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Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  “Malcolm! She cheated on you with strait-laced Malcolm?”

  She sounded shocked by that.

  “Yep, walked into her office, and found her rocking his cock to a whole new tune. Anyway, didn’t really give a shit. It was just fun between the two of us.” He did however go and get a checkup afterward just to make sure. He wrapped his dick, but he didn’t want to take any chances, especially not with his health.

  “Wow, I had no idea. I mean, I thought you were the one cheating. I can’t believe my sister would lie to me. We’re a lot of things, but she’s never lied to me.” He was sure he heard the cogs inside her head turning. “They say you learn something new every day.”

  “Bet you didn’t think it was going to be that, did you?”

  “No. Are you okay?”

  “It didn’t bother me, Autumn. I didn’t love your sister, and the relationship didn’t mean anything to me.” It was a passing phase in his world.

  “Oh, okay then.”

  They drove in silence for several minutes. “What about you? Any lovers, boyfriends, or husbands?”

  “Not a chance. I’ve found boyfriends are a little … boring.”

  “Really, boring?”

  “Yeah. I’m not interested in doing the whole couples thing, going out with friends, cooking for his friends. I had one boyfriend who thought I was going to bake and cook for him and his pals while they went out and partied, and then came on to my place. I don’t think so. That’s not a relationship. I’m not after that.”

  He was intrigued now. “What exactly are you after?” He chanced another glance over at her.

  “A little excitement I guess. Something that gets me all worked up, but it doesn’t have to come with a guarantee, you know?”

  He knew. However, he couldn’t talk to her more about it seeing as he pulled up to the street, and pointed at the restaurant. “There it is.”

  “Wow, she does go for flashy, doesn’t she?” Autumn shook her head. “Sorry. My parents probably love it.”

  “I’ll be seeing you, Autumn,” he said.

  “You will.”

  She climbed out of the car and gave him a final wave before walking up the street. He waited, and she turned, another wave, and entered the restaurant. When he was sure she wasn’t coming out again, he drove off, wondering when she’d realize that he didn’t have a number, and so no way to contact her.

  Just another reason to get her back to his shop, where he could show her a little more excitement.

  Chapter Two

  “Where the hell were you?” Summer asked.

  “My car broke down. I had to get it into a shop.”

  “Whose shop?”

  Autumn hung up her jacket and shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. Right, I’m ready.”

  Summer sighed, looked her over, and did a few tweaks, tucking some of her hair back and straightening her shirt. “There, you’re presentable.”

  On the outside maybe but on the inside Autumn was so shaken by the drive to the restaurant. Her pussy was soaking wet, and her nipples felt a little sore. She was so aroused that she wished she was alone, but as it was, she’d have to get through a couple of hours before she could take matters into her own hands.

  “You’re a little flushed.”

  “I’m fine, Summer.” She forced a smile. “Seriously, I’m fine.”

  Entering the main restaurant she saw that most of the people present were Summer’s colleagues. There was a small table where her parents were sitting, and that was where Autumn went. “Mom. Dad. Happy Anniversary.”

  “Sweetie, are you okay?” her mother asked.

  “I’m good. I’m good. Bad car, and it just decided to go blah on me today. I’m fine though.” She kissed each of her parents, and took a seat. “This is nice.”

  “A little too fancy if you ask me,” her father said.

  “Bill, not tonight. Summer loves doing this, and I’m not going to say anything.”

  “Mary, we don’t know half the people here.”

  Autumn giggled and blew out a breath. Crisis was averted. She watched her sister as she moved around each table, flirting, chatting, and using their parents’ anniversary as just another reason to get more exposure with her colleagues, and for them not to forget her.

  Her thoughts went to Carter, and how good he’d looked. The years had done him well, and his muscles, wow. There was some serious buffness coming from him.

  She was being tugged, and she turned to see Summer grabbing her arm.

  “What are you doing?”

  “There’s someone I want you to meet. Come on.”

