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Under His Protection (Brie's Submission Book 14)

Page 12

by Red Phoenix

  He looked up from the papers and told Marquis, “I will make good use of this.”

  “I don’t want to know the details.”

  “Of course not.” As he folded up the note, he glanced over at Brie.

  “Is it from Rytsar?” she asked in the barest whisper.

  “It is.”

  “May I read it?”

  Brie’s eyes were focused on the piece of paper in his hand as if it were a life preserver and she was drowning in an ocean.

  Faelan looked to Marquis, who shook his head slowly.

  “It is not meant for you,” Faelan explained to Brie.

  “I understand, but I need to read it. Please,” she begged, her eyes expressing the desperation in her voice.

  Looking over the note again, Faelan decided not to keep it from her, despite Marquis’s reservations. He believed it might bring Brie a sense of security knowing there would be others ensuring her safety.

  Handing the folded paper to her, Faelan said somberly, “This must stay between us.”

  Brie hesitated for a moment before nodding and taking it. She opened the note, the paper shaking in her hands as she read its contents.

  Suddenly she burst into tears, clutching the paper against her chest.

  Marquis stood up and offered her a handkerchief, shooting a disapproving look at Faelan.

  Brie dabbed her eyes, letting out an anguished sob. “Up to the end, he was thinking of me…”

  Marquis placed his hand on her shoulder, advising in a calm voice, “Work within the parameters that Durov will escape his captors.”

  Brie swallowed down the next sob and nodded. It seemed his authoritative tone brought her reassurance.

  Although Marquis believed it had been a mistake to share it, Faelan had no regrets.

  There were times, when the heart was involved, that you had to throw caution to the wind.

  Brie stood up and turned to face Faelan, her eyes red from the many tears. “Thank you for sharing his note. It helps even though it hurts.”

  He took the note from her hand, smiling. “Anytime, blossom.”

  The slight upturn of her lips let him know she appreciated his attempt to keep it light. Taking a deep breath, Brie thoroughly dried her tears before handing the handkerchief back to Marquis.

  “Mrs. Davis,” Marquis explained, “I wish to keep Celestia away from anything to do with the bratva or Thane’s half-sister. The less said in her presence, the better.”

  Brie frowned. “I wish none of you had to be involved.”

  “Not to worry,” he assured her. “At this point the situation with Lilly has been dealt with, so now we can turn our focus to Durov.”

  “Lilly cannot be counted out,” Faelan cautioned.

  Marquis shook his head. “I know Durov insisted she remains dangerous, but I believe the woman is mentally unstable and will now get the medical help she sorely needs.”

  Brie stared at Marquis in disbelief. “I do not feel safe just because she’s in jail. You don’t know how cunning and cruel she is.”

  “That goes along with what Durov said, but I’m sure you agree the woman is mentally ill and needs care.”

  Brie grasped her belly protectively. “The only thing I know is that she tried to kill my baby! I have zero compassion for her. None.”

  Marquis met her gaze. “You have every right to feel that way, Mrs. Davis.”

  “Although she is behind bars, my vigilance will not falter,” Faelan vowed. “I have no illusions about the effectiveness of our penal system. Violent criminals get released all the time.”

  “She will look for a way out—legally or otherwise,” Brie stated with certainty.

  Faelan put his hands on her shoulders, looking directly into her eyes so she would be left with no doubts. “I am preparing for when she does.”

  Brie nodded and mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

  Sliding Rytsar’s note back into the envelope, Faelan told Marquis, “I’ll need to take care of this.”

  “Agreed. You should go, and I will take care of Mrs. Davis while you’re out.”

  “No, we talked about this,” Faelan insisted.

  “While I appreciate the sentiment, Mr. Wallace, now that Durov has been taken, Sir Davis will insist on getting involved. Brie can return with me to the hospital so I can speak with him personally while you run your errands.”

  “This is not what you and I discussed. You are not supposed to get involved.”

  “Durov’s capture changes our previous arrangement.”

