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Under His Protection (Brie's Submission Book 14)

Page 9

by Red Phoenix

  His father grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling him within inches of his face. “Only thing I want for you, son, is to keep fighting. As long as I know you’re fighting, I don’t have to worry about you.” He let go of Faelan and looked at his wife. “Isn’t that right, Ada?”

  She glanced up at him, trying to hide the tears in her eyes. “Todd…I don’t care what you do, I just want you to be happy. It’s what every mother wants for her child. I hate that you’ve suffered more than most. I want you to get your time in the sun.”

  “What about me?” Lisa demanded. “Don’t I count in this family? I have suffered every bit as much as my brother and I didn’t do a damn thing to deserve it. Despite that, I’ve made something of myself. I have a nice, normal life with a husband, living in a house close enough that we can visit, and I even gave you a grandchild. Why don’t I get anything for that? It’s always poor Todd this and poor Todd that.”

  “Look, Lees, I get it,” Faelan said, understanding her frustration. “You never had a fair shake because of me. But me staying here won’t make things better, only worse.”

  She looked up at the ceiling, shaking her hands in frustration as she screamed, “I just want to be a normal family!”

  Faelan put his arms around her and held his sister until she quieted. “Lees, I never told you this, but I admire what you’ve done, every part of it. Including that kid of yours in the other room. You are what keeps this family ticking. When I fuck up, at least I know Mom and Pop have you.” He rubbed the top of her head like he used to when they were kids. “You’re the bomb, fartface.”

  She glared up at him, but slowly she cracked a smile. “Whatever, dickweed.”

  Their mother shook her head, never caring for their affectionate terms for one another.

  Lisa pushed away from him, pointing at his face. “Don’t think this gets you off the hook. You are going to be the best damn uncle in the world.”

  “Scouts honor,” he replied, holding up his three fingers in salute, just like the old days.

  “When are you leaving, son?” his father asked.

  Faelan answered, not trying to sugarcoat it. “As soon as possible, Pop.”

  “Why so soon?” his mother cried out.

  Lisa shook her head, growling. “So typical of my brother…” She stormed out of the room.

  Faelan looked at his dad and shrugged apologetically.

  His father replied, “A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.”

  Faelan noticed his mother stand up, her eyes darting around the kitchen. He was certain she was mentally assessing the things she could load him up with before he left. There was a time when he would have resented it, but now he understood it was the way she coped. Giving him things was an expression of love, even if the items themselves were not wanted or needed.

  “Hey, Mom, why don’t you sit next to me,” Faelan said, patting the kitchen chair beside him.

  Lisa came back into the room carrying the baby, who was still fussy. “If you’re leaving, then you are holding Joshua until you leave. Get that uncle time in there, dickweed.” She plopped her kid on his lap and moved over to the other side of the table to sit with her husband.

  Faelan looked down at the unhappy little tyke and smiled mischievously. “Hey there, Joshua. Wanna know your mommy’s real name?” He bent down, cupping the infant’s ear and whispering.

  Suddenly a plush toy bounced off his head.

  “Don’t be bad-mouthing me to my own son,” Lisa warned.

  Faelan looked up and shrugged. “I’m pretty sure that’s what uncles do. Give their sisters a bad time and spoil the kid rotten with candy and loud toys.” He gazed back down at Joshua and smiled. “Am I right, little guy?”

  Lisa shook her head, but Faelan could tell things were okay between them. Even though he could never make up for what happened to her in the past, at least he could be there for her kid. Maybe, in some small way, that would make a difference.

  Faelan was on a plane to LA the following week. As the large aircraft made a circle over the plains of Colorado before heading toward the mountains and California, he felt a surge of relief.

  Tono Nosaka had encouraged him that he was meant for greater things, and for the first time he was finally starting to believe it. This second chance in LA might be the ticket to making a life of significance. Something to make up for Trevor’s death, his sister’s pain, and Nosaka’s sacrifice.

  Carrying the burden of so many debts was sobering, but something had fundamentally changed. He could feel it, like a shift in the Universe.

  Rubbing his abdomen, he looked out the window as the Denver skyline disappeared in the distance. He was heading toward something. Good or bad—he was ready to attack it full force.

  And the first thing he did after he landed was to sign up to do a session at the Haven. He’d missed the interaction with the subs and the banter back and forth with other Doms.

  It had been some time since he’d frequented the place, so it was not too surprising people didn’t recognize him at first. The clientele had changed after Brie’s first documentary, becoming a mix of experienced kinksters and the curious. Still, it seemed to give the place an underlying energy that he could feed off of.

  Faelan was pleased to see Captain with his arm wrapped around his tiny sub’s waist approach him at the bar. Holding out a hand, the older man said, “I see the prodigal son has returned.”

  Faelan laughed as he shook his hand firmly. “I have.”

  Candy gave him a slight bow before gracing him with a warm smile. “Your presence has been missed, Mr. Wallace.” She whispered to her Dom who nodded. With permission given, she gave Faelan a hug and told him, “I was afraid I would never see you again and I couldn’t bear the thought of it.”

