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Under His Protection (Brie's Submission Book 14)

Page 17

by Red Phoenix

  Faelan wasn’t intimidated by Davis’s foul mood because he understood it wasn’t personal. It was a normal reaction to recovery; only his was compounded by the threat against the Russian, a man he called brother.

  Davis was up against an impossible wall.

  “I have a suggestion.”

  Davis glanced at Faelan dismissively. “Don’t you dare give me any platitudes.”

  Faelan held up his hands. “Hey, I wasn’t going there.”

  Davis sighed. “I apologize. What is your suggestion?”

  “If you can’t go, then I will go in your stead.”

  “You are charged with overseeing Lilly. Brie will not be put in harm’s way again because of my immobility.”

  “Lilly isn’t going anywhere. The baby isn’t due to arrive for another month. There’s plenty of time, and we have to act fast to save Durov.”

  Davis frowned. “The sooner the better—if he is to have a chance.”

  “Then it’s settled. I can leave with a day’s notice if you need. Just tell me where and who I have to talk to.”

  “It won’t be that simple, and you cannot go alone.”

  Faelan whistled in exasperation. “You know that’s just going to waste time.”

  “Not finding someone to join you would be a waste of time.”


  “If you go alone, you are dead.”

  Brie walked back in with a handful of white towels. She went over to the cup on the ground and dried up the liquid. Afterward, she put the towels in the plastic hamper and walked over to Davis. Before she could speak, he held out his arms to her.

  “I’m sorry, babygirl. You didn’t deserve to be yelled at for helping me.”

  Bending down, she melted into his embrace, pressing her cheek against his chest. “It’s okay, Sir.”

  “No, it’s not,” he replied, petting her long hair. “None of this is okay and I took it out on you.”

  “I understand. You’re afraid—like me…” Her voice broke and she buried her face in his chest.

  “I’m terrified,” he admitted.

  Brie began to cry and Davis did nothing to stop her tears, the two suffering silently together.

  When Brie finally quieted, she pulled herself from his embrace and left the room without explanation.

  Davis actually smiled when she returned a short time later with a set of fresh towels in her arms. “I can handle a few tears,” he admonished.

  “That was not a few tears, and I could have kept crying. But it doesn’t help you and it doesn’t help…him.”

  Davis nodded, his face straining as he fought again to keep control of his emotions.

  While Brie sopped up his wet gown, Davis talked to Faelan about possible candidates. “Gray is out of the question, and Brad’s off crutches but his leg is still compromised. I could ask Baron, I’m sure he’d help.”

  “It’s too bad Coen is in Australia,” Faelan lamented. “He’d make a good bodyguard.”

  Davis grunted his agreement.

  “What about Ms. Clark?” Brie suggested, gathering the second set of towels and stuffing them in the hamper.

  “No way should she be involved,” Faelan replied.

  Davis mused on her suggestion. “Although they do have a history together…she’s still worth considering.”

  “There’s also Captain,” Brie added. “I bet his experience would be invaluable.”

  “Wallace, would you make the calls to our friends? See who is able and willing. Have them meet here tonight.”

  “Even Ms. Clark?” Faelan asked to confirm. “Isn’t she still in Denver?”

  “It’s only a two-and-a-half-hour flight,” Davis replied. “But…she may not be able to leave because of her duties at the Academy.”

  “Still call her then?”

  “I would,” Brie piped up.

  “And why are you so insistent she be included, babygirl?” Davis asked.

  “When things were bad…” Brie paused, as she thought back on it. “Ms. Clark reached out to me. I didn’t appreciate just how much she cares about you—and in a time of crisis, it even extended to me.”

  “She has matured over the years,” he replied gruffly, obviously touched to hear of their interaction.

  “She loves you, Sir, and she loves Rytsar. I think she should be given the opportunity to help if she can.”

  “It will be dangerous,” he warned, staring directly at Faelan.

  “Then you’ll need people fully committed,” Faelan replied, unruffled.

