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Captive Bride 2; Daughter of Sparta

Page 3

by Andromeda

  As she turned to look at the other royal children who were immersed with their weapons training; it was the sight of Dorian sitting under a tree, simply reading a book that intrigued her. Dorian was a bit of an outcast in the youth royal court, as Matthias had ruled that none shall have any form of contact with him, no matter what. To everyone, Dorian was the enemy because of his father’s deeds.

  Philomena herself found this highly ridiculous, as she wondered how anyone could put the blame of a parent onto a child. To her, Matthias was being ridiculous, so she walked over to Dorian and cleared her throat.

  “What are you reading?” she asked.

  Dorian looked up, a bit startled that she was talking to him. He already hated her brother, and was always thinking of the many, many ways to kill him, but Philomena was different. She was kind and was smiling softly at him, trying to be nice, but whether it was true or false, he couldn’t tell.

  “Just a book on mythology,” he answered with a shrug. “Nothing important.”

  “You don’t wish to train?” she asked, nodding to the other children practicing with swords, shields, daggers and more.

  Dorian looked at them, his eyes locked onto Matthias and narrowed them slightly. “Not my style, truthfully. I never was one for war.”

  “Well, then that is one thing that you and I can agree on,” Philomena said with a soft smile. “I’m one who likes to get personal with people, and I always believed that the pen was mightier than the sword.”

  Dorian found himself nodding. “I believe that too in most cases, as you never know when diplomacy will get you out of a jam, better than trying to stab someone.”

  He tried to not stare at her, but found that he couldn’t help it. She was a very pretty girl, her body already molding itself into that of a woman’s. She was going to be tall, which wasn’t surprising as both of her parents were both giants. He couldn’t picture her as muscular, though. To him, she would look perfect lean and elegant, but of course, her arms and thighs would have some muscle because of her love for the bow and running.

  “Well, I hope that others see you are the truly gifted girl that you are,” he blurted out, before he could stop himself.

  “Why thank you,” she said smiling. “That is a truly kind thing to say.”

  She turned around to leave, and Dorian found himself watching her, not turning away until she was out of sight. When she was, he wanted to slap himself as he realized that he felt a strange stirring within himself that he had no name for. He frowned and shook his head before turning back to his book, reading on how the Olympians killed their father Kronos and took over the world.

  Later that night as Philomena was walking to the dining room for their evening meal, a ram shot out and grabbed her, pulling her to a body. She opened her mouth to scream, but a hand slapped over her lips. Kicking and squirming, she was dragged away, down the halls, and thrown into a semi-darkened room.

  Philomena turned around quickly, pulling herself to her tallest height as she turned to face her aggressor, only to find a laughing Abeeku. She was both relieved and furious at him, and punched him in the chest.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?!” she demanded. “If I had my dagger!