The Highlander's Maiden

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The Highlander's Maiden Page 21

by Carole Archer

  Kaitlyn was baking one morning when Duncan arrived. “Blayne and I are going out to meet the leader of the MacDonald clan today,” he told her. “We’re hoping to make an alliance with them.”

  Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. She was fed up of hearing about them building alliances with other clans. All it meant to her was that Blayne was away from her even more, and her sister Colleen had told her she felt the same about the amount of time Duncan was spending away from her.

  “Shall we go?” Duncan said to Blayne, as the younger man walked through the door. “The quicker we get there, the sooner we can get back home to our lovely wives,” he smiled.

  Kaitlyn scowled. “Do you expect to be home for dinner, or should I not bother?” Kaitlyn frowned, angry that many meals had gone to waste recently as Blayne had returned home very late at night.

  Blayne turned to his wife and kissed her softly, making her smile despite her mood. “I probably will be late home, so you can just make me a sandwich when I get back,” he told her.

  Blayne hugged her tightly, kissed her once more and left with Duncan, looking over his shoulder as he stepped out of the door. “Be good,” he warned her, causing Kaitlyn to giggle.

  Half an hour later, as Kaitlyn was busying herself with her housework, Colleen walked into her house. She sighed and sat down. “I’m fed up. Duncan’s gone out again. I’m sick of being left on my own,” she complained.

  Kaitlyn agreed. “Why don’t we go out and have some fun?” she urged, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

  Colleen giggled. “That sounds like a good idea. What did you have in mind?” she asked.

  Kaitlyn smiled. “Our men are always abandoning us for this alliance. In fact Blayne just told me they won’t be back until late, so what they don’t know can’t hurt them,” she said happily. “When I went riding with Blayne recently, we passed a beautiful pool. Let me show you,” she told her older sister, grabbing her hand and grinning as they left the house.

  As they left the village, a voice called out “behave you two, or Blayne and Duncan will have your hides when they return”. Kaitlyn and Colleen stopped and glanced back at Finlay. They looked at each other, giggled, waved to Finlay and headed off through the woods.

  They followed a stream into the hills where they found the beautiful pool that Kaitlyn had told her sister about. Colleen grinned at her sister. “You’re right, this is a beautiful place,” she said.

  Kaitlyn smiled. “Why don’t we have a swim?”

  Colleen shook her head. “We can’t Kaitlyn. We’ll get our clothes wet.”

  Kaitlyn giggled. “We’d better take them off then,” she said, quickly ripping off her clothes and jumping into the water.

  Colleen gasped. “Kaitlyn, whatever would Blayne say if he saw you like that?” she asked.

  Kaitlyn laughed loudly. “He’d spank me harder than you could ever imagine, but he isn’t here and he won’t know. Come on, don’t be such a misery.”

  Colleen glanced around to make sure no-one was watching, before she hesitantly removed her clothes and jumped in the pool to join her sister. The water was lovely and warm and the girls splashed around for hours as the sun shone down brightly.

  Meanwhile Duncan and Blayne had returned and were worried when they could not find their wives. Their business had been completed much quicker than they had imagined and they had returned immediately, hoping to spend the day with Colleen and Kaitlyn.

  Finlay pointed them in the direction their wives had headed and a short time later Duncan and Blayne rode up to the pool. They were horrified to see their wives swimming naked. They jumped down from their horses and tied them up, a short distance away from the girls, before they came up with a plan. They cut switches and then approached the pool.

  “Colleen, get out of that water now,” Duncan barked, as Colleen’s face paled and she quickly swam towards the edge. She glanced nervously at Blayne, covering herself with her hands as she stumbled from the water.

  “You too Kaitlyn,” shouted Blayne, “and be quick about it”. Kaitlyn’s face was pale as she pulled herself from the water and looked at Blayne.

  Duncan immediately took Colleen by the wrist and bent her across a moss-covered rock. “Stay still,” he ordered. “I am furious with you. I want you to lie still and take your punishment. I don’t want any nonsense from you today. Remember your sister and brother-in-law will be watching.”

  Colleen closed her eyes and waited. She had never felt so humiliated and as the switch cut into her bare, wet bottom, all thoughts of bravery in front of Kaitlyn and Blayne were forgotten and she screamed loudly and thrashed her arms and legs around.