  Davis accepted his allegiance but seemed distressed. “I don’t know how I will repay you for this.”

  “You already have by finding me a donor,” Faelan answered, patting the scar on his abdomen.

  “You owe me nothing and you shouldn’t go into this based on an obligation of debt.”

  Faelan smiled easily, shrugging his shoulders. “I’m not. I need to trust my instincts, something Marquis has encouraged me to do, and my instincts are telling me I need to be a part of this.”

  Brie had remained silent during their exchange, but she wore an odd expression considering the seriousness of the discussion.

  It made Faelan curious enough to ask, “What has you all animated?”

  She met his gaze, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “I’m sorry, it really has nothing to do with what you two are talking about.” She bowed her head and apologized, “Forgive me.”

  Davis seemed just as perplexed by her sudden elation and commanded, “Go on…explain yourself.”

  She looked at Davis, grinning. “I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it.”


  “I just had a vision about you, Todd Wallace,” she announced, her finger pointing at him.

  “What kind of vision?” Davis asked, clearly interested.

  Her smile widened. “The voice of reason.”

  Faelan frowned. “You’re not making sense.”

  Brie jumped up off her chair, bursting with infectious energy as she explained. “I see you doing a talk show on cable. It’s so real that I got the chills.”

  “This is completely out of left field,” he told her, even more confused.

  “A talk show, Brie?” Davis questioned, now sounding concerned for her.

  Brie’s smile only grew bigger. “It’s going to happen! I don’t know when or how, but it’s going to happen! I’m seeing a show that debunks the myths about BDSM and…you bring experts in to teach your audience how to practice BDSM safely and effectively. Oh my, people are going to go crazy for it.”

  Faelan chuckled. “I think you’re the one who’s crazy.”

  He looked at Davis. “She’s certifiable now.”

  Brie blurted, “And the best part! It will be called The Voice of Reason.”


  “Brie, where is this coming from?” Davis asked.

  “I know I sound crazy, but I’m telling you it was as clear as day to me. I can see it in my mind,” she insisted.

  Brie looked at Faelan in earnest. “You’re so charismatic and knowledgeable. People aren’t just hungry to learn about BDSM, they want to know how to do it. They’re looking for someone they can trust, and you already have a strong following because of the documentary.”

  Faelan glanced at Davis, shaking his head. “I don’t even know why we’re discussing this.”

  Brie punched him in the arm, stating confidently, “It’s going to happen.”

  “I’m glad you feel confident about Wallace’s future, babygirl,” Davis said, “But this is neither the time nor the place for such things.”

  “It’s the perfect time,” she insisted. Turning to Faelan, she asked, “Do you feel it? A certainty in the core of your being that this is your future? I rarely get a feeling this intense.”

  He stared at her for several moments. Something had stirred his spirit while she was speaking. And even if her vision was completely nuts, he was certain of one thing. He was there to fulfill a purpos
e—protecting her in whatever capacity necessary.

  Brie looked at him with joyous expectation.

  Her confidence was disconcerting, but Faelan was acutely aware she was tired, frightened, and running on pure emotion. It was only natural to cling to a dream in the face of an uncertain reality.

  She deserved to hold on to something, so he told her, “Whether it plays out the way you envision or not, at least we know I’ll be coming back from Russia.”

  The smile she flashed him was worth indulging her moment of craziness.

  Davis looked anxious and unsettled, completely lost in his own thoughts.

  Brie stared at her Master in silence, the momentary high already lost as reality set back in. “What can I do, Sir?” she asked, seeking direction.

  Davis looked at her with a tender smile. “I can think of only one thing I need right now.”

  She put his hand up to her cheek and looked deep in to his eyes. “What, Sir?”

  “I’ve heard the recording, but it’s no substitute for the real thing.” He moved his hand down and placed it on her stomach. “I really need to hear that heartbeat right now.”

  Tears came to her eyes and she nodded.

  Faelan cleared his throat, wanting to give them space. “I’ll go make those calls now.”

