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Groomed For Love: A Steamy Standalone Instalove Romance

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  By some miracle, I manage to stop myself from exploding, focusing my attention on her pleasure over mine for now. Relishing the sensation and taste of her as her thrashing waves break against the shore of my body.

  She’s the ocean and I’m the shore.

  We’ve found each other at last, after so long. Each of us feeling so isolated without the other.

  Everything is made clear and perfect once she climaxes onto my tongue for the first but by no means the last time today.

  I promise myself that much.

  Her breathing gets so hard, so intense, I almost start to worry as she begins to wheeze my name. Building up in tempo with her orgasm until she grips me so hard I feel her nails drag across my skull, calling my name as the final and most intense waves of her climax wash over her.

  Running through us both as I feel every nuance of her body responding to mine.

  Our hands finding each other’s, and gripping hard until I come up for air, pulling her to my lips when she’s ready. I let her taste herself on my lips, and I know there is some of me on hers too.

  My pulsing dick presses hard into her soft stomach as I pull her close, but I just want to hold her for now.

  I tell her what I want her to know. How I want her to feel for every minute of every day from now on.

  “You’re mine now, Naomi. Understand? This is mine, and I am all yours too,” I whisper into her ear.

  The kiss we share is electric. More intense than our first and I can already tell that each kiss from now on is going to be better than the last if that’s even at all possible.

  I part our lips long enough to form the words I want her to hear on mine.

  It’s crazy, too soon and all that. But she needs to know.

  I want to tell her, but her fingers press against my lips before I can say a word, let alone three.

  “I… I’m a virgin, Parker,” she confesses, blushing. Her eyes move down and I can see there’s a degree of shame in them.

  But it’s music to my ears.

  I’m the happiest, the luckiest man alive.

  “You’re my virgin then,” I tell her, lifting her chin with my fingers, pressing our heads together, telling her that the two of us is all that matters now. No matter what.



  I guess it had to happen this way.

  Parker’s a man of action. A man who knows what he wants. And if it was left entirely up to me, I could have let myself second guess everything until doomsday.

  Until it might have been too late.

  Fortunately, he takes charge and I yield just enough to show him that although still shy, I know what I want to.

  And I want him.

  Hearing him tell me I’ll be his and that I belong to him? It’s almost as big a turn on as his tongue over mine.

  Almost as much a turn on as that same tongue buried so deep in my virgin pussy I hear myself practically screaming his name by the time I can’t hold back any longer.

  Coming in his mouth, his huge hands gripping me as I shake and shiver with what has to be the single most intense experience of my life so far.

  But having him hold me so gentle afterward, even though I can still feel the intensity of his own need, his own arousal. He only gets happier once I tell him my secret.

  I’ve never even kissed a boy, let alone a real man.

  And I’ve certainly never experienced anything like Parker.

  Hardly touched myself except for when I shower and maybe shave down there. Only every once in a while too, which Parker doesn’t even seem to notice.

  And if he does, he’s not complaining.

  But nothing, not even my wildest dreams and strung out, panty-wet fantasies could have prepared me for the incredible feelings, the intense emotions, and the absolute relief we both feel once Parker and I finally really physically connect.

  I’m half-naked, sliding across his kitchen table by the time he sets me on his knee, politely ignoring the huge cock of his I feel pressing into my side.

  Hot, throbbing and so freaking big, I’m almost grateful for the break in the proceedings.

  I try to take my eyes off it, but it’s huge, and my curiosity is too much in the end.

  I take him in both hands and start to explore gently at first, but feeling a fresh wave of need welling up inside me, I’m jerking his fat rod in no time, trying to free myself so I can see how much of him I can fit in my mouth.

  Favors for favors, ya know?

  But his body shivers, and he pulls me back.

  “Easy tiger, easy,” he says, trying to chuckle, but I feel his member twitching and jerking all on its own. Thick lines of clear fluid running from it, as his jaw clenches and he closes his eyes for a moment.

