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Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “You shouldn’t be looking in there.”

  “I needed a pen. Move them.” Denny shook his head. “I’m worried about you.”

  “Don’t be.” Carter knew what he was doing, and it wasn’t going to hurt her.

  At lunchtime he left Denny to make his daily trip the bakery. Not only did he get to see Autumn, he got to have some awesome food, and she was one hell of a cook. Really delicious food, and he was all over that kind of deliciousness.

  Seeing the shop busy, Carter walked in, and stood off to the side as Autumn and Hilary served customers. She didn’t look put out, or annoyed. Autumn was smiling, chatting with customers, and simply being herself.

  He loved watching her.

  When he had first seen her, she’d been a seventeen-year-old, struggling with school, and her place in the world. He had thought her to be really beautiful. A beauty that was on the outside as much as it was on the inside. The years had only done her justice, maturing her beauty.

  Fifteen minutes later, and she finally caught sight of him. The shop was pretty much empty, and she let out a sigh. “Sorry about that,” she said.

  “Is it always this busy?”

  Hilary snorted. “Yeah, lunchtime is one of our busiest times. Carter, can I have your address?”

  He frowned.

  “My car. It’s been making some really weird crunching noise. It’s kind of making me nervous, and I don’t drive well if I’m nervous.”

  “Sure.” He grabbed one of the napkins and a pen, writing down his address. “Bring it in anytime.”

  “Excellent. I take it the service is top notch?”

  “You won’t get a better service.”

  “Awesome.” In the kitchen behind he heard a couple of beeps. “My turn. You stay here, serve this handsome man. I will go deal in the kitchen with their incessant beeping.”

  Autumn chuckled, watching her boss disappear.

  “She’s trying to pretend not to play matchmaker.” She looked at him. “With her car on the outs, does that mean our Sunday is cancelled?”

  “Not a chance. I’m not changing anything. Any more cars will just have to wait. I’ve got a few I can hold off doing.”

  “I can’t wait. It’s been a long time.”

  “So much for our phone call away, huh?” he asked, laughing.

  “I’m not disappointed. Our two times together have been magical, and last night was fun.”

  “Speaking of fun, guess who stopped off at my shop today?” he asked. Carter wasn’t going to tell her about it, but he couldn’t keep a secret from her. He didn’t want it to look like he was hiding something.

  “Do I want to know?”


  “Someone famous?”


  “I don’t have a clue.”


  “My sister?”

  “Yes, your sister decided to come to my place and ask me out to dinner.”

  “Oh, what did you say?” she asked.

  He frowned. Leaning on the counter, he crooked his finger for her to come in close. “Why would I even say yes, when about two weeks ago I’d say, I was balls deep inside you.” Pressing a kiss to her lips, he smiled. “You need to have a little more faith in me than that.”

  “Sorry. I wonder why she was coming around.”

  He held the locket up. “To bring me back this.”

  She held the locket between the tips of her fingers, running her thumb across the picture. “It’s beautiful. Did you buy it for her?”

  “No. It was my mother’s, and I lost it while I was hanging around Summer’s. She finally returned it to me. It took her long enough.”

  “Your mother’s?”

  “Yeah.” He flicked the clasp open, showing her a picture of his parents. “They died not long after I graduated school. It was a rough time, and my mom always said I could have it. I would never sell something like this. She would wear it all the time.”

  “I can see why. It’s beautiful.” Autumn smiled. “What would you like?”

  “The usual. Add an extra chocolate chip muffin for Denny. He’s been in a weird mood lately.”


  He watched her work, admiring the curves of her ass.

  She rang him up, taking the money.

  “I will be seeing you on Sunday.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Seven

  Saturday evening, much to Autumn’s dismay, she sat in a nightclub, watching as her sister danced with some random stranger. Why did she agree to go out just to make up with her?

  Sitting at the bar, Autumn drank her vodka, wishing she was anywhere else but here. Tomorrow morning she had a date, and she intended to be more than ready to enjoy that date. She’d already sent a quick text to Carter, letting him know that she was at this nightclub, and would, she hoped, be ready for him in the morning.

  The song ended, and Summer made her way over. “Whoop, whoop. Why aren’t you dancing?”

  “I don’t dance.” Autumn never got asked to dance, and there was no way she was just going to walk onto the dance-floor looking like a damn sap in need.

  “Come on, we can have some fun.”

  Autumn looked past her shoulder, seeing another guy practically drooling to have a dance with her sister. “No, you go. There’s a guy there begging for you.”

  Summer looked behind her, smirking. “Okay, I’m going to go and get him.” She downed her drink, and hiccupped. “Oops.”

  Autumn smiled and turned back to her drink at the bar.

  “You okay?” the barman asked.


  The barman left her alone to wallow in her loneliness.

  Minutes passed, and with them, she started to get a little more depressed.

  “Now what is a beautiful woman like you doing in a place like this?” Carter asked.

  She turned toward him and smiled. “What are you doing here?”