  Faelan shook his head, frowning in disapproval. “I told you. I’m willing to get as dirty as I need to—on both counts. There’s no reason both of us need to get involved.”

  “But you are wrong.”

  “How so?” Faelan demanded.

  “We will have to gather all of our resources to have any chance of rescu—”

  There was a light knock on the door.

  Marquis gave both Brie and Faelan a look of warning before stating lightly, “Come in, Celestia.”

  His sub walked in holding a plate of freshly baked cookies, the aroma of which proceeded her. She smiled at her Master as she placed it on the coffee table.

  “I thought you and our guests could enjoy these while I get your tea, Master.” She turned around with a twinkle in her eye, shutting the doors behind her.

  The citrus scent of lemons wafted through the air, causing Faelan’s stomach to growl.

  Marquis nodded toward the plate. “Please, take as many as you like. I find citrus clears the mind and makes it easier to think.”

  Faelan grabbed one of the cookies, handing it to Brie before taking three more for himself.

  When he noticed Marquis watching him, he asked, “What? Aren’t you having any?”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Faelan grabbed one off the plate and tossed it at him. “Too bad, we all need to think clearly right now.”

  Marquis deftly caught the cookie and chuckled amiably. “True enough.”

  Celestia returned with a large tray and set it down gracefully. With practiced precision, she poured each cup, handing the first to her Master. She then gave the next to Faelan, and to the last cup she added a small decoration before handing it to Brie.

  It was a single dandelion flower, its stem weaved around the handle of the cup.

  She smiled at Brie as she offered it. “I saw it outside the kitchen window and thought of you—so joyful and resilient.”

  Brie stared at the bright yellow flower. “I’ve never thought of dandelions that way before, but I like the comparison. Thank you.”

  “Dandelions are one of my favorites, just ask my Master.”

  Marquis smiled at Celestia with amusement. “I can attest to her love of the weed.”

  “It’s only a weed because a man gave it that classification. To me, it’s the most magical flower in the world, especially when it transforms and I blow a wish.”

  Brie picked up the hot cup of tea and took a long sip, closing her eyes as she took in its healing warmth. “Mmm… Thank you, Celestia. For the flower, your wisdom, and this tea. It’s exactly what I needed.”

  “Don’t forget the cookies,” Faelan added, grabbing two more from the plate.

  Celestia bowed and was about to leave the room when Marquis told her in a gentle tone, “Get a cup for yourself. I would like you to join us.”

  She gave Marquis another quick bow, a lovely smile gracing her face as she looked up at him in adoration. “Thank you, Master.”

  Taking advantage of her short absence, Marquis addressed Faelan. “There is no reason to worry about Mrs. Davis.”

  He turned to Brie and said, “We shall have a long talk, you and I. There is much I do not know, and now that I am becoming personally involved it is imperative I remedy that.”

  “I will try, Marquis, but it’s hard not to get emotional when I talk about everything that’s happened. Sometimes it chokes me up so much and nothing comes out.”

He raised an eyebrow, pausing for a moment. “To aid you with that, I think you need a session with my flogger.”

  Faelan could see relief flood through Brie at the suggestion.

  “Mr. Wallace, I would like it if you stay to observe. It won’t take long.”

  Faelan was uncertain why Marquis was making such a request, but he respected the Dom far too much not to feel honored.

  When Celestia returned with her cup, Marquis took it from her and instructed her to sit beside Brie while he poured her tea.

  Faelan appreciated the unique relationship between them. Marquis was a demanding Master, but he always treated Celestia with the utmost respect. Faelan hoped to follow his example one day, but first he needed to find a sub who would appreciate such treatment. Mary would have thought it weak if he had done such a thing.

  No, he needed someone with the same strength and emotional grace as Celestia. Finding such a person—that was the real challenge.

  He glanced at Brie. Even before he began exploring the lifestyle, his spirit had recognized the submissive in her. Losing Brie to Davis had been a crushing blow, but time had proven the two were a good match. The truth Faelan had to face was that he’d never earned her devotion—her interest, yes, but not her love.