  Ugh, she hated when her sister did this.

  Autumn followed her sister toward a table that had a couple of men, and just looking at them, she was bored. They wore suits and were glancing down at their cell phones, clearly more interested in their work. This wasn’t the kind of excitement she was after, and she couldn’t wait until the night was over. Her sister clearly didn’t care that she was about to bore her death.

  The one good thing with these men looking at their cell phones was she could concentrate on her fantasies that featured a very hunky man, a mechanic.


  Carter couldn’t have planned it better as he saw the taxi pull up outside of his shop, and smiled. Autumn was paying as he climbed out from underneath a different car. He was wiping his hands on a cloth when she turned around.

  “Oh, hey,” she said.

  “What can I do for you?” he asked. He knew exactly what she wanted.

  “I didn’t give you my cell number, or any way to contact me. I figured you’d need some details to call at least.”

  She wore a pair of tight jeans, molding to her nice juicy ass. He wanted her, and his cock had a mind of its own as he started to get hard once again.

  “Then let’s go and get your number down.”

  “Have you finished with my car?”

  “I’m afraid not. I’m having to wait for a part.” He stepped right up behind her, pushing open the door, over her. Autumn stumbled, and he placed a hand on her waist to balance her. “I’ve got you, babe.”

  She gasped. It was the quietest sound, but he heard it. Autumn didn’t move away from him, nor did she try to push his hand away. Gripping her waist tightly, he leaned in and breathed in her citrusy scent. He didn’t know if it was from the kind of soap she used or her baking. She smelled amazing.

  He urged her inside his shop, which he’d pulled the blinds down ahead of time. If she wanted some excitement, then he was more than happy to provide it. Dirty, rough, exciting, any way she wanted, he was more than willing.

  “Thank you.” She turned toward him, and she was biting her fucking lip again, driving him crazy.

  Moving his hand up her body, he grazed over her tit, and cupped her face. Running his thumb along her lip, he pulled it out from between her teeth. “You really need to stop doing that.”

  “Doing what?” she asked.

  “Biting that lip.” Then, throwing caution to the wind, he pressed his cock against her. “Otherwise I’ll have to do something about it, and I’ve got no problems with that.”

  “Carter?” Her eyes were huge as she stared back at him. He saw he’d surprised her, and yet from the flush in her cheeks, he knew he’d excited her as well.

  “Tell me no, Autumn. Tell me no, and I’ll stop. I’ll get your car, and you won’t have to worry about a thing. No hard feelings.”

  She simply stared at him, and he had to wonder what was going through her mind as she did. What was she thinking, feeling? He’d never really cared what a woman was thinking about him. It never mattered. Most often, they were thinking dirty shit, and he loved that. He loved being in every woman’s mind, and the dirty shit was always the best kind. She closed her eyes, and he saw her frown a little, and then her eyes opened.

  Autumn spun around in his arms, and he saw the heat and need in her eyes. “Yes. Whatever the hell you want to do, yes.”

ever the hell I want to do?” he asked, gripping her hips, and pushed her toward the edge of his desk. The room was small. Placing her down on the edge, he closed the door, flicking the lock into place.

  “What if someone comes?”

  “Oh, someone is going to come all right, but I don’t care about anyone else outside of this room.” He moved back to the desk, and pushed her coat off her shoulders. Staring at her lips, Carter had been waiting a long time to do this. Slamming his down on hers, he finally kissed those fuckable lips. When he ran his tongue across her bottom lip, she opened up, and he slid inside, meeting her halfway. She let out a moan, arching up against him. Her large tits pressed against his chest, and he wanted her. Fuck, he wanted her so damn bad, but who was he kidding? He’d spent a great deal of time thinking about sweet little Autumn over the years. As stupid as it sounded, when the leaves started to turn red and fall off the trees, to him it was Autumn. He’d spent a couple of years in England when he’d graduated school. In England, fall was Autumn.