  “I didn’t want my girl to feel all alone, and I had a feeling that you would. Besides, I’m picking you up tomorrow, so why not start tonight?” He gave his order to the barman, and she was in shock.

  “Summer’s here.” Autumn hated this, feeling that she had to keep him a secret even though it was her idea in the first place.

  “Yeah, I know, but she’s also plastered so you don’t need to worry about that. She won’t remember much about tonight.” He took her hand. “So why are you not dancing?”

  “No one has asked me to, and I don’t like just walking onto the dance-floor.” She shrugged. “No biggie.”

  “Come on.” He pulled her off the chair, and they made their way toward the stairs.

  “Wait, this is the VIP section.”

  “And I’m a VIP. Come on. I can dance with you away from prying eyes.”

  They entered a large floor, and she saw another dance-floor. This time there were only a couple of people on the main floor, and it was to a slow song.

  “Come on, let’s dance and enjoy.”

  He took her toward the floor, pulling her into his arms and holding her close. This was the first time she’d ever danced with anyone, and she closed her eyes, resting her head against his chest, basking in the pleasure.

  His body surrounded her, his large arms making her feel small, delicate.

  When the song changed, going into another slow one, she truly believed she was in heaven.

  “True or false, you’ve never slow danced?”

  “True. Have you ever slow danced with a girl?”


  She looked at him. “Are you lying?”

  “No. Slow dancing is intimate. You’re close, and there’s no way to stop the woman from reading too much into that. I’m not about reading too much into that. The women I’ve been with, have all been for just some fun.”

  “Are you saying I’m different?”

  “Am I different to you?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, it’s strange. I know it has only been a
couple of weeks, but I feel I can be myself with you, and that’s nice. It’s refreshing.” She licked her lips, smiling up at him.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “I wish this could go on.”

  “There’s no reason it can’t.”

  “Not even with my sister?”

  “Summer will always be herself. Do you think she’d care if this was the other way around?”


  “Tell you what, let’s make a deal.”

  “What deal?”

  “We both promise to never talk about Summer again. This is just you and me. We both have a past.”

  “I like that.”


  The song changed, and she let out a giggle as he spun her around the dance-floor. For over an hour she forgot about all of her worries and all of her troubles. She drank, and enjoyed Carter’s company. She discovered that he was in fact one hell of a dancer, and he had moves that surprised her.

  They were having a drink when a guy came toward Carter. Autumn watched as he whispered, and then waited.

  “Your sister is waiting for you.”

  “Oh, how do you know?”

  “I had Brutus here keep an eye out.”

  “Oh.” She offered Brutus a smile and stood.

  “I can get you back to the bar,” Brutus said.

  “I’ll be waiting outside for you.” Carter took her hand, kissing her knuckles. “Wait for me.”

  “I will.”

  She followed Brutus to an elevator, and they waited. “How do you know Carter?” she asked.

  “He’s a good friend.”

  “Thank you. For helping.”

  “Carter told me what was going on, and it’s sad. I’ve never seen him actually make this kind of effort for a woman. You treat him right?”


  Her heart was pounding once again. Why were people dropping these little hints about how good Carter was, and how different he was with her? She didn’t know what to make of them, and it was kind of unsettling with each revelation.

  Just focus on getting by.

  They made their way down to the ground floor, and she walked toward the bar to see Summer waiting, looking a little worried.

  “Where were you?” Summer asked.

  “The bathroom.”

  “You take ten minutes in the bathroom?” Summer glared at her.

  “I must have eaten something dodgy.” She winced at her own lies. Smooth, Autumn, real smooth. Tricking your sister into thinking you have diarrhea.

  “I feel like I’m going to throw up.” Summer rested her head on her hand. “Do you forgive me?”

  When her sister looked so adorable how could she not?

  “Yeah, of course. You’re my sister. I love you.”

  “Aw, you’re the best sister in the whole wide world.”

  “Don’t you forget it.” Together they made their way out of the club. Autumn stood with her sister flagging down a cab for her to get into.

  “I love you, Autumn. Best sister in the whole wide world.”

  “Yeah, I wonder if you’ll think that in the morning.”

  “Of course I would silly. I’m not that far gone.” Summer pressed a wet sloppy kiss on her cheek, and she waved her goodbye.

  “She’s a funny drunk,” Carter said, coming out of the darkness. She spun around, staring at him.

  “You’re right, she is.”

  He held up his keys. “Are you ready to get this party started?”

  “You’re good enough to drive?”

  “I never had a drink. I had water. The barman knows not to serve me drinks.”

  “Do you have an issue I don’t know about?”

  “No. Not at all. I just wanted to give you a night to remember.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck. “It really was.”

  “I figured I had to get in a couple of firsts along the way.”


  “This is your house?” Autumn asked as they pulled up in front of his driveway.

  “Yeah, it’s not much, but it is home.”

  “Not much? It’s a beautiful home. Of course I’ve not seen inside. You may have decked it out monstrously.”