  It had taken him a long time to admit it to himself. The moment he realized that, with the help of Marquis Gray’s counsel, he’d become free from his obsession with her.

  It had allowed him to move forward with Mary. Despite the fact their relationship hadn’t ended well, he’d learned through their joint struggles. He was a better man, and Dom, for loving Mary.

  Tono Nosaka had helped him see that.

  Faelan snorted to himself. Oh, how he’d resented the guy when they were in direct competition for Brie’s affection, but now—years later—he held Nosaka in the same high regard as Marquis.

  The world was a remarkably complicated place.

  He stilled his own musings when he overheard Celestia telling Brie, “If you can find where Rytsar Durov put it, I would deeply appreciate you giving it to Sir Davis yourself.”

  Faelan noticed Brie flinch at the mention of Durov’s name, but she quickly forced a smile and asked, “What should I be looking for?”

  “It’s a small box with a blue bow.”

  Brie looked perplexed. “I have no idea where he might have left it, but I will definitely be on the lookout.”

  “Normally I would just let it go, but this is a very special gift.”

  “Do you mind sharing what it is?” Brie asked.

  “Not at all,” she replied. “I knew it was meant for him the instant I came across it. The tie pin is in the shape of a violin made from vintage watch parts. The woman who created it is a true genius.”

  “It sounds perfect.”

  Celestia said excitedly, “You will be as enchanted by it as much as I was.”

  “I will definitely look for it, Celestia. I promise,” Brie said, taking both her hands and squeezing them.

  “I’m certain Rytsar Durov knows exactly where it is. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man to lose things.”

  Brie closed her eyes, letting Celestia’s hands go as she struggled to keep her emotions in check.

  Faelan came to Brie’s rescue, asking Marquis, “You mentioned a flogging session, did you not?”

  “I did,” Marquis replied.

  Brie opened her eyes with a hopeful look, but her pleasant expression quickly disappeared when she asked, “Would it be safe for the baby?”

  “The impact would only involve your back. It would in no way endanger the child, whereas the emotions you are struggling with may be having a negative impact.”

  Brie suddenly looked distressed.

  “Naturally, I will speak with your husband and seek medical advice before we proceed.” Marquis’s calm voice seemed to reassure her.

  Brie nodded, stating, “I hope we can.”

  “Celestia, would you mind getting the room ready for us in the event we do?”

  “If it pleases you, Master,” she answered, but the tentative look Celestia gave to Marquis left Faelan with the impression she was concerned she’d said something wrong.

  Marquis put his hand on the top of her head and smiled. “It pleases me greatly, my love.” With his reassurance given, Celestia left them to carry out the task he’d given her.

  Once she was gone, Marquis turned to them. “I will not be keeping what’s happened with Durov from her. While there are some things she must never be told for her own protection, my wife deserves to gather with the community in support of Durov.”

  Brie nodded, looking like she was about to cry again but trying to put on a brave face.

  “No need for tears, Mrs. Davis. Our Russian friend has the strength of an army behind him.”

  “I agree—an army,” Faelan repeated, wanting Brie to know and believe they were prepared to rally together to save him.

  Flogging Her Pain

  Marquis left to make his phone calls, leaving Brie and Faelan alone. He noticed her rubbing her belly and asked, “Has it started moving yet?”

  She glanced up at him in surprise, a smile spreading across her lips at the question. “Yes, my baby has.” She looked down at her belly. “It feels like a tiny miracle every time that flutter happens.”

  “My sister said the same thing. She actually enjoyed being pregnant, but near the end she was restricted to bed rest.”

  “I hope that doesn’t happen to me.” Brie grasped her stomach with both hands as she spoke to the child, “Hold on, little one. Mommy’s doing everything she can to keep you safe.” She shook her head, confessing to Faelan, “This poor baby has only known stress from practically the very first moment I found out I was pregnant. The child is doomed…”

  Faelan put his arm around her. “No, now that your husband is awake, the tides of your future are changing, and I’m making it my personal mission to help make the rest of your term as stress-free as possible.”