  “I’m saving this for you,” he says firmly.

  “For in here,” he adds, running a palm over my wispy tuft before cupping my pussy in his palm, making me jerk and spasm all over again.

  “I want all of you, Naomi, and I won’t waste a drop of my seed unless I know it’s inside you. That’s how I claim my woman. That’s just how I want it done,” he says again with finality.

  I readily agree, my head moving in short little nods, feeling wetter now then ever, but I can tell he also means we don’t have to do everything in the next two minutes.

  “We’ve got time,” he says slowly, stroking my hair back. “I want everything to be as special as you are to me,” he adds.

  I’ve never had anyone say anything so sweet, and I hug as much of him as my short arms can reach until he circles my waist, squeezing me so tight I can’t help but imagine how it’s gonna feel when he does the same, filling me up inside as well.

  His hard body is so warm, but not rock hard everywhere. Not like the hardness sticking up from his lap.

  When he moves his muscles flex and soften at different rates. It’s like he’s a living machine. Soft and tender here, hard as a boulder there, and then it changes again.

  Feeling all this against my own semi-naked, doughy softness is a new element of pleasure, and I decide I could just sit in his arms forever from now on.

  “Where’s Moose?” I finally ask, suddenly realizing we haven’t seen or heard anything from him.

  “I hope I didn’t scare him off,” I tell Parker truthfully, but he smiles knowingly.

  Letting out a low growl of happiness, he shifts under me before lifting me up in his arms, pressing his lips against my ear.

  “If we’re real quiet, I think I can show you where I think he might be after his bath and tearing up the house,” he says softly.

  Carrying me through the hallway and up the stairs, I notice the faded photos of what I guess must be Parker’s mom and dad.

  More than one of them is of a younger Parker with a striking looking older man I just know must be his dad.

  Uniformed cops, and then the pair of them in plain suits and even sunglasses, shoulder holsters bulging as they have a thick arm around one another.

  There are photos with what must be a mayor, and even one governor I recognize, both receiving medals of some description.

  Before we even get halfway up the stairs, I gasp a little, convinced there’s someone else in the house after all.

  Parker stifles a laugh and urges me to keep quiet as he starts to tiptoe all the way up the stairs, carrying me like I weigh nothing.

  He creeps to the bedroom at the end of the hallway, and I crane my neck around the doorway.

  Moose is buried under the covers, his rear end poking out one end, his front under all the pillows, snoring loudly.

  “He’s happy to be home again,” Parker whispers.

  We silently agree to leave Moose be. I’m glad in a way too. I love Moose, but I kinda like having Parker all to myself as well.

  He creeps back downstairs, showing me to a similar sized room next to the bathroom, and I know it’s his guest room.

  He nudges the door open and then a little bit more to close it behind us, laying me flat out o
n the bed before he snuggling next to me.

  “You don’t mind?” I hear myself ask him, still amazed he can even stand not filling me up with what still feels like an urgent situation for him.

  “I don’t mind,” he promises, assuring me he can wait but that it won’t be long before he claims me as his own.

  We both hold each other and he shifts us just enough to reach for the covers, pulling them over us both.

  He’s the big spoon and I’m the little spoon.

  It’s the afternoon, I think but it feels like the most natural thing in the world for us both to just snuggle in silence. The low light in the room making it easier for me to feel sleepy all of a sudden.

  Never wanting any of this to end even though I just got here.

  I guess we’re both almost dozing by the time the phone rings.

  I know I am.

  It’s an old-style phone in the house. Loud even though it’s out in the hall. It feels like it’s right between us.

  The shrill sound of the bright, old-style ring shaking Parker from his embrace with me.

  A cop’s instinct I guess, hearing a phone, he goes for it before he even thinks about it.

  Always on duty, and maybe even on call this weekend for all I know.

  Maybe on-call permanently?