  He chuckled, cutting off the engine. “Not even close. Come on.” Climbing out of the car, he took her hand, and together they walked up the pathway toward his front door. “I just want you to know I’ve never brought a woman back here.”

  “How can I believe that?”

  “I don’t bring women home. I go to their place, or I rent a room for a night. This is my sacred place.”

  “And you’re letting me go there?”

  “Yep.” He opened up the door and flicked on the light.

  Once they were both safely inside, he flicked the lock into place.

  “Do you remember what I said?”

  “You want me to be naked?”

  He nodded, removing his jacket. “Take your clothes off.”

  She gave a little chuckle but didn’t fight him. The dress she wore was on the floor, followed by her pumps.

  “No heels?”

  “I can’t walk in heels. I tend to flop all over the place. I’d more likely break an ankle than have a good time.”

  When she was completely naked, he took hold of her hand, and led her through toward his sitting room.

  “That look in your eye tells me you have a plan.”

  “I do. I’m going to show you to every single room in the house, but only one at a time. The coffee table is right there, go and lie on it.”

  She licked her lips, and he leaned close, biting down on that precious lip.

  “Stop driving me crazy.”

  Autumn moaned, but made her way toward the coffee table. She leaned forward putting her hand on the counter. “Here?”

  “Yes, sit on it.”

  She smiled and took a seat on the coffee table. Her gaze was on his as she spread her legs, showing off that pretty little pussy.

  “I’m here, Carter.” Resting back on her palms, she smiled, lifting the balls of her feet to put on the table. “What do you want to do with me?”

  Stepping in front of her, he knelt down, and stared at her glorious cunt. Her clit was swollen, peeking out of its hood.

  Using his fingers he spread open the lips of her pussy, listening to her gasp as he used his fingers to touch her slit.

  “You’re wet for me already.”

  “I seem to constantly be ready for you.”

  Her body was flushed, her nipples nice and hard.

  Staring into her eyes, he released her pussy lips, and slid one finger deep inside her cunt. “You’re so tight.”

  She whimpered, lifting her ass up to take more of him. He worked a second finger inside her cunt, watching as she stretched. She was sodden, and he was able to move within her with ease. Pulling out of her pussy, he gripped her ass, and tugged her toward his mouth. When he slid his tongue through her slit, she cried out as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

  “Yes, yes, yes.”

  Using his teeth, he scored against her clit creating a small bite of pain that turned into pleasure as he soothed it out.

  Gliding his tongue toward her entrance, he thrust inside, going deep but not nearly deep enough.

  Carter teased her pussy, filling her cunt with his tongue before moving up to stroke her clit.

  She was begging for him to make her come, but he wasn’t nearly ready for that.

  “Stay there, exactly in that position.” He got to his feet, and left the room, licking his lips of the remnants of her pussy.

  In his bedroom were the supplies he’d gone out to purchase. Lubrication, a couple of plugs, and a decent sized dildo were part of his equipment.

  When he was back in the front room, Autumn had stayed in the position that he had left her.

  “You’re such a good girl.”

  The smile stole his breath. “I can be even better.”

  He chuckled. “Good. I want you to g
et on your knees, reach around, and spread those ass cheeks open.”

  She swallowed but did exactly as he said, opening herself up, and displaying her asshole and pussy.

  Sliding a finger in her pussy, he groaned at her wetness, using her pre-cum to coat her anus. Working a finger inside her, he went past the tight ring of muscles to sink until he was knuckle’s depth.

  Autumn cried out, her body tensing at his invasion.

  “Sh, it’s just my finger. You’ve taken it before.”

  Working a second finger into her ass, he started to pump in and out, stretching her out.

  She held herself open, and it was turning him on to see his fingers inside her ass. Her pussy was still wet so he knew without a doubt that she was enjoying it.

  His fingers weren’t big enough, and when he could no longer stretch her out anymore, he removed his fingers, and lubed up one of the butt plugs he’d bought for her. Replacing the plug with his fingers, he pressed it slowly into her anus, going deep.

  She tensed up, and he teased her pussy, stroking her until she started to wriggle.

  Kissing the base of her back, he turned her over, and laid her back on the coffee table. “How does that feel?” he asked.

  “Full. I feel full, and it’s weird.”

  “A bad weird, or a good weird?”

  “An I’m not sure weird.”

  He pushed his jeans down to his ankles and wrapped his fingers around his cock.

  “I didn’t bring any paperwork with me,” she said.

  “I trust you. Do you think you can trust me?”


  “Can I take your pussy?” he asked.


  Placing the tip of his cock at her entrance, inch by inch he sank inside her, closing his eyes at the pleasure that burst through him. She was tight, and the plug in her ass was making it even tighter.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  Staring down at where they were joined, he saw his own cock was covered in her cream as he eased out of her. Unable to stop, he slammed full force, relishing her cries of pleasure.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  “You keep saying that,” she said, breathlessly.

  “I’ve never been in such a pretty pussy.”

  He teased her clit with his thumb, feeling every little ripple as she tensed around him, arching up, and fucking his cock.

  “Look at us, Autumn.”


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