The Highlander's Maiden

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The Highlander's Maiden Page 16

by Carole Archer

  Oh no, that’s dirty, she thought, closing her eyes and wishing he would return to her clit. He had brought her so close to orgasm and she was ready to explode, but she was a little tense now he had switched his attention to her bottom hole once more.

  Colleen sighed as he licked from her bottom hole up towards her pussy, and as he flicked his tongue against her clit, he once more stopped and licked from her pussy back to her anus, this time gently poking his tongue into her bottom hole while stimulating her clit with his fingers.

  Colleen squirmed frantically, torn between the pleasure he was bringing her and the disgust she felt that he was touching her there. As Duncan slipped one finger inside her pussy and rubbed her clit roughly with his thumb, she cried out as her orgasm caused her whole body to tremble. As she cried out, she was shocked to feel his finger slip easily into her bottom. As he thrust his finger in and out of her anus, while still rubbing her clit, she was shocked to have another orgasm, much more intense than the last.

  As she finally got her breath back, Duncan spread her buttocks and licked her bottom hole gently, poking his tongue into the tight orifice and causing Colleen to squirm once more. Oh Duncan, that feels good, she thought, feeling wicked for enjoying such pleasures.

  Colleen gasped with delight as Duncan pulled her up and turned her over, kneeling behind her. He grasped her around the waist, pulling her up onto her knees, before thrusting his hard cock into her wet pussy from behind. As he thrust into her, he landed a couple of smacks to her bottom. “Sometime soon, Colleen,” he whispered, as he continued to thrust hard into his young wife, “I’m going to take you anally.”

  Colleen gasped loudly as her husband thrust into her once more. “I’m going to shove my hard cock up your tight asshole,” he whispered seductively, “and I’m going to fuck your ass hard,” he told her, as he continued to thrust aggressively into her pussy.

  Duncan stopped for a moment, reaching between her legs and rubbing her clit. “I’m going to fuck your bottom hole, Colleen,” he told her, grunting as he thrust hard into her once more. “Imagine me thrusting my hard cock into your tight bottom,” he groaned, rubbing his thumb hard against her clit and making her moan loudly.

  “Duncan,” she whispered. “Please don’t stop,” she begged.

  Duncan thrust hard into her.

  “I’m scared,” she whispered, “but I want to make you happy. Not today,” she whimpered, fearing that he might now try to take her anally, “but I do want to try,” she gasped, as he thrust harder into her before pulling out of her completely.

  “Lie on your back,” he ordered gruffly. Colleen immediately rolled onto her back and her eyes widened as she looked at her husband, holding his huge cock in his hand and masturbating frantically.

  “Duncan,” she gasped, causing him to stop and look at her. “Please,” she begged, spreading her legs wide.

  “What do you want?” he asked huskily. “Tell me now wife, what do you want?”

  Colleen looked at him, her eyes smouldering with desire. “Fuck me, my strong, handsome Highlander. Fuck me until I scream. Please,” she begged.

  Duncan smiled as he lay on top of her and pressed his hard cock against her. He pressed his lips against hers and kissed her passionately, teasing her as he slid the head of his cock into her and moved ever so gently.

  “Duncan,” she screamed, grasping his hair and tugging it. “Please, fuck me hard,” she shouted, gasping as he thrust hard into her, pulling out of her once more to hook her ankles over his shoulders before plunging his hard cock deep into her, bringing tears to her eyes as she cried out in orgasm. She blushed as she said the words she would not ordinarily use, but she knew Duncan loved to hear her talk dirty.

  Duncan’s body jerked convulsively as he emptied his seed into her. As he lowered her legs to the ground, he held her close, kissing her gently before lying down on the blanket and pulling her into his arms.

  Colleen looked at him wide eyed, trembling as she recovered from an intense orgasm.

  “Did you like me playing with your bottom hole?” Duncan asked tenderly.

  Colleen blushed and glanced away, smiling as she nodded.

  “I’d like to try anal sex,” he told her, “but it can be painful until you’re used to it. I don’t want to force you. Like everything else, we’ll take it slowly,” he whispered, softly stroking her cheek.