  I still don’t even know his first name.

  Thinking I might be asleep if I could even sleep through that noise, he pulls the door shut gently behind him, but his deep voice and the proximity of the phone don’t hide much.

  I’m no detective, but it’s pretty clear it’s his mom calling.

  I should have an ‘aww’ moment. A man like Parker, taking a call from his mom, how sweet.

  But my mood soon shifts once I hear what he has to say.

  He doesn’t sound happy to hear from her, and I figure maybe like my own so-called family, not everyone’s life is perfect either.

  But it goes deeper and real quick.

  “I told you, Ma. I had to come back down to town… the groomer who had Moose left him in charge of…” he lowers his voice so I can’t quite hear, but it doesn’t sound like he’s giving a glowing account of my looking after Moose.

  I feel a stab of hurt. Rejection, but tell myself I shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

  It’s none of my business…

  Within two seconds. My ear’s against the door and I’m wishing I’d kept my pants with me. Reaching for a coverlet from the bed, I huddle closer to the doorway, opening it up a crack to hear better.

  “I would have stayed, you know I would have… I can’t have just anyone taking a police dog home, it’s against regulations for starters… Sasha’s a contracted groomer to handle the city’s police dogs.”

  Fair point.

  “Look! I don’t wanna argue about it, okay? And there’s more to it than that and nothing that concerns… Well, if you must know she accidentally gave her allergic boss almond milk. Her boss ended up in the hospital... She’s just a kid on her first day at work, Ma. Got her own problems outside all of that too… Look, I gotta go…”

  Just a kid?

  I feel like I’ve been sucker punched. Like the thick Brooklyn accent, I’m suddenly hearing sounds nothing like Parker at all.

  Not the Parker I thought I was getting to know anyhow.

  I feel sick.

  But more than anything, I feel hurt.

  He must know I can hear him. Why would he refer to me as just a kid?

  After what he just told me.

  After what we just shared together?

  I hear Parker ending the call, and then greeting Moose in the hallway.

  By the time he nudges the door open, I’m making my way to the kitchen to find my pants.

  Thinking maybe it’s time I went home after all.

  Just a kid… Pfft!



  I figure she’s sleeping when the phone rings, and I bolt to get it before it wakes her, or Moose.

  Keeping him asleep as long as I can means more snuggle time for Naomi and me.

  Or so I thought.

  It’s my mom on the line, chewing me out for leaving without saying a proper goodbye, and then laying the guilts on because she’s waited all day for me to call, which I know I haven’t.

  I could stay on the phone for hours trying to talk my mom around, but I know how she gets. It’s best to nip this in the bud, leave it for a few days and then call once she’s calmed down or more likely, forgotten about it all.

  Hanging up, I hear Moose coming down the stairs, his tail wagging even though his eyes are still heavy with sleep.

  I kneel down and hug him, asking if he needs to go outside for which he eagerly agrees.

  I figure I can go back to bed and snuggle with Naomi some more, but it looks like I’ve woken her as well.

  She pushes straight past me as I lean in to kiss her. Her eyes won’t meet mine and she feels like ice as she moves past me towards the kitchen.

  Okay then…

  I follow her down the hall, lingering in the doorway and feeling a familiar tingle as I watch her slipping her panties back on, then her gray sweats from behind.

  But when she turns to face me, it’s the look dull in her eyes and not the light of someone who appreciates being spied on while she gets dressed I see.

  “Something wrong?” I ask her, really meaning it. Not being able to figure how she could go from glowing from my face between her legs to hating me so quickly.

  “Just a kid?” she says accusingly, her hands on her hips. Her brow raised in a question.

  Hurt trembles ripple across her lower lip.

  Oh. That.

  Hearing my own words spoken back to me, I know how it must sound to her, but it’s also hard to explain how my mom operates. How I have to keep things simple when explaining them to her.