  She tugged the shirt off his body, breaking their kiss long enough to get him naked. He did the same, removing her shirt, and throwing it into the pile of clothes that was getting bigger with every second.

  Pushing his fingers beneath the bra she wore, he slowly started to lower it down her arms. He couldn’t wait any longer, so he flicked the catch at the back, and her tits spilled free. Cupping those beauties in his hands, Carter was in heaven, pure heaven.

  Her nipples were a nice dusty red, and her breasts were so big that her flesh still had some of the imprint of the bra. He leaned down, swiping one nipple and pinching the other, watching as she gasped out, tensing up just a little.

  “Your tits are fucking perfect.” He bit down on one nub as he rubbed his thumb over the other. “I want to fuck these. Press them together, and run my cock in between.” He pushed them together, and she moaned, going for the belt of his jeans.

  He was charmed by her effort to get him out of his jeans, but it showed she’d not had a lot of experience. Stepping back, he unbuckled his belt, and shoved the jeans down to his knees.

  “You don’t wear boxers?” she asked.

  “No. They confine my dick, and I don’t like them.”

  He wrapped his fingers around his dick, and started to work from the base up to the tip, then back down again. The tip was already leaking pre-cum. “Get naked for me,” he said.

  She stood, and with her gaze still on him, she wriggled out of her jeans. He loved that she didn’t try to cover up her body. He loved her extra curves, and especially her tits and hips. He wasn’t a small man, and he couldn’t wait to feel her ass nestled against his hips as he plowed into her.

  When her knickers stayed on, he tutted, and stepped close. “That is not naked.” In one quick tug, he tore those panties and placed them in his drawer. “Those will be mine.”

  “You’re going to keep them?”

  “A little memento of our time together.”

  He pushed her back against the desk, and shoved the papers and pens out of the way. They crashed to the floor at the same time that he took her lips, kissing her.

  “You taste so fucking good,” he said.

  “I had a cinnamon roll this morning.”

  “Fuck, baby.” He deepened the kiss, needing more, and it wasn’t just about the cinnamon either. It was everything. It was all of her. Sliding his hands up the inside of her thighs, he cupped her pussy, finding her soaking wet. He loved a soaking wet pussy. There was nothing worse than a woman who was faking it all.

  She cried out, arching up once again, and he took advantage, sucking on her nipples, biting down on the buds and flicking the tips.

  Thrusting two fingers inside her, he ran his thumb across her clit.

  “Tell me you want this,” he said.

  “I want this. I want this so much. I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t be doing this.”

  He paused. “Why?”

  “Because you dated my sister.”

  “Summer has nothing to do this with. I’ve not seen or heard from her in years. If you don’t want to do anything, you tell me. As far as I’m concerned this is between the two of us. No one else.”

  Chapter Three

  He was giving her the out she needed, but she didn’t want to take it. Not now, not ever. Carter was between her thighs with his perfectly skilled hands on her body. They were both naked, apart from him having jeans around his knees.

  “I don’t want to stop.” Autumn bit her lip, thinking about her sister one final time, and then pushing her aside. Summer hadn’t spoken about Carter, or even showed that she cared.

  This was not wrong.

  Carter was a free agent, and with that, Autumn was ready.

  “Good, because I don’t want to stop.” He knelt down between her thighs, and his mouth was on her clit, sucking the nub inside.

  “Oh, God!” She collapsed onto his desk, unable to hold herself up as his wicked tongue danced across her pussy. He flicked her clit, sucked it inside his mouth, using his teeth to bite down before sliding to her entrance. His tongue thrust inside her pussy, and she screamed his name. His fingers stroked through her slit, following the path of his tongue.



  “The name’s Carter, not God.” He thrust two fingers inside her, and started to stretch her pussy. “You’re so damn tight, and in case you haven’t seen, I’m big.”

  “I saw.” She had seen how big he was, and it was easy to say that he was the biggest she’d ever seen.

  “I’m going to fuck you so damn hard that every time you walk you’re going to be feeling it.”