  He smiled as he patted the area of his healing incision. “It took the community, as well as the love and heartbreak of a good woman, but I’m finally back.”

  Candy cringed. “I was sorry to hear about Mary.”

  Faelan shook his head.

  Okay, it still hurt. But this—right now—felt good.

  “I apologize for saying anything,” she immediately blurted, bowing as she stared hard at the ground.

  “No, don’t be,” he replied. “You are invested in Mary’s welfare. Just because we aren’t together doesn’t change your connection with her. I appreciate that you care.”

  “You both are in our thoughts,” she said as she stepped back to rejoin her Master.

  Faelan looked to Captain. “Have you seen her?”

  He shook his head briskly once. “Leif is being evasive. I have no time for such games, but am keeping tabs on her.”

  “I’m glad.” He frowned. “She needs your support, but she can be stubborn and spiteful when she gets in these moods.”

  Captain pressed his lips together in a thin line. “Yes. I don’t want that to be her undoing.”

  “Me either,” Faelan agreed.

  “So, who’s this handsome specimen?” asked a slicked-back, black-haired Dominatrix dressed in shiny latex as she slinked up beside him and looked Faelan over brazenly.

  “Mistress Desire, this is Faelan. A graduate of the Dominant Training Center.”

  She smiled seductively. “A fellow graduate, huh? I’m surprised I don’t know you.”

  “I’ve been on a sabbatical of sorts,” Faelan replied, being equally brazen as he sized her up.

  “And did you learn what you needed?” she asked, running her tongue against her bottom lip.

  “I did, and then some.” Faelan nodded to the manager of the club, who was letting him know the alcove was ready.

  “Mr. Wallace, let me just say that I am thrilled you have returned. Many a sub has asked for you since you left, missing the spontaneous scenes you were known for. When I told them you were coming tonight, word spread quickly. I think you will find an ample selection to choose from.”

  “Thank you, Roger. I appreciate you fitting me in tonight with such sh
ort notice.”

  “My pleasure, Mr. Wallace.” The manager gave him a slight head nod before leaving to attend to a disturbance on the other side of the room.

  “Do you mind if I watch?” the Dominatrix asked as he bent down and grabbed his tool bag.

  “Not at all,” Faelan smiled. “I prefer to be watched.”

  He turned to Captain and Candy. “If you’ll please excuse me.”

  Faelan left them with Mistress Desire following behind him. He was definitely back in the game, and felt good to be a wolf on the prowl.

  He instructed the Mistress to stand back as he took one of the papers from the box and began perusing the fantasies the subs had written. They were not allowed to include their names, which allowed him to choose the fantasy not the girl.

  He liked the challenge and spontaneity of this setup. Not knowing beforehand how the night would play out or who he would be playing with kept him on his toes, and allowed him to practice a variety of tools continuously so he didn’t lose his touch. It also made the subs at the Haven very happy.

  The other Doms at the club enjoyed it as well because observing the wide variety of fantasies Faelan acted out gave them new fodder to use during their own private sessions.

  Faelan considered the fantasies private property and never let anyone read them, always disposing of them personally when the night was through. A sexual fantasy was a unique window into a woman’s soul, and not something to be shared, no matter how desperately the other Doms begged him.

  After going through this night’s selection, he picked the one he wanted to play out and slipped it in his pocket. He poured the others back into the box and placed it in his bag.

  While he was setting up the simple scene, he spotted a short, curvy brunette hiding in the shadows, quietly observing him. Normally, he wouldn’t have thought anything of it but there was something about her. The way she stared at him so intensely gave Faelan the impression she knew him even though he did not recognize her.

  He pretended not to notice her, but hoped after the night was over he would be able to track her down and find out what, if any, their connection was.

  As was tradition, when he was ready to announce the winning fantasy, Faelan hit a thick cane twice in quick succession against one of the metal support beams. The low, ringing sound it made traveled through the air, alerting everyone interested to come gather.

  Once a sizable crowd had formed, he pulled the slip of paper out of his pocket and smiled at the group. “First, I want to thank you for welcoming me back into the Haven fold. It’s nice to know that you can always come home.”

  After pausing for a moment for the enthusiastic applause of hopeful subs, he announced, “I’ve decided on my first night back that something unusual is in order. This particular fantasy reminds me of my training days as a Dominant and I am feeling in a particularly nostalgic mood tonight.”

  Unfolding the paper, he began reading.

  Master Faelan, I have been a longtime fan of your work. I have followed you ever since Brie Bennett filmed the documentary about the Training Center and I heard her talk about her very first session with you. The fact you were able to win her over with such a simple tool speaks to your gift as a Dominant. I would like to taste that raw power with the very instrument you used during that first encounter. You have my permission to have your way with me.

  He held up the paper and called out, “Who wrote this?”

  A thin woman with long straight hair and big brown eyes of Indian descent moved forward as the other subs parted to make way for her.

  Faelan held out his palm to the submissive and grasped her delicate hand in his. “And your name is?”

  “Viri, Master Faelan.”

  He gave her a charming smile. “Call me Faelan. It is my formal title and encourages the primal animal in me.”

  She shuddered in delight, a wide smile spreading across her face. “Thank you, Faelan.”

