men moving in close behind, they went in through the rear of the castle, where they immediately encountered two more guards who Duncan and Blayne stepped forward and quickly despatched with.

  Half a dozen men stayed downstairs to keep guard as the others headed up the stairs. They calmly despatched a further eight English soldiers as they made their way up the winding staircase. As they neared the top, an ear piercing scream rang out and Blayne pushed past Alroy, Harvey and Duncan and sprinted up the stairs and burst into the room, where a beautiful woman with long dark hair, who looked very similar but slightly younger than Colleen, stood in the centre of the room, her fists raised in an aggressive gesture.

  Lord Ambrose was in front of her and was warily getting to his feet and glaring angrily at the young woman. “You’ll regret that, you little bitch,” he warned as he got up from the floor, blood pouring from his nose as he drew his sword in anger.

  Kaitlyn glared at him. You dirty old bastard, she thought angrily, barely able to believe that Lord Ambrose had pinned her down and tried to rape her. She eyed his sword warily as she backed away from him.

  Duncan stepped into the room behind Blayne, who was walking towards Lord Ambrose with his sword raised. “You take one step closer to my fiancée and I’ll make you regret it,” he warned menacingly.

  As Lord Ambrose lunged towards Kaitlyn with his sword, Blayne moved quickly forward and the Englishman fell to his knees and gripped his stomach as Blayne thrust his sword into the older man.

  Blayne pulled his sword out of the Lord, wiped it clean and sheathed it before turning to face Kaitlyn. He smiled at her and took her hand, bending down and kissing the back of her hand softly as he gazed into the most stunning green eyes he had ever seen. “You must be Kaitlyn,” he greeted her. “You’re more beautiful than I could ever have imagined.”

  Kaitlyn nodded and blushed, giggling like a schoolgirl at the compliment she graciously received from the handsome, rugged Scotsman. “Thank you for saving me,” she said, smiling as he kissed her hand once more. “Are you Duncan?” she asked, unhappy that this gorgeous man had already been claimed by her sister.

  He shook his head. “No, I’m Blayne.” Kaitlyn’s smile grew bigger as she looked at his muscular arms and longed for them to be wrapped around her. “I’d happily get kidnapped every day if someone like you comes to rescue me,” she told him, smiling at the handsome stranger.

  “Did you just tell him you were my fiancé?” she asked, nodding towards the now lifeless body of Lord Ambrose. Blayne nodded. “Your sister’s husband asked me to come and help save you,” he told her. Kaitlyn squealed with delight. “Harvey told me she may be getting married. I can’t wait to meet him,” she exclaimed.

  Blayne stepped aside and turned to face Duncan. “This is Duncan, Colleen’s husband,” he told Kaitlyn, who stepped towards Duncan and shook his hand politely. “I’m very pleased to meet you,” she said. “Thank you for coming to rescue me. Is Colleen with you?” she asked eagerly, barely able to believe she might be about to be reunited with her sister.

  Duncan shook his head sadly. “No, she’s in Scotland with Richard and Robert. I told her we’d take you back to see her.”

s initial disappointment that her sister was not with them disappeared and her smile grew even bigger. “I’m going to Scotland?” she squealed excitedly. “And I’m going to see my sister?” she exclaimed, becoming even more excited as she spotted Alroy and Harvey and rushed to embrace them both.

  When Kaitlyn had got over the excitement of seeing everyone again and the knowledge that she would soon see her sister too, she turned back to Blayne. “I don’t believe you told me why you told Lord ‘Letch’ you’re my fiancé?” she asked him, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  Blayne stepped towards her and blushed slightly, much to the amusement of the others in the room, especially Duncan who had never seen this softer side to Blayne. “I beg your pardon, miss. I told him I was your fiancé because I hoped I might marry you once we’re safely in Scotland,” he told her hopefully.

  Kaitlyn’s smile reappeared as she flung her arms around the huge Scotsman and hugged him tightly. “Oh I’d like that very much,” she whispered. “My own knight in shining armour,” she said, glancing down at his clothing and grinning. “Or in this case, my knight in a pretty dress,” she giggled.

  Blayne raised his eyebrows and looked at her sternly. “That is the first and last time, young lady, that you call my kilt a dress, if you know what is good for you,” he warned playfully.

  Kaitlyn’s cheeks reddened as she began to realise the implication behind his veiled threat. She looked at Blayne’s huge hands and wondered how much they would sting her bottom. She looked down at his legs and her blush deepened and she imagined squirming across those strong thighs as he held her down and spanked her bottom firmly.

  Kaitlyn took Blayne’s hand and as they headed downstairs, they discovered their men had killed another four of Lord Ambrose’s men who had arrived after them.

  As they left the castle and headed towards their horses, another four English soldiers appeared. Duncan and Blayne quickly stepped into action, cutting two of the men down immediately, as Blayne’s men stepped forward and quickly stopped the other two.


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