  Colleen was shocked that her husband wanted to do that to her and she frowned as she wondered how much it would hurt when he tried to put his hard cock into her virgin bottom hole. She recalled how much pain she had initially experienced when having sex on their wedding night, the first time Duncan had taken her to his bed, and at the time she didn’t believe anything could be that bad. Colleen smiled as she realised how quickly she had come to love sex with her husband. “I trust you,” she whispered, “and I have to admit it felt very nice, after the initial shock, when you used your tongue and fingers there,” she blushed.

  “Then let’s concentrate on doing that, until you feel ready to go further,” he whispered, squeezing her bottom gently.

  Colleen smiled. “I’d like that,” she whispered, feeling horny once more as she imagined going across his lap at bedtime for a spanking, followed by his fingers and tongue at her bottom hole once more. Colleen reached between her legs and touched herself, looking at Duncan as she started to lay back.

  “No,” Duncan whispered softly, smiling down at her. “You’ll wear me out and I won’t have the energy to take you home. Maybe later,” he said, pulling her to her feet and kissing her.

  “Come on, we’d better get you dressed and get back before it gets dark,” he told her, gathering her into his arms and kissing her once more.

  As Colleen fastened her dress, grinning as she felt quite dirty making love outdoors where anyone could have stumbled across them, she started to hunt around for her discarded drawers.

  Assuming Duncan had taken them, she walked over to join him, where he stood looking down over the hill. He turned to face her and grinned. “Have you lost your drawers?” he laughed, pointing down the hill to where they rolled along slowly in the slight breeze. Colleen blushed and clutched at her bottom.

  “I can’t walk home with a bare bottom underneath my skirts,” she squealed, but as she watched her undergarment disappear into the distance she sighed as she realised she had no real choice in the matter.

  Colleen smiled as she walked hand in hand back to the village with her husband. She lost no time in telling Aunt Annie what a lovely day they’d had, and blushed when Aunt Annie said the fresh air must have been good for her as she now had a nice rosy glow to her cheeks. Colleen smiled and wondered if the old woman knew what they’d really been up to and guessed that Duncan’s mischievous aunt had probably done similar things when she was younger.

  After dinner, Colleen put Aunt Annie into bed. She and Duncan kissed her goodnight before returning home.

  As Colleen headed towards the bedroom, Duncan stopped her, sat on his chair and turned her across his knee. She squealed in delight as he lifted her skirts and gasped in fake shock. “Colleen, you dirty girl, where are your drawers?”

  She giggled and told him “some dirty old man threw them away in the hills after making love to me all afternoon”. Duncan gasped once more. “You brazen woman,” he playfully scolded. “You have spent the evening in my aunt’s home with a bare bottom under your skirts, after cavorting around the hills half naked. What a naughty girl you are. I can see you need harsh punishment.”

  Colleen giggled as he gave her a gentle spanking before once more bringing her to an orgasm with his fingers. Once again he slid his wet finger between her buttocks and Colleen relaxed as he slowly slid it deep into her tight hole.

  Colleen blushed when he took her buttocks in his hands and pulled them apart. She squirmed as she knew he was looking at her bottom hole, and when he released her cheeks and once more prodded at her anus with his finger, she immediately relaxed.

  Duncan encou
raged her to spread her legs wide and using his other hand he parted her buttocks as he slowly slid his finger out. As he tried to slip two fingers inside, Colleen became tense and started to squirm. “Relax,” he whispered, coating his fingers with her juices before once more before gently sliding two fingers into her bottom, up to the first knuckle where he wiggled them slightly. Colleen was relieved when Duncan removed his fingers, gently patted her bottom, helped her to her feet and kissed her before sending her to their room with an affectionate smack to her bottom.

  Colleen climbed into bed and waiting anxiously for her husband. As soon as he joined her, he pulled her close to him, hugging and kissing her and encouraging her to climb on top of him where he allowed her to control their love making.

  Colleen smiled happily, watching the pleasure on Duncan’s face as she bounced up and down slowly as he reached up to squeeze her nipples. As he reached between her legs and started to finger her clit, she bounced wantonly on top of him, crying out as she thrashed around vigorously, her bare breasts bouncing and her hair flying in all directions as she screamed out his name.

