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Crash & Burn (Into The Fire Series Book 10)

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by J. H. Croix

  Crash & Burn

  Into The Fire Series

  J.H. Croix


  1. Rachel

  2. Remy

  3. Remy

  4. Remy

  5. Rachel

  6. Rachel

  7. Rachel

  8. Remy

  9. Rachel

  10. Rachel

  11. Remy

  12. Remy

  13. Rachel

  14. Rachel

  15. Remy

  16. Rachel

  17. Remy

  18. Remy

  19. Rachel

  20. Rachel

  21. Remy

  22. Rachel

  23. Rachel

  24. Remy

  25. Remy

  26. Rachel

  27. Rachel

  28. Remy

  29. Rachel

  30. Remy

  31. Rachel

  32. Rachel

  33. Remy

  34. Rachel


  Excerpt: This Crazy Love

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  About the Author

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 J.H. Croix

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 9781794194830

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum

  “This is love: to fly toward a secret sky, to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. First, to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.” ~Rumi

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  Chapter One



  My dog, the aforementioned Henry, had just bolted away from me. I picked up my jog to a flat-out run, mud splashing on my face as one of my feet slammed into a puddle.

  “Dammit, Henry,” I muttered to myself.

  Ahead of me on the trail, he looked back, covered in mud, with his long tail wagging back and forth. I couldn’t help but laugh. I loved my dog, but he was nuts. Black and gold with silky fur, he was full of energy and adventure.

  We were taking one of our usual runs. Now that it was early spring, or rather mud season, as it was best known in Alaska, it was warm enough to get outside more often. For a moment, I thought Henry was done with his fun, but he looked away and kept on running, appearing to think this was a game.


  At this rate, he would probably make it all the way back to the car before I caught up to him.

  That’s fine. I need more exercise anyway. My ass is big enough already.

  Coming around the corner on the trail, I let out a yelp when I almost collided with someone. My feet skidded in the mud, and I fell into an inglorious heap.

  “Ouch!” I exclaimed as my knee collided with a rock somewhere in the mud.

  Rising up slightly on my hands, I glanced down at my muddy legs and shirt. I’d fallen in the edge of a puddle and was now soaked and covered in muck. When I looked up, my gaze ran smack into Remy Martin. “Oh shit.”

  Of course I said that out loud.

  You see, Remy was sexy as hell. At the moment, he happened to be wearing a pair of running shorts that molded to his legs, which were nothing but muscle. He was nothing but muscle.

  My eyes traveled up his legs and across his muscled chest. His heather gray T-shirt was damp with sweat and conveniently—as far as my eyes were concerned, that is—delineated every muscle of said sexy chest. When my gaze traveled to his face, mossy green eyes met mine, his dark blond hair mussed. Although his skin had a light sheen of sweat, he appeared barely winded.

  “Oh shit?” he asked after staring at me for a moment. “Are you mad at me for existing?”

  His slow southern drawl slid over me. Remy’s voice was like honey and whiskey—rich with a hint of sweet, and so damn sexy. Just hearing him speak sent heat spinning through me.

  Fuck. This time, I kept my profanity to myself. I was sitting here, covered in mud, with the hottest man in town staring down at me. I felt my cheeks heating and was relieved I had mud on my face because perhaps it would obscure my blush. Score one for mud.

  “I was mad at the puddle, not you,” I replied, only half-lying. I was mad at the puddle, but I was also horrified to be in this state in his presence.

  With a shake of my head, I moved to scramble to my feet. I managed to get halfway up and then my foot slid out from under me again. Because it was that kind of day.

  Remy held a hand out, and I bit my lip with a sigh. Reaching up, his strong grip curled around my hand as he pulled me up easily. Once I was upright, he stepped back, making sure I was fully out of the puddle and on firmer ground before he released me.

  His eyes coasted over me. “Are you okay?”

  Embarrassed, flustered, and annoyed as hell at my body’s swift reaction to Remy’s presence, I managed to nod. “I’m fine, just a little dirty. Thanks for helping me up,” I said with a wry smile, gesturing at the mud streaks on my legs.

  Remy’s mouth kicked up at one corner in a half-grin. Sweet hell, his grins should be illegal. My lower belly clenched and heat radiated outward.

  “Anytime, darlin’,” he replied, his grin stretching to the other side of his mouth. “I presume that was your dog who just ran past me?” One of his brows hitched up.

  I had completely forgotten about Henry. That just went to show how easily Remy rattled me. “Yes, oh God, I need to catch up to him.”

  As I started to turn, Remy put his hand on my elbow. Before I could say a word, he spoke. “Wait.”

  The word was low, and somehow authoritative. But then, everything about Remy was powerful and authoritative. Oh, and sexy as hell. Did I mention that yet?