  She could do nothing but moan at his words. She wanted that. She wanted him, there was no denying that.

  He sucked her clit hard, using his teeth. The pain was almost too much for her to bear, and then it was overtaken by pleasure as he released her, soothing out the pain with the flat of his tongue.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

  “That’s what we’re going to do, but first you’re going to come all over my face.”

  Carter fucked her pussy with his fingers, sliding deep inside her, and pulling out to soothe over her clit from her teeth.

  “So good, so good.” She’d never had this feeling at all. None of the men she had been with had ever given her this. She was flying higher and higher with every passing second, making her want more and more.

  He knew what he was doing. There was no denying that.

  “Such a sweet pussy. Such a nice pussy.” He sucked her clit, and as it was in his mouth, he flicked the nub, and she flew, hurtling into orgasm.

  Screaming his name, she came all over his face, losing every single part of herself as she did.

  Carter shattered her world, and she knew without a doubt that there was no way to put it back together, not now. She’d been used to the quick fumbles in the world. The occasional quick touch before the main event. No man had ever gone down on her, never offered her oral.

  He moved up from between her thighs, and she watched as he rolled the condom over his large dick.

  Then he moved between her thighs, and the tip caressed between her slit. He coated the condom with her cum, and then the tip was at her entrance. “I’m going to fuck you, baby. It’s going to be so damn hard.”

  He pushed the head inside her, and she gasped. Already the fit was a little tight. Suddenly he pulled out of her, and in one quick movement, he flipped her over so that she was on her stomach. He spread the cheeks of her ass open, and his fingers teased between her thighs.

  His cock was at her entrance once again, only instead of him going slow, with one hard thrust, he filled her tight pussy, and she screamed. There was pain from the thickness of his cock. Not only was he long, he was wide as well, and she wasn’t used to being filled to the brim.

  “Fucking perfect. I always knew you would be.” He caught her hands, and held them at the base of her back, keeping her secure. Kissing her neck, he groaned. “You do
know this isn’t going to be just one time?”

  It had to be. She didn’t know if she could survive a second.


  Autumn’s pussy kept pulsing around him, driving him wild with need. “Yes, fuck, yes.” Carter couldn’t think of the right words to say, nor did he care. This woman was so damn tight, but then again, he’d always been big in the cock department.

  In high school, he’d gotten the reputation for being a big dick for both reasons. One, he actually had a big cock, and also, he was a dick to the women he wanted.

  “You’ve got such a nice, tight pussy. So perfect, baby.”


  “It’s okay.” He kissed her neck, breathing in her scent, wanting more of her. Carter wasn’t going to deny that he’d fantasized about her a few times. She was everything he wanted. Sweet and hot, and confused. He’d watched her many times, and he knew it was one of the reasons that Summer had cheated. In the months they were together, not once did he look at Summer with need, and yet she’d caught him looking at her sister a few times.

  What could he say?

  He’d picked the wrong sister.

  “I can feel every little pulse of your pussy, baby, and it’s so fucking hot. You want this, don’t you?”

  “Yes, yes, I want it.”

  He couldn’t wait to have her at his place, spread eagled, and at his mercy. He’d fuck her into the early hours of the morning, and when they finally woke up after a few hours sleep, he’d fuck her again.

  Pulling out of her cunt, he stared down, seeing her cum slick on the condom. Damn. He wanted her naked on his dick as he pounded inside her, filling her up with his spunk. There was so much dirty stuff he wanted to do with her.

  Thrusting two fingers inside her pussy, he got them nice and slick before pushing his dick back inside. The moment he filled her, she released a little whimper, and he chuckled. “Not used to having this pussy filled?”

  “Not like this.”

  He pulled out and slammed back inside. Both of them groaned as he filled her. Closing his eyes, he basked in the pleasure of her cunt squeezing him, demanding everything from his dick. “I fucking love your pussy.” He’d had it once, and he just knew without a doubt, it was never going to be enough. He wanted her more and more.


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