  “Oh God, Duncan,” she screamed. “Harder, faster, please.”

  Duncan smiled and put his hand over her mouth. “Hush,” he whispered, easing Colleen off him and rolling her onto her back where he pushed her legs apart and thrust into her hard.

  Colleen reached out to him, stroking his hair gently as he began to thrust slowly into her. As his pace quickened, she gripped his hair and pulled him towards her, covering his mouth with hers, her tongue exploring his mouth as he continued to pump his hips hard and fast, thrusting deep into her.

  “Oh Duncan,” she yelled, throwing her head back and gripping the bed sheets as he rammed his cock hard into her, making her scream. “Duncan,” she panted, “I love you,” she told him, as her body writhed frantically beneath him.

  “Colleen,” he grunted, thrusting into her once more. “Oh Colleen,” he yelled, as his body stiffened and he slumped on top of her.

  The pair lay in each other’s arms, breathing deeply and clinging tightly to one another.

  Colleen was stunned when he sat up, leaned across her and buried his face in her pussy, pinning her down and licking her clit as she cried out with pleasure as he brought her to multiple orgasms. She thrashed around, yelling out his name and telling him she loved him again and again.

  As her body bucked beneath him, he once more slid his finger into her bottom. She barely noticed until her orgasm was subsiding and he wiggled his finger, causing her to gasp and blush. He fingered her anus for a little longer before removing his finger once more. He then laid on his side, pulling her against him, her back against his chest.

  Colleen closed her eyes as Duncan put his hand between her buttocks and fingered her anus again, before placing his flaccid cock between her cheeks. “One day,” he whispered, kissing the back of her neck. “One day I will take you there,” he added, and she felt a blush rise in her cheeks.

  She squirmed away from her husband and rolled over to face him. She felt safer when his cock was not in close proximity to her bottom hole. He might be soft now, she thought, but that thing seems to have a life of its own.

  Although Colleen squirmed uncomfortably at the thought of his cock stretching her tight bottom hole, she knew they would keep trying until eventually she relaxed enough to accommodate him there.

  “Thank you for a lovely day,” she whispered, as she started to drift off to sleep with his arms wrapped around her. He kissed her softly. “You’re welcome,” he replied.

  Oh I hope he can be patient with me, she thought. I really don’t believe he will ever get it in there without causing me pain.

  Colleen clung tightly to Duncan as she kissed him softly. “I promise I will try harder,” she whispered, before drifting off into a deep sleep.

  Duncan smiled into the darkness, holding his wife against him. “That’s all I’ll ever ask of you, sweetheart, that you try your best.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning, Colleen bid her husband farewell and he kissed her gently, telling her he would be home later that day.

  “You two were a bit noisy last night,” their neighbour grinned, as he headed out of his house and walked past them. Colleen gasped and blushed as Duncan grinned sheepishly. “Sorry, we’ll try and be quieter tonight,” Duncan said, laughing as Colleen’s cheeks flushed scarlet.

  The man laughed and continued on his way.

  Duncan hugged her once more and laughed. “Don’t worry about it,” he whispered, kissing her neck affectionately and reaching down to squeeze her bottom.

  “Duncan,” she squealed. “Didn’t you get enough last night,” she scolded him affectionately, slapping his hands away and smiling as he kissed her goodbye once more before eventually leaving.

  Colleen sang happily as she started on her housework. She planned to bake some scones before going to Aunt Annie’s, but when Duncan returned within an hour, looking very sombre, Colleen knew that something was very wrong.

  As she stepped towards him, Harvey slowly walked into the house behind Duncan. He had a similar expression on his face and he glanced quickly towards the floor. Normally Colleen would be thrilled to see Harvey but she could sense there was something amiss and she stared at the two men, waiting for one of them to speak.

  Eventually Colleen broke the uncomfortable silence. “What is it?” she asked, worry etched on her face. “Tell me what’s wrong? Is it Kaitlyn?”

  Duncan looked at Harvey, who was shuffling uncomfortably in the doorway.