  The man practically dripped sex with his southern drawl, his fit, muscled body, and his dangerously heated gaze. To top it all off—nature really had been too generous with him—he had chiseled features, high cheekbones, and full lips. The man could’ve been a model. Yet, he seemed oblivious to his effect on women. He was always gracious and polite.

  I had two conflicting impulses whenever I was near Remy. I wanted to throw myself at him. And, I wanted to curl up in his arms and be held, to have his strength wrapped around me. Remy was that kind of man, the kind you knew would save you if you needed saving.

  Before I even had a chance to ask why Remy wanted me to wait, Henry appeared, dashing toward us and stopping right in front of Remy. Looking down at him, I couldn’t help but laugh. “Of course you come when I’m not even calling.”

  Henry wagged his entire body, practically vibrating when Remy dropped his hand from my elbow and knelt down to pet him. Remy didn’t seem to care one bit that Henry was covered head to toe in mud and was licking his face all over. Even my dog liked Remy.

  When Remy straightened, Henry circled around my legs, and I reached down to pet him. It didn’t matter if he got mud o
n me because I was already covered in it. I looked over at Remy. “Thanks again for helping me up.”

  Remy smiled, his gorgeous green eyes crinkling at the corners. “Anytime, darlin’.” He was quiet for a beat, his gaze considering. “You sure you’re okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just in serious need of a shower.” Leaning down, I clipped Henry’s leash on his collar. He didn’t usually dash off, but I preferred to keep him close until we were back in my car. “Thanks again,” I said with a wave as I started to walk. When I took a step, sharp pain shot from my knee. A gasp hissed through my teeth when I paused.

  Remy was back at my side in a flash. “I’ll walk you back.”

  “Oh my God, I can walk, Remy. I banged my knee when I fell. It’s no biggie,” I insisted.

  He ignored me and stepped to the side where Henry was, taking the leash from me and sliding his other hand into the crook of my elbow. “I can’t let you walk back alone. The last thing I want is for you to slip and fall again.”

  I wanted to argue, but I sensed Remy was going to walk with me, whether I argued the point or not. “Fine,” I muttered.

  We didn’t have far to go. Within a few minutes, we reached the parking lot at the base of the trail. I let Henry into the back of my car, and he immediately started lapping up water from his travel bowl.

  Remy grinned. “Smart,” he said, gesturing to the towels layered on the carpet in the back of my small SUV.

  “Oh, I’m always prepared for Henry to get dirty.” I closed the back of the SUV when Henry curled up and rested his chin on his paws, checking to make sure the windows in the back were cracked open.

  I turned to look at Remy, and caught him taking a nice, long look at my ass. Heat rushed to my cheeks, yet somehow, I didn’t mind. Seeing as I considered him eye candy, I guessed it was fair play for him to check me out. I couldn’t resist commenting though.

  “Were you just staring at my ass?”

  Chapter Two


  Rachel Garrett was all kinds of trouble. She might as well have had the word tattooed on her forehead as far as I was concerned. Although, a more appropriate place for the tattoo in question would be on the swell of her breasts. Precisely where I tended to have trouble with my wandering eyes.

  With her dark brown hair, flashing blue eyes, and curves for days, Rachel was downright sexy. Her sharp attitude only made her more appealing. In short, she was my kind of woman. This was certainly not the first time I had noticed her. I’d been living in Willow Brook for close to a year now, having moved to town after taking a position as a hotshot firefighter on a crew here.

  I crossed paths with Rachel every so often through the connections of shared friends. Yet, I’d never been alone with her before. Just now, she had mud splattered on her face, all over her legs, on her arms, and smudging her shirt and shorts. All I could think was that mud wrestling with Rachel would be more than fun.

  I was a gentleman though. I was also legitimately concerned she hurt herself when she almost collided with me and slipped in the mud.

  “Were you just staring at my ass?” she asked.

  Caught red-handed. I had, in fact, been staring at Rachel’s ass. I didn’t care to try to hide it and let my eyes linger just a bit longer. She had a plump, luscious bottom. With her shorts wet and molded to her body, her curves were outlined perfectly for me.

  I was no misogynistic jerk. I didn’t really think they were outlined for me, but my body sure thought so. I drank in the sight of her, my gaze coasting over the luscious curve of her ass, then to her breasts, where her nipples were visible through the fabric of her damp T-shirt and bra.

  When my eyes finally reached her face, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were flashing.

  “Yes, I was,” I drawled.

  Despite the mud on her cheeks, I could still see her flush deepen. The air around us felt electric as Rachel stared at me. I didn’t doubt for one second just how fiery Rachel would be tangled up with me.