  Brie got up to join Faelan. “I’ll walk out with you. I’ve got a heart monitor to scrounge up.”

  She turned her head, smiling through fresh tears as she looked back at her husband. “We have to hold on to our hope. Rytsar made us a promise.”

  Davis gave her a crooked smile as she closed the door.


  Rescue Team

  That night Faelan waited in the hospital room, along with Brie and Davis.

  “How many do you expect to come?” Brie asked.

  “Everyone expressed their desire to help, but such a request requires thoughtful consideration and the ability to leave on a moment’s notice. Unfortunately, I can’t say.”

  “Yes, this is not a decision to be taken lightly,” Davis agreed. “But it’s hard, this waiting. Every second wasted could result in his death.”

  Brie let out an anxious sigh as she stared at the door.

  Captain was the first to walk in with Marquis by his side. Neither man had his sub with him, which Faelan found telling.

  “I specifically instructed Wallace to leave you out of this,” Davis told Marquis.

  “It wasn’t Mr. Wallace who called me, it was my old friend.” Marquis glanced at Captain, who gave a curt nod before walking up to Davis.

  “Can I just say that it is a true blessing to see you awake and recovering.”

  Davis took his hand in both of his to shake it. “Brie told me how instrumental you were in bringing her to my bedside after the crash. She said she would not have survived the ordeal without you.”

  Captain gave Brie a sidelong glance. “She exaggerates. Mrs. Davis is strong by her own right.”

  “Still, you made that difficult time easier for her.”

  “I did nothing more than you would, Sir Davis.”

  Baron arrived next. As soon as he saw Davis, his face lit up. Walking straight over, he pulled the man into his arms, not caring about the bed rail between them. “Damn, it’s good to see you again.”

  Davis patted him on the back, smiling when he let go.

  “And kitten…how you have grown,” he said, looking down at Brie’s baby bump. “We’ll be hearing the pitter-patter of little feet before we know it.”

  Brie wrapped her arms around him, closing her eyes and letting herself bask in his comforting presence.

  To everyone’s surprise, Boa walked in next.

  Davis looked to Faelan questioningly, and he shrugged.

  “I’m glad to see you, but I have to admit I’m surprised,” Davis admitted.

  Boa shook his hand, adding a slap on the shoulder. “Mistress and I had a long discussion when we heard from Captain what was going on here tonight. If I can be of any service, I’m willing to offer myself with my Mistress’s full support.”

  Davis looked at him warmly. “I am more moved than I can express that you have come. However, I do not want to break up partnerships as this will be a dangerous undertaking.”

  “The offer still stands, Sir Davis.”

  “Thank you, Boa.”

  Brie looked up at the beefy sub and smiled. “Yes, thank you. It means the world to us.”

  He grinned down at her. “We subs have to stick together or how would our Masters survive?”

  Brie squeezed his arm as she looked at each person who’d gathered. Faelan could see the hope on her face and he felt the building energy in the room.

  There was a chance…

  Anderson entered the room, hollering, “Yee-haw!” while twirling his cowboy hat over his head. “Let’s go save that Russian bastard.”

  Davis shook his head. “I’m afraid you’re not going.”

  Anderson frowned. “Why?”

  “You are…” Davis started.

  “A gimp,” Faelan finished.

  Anderson flashed Faelan a mocking grin. “I’ll show you who’s a gimp. Let’s wrestle. I dare ya, Wolffie.”

  “Seriously, Brad,” Davis said in a solemn tone. “You’re not fully recovered. It is not worth compromising your safety or those of your teammates. I’m sorry, my friend.”

  Brad glanced over at Faelan. “Don’t tell me Wolffie’s going.”

  “He is.”

  “Damn. It takes just one turtle to ruin an experience of a lifetime.”

  “Consider yourself fortunate.”

  “Not going to happen, especially with Wolffie getting to have all the fun. But you know I support you, man. No hard feelings.”

  Faelan found it amazing that everyone gathered had come knowing that it could mean their own death if they failed, and yet they were here just the same.