  “Do you have an aversion to chains?”

  She shook her head, her eyes growing wider.

  “And when you stated I had permission to have my way with you?”

  She bit her lip for a moment before answering. “I wish you to be intimate with me, if that is your pleasure.”

  He wrapped his arm around her waist and grinned wickedly as he guided her to the center of the alcove. “I am pleased to inform you that you will have the entirety of your fantasy played out.”

  She looked up at him in adoration before gazing back at the floor, her submissive posture inviting his play.

  “Before we begin, however, I want you to undress completely and stand facing your audience.”

  Faelan observed her closely as she followed through with his orders. What viri lacked in practiced grace she made up for with enthusiasm. The radiant joy on her face told the world how she felt being his submissive for the scene.

  Wanting to bring a more visually stimulating element to the original scene, Faelan cuffed her to the overhanging chains, letting the tantalizing sound of the clinking metal add to her excitement.

  Pulling them taut to keep her stance long and lean, he circled around her, taking note of her small, pert breasts, her dark nipples erect with desire, and her smooth brown skin sprinkled with random beauty marks.

  As he moved around her, he mentioned what he found appealing not only for her benefit, but for the crowd’s.

  “Viri, you have a stunning pussy, quite unusual…” He marveled at how the outer folds peeking from between her legs resembled delicate petals from a flower. A virtual flower for him to pluck.

  Faelan lightly grazed the skin of her thigh as he moved behind her and admired her small, round ass. Every woman’s body shape was different, and in the case of viri, her little ass reminded him of round melons on her skinny frame. Her buttocks were charming and begged to be squeezed.

  He told her so as he completed his assessment before beginning the scene.

  Turning to their audience, wanting to get them involved, he asked, “Does anyone know what the very first instrument I used happens to be?”

  With the documentary having done so well in the LA market, he was not surprised when a multitude of hands went up.

  Choosing the sub next to Mistress Desire, he said, “Please enlighten everyone.”

  “A flogger?” she answered.

  There were hushed groans as the other subs reacted to the incorrect answer, but they remained respectful, keeping the answer to themselves.

  He shook his head at the sub who had answered, letting her know she was wrong. She looked at him sheepishly and promptly hid behind the Dominatrix.

  “What is it?” one of the Dominants asked, obviously curious to find out what he was going to use on the sub bound so alluringly for rough play.

  Rather than answer him, Faelan walked to his bag and pulled out a long flat box. He was purposely slow as he lifted the lid and took out a large white feather.

  He heard chuckles from the crowd as the other Dominants dismissed the simple tool.

  Faelan grinned inwardly as he took off his shirt, knowing he was about to school a bunch of cocky Doms.

  Walking over to viri, he leaned down to hover next to her ear and whispered, “Stare straight ahead, viri. Let those in attendance read your face as we play.”

  She nodded, goosebumps forming on her skin in anticipation of his touch. There was something to be said about playing with groupies. The amount of expectancy built up in their minds meant little effort was needed on his end. In a case like this, he would be able to milk it for an extended period and help this girl achieve orgasm multiple times.

  Faelan moved in close behind her so she could feel the strength of his body next to hers, but not quite touch. With his physical dominance stated, he let the light touch of the feather do its erotic work as he glided it over her.

  Viri whimpered in pleasure.

  Faelan looked up from her shoulder at the Dom who asked which instrument he’d used. With a wicked smile, he trailed the
feather over viri’s breasts and then slowly glided it down her stomach to her mound. His eyes still on the Dom, Faelan growled in her ear as the feather tickled her pussy, and left the lightest of bites on her shoulder as it grazed her clit.

  Viri trembled where she stood, making the chains rattle above her as she orgasmed in front of the crowd.

  Faelan glanced over at Mistress Desire knowingly, and was gratified to see her smirk as she silently made a clapping motion.

  Yes, he knew how to tease and satisfy both his sub and the audience simultaneously. He considered it his special gift.

  Now that he had decided to call California his home, Faelan decided to take a path similar to the one Thane Davis had taken as Headmaster of the Training Center. He would keep his emotions out of the exchanges.

  After his failed relationship with Mary, he had no stomach for love or the complications it invited. Being a man of extreme passions, he loved too openly and too fiercely.

  Loyal to a fault, he had breathed and lived for his woman to the point that he’d become utterly lost in her. Now that it was over with Mary, he realized his heart couldn’t survive that level of pain again.

  Even though Brie had brought meaning into his life and Mary had brought a greater understanding—and he did not regret either relationship—he knew he could not survive another heartbreak.

  It was better for everyone if he kept an emotional distance and focused on improving his skills while entertaining the masses. It’s where his real satisfaction came from. Who knew, maybe he would become a trainer at the Center and truly follow in Davis’s footsteps.

  That would be a humorous turn of events.

  As Faelan was plowing his cock into viri at the end of their session, after wringing numerous orgasms from the girl, he noticed the woman in the shadows watching him again.

  He had to look away from her or risk losing his rhythm. Gripping viri tight, he gave her what her wet pussy had been begging for the last hour—a deep, satisfying pounding as he came inside her.


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