  Duncan lectured her as he striped her bottom with the switch, asking her what they would have done if their clothes had been taken or if other men came by. Colleen sobbed and shouted her apologies at him, telling him she didn’t think.

  Duncan continued to whip the switch down against his wife’s bare bottom and she howled as she squirmed, desperate to avoid the agonising sting of the switch.

  As Duncan started to switch her over areas that had already been punished, she whimpered loudly and begged him to stop.

  Kaitlyn gripped Blayne’s hand, her eyes wide with horror as her sister’s bottom squirmed around under the firm switching her husband was giving her. She glanced at the switch in her own husband’s hand, swallowing nervously as she realised that very soon she would be receiving the same punishment. “I’m sorry,” she whispered to Blayne, whose eyes remained fixed on her sister’s squirming bottom.

  Duncan whipped the switch down once more on Colleen’s bottom and she howled in pain. “I’m sorry Duncan. I didn’t even want to go swimming. It was all Kaitlyn’s idea,” she wailed.

  Kaitlyn gasped and felt her husband’s eyes boring into her. “Is that true?” he asked. Kaitlyn nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Eventually Duncan threw the switch aside and lifted his sobbing wife to her feet, moving aside to allow Blayne to put his wife in the same position. Colleen continued to sob in time with her sister’s shrieks of pain as she experienced the agony of a switching for the first time.

  “I’m so sorry,” she wailed, as Blayne brought the switch down on her squirming bottom. As he moved down onto her thighs, Kaitlyn’s screams rose in pitch and Colleen turned her head to see what he was doing. She clung tighter to Duncan, silently grateful that he had not chosen to punish her thighs on this occasion.

  Blayne worked meticulously, striping Kaitlyn’s thighs all the way down to her knees. She sobbed loudly as her legs twitched in response to each stroke. As Blayne threw the switch aside, Colleen was horrified when he parted her sister’s buttocks crudely. Colleen was more shocked when Kaitlyn only whimpered and begged him “not there, please”.

  Colleen wondered why her sister was not fighting him. Colleen objected loudly to Blayne treating her sister in such a manner and Duncan led her away, telling her to mind her own business.

  Duncan took Colleen by the hand and led her to his horse, where he took down a blanket before leading her into the trees. Colleen glanced anxiously at her sister as they passed and closed her eyes as Blayne stepped close behind Kaitlyn and thrust his hips forward, causing her to squeal and beg him to stop.

  Duncan threw the blanket over a fallen log and demanded his wife bend across it. Colleen shuddered as she put herself into position. “I am sorry,” she whispered, gasping as Duncan suddenly thrust his hard cock into her.

  He plunged his cock in and out of her pussy and Colleen gasped. Kaitlyn’s pleading was more frantic now and Duncan guessed that Blayne had put his cock into her bottom hole, as it was clear that had been his intention.

  Blayne then scolded her loudly: “Kaitlyn, calm down. You’ve been a very naughty wife, haven’t you? And what happens to a really naughty wife after her spanking? Speak up, young lady,” he demanded.

  “She…she…” Kaitlyn blushed furiously, unable to finish the sentence.

  “She gets her husband’s firm co
ck in her tight little bottom hole. Doesn’t she, young lady?”

  Kaitlyn whimpered and nodded her head, too embarrassed to respond.

  Duncan smiled, guessing the words were for their benefit and to humiliate Kaitlyn further as she knew Duncan and Colleen were nearby and would know exactly what was happening to her.

  Kaitlyn let out an anguished wail, clearly horrified that her sister and brother-in-law were aware of her predicament.

  Colleen vocally protested to what was being done to her sister, demanding Duncan do something about it.

  “No, stop it you brute,” Colleen yelled, as Duncan pulled out of her and smacked her bottom sharply before roughly parting her buttocks.

  “Hold them apart,” he ordered.

  “No,” sobbed Colleen in distress, “please don’t”.