  Discussions had barely begun when Ms. Clark arrived. Everyone seemed surprised to see her except Brie and Davis.

  Ms. Clark paused for a moment in the doorway when she first laid eyes on Davis. “You’ve returned.”

  “I have, Samantha.”

  “I was afraid this day would never come.”

  “We’re fighters.”

  She nodded, walking into the room in those dangerous stilettos, clicking loudly with each step she took. She looked fierce and in charge until she wrapped her arms around him and openly wept.

  The room remained silent as the two longtime friends commiserated together.

  Faelan put an arm around Brie while they watched. She looked up at him and whispered, “It’s good she’s here.”

  After Ms. Clark dried her tears, she faced the assembly. “So when do we leave?”

  “Not so fast, Samantha. This is a covert operation that will only require three people. Any more than that risks exposure.”

  The men looked at each other.

  “How can we choose who goes?”

  “The very first question that needs an answer is who here speaks Russian?” Thane asked.

  Ms. Clark was the only one to raise her hand.

  “By default, you will be going,” he announced.

  Ms. Clark smiled at Brie with her bright red lips and said in a superior tone, “I always knew learning a second language would pay off.”

  Brie mouthed the words, “Thank you.”

  “You should all know I have already requested that Mr. Wallace join the rescue effort,” Davis informed them.

  The other men looked at each other, now realizing only one remained to be chosen.

  All of them asked that they be the one, none backing down. Finally, Davis raised his hand to stop the lively discussion. “I have already eliminated Boa from the list. I do not want Mistress Lou to be without her favorite sub.”

  Boa sighed, but bowed to the man. “So be it, Sir Davis. I will still assist you in any way I can.”

  Davis spoke to Marquis next. “As you are aware, I did not want you involved
in this. Protect Celestia and the school. That is your service in this operation.”

  Marquis gave a quick nod. “As Mr. Wallace has been recruited to help in the rescue mission, I will take care of all other matters that require your attention.”

  Faelan glanced at Marquis, the two exchanging a quick glance that would not be noticed by others but communicated their mutual understanding of the transfer of power.

  “So that leaves me and my friend Captain,” Baron stated, puffing up his chest and sporting a beguiling smile aimed at Brie.

  She grinned. “You will always be my hero.”

  “Unfortunately, I will take you up on that offer,” Davis stated. “Captain, like Boa, you have a mate and should not be forced to abandon her.”

  “I disagree,” Captain interjected. “Of all those present, I am the one who understands covert operations and military strategies. These Koslov brothers are an organized band of men every bit as dangerous as those I fought against in the war. I am the only choice.”

  “What about Candy?” Davis protested.

  “She and I have already talked. I am but one old man. Strategically it makes no sense to sacrifice the strong when the weak are just as capable.”

  “I can’t let you do that,” Baron protested.

  Captain turned to face him. “Candy has asked that you become her Master if I do not return from this mission.”

  There was an audible gasp in the room from all attending.

  “No!” Davis cried. “Durov would never accept such a sacrifice.”

  Captain beseeched Baron again. “Would you take my sub as your own if I perish?”

  Baron’s jaw dropped. “Don’t ask this of me.”

  “Why? Because you do not want her?”

  “No, because I don’t want to lose you, friend.”

  Captain put his hand on Baron’s shoulder. “There is no one else I would want to care for my pet. She is very precious to me.”

  Baron looked pained when he answered, “I would be honored to take Candy as my own.”

  “Good,” Captain said, squeezing Baron’s shoulder before letting go. He turned to Davis, announcing, “Then it is settled. You have your team. When do we depart?”

  Davis said nothing. While everyone watched, he grabbed the rails with both hands and forced himself into an upright position. He looked at all who had gathered. “Thank you for your friendship, your courage, and your selfless hearts. Each one of you here offered the same sacrifice, and for that I will be eternally grateful. Brie and I won’t forget this. Rytsar won’t forget this.” His voice faltered. With tears of gratitude he lay back down in the bed.


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