  I hadn’t been interested in a woman in too damn long. I was no monk, but I could’ve been confused for one the last few years of my life. I shook my thoughts away from that path.

  Rachel’s mouth dropped open and then she snapped it shut before putting a hand on her hip and glaring at me. Little did she know that seeing her angry only sent a hot jolt of lust through me.

  “Well, that was rude,” she sputtered, lifting her arm and wiping the back of her hand across the mud on her cheek, an entirely pointless attempt to clean her face, especially considering her hand was covered in mud too.

  A low chuckle escaped from me, and her eyes flashed again. Stepping closer, she actually wagged her finger in my face. “That’s not funny.”

  “Darlin’, you’re covered in mud and you’re gorgeous. I shouldn’t have laughed though, so my apologies.”

  Yet again, her mouth opened and snapped shut.

  “How’s your knee?” I added.

  She flexed it and shrugged. “It’s fine.” Then, she put her palm on my chest and gave me a little shove.

  Damn, the feel of her palm against my chest was like a hot brand right through my shirt. I didn’t even think, I covered her hand with mine and stepped closer. Nothing was funny now.

  I wanted to kiss her. Sweet hell, did I want to kiss her. But I wouldn’t. Not now. “Let’s just be honest. I want you. I’ll let you think on that.”

  At that, I released her hand and stepped back. Henry, her goofy dog, stuck his nose to the crack in the window at that moment, giving out a low woof. Rachel looked at Henry and then back at me, her blue eyes darkening. “I have to go,” she said abruptly.

  “You do that, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Three


  I kicked a chair away from the table with my boot, slipping into it and nodding when Ward Taylor called over a greeting. “Hey, Remy.”

  Ward turned back to finish saying something to Cade Masters, who was seated beside him. I’d come to join a mix of crewmembers at Wildlands Lodge, all of us hotshot firefighters based out of Willow Brook, Alaska. Wildlands was a world-class lodge for all things outdoors, situated on the pristine waters of Swan Lake. It was also a local favorite bar and restaurant. Swan Lake was the centerpiece of Willow Brook, a massive lake with a stunning view of the wilderness on its far shore, the mountains beyond, and encircled with a variety of hunting and fishing lodges.

  A waitress paused beside me, glancing down with a friendly smile. “What can I get for you, Remy?” she asked.

  “Just the house draft on tap.”

  “Nothing to eat?”

  “I’ll take a burger,” a voice called from behind me. Glancing back, I saw Beck Steele approaching the table. Beck flashed me a grin as he slipped into the chair beside me.

  “Ditto,” I replied when the waitress glanced back to me.

  She jotted down our orders and hurried away. I leaned back in my chair, scanning the bar while Beck greeted everyone else at the table. Considering a few of Rachel’s friends were here tonight, I idly wondered if I would see her here tonight.

  Rachel Garrett had done the impossible—she’d damn near set up house in my brain. I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since I’d seen her, nor had I thought I’d ever care enough about anyone again. Sometimes life throws curveballs you can’t anticipate, and the wreckage afterwards is strewn so thoroughly across the landscape of your life, all you can do is pick up stakes and move.

  That’s what I’d done. I’d been a firefighter in western North Carolina, where I was born. Once my life skidded sideways for reasons entirely out of my control, I headed to hotshot training in California. As soon as a position opened up here in Willow Brook, I took it.

  There were quite a few things I missed about home, but I didn’t view my choice to move away as running. There’d been nothing left to run from. I found a change of scenery didn’t hurt so much. Yet, I’d come here knowing no one could ever get through to my heart again.

  Rachel had so
mehow slipped right through, knocking loose a few bricks in the walls around my heart. Those walls had simply built themselves. When you lost just about everyone who matters, sometimes that happened. Or that’s what I told myself, time and again.

  Turning when someone else said my name, I found Jesse Franklin looking at me expectantly. “Yeah?”

  “I was wondering if you were going to be able to be on duty over Memorial Day weekend. It’s a busy time around here, and it seems like half the station’s going on vacation.”

  “I’ll be here. Just tell me where you need me to be.”

  “Sweet,” Jesse replied with a grin and a wink.

  “You’re from North Carolina, right? Do you get down there to visit your family much?” Charlie, Jesse’s wife, asked. They’d up and gotten married only recently, although they’d been together over a year. Or, at least, that was what I’d pieced together. Charlie was pretty, with dark glossy hair and gray eyes. She was also damn smart and a good doctor, which I know from personal experience. Firefighting had its challenges, including minor and major injuries. Over the winter, a beam had fallen when I was on my way out of a house, one of the heavy nails slicing through the side of my hand and leaving a crooked scar for my trouble. Charlie had stitched it up as neatly as possible.


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