  “But what about Ry—”

  Before she could finish, Celestia walked in to let them know everything was ready. She smiled kindly at Brie and asked, “Go on please. I didn’t mean to interrupt. What were you saying?”

  Brie glanced at Faelan, somehow able to think quickly on her feet. “I was just about to tell Mr. Wallace I’m worried because I suddenly have a craving for rice and beans. Like I could eat them morning, noon, and night. Is that normal?”

  Faelan was impressed, and kept her ruse going, “Well, my sister ate hot dogs nonstop out of the refrigerator. Sometimes she went through an entire package a day.”

  Celestia shuddered. “Oh, that’s awful.”

  “And the baby turned out all right?” Brie asked, seeming honestly interested.

  “Yeah, cutest damn kid. You’d never know Joshua is literally made out of weenies.”

  Both women laughed, which was what Marquis walked into when he returned.

  “What did I miss?” he asked his sub.

  “Just the odd cravings of Brie and Mr. Wallace’s sister,” Celestia answered.

  Marquis seemed amused by their conversation. “I have heard women become slaves to certain cravings.”

  “And Brie’s is rice and beans,” Celestia told him.

  “Rice and beans?” Marquis asked, giving Brie a knowing look.

  She shrugged. “I just was wondering if my baby will be okay despite that.”

  “If that is your concern, you will be pleased to learn your husband not only encourages the session but your doctor okayed it. Who knows, it may even cure you of your odd craving.”

  Faelan could see the relief on Brie’s face, and was grateful. He knew that this flogging session with Marquis was exactly what Brie and the baby needed if they were to remain unscathed from the tragedy of recent events. Knowing he was being invited to watch the Master at work, Faelan decided to ask the same question he’d been conditioned to ask while attending the Dominant Training course.

  “What should I concentrate
on as I observe you today, Marquis Gray?”

  “A fine question, young Padawan,” Marquis answered with a smirk. “I would like you to observe the benefits of pain used for emotional healing.”

  “I have to admit that is not a direction I’ve gone before so it should prove quite educational.”

  Marquis glanced in Brie’s direction. “You may have need of it in the future.”

  Faelan nodded, understanding things were about to get more difficult—for everyone involved.

  “Your path is a significant one, Mr. Wallace,” Marquis stated. “Not only now, but in the years ahead. I consider it an honor to be a part of it.”

  Faelan looked at him in humorous disbelief, unsure if the normally subdued Master was having a little fun at his expense—especially after the Star Wars reference.

  “That has got to be the biggest compliment ever given,” Celestia said in awe, looking at her Master.

  “I agree.” Faelan chuckled lightly. “Which is why it can’t possibly be about me. Nosaka, perhaps…”

  Marquis’s gaze bore into his soul. “I do not speak idle words.”

  “Yes, I’m well aware,” he replied, flustered by the man’s intense scrutiny.

  “Rather than deflect my compliment, embrace your God-given talents and commit to using them wisely.”

  Faelan felt a tremendous responsibility, wanting to live up to Marquis’s belief in him, but thought it misplaced. “My talents with particular instruments mean little when I don’t possess your wisdom.”

  Marquis smiled at his answer. “Ah, but you do. You just haven’t learned to trust it yet.”

  Faelan stared at him as a rush of adrenaline coursed through his body.

  “You feel it, don’t you?” Marquis asked perceptively. “Those things that have held you down will begin to lose their tight grip. Once you are ready to let go, you will be free.”

  The idea of truly being free of the burdens he carried…it was an intoxicating concept, and Faelan nodded.

  Celestia informed Marquis, “The room and your music are ready, Master.”


  Marquis put his hand on the small of Brie’s back and guided her through the hallways. Faelan followed behind, fascinated by the quiet power of the man. Every interaction was thoughtful and profound. He shook his head, still digesting Marquis’s assertion about his future.


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