  “Please tell me,” begged Colleen, clutching Duncan’s hand. “Is my sister dead?” she asked, holding her breath as she waited for the answer.

  “No,” said Duncan, shaking his head. “She isn’t dead.”

  He looked at Harvey once more, and this time Harvey took over the story. “Kaitlyn’s OK, but Lord Ambrose Carleton found her and Alroy. His soldiers spotted Alroy while he was out in town. One of the soldiers recognised him as the man who whisked you away the day you wandered out alone. They followed Alroy home and he unwittingly led them straight to Kaitlyn.”

  Harvey sighed and shook his head, as if he could somehow erase what had happened. “His men burst into the farmhouse and took her. They left Alroy behind. I arrived soon afterwards. Alroy was absolutely distraught. I told him I’d return to Scotland immediately and let you know what had happened, see if we could help to get Kaitlyn back.”

  Colleen nodded, numb with shock, as she tried to take in what Harvey was telling her.

  “Alroy said he’s really sorry, but he couldn’t stop them taking her. He was alone and Lord Ambrose had taken a dozen of his men with him. They’re keeping Kaitlyn at your home. They’ve been staying in your father’s castle and have taken Kaitlyn there, where they intend to hold her prisoner until Lord Ambrose is ready to return to England, taking Kaitlyn as his servant and his mistress,” Harvey added.

  Duncan held his sobbing wife but he could offer her no words of comfort. When Colleen had calmed down a little, she looked at Duncan, tears glistening in her reddened eyes.

  “Please Duncan,” she begged, “please help rescue my sister. You’ve enough men to take on Lord Ambrose Carleton and his soldiers and bring Kaitlyn and Alroy over to the Highlands where they’ll be safe. Please help me.”

  Duncan nodded immediately. He was reluctant to leave his home land, especially at a time when they were at war with the English, but he had no choice.

  “OK,” he promised, as Colleen smiled with relief. “I’ll get some men together and plan how to get there and more importantly how we’ll ensure Kaitlyn’s safe rescue.”

  Colleen nodded, grateful that her husband was going to help. “I hope you won’t be too late to help my sister,” she said anxiously.

  “We won’t,” Duncan reassured her. “I’ll get onto organising things straight away. Harvey has already used his connections with some smugglers to arrange transport by sea from the west of Scotland across
to the north of Ireland. The boat only seats fourteen, so I won’t be able to take a huge army with me, but I’m sure between us we can secure Kaitlyn’s release.”

  Colleen nodded and kissed Duncan goodbye. She crossed the room to Harvey and hugged him. “We will get her back,” Harvey promised. “Congratulations on your wedding,” he smiled at her. “I would have been here if I’d known.”

  Colleen smiled. “It was arranged pretty quickly,” she told him, “but I’m very happy.”

  Harvey smiled. “I’m glad you’re happy. Duncan is a good man. I’m sorry but we have to go now. We’ll be back as soon as arrangements are in place. Try not to worry,” he said, kissing her cheek.

  As they went outside, Richard and Robert were waiting and Colleen ran to them, hugging them both as she begged them to help rescue Kaitlyn too.

  “They’re going to stay in the village with you and look after you. Duncan needs to take his best men with him,” Harvey told her. “There isn’t room for Richard and Robert,” he said softly.

  As Duncan and Harvey left Colleen with Richard and Robert, Richard pulled her into his arms. “This is my fault,” she sobbed. “If I hadn’t been banished from Ireland maybe we’d all be OK.”

  Richard shook his head. “The English would have you and Kaitlyn now if you had remained in Ireland, and we wouldn’t have Duncan and his men to help us because you wouldn’t know him. You wouldn’t be married either,” he said softly.

  Colleen looked up at him and smiled. “Is it wrong to be grateful that I did come here?” she asked.

  “Not at all,” consoled Richard. “It’s probably the best thing you ever did, for your own happiness and the well-being of your sister. I’ve no doubt that Duncan and his men will bring her home.”

  Colleen smiled and allowed Richard to help her to her feet, sitting down and taking her onto his lap where he held her tightly.

  “Everything will work out for the best,” he promised her.


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