  Plus, compared to me Naomi is a kid. In my mom’s eyes anyway. She’s half my age for god’s sake.

  How can I prepare my old Ma for the day I introduce the future mother of my children as a twenty year old without giving her some forewarning first?

  More importantly, right now, how do I explain all that to Naomi, who’s obviously hurt and upset.

  Something I’d never do to her intentionally.

  I open my mouth to explain, but she’s already eyeing the front door.

  “I think it’s best if I just leave,” she says firmly and I raise my hands flat, palms facing her.

  “Can we just talk for a minute?” I ask her. “Explain a few things about my mom?” I add, but she only tilts her head as her eyes flash, daring me to try and stop her.

  “Just two minutes, Naomi. Please?” I beg her.

  Moose scratches at the back door, sensing the mood and wanting to come in.

  Not now, buddy. Not right now.

  “I overheard your phone call, okay?” she says angrily, her voice getting louder and more upset with each word.

  “I’m no eavesdropper, Parker but that didn’t even sound like you… Calling me a kid as well, like I’m just some street urchin you deal with every day, is that what you do? Pick up young girls in trouble and have your way with them?” she asks, her eyes widening.

  It’s my turn to feel hurt I guess. I’ve never had anyone say anything so untrue, so hurtful. And coming from her it cuts like a knife.

  “You know that’s not true, Naomi,” I tell her calmly. Motioning my hand toward the table. “let’s just settle down and talk a minute, huh?” I suggest.

  Really wanting to explain it all to her. Realizing that maybe Naomi is as emotionally reactive as my own mother.

  Oh boy.

  I remember, my dad always telling me to find a woman with some fire if I could help it. A passionate woman.

  “There’s a trade-off for all those sparks, boy. When you fight, and you will… You’ll need to keep your gloves up because there’s nothing like a passionate woman.”

  I never knew what he meant, but in a way seeing Naomi so wound up, e
ven though it’s all a misunderstanding. I guess it makes me love her even more.

  Feeling myself grinning at the thought, I rub my shoulder. Something I guess I always do whenever I think about my dad, my ex-partner on the force.

  Before I even dreamed of having Moose by my side.

  “What’s so funny?” Naomi says sharply. “And what’s wrong with your shoulder, are you okay?” she adds, softening and moving over towards me before reminding herself she’s angry and stopping in her tracks.

  “Just remembering something my old man once told me,” I confess. “Now, will you just listen to me?” I ask her again.

  She folds her arms across her chest and looks up at the ceiling, which is as good as I’m gonna get right now, so I take it.

  “My Mom’s old, Naomi. I have to explain things to her in very simple terms otherwise she can’t keep up…”

  Naomi shrugs, waiting for my reasons for talking about her the way I did.

  “I was supposed to spend the weekend at her place and I haven’t visited in over six months,” I continue. “So… she’s pretty mad that I upped and left to come back to town when I heard Moose wasn’t with who he was supposed to be with,” I add.

  Naomi’s eyes narrow again, and I can tell she’s replaying the worst of everything in her mind.

  The ‘just a kid’ comment.

  I heave a sigh, slumping down into a seat.

  “It’s a lot to explain, but Ma is old school. If I suddenly went up there to introduce you and she had no warning about how much younger you are than me, she’d probably have a heart attack,” I tell her straight up.

  Naomi looks confused.

  “Introduce me?” she asks. “Why would you want me to meet your mom?” she asks, hopefully getting a few ideas from the look I give her. When I crease a guilty smile in her direction.

  “Because I want you to stay, Naomi. Not just now while we’re talking, but always. I want you to come live with me.” I tell her, going out on a limb but I have to.

  It’s the truth.

  I know already that I can’t live without her, so I may as well live with her.

  Even if we do fight sometimes.

  She presses her fingers to her temples and sways a little.

  “Whoa,” she says to herself. “Just… Whoa. Hold up a second,” she adds, turning her attention to me.


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