  “I suggest you do as you’re told or I’ll cut another switch,” he ordered. Colleen raised her head and although she could not see her sister, she could hear her anguished cries and wished she could go and protect her, but Colleen realised that trying to help her sister was only causing her more trouble. As she tried to block out Kaitlyn’s sobs of humiliation, Colleen blushed as she took hold of her buttocks and slowly parted them.

  Duncan’s hand smacked down hard between her cheeks, stinging her bottom hole. Colleen let out a wail of agony, immediately releasing her buttocks as her legs kicked hard and her eyes watered from the intense sting.

  Duncan roughly parted her buttocks again. “Keep hold,” he ordered, as a weeping Colleen reached back and clutched desperately at her sore buttocks.

  As Duncan landed a second smack on her bottom hole, increasing the sting, Colleen once more let go. Not wanting to anger him, she quickly took hold of her buttocks and parted them again. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered, as Duncan pressed his finger against her bottom hole and pushed it slowly in. Colleen squirmed in embarrassment but didn’t dare to let go of her bottom cheeks.

  As Duncan pulled his finger out, Colleen tried desperately to relax. She wasn’t surprised when his hard cock pressed against her anus, but still she struggled and squirmed as he slowly pressed his way into her. As her anus was stretched uncomfortably and she blushed crimson with embarrassment, Colleen squirmed and begged for him to stop.

  “Relax,” he whispered, kissing her neck softly. “This isn’t a punishment,” he told her, as she squirmed beneath him, trying to stop him pushing himself all the way in.

  As Kaitlyn slumped across the rock, crimson with embarrassment that Blayne would punish her in such a humiliating manner in the presence of others, Blayne’s loud grunt indicated that he had finally finished.

  As Blayne got up and stood over his penitent wife, Duncan took a firm hold on Colleen’s hips and with one hard thrust he buried his erect cock inside her bottom. He gasped as her bottom tightly gripped his cock and he thrust hard into her.

  Colleen’s eyes widened as her husband’s large cock stretched her bottom hole fully.

  Colleen was humiliated to be taken in this manner, especially as Kaitlyn and Blayne were nearby, and she squirmed in embarrassment as Duncan continued to stretch her bottom hole uncomfortably as he thrust into her.

  Colleen gasped as with a final thrust, she felt Duncan ejaculate inside of her. She blushed as Duncan stroked her hair and kissed her neck. “I love you,” he whispered in her ear.

  Colleen smiled. As he helped her up, she turned to face him and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you too,” she whispered.

  “Right, get your clothes on and get your backside home,” Blayne ordered Kaitlyn, as he walked behind her, smacking her bottom as she gathered her clothes and tried to get dressed. Colleen watched and feared her sister might fall over, but wisely decided to keep quiet.

  “I’ll see you later,” shouted Blayne, giving his half-dressed wife another sharp smack which caused her to squeal in pain as she carried the rest of her clothes in her arms. “Now get walking unless you want to take your strapping here in front of Colleen and Duncan. I can’t believe this was all your idea,” he scolded her.

  Kaitlyn’s cheeks reddened as she shook her head and shuffled in the direction of home, too embarrassed to look back at Colleen and Duncan.

  When they had left, Duncan turned to his own wife and kissed her softly, taking her hand and leading her back to the water. Her eyes widened as her husband started to strip off his clothes before leading her back into the pool.

  “Duncan,” she gasped, running her hand down her husband’s broad chest. “You punished me for swimming naked.”

  Duncan nodded. “And I’ll spank you again if I catch you outside of the village without me, especially doing something so foolish. What if it wasn’t me and Blayne who found you?” he questioned her.

  Colleen nodded. “I really am sorry,” she told him sincerely, enjoying the feel of her husband’s naked flesh in the warm afternoon sun. The cool water was also soothing on her sore bottom.

  For the next half an hour, Colleen and Duncan splashed around in the water, kissing and cuddling and having fun. This was just what Duncan needed after a particularly busy few weeks.

  Colleen smiled as he helped her out of the water and she didn’t object when he once more took her across his knee and gave her a playful spanking on her wet bottom, which made her squeal with delight. As his cock hardened beneath her, she rubbed herself against him.

  “Can we go home,” she whispered seductively.

  Duncan smiled and the pair dressed quickly. He took her hand and started to lead her away, then stopped and pulled her against him, kissing her hard.

  “Damn it,” he whispered, pushing her down to her knees and bending her forward. “I need to have you now,” he groaned, yanking up her dress.

  “Where’s your drawers?” he gasped with shock, not used to seeing his wife without undergarments.

  Colleen looked over her shoulder and grinned. “I don’t know,” she giggled. “I couldn’t find them. I think Kaitlyn must have taken mine as well as her own, but I don’t suppose I’d have needed them for long anyway.”

  Duncan grinned as he thrust his cock into his wife’s warm, wet pussy. She gasped loudly as the sex was hard and fast and seconds later they lay panting on the ground, clinging to each other as they recovered from their frantic sex. Duncan rose unsteadily to his feet and Colleen giggled as he clumsily lifted her to her feet, almost dropping her.

  As she kissed Duncan afterwards and he led her home, she gripped his hand tightly. She thought briefly about her sister Kaitlyn and hoped she wouldn’t be too sore. Blayne still looked angry as he led her away and Colleen guessed her sister would probably have been strapped hard and put in the corner, if her sister’s stories of punishment in Blayne’s home were anything to go by.

  As they arrived home, Colleen stopped outside of their house and kissed Duncan. “I am sorry I left the village without you,” she confessed.

  Duncan smiled and leaned down to kiss her, nodding as he looked into her eyes. “I know you’re sorry and you’ve been punished. I’m sure you won’t do it again.”

  Colleen shook her head. “No, I won’t.”

  Duncan reached under her skirt and caressed her buttocks, causing Colleen to squeal and squirm away from him. “Duncan, stop that,” she shrieked. “Someone might see”. Colleen looked around, making sure no-one was watching.

  Duncan grasped her hand firmly. “I think I’d better take my wanton wife inside,” he grinned. “Wandering around with no drawers on,” he playfully scolded, giving her bottom a gentle smack.

  Colleen ran into their home, stripping her clothes off on the way to their bedroom, before falling into bed with her husband.

  * * *

  As Colleen and Duncan made love once more, Kaitlyn was finally allowed to leave the corner. With tear streaked cheeks and swollen buttocks, she knelt down in front of Blayne. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, removing her nightgown and lowering her head to kiss his hardening cock. Taking it in her mouth, she sucked him, hoping to release
some of his tension.

  Kaitlyn sighed. Reluctantly, she got up onto their bed where she positioned herself on all fours and lowered her upper body to the bed, raising her bottom in the air. She waited with her legs spread wide and gasped when Blayne put his hand between her legs and gently rubbed her pussy.

  Kaitlyn looked over her shoulder, surprised that her husband was giving her pleasure. She wondered if it was a cruel trick. Seeing the tears in his eyes, she jumped up and wrapped her arms around him.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I was so hard on you. I’d hate to think someone else had come along and found you both. I’d never forgive myself if anything happened to you,” he whispered, stroking her face tenderly. He took her hand and led her to their bed, laying down and guiding her on top of him.

  “I love you too,” she smiled, kissing him gently. “I appreciate that you look after me,” she whispered, turning away from him and once more getting to her knees.

  Blayne groaned with pleasure as he knelt behind her and thrust his cock into her. Kaitlyn’s eyes widened as his hard cock filled her pussy.

  “Blayne, I’m being punished,” she whispered breathlessly.

  Blayne shook his head. “No, you’ve been punished enough for one day,” he responded, thrusting into her hard as he reached around her to fondle her breasts.”

  As they lay in bed afterwards, Kaitlyn hugged her husband close to her and offered a silent prayer up to heaven. Thank you, Daddy, for watching over Colleen and me and keeping us safe. Thank you for guiding us to our husbands. They’ll take care of us now. Goodnight Daddy. Sleep tight.

  * * *

  As Colleen and Duncan sat outside their home in the next village, Duncan sitting on the ground with Colleen in front of him, his arms wrapped around her waist from behind, they gazed up into the sky. Colleen gasped as a shooting star flashed across the sky.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she looked at Duncan and smiled. “I think that was Daddy,” she told him. “He’s been watching over me and Kaitlyn and keeping us safe, but now he knows we have two handsome Scottish warriors to take care of us.”


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