The Highlander's Maiden

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The Highlander's Maiden Page 20

by Carole Archer

  “Oh Duncan,” she cried, as he stopped and pushed her further forward, roughly pushing her feet further apart to spread her legs wider. He thrust into her harder, clutching the braids in her hair and tugging gently as he roughly made love to her.

  Colleen bucked her hips against the log, crying out as she orgasmed, and as Duncan ejaculated quickly, he helped her up. Colleen turned to face him, smiled and kissed him.

  “I don’t know what come over me,” he told her, stroking her hair gently.

  Colleen’s smile widened. “Neither do I, but I’m glad you did it. It was really exciting, wondering if we’d be caught doing something so naughty. You were so rough,” she grinned. “I love you.”

  Duncan kissed her softly and grinned. “I love you too,” he whispered, as he whisked her up into his arms and carried her home.

  * * *

  As Colleen and Duncan arrived home and fell into bed, ripping each other’s clothes off as they were both eager to make love once more, Blayne had just undressed Kaitlyn slowly and was tenderly covering her naked body with soft kisses as she lay on their bed.

  She trembled slightly, suddenly feeling nervous as her new husband climbed on top of her, continuing to kiss her. As Blayne’s hard cock pressed up against her pussy, Kaitlyn let out a sob. Blayne kissed her as he pressed close against her, using his hands to pull her legs wide apart as he slowly eased into her. He closed his eyes as he thrust hard and she cried out and squirmed beneath him.

  “Hush,” he whispered, as he thrust into her once more. Kaitlyn whimpered and clung to him. As he thrust into her for a third time, he eventually forced his way into her and Kaitlyn whimpered as she realised she had finally lost her virginity and it had hurt more than she had imagined.

  Blayne was once again tender with her, moving his hips slowly and kissing her passionately as his cock slid slowly in and out of her. He pulled back as far as he could before slowly sliding back into her, causing her to gasp, making her quickly forget the initial pain.

  Oh, this is nice, she thought, smiling in the darkness of the room. I have a gorgeous husband who adores me and I’m living in the next village to my sister. There’s nothing more I need.

  Kaitlyn sighed and kissed her new husband softly as he eased into her and grasped her legs, hooking her ankles over his shoulders as he thrust into her.

  He moved slowly at first, but as Kaitlyn relaxed, Blayne thrust harder and faster into her. As she became aroused, he stopped and pulled out of her.

  “Oh, don’t stop Blayne, please,” she begged, as he smiled at her.

  “I’m nowhere near finished, wife,” he whispered, spreading her thighs wide and kissing her pussy. Kaitlyn gasped as he started to run his tongue up the length of her slit, gently poking the end of his tongue into her pussy. As she squirmed on the bed and moaned in pleasure, Blayne’s finger slid inside her and he started to thrust it in and out. Moments later he removed his finger and gently inserted two fingers before thrusting them into her hard, causing Kaitlyn to gasp and arch her hips.

  “Please Blayne, I want you inside me, please,” she begged, trembling as she approached her first orgasm.

  “Patience, dear wife,” he smiled, thrusting two fingers into her and using his thumb to rub her clit firmly.

  “Oh my God,” Kaitlyn squealed, her hips rising from the bed as her body thrashed around. “Oh Blayne,” she screamed, pounding her fists on the bed as she arched her hips and his fingers delved deep inside her, his tongue licking frantically at her clit as she cried out in orgasm.

  Kaitlyn gasped and groaned for a few moments, looking at Blayne in total awe. “Oh Blayne, that was wonderful,” she whispered, smiling as her husband pushed her legs apart and thrust his hard cock into her once more.

  He kissed her as he slowly thrust in and out of her, pushing up onto his hands and gazing down at her as he thrust his hips harder against her, watching her face contort in pleasure as he buried himself deep inside of her.

  “Get up,” he grunted, moving away from her and pulling her up. “Onto your hands and knees, now,” he ordered gruffly, smiling as she quickly complied.

  Pressing his hand between her shoulder blades, he pushed her lower body to the bed and spread her legs wide, causing Kaitlyn to gasp as he landed a firm smack on each buttock before pushing his hard cock into her once more. She moved her hips to meet his hard thrusts and as his arm snaked around her hips and his fingers once more found her clit, she cried out in pleasure as he rubbed her clit firmly until she had another orgasm.

  Seconds later Blayne grunted and thrust into her hard. Kaitlyn smiled and collapsed onto the bed, rolling onto her side and pulling Blayne into her arms.

  As Kaitlyn trembled in his arms, she kissed his neck. “I love you,” she whispered. “Thank you. That was lovely. I feel tingly all over,” she grinned.

  Blayne smiled and kissed her, before trailing his fingers down her body and gently rubbing her clit, exploring her mouth with his tongue as his fingers brought her to yet another orgasm. Kaitlyn lay in a stunned silence, trembling and clinging to Blayne as she tried to catch her breath.

  A little while later Kaitlyn fell asleep in the strong arms of her husband, with a broad smile on her face. Yes, she thought happily as she drifted off to sleep, I’m going to be very happy here.

  Chapter Twenty

  For the first few weeks of married life, Kaitlyn was the perfect wife to Blayne, enjoying keeping their home clean and cooking for him. She also went to the MacGregor village most days to see Colleen, or her sister would come to the MacLennon village to see Kaitlyn.

  As time passed and Blayne had to spend more and more time attending to his duties as leader of the MacLennon clan, Kaitlyn felt neglected and believed Blayne was not giving his new wife enough attention. Rather than talk to him about this, she decided to get his attention in another way.

  That evening Kaitlyn prepared their dinner and left it on the stove, going to their bedroom and laying on their bed with her back to the doorway. She could smell their dinner burning and she grinned as she waited for Blayne to return. Moments later Blayne entered their home and called out to her.

  “Kaitlyn,” he shouted, alarmed. “Kaitlyn, where are you?” he shouted, cursing as he burned himself while removing the ruined meal from the stove.

  Blayne walked into the bedroom and seeing his wife laying on the bed, he knelt beside her and put his hand gently on her shoulder.

  “Kaitlyn,” he whispered with concern. “Are you OK?”

  Kaitlyn rolled to face him and smiled. “I’m sorry. I was just a little tired so I came for a lie down before dinner,” she told him, sitting up and kissing him.

  Blayne’s expression became stern. “Kaitlyn, our dinner is ruined,” he told her.

  Kaitlyn shrugged her shoulders. “I’m not hungry anyway. I can wait until breakfast tomorrow,” she told him.

  “Well I can’t,” he shouted angrily. “I’ve been working hard all day and I expect a hot meal on the table when I return home. I don’t know where this attitude has come from but it had better stop right now, young lady,” he warned Kaitlyn.

  Kaitlyn smiled sweetly at him. “If you got home at a decent hour, your dinner would not have burned,” she told him, gasping with shock when he grasped her wrist, hauled her to her feet and turned her across his lap, whisking up her skirt and petticoats, ripping down her drawers and spanking her firmly.

  “Ow,” squealed Kaitlyn, “I’m sorry Blayne,” she yelled. “I’ll go and cook your dinner now,” she told him, squirming across his lap.

  If she was honest, the spanking did not hurt that much, but she continued to wriggle around on his lap, squealing and begging him to stop. She smiled as his cock hardened beneath her and she squirmed more frantically, grinning when he pulled her to her feet, threw her onto the bed and roughly made love to her.

  After he had finished, she kissed him softly, apologised for burning his dinner and went to prepare another meal.

  Blayne shook his h
ead as she left the room and frowned, but the incident was quickly forgotten as they sat down a little while later and enjoyed their evening meal.

  A few days later Kaitlyn thought about how she had got her husband’s attention by burning his dinner and decided that today she would not bother to even cook anything. When he was due home she slipped out of the house and sat nearby, watching for him to return home.

  As soon as she saw him enter the house, she quickly headed home and smiled as she greeted him.

  “Kaitlyn,” he said, “kissing her softly. Where is my dinner?”

  Kaitlyn shrugged. “Sorry,” she said, “I forgot.”

  “You forgot?” he asked, scowling at her. “How can you forget to cook your husband’s dinner?” he demanded angrily.

  Kaitlyn shrugged once more. “I went for a walk. I lost track of time. Sorry.”

  Smirking, she heading in the direction of their bedroom, intending to lie down on the bed and wait for her husband to follow her. She was just in the mood for a spanking followed by hot sex. Kaitlyn had not even reached the bedroom when Blayne grasped her wrist and turned her to face him.

  He opened his mouth to speak, shook his head angrily and marched her over to their bed, where he sat down and dragged her across his lap. She smiled as he lifted her skirts, lowered her drawers and gripped her waist firmly, before slamming his hand against her buttocks.

  Kaitlyn squirmed uncomfortably. “Ouch, not so hard,” she yelled, scowling as the spanking was much too hard. “Not so hard Blayne,” she yelled. “My spanking for burning your dinner wasn’t this hard.”

  Blayne stopped and frowned, looking at Kaitlyn’s bare bottom with a vivid red handprint glowing against her pale skin. Smiling knowingly, he started her spanking again, but spanked her more gently, watching as she squirmed across his lap, deliberately rubbing herself against his cock. Blayne closed his eyes and groaned as his cock responded.

  “Kaitlyn,” he said firmly, “get up.”

  Kaitlyn scrambled to her feet and looked at him.

  “Kaitlyn, why are you being so naughty?” he asked.

  Kaitlyn’s cheeks flushed.

  “You burned my dinner a few nights ago. You didn’t bother to prepare dinner tonight at all. What has got into you?” he demanded.

  Kaitlyn chewed her lip nervously. “I was feeling neglected,” she whispered.

  Blayne frowned. “Why?” he asked.

  “You spend so much time working and not enough time with me. I guess I was feeling a little abandoned,” she told him.

  Blayne shook his head. “You should have talked to me. You’ve been a very bad girl and I’m going to spank your bottom hard,” he told her, guiding her once more across his lap.

  Kaitlyn grinned, believing her plan had worked, and as Blayne spanked her bare bottom firmly, Kaitlyn squealed and squirmed across his lap, enjoying the feeling of his cock hardening beneath her. She was surprised that he had reacted so calmly, but she was so aroused she did not think about it too much.

  “Kaitlyn,” Blayne said gruffly, interrupting her thoughts. “I do believe this spanking is not having the desired effect. I believe you’re trying to arouse me in the hopes of avoiding a well-deserved punishment. As that is clearly the case, I’m going to punish you in a different way, something uncomfortable and embarrassing that will ensure my dinner is on the table every evening from now on.”

  Blayne pulled Kaitlyn to her feet and the colour drained from his wife’s cheeks as he regarded her sternly.

  Blayne smiled at her. “Kaitlyn, I love you, even though you drive me wild with desire, wiggling your bare red bottom across my lap and rubbing wantonly against my cock when I’m trying to punish you.”

  Kaitlyn grinned. After many a painful spanking, Blayne had made love to her so urgently and with so much passion that it made the spanking almost seem worthwhile. That was why she had deliberately burned his dinner or did not have dinner ready when he returned home so she would get the wonderful sex that followed a spanking.

  “In future, if you displease me,” Blayne interrupted her thoughts, “but your behaviour during your punishment arouses me, I will simply take you in a way that is pleasurable for me but not quite as enjoyable for you. If you are being punished for bad behaviour, it is not right for you then to experience pleasure, but it is unfair for me to be denied my needs if your wanton behaviour during a spanking has aroused me. Do you not agree?”

  Kaitlyn’s cheeks turned pink as she nodded and closed her eyes. Oh my God, he realises that I’ve been deliberately rubbing myself against him.

  “Kaitlyn, I am not a fool. All of a sudden you turn from a model wife into a naughty little girl who burns my dinner or forgets to cook it, and when I spank your bottom, instead of lying submissively you rub yourself provocatively against my cock. I have to admit I like this, what man wouldn’t, but we need to separate pleasure from real punishment. In future if you do something naughty, you might wish to lie as still as you can because if you arouse me you should know that once your punishment is over, my hard cock will be stretching your tight little bottom hole.”

  Kaitlyn gasped as Blayne took her hand and guided her onto the bed, putting her onto all fours and pushing her upper body down onto the bed.

  “Please don’t Blayne,” whimpered Kaitlyn, unable to believe how badly her plan had gone.

  “First for your spanking,” stated Blayne firmly, as he cracked his hand onto her right buttock. For the next few minutes, he smacked his hand from one quivering cheek to the other, occasioning smacking her upper thighs and smiling as she whimpered and squirmed. When he was satisfied that her bottom was nicely red, he took his hard cock in his hand and left the room, returning moments later with some grease which he rubbed onto his cock.

  “Kaitlyn, take hold of your cheeks and spread them wide for me,” he told her firmly. “Now,” he added, as she whimpered.

  Kaitlyn closed her eyes and reached back, taking her buttocks in her hands and spreading them apart as her cheeks flushed bright red with embarrassment.

  “Wider please,” Blayne told her, watching as his wife squirmed in humiliation as she spread her buttocks as wide as she possibly could. Blayne put his greased finger against her anus and pushed it firmly inside, smiling as she tightened around his finger and squirmed uncomfortably.

  Removing his finger, he told her to keep a tight hold on her buttocks as he slowly pressed the head of his cock against her anus. Blayne moved slowly as he inched his cock into her bottom hole, smiling as she squirmed against him. As he thrust hard into her, Kaitlyn gasped loudly.

  Oh my God, this is so humiliating, thought Kaitlyn, as Blayne thrust hard into her bottom. He shouldn’t be taking me there, she thought, squirming desperately as she tried to dislodge him, as her bottom hole stretched to the point of discomfort and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Kaitlyn breathed a sigh of relief when after a couple of minutes Blayne grunted as she felt him empty his seed into her. She felt even more embarrassed that he had actually ejaculated inside of her.

  As he helped her to her feet, she blushed and tried to avoid his gaze, clenching her buttocks tightly together and trying not to focus on the uncomfortable stretched feeling inside her bottom.

  “Kaitlyn, if you’re going to play silly games and try to arouse me to avoid a well-deserved punishment,” Blayne told her, “I need you to know that I will simply have you spread your buttocks and I will take you anally. Do you understand?”

  Kaitlyn nodded meekly. It had not been painful, but it was uncomfortable and very embarrassing. Kaitlyn sighed. I guess that’s the point of a punishment, she thought sadly.

  Kaitlyn blushed. “Yes, Blayne,” she whispered.

  Looking up at him, she hugged him and buried her face against his chest. “What if I want some fun?” she whispered, gripping tighter to him as her cheeks reddened.

  Blayne kissed her cheek softly. “Ask me for a spanking and I will give you a sensual, playful spanking. I will welcome your lustful behavi
our across my lap and I will reward you with my hard cock where you like it most. And please talk to me if you have a problem, don’t be playing silly games and making me angry,” he told her kindly.

  Kaitlyn nodded and smiled. “Blayne, please will you spank me?”

  Blayne raised his eyebrows and smiled. “Go and stand in the corner, young lady, hands on your head.” Kaitlyn grinned as she shuffled to the corner.

  A few minutes later Blayne called her over. “Come here, young lady,” he ordered playfully and Kaitlyn scampered across to the bed. “Get across my knee, you bad girl.”

  Kaitlyn grinned and threw herself across her husband’s lap. “I love you,” she whispered, shuffling forward and raising her bottom.

  “I love you too, very much,” he said, gently rubbing her bottom.

  “Right, young lady, where’s my dinner?” he scolded, smacking her playfully.

  Kaitlyn giggled. “I forgot I was supposed to do it,” she squealed.

  “Oh, you bad girl,” he scolded, landing a smack on her thigh. “You bad, naughty little girl,” he gasped, as Kaitlyn reached her hand between his legs and started to rub his growing bulge.

  Blayne groaned as his cock hardened uncomfortably. Kaitlyn suddenly pushed herself to her feet and sent Blayne tumbling to the bed, tugging his kilt up and lowering herself onto his hard cock. She cried out in pleasure as she rode him roughly, his hands caressing her buttocks. Although she had not been comfortable with Blayne penetrating her anally, the sensations she felt in her bottom now seemed to heighten her orgasm and she fell on top of him, breathing heavily.

  Blayne rolled her onto her back and kissed her passionately as he thrust hard into her and cum inside her once more.

  Kaitlyn lay happily in his arms for several minutes before she heard him snoring softly. Closing her eyes, she fell asleep in her husband’s arms, clinging to him as she thought how lucky she was to have such a wonderful husband.

  Chapter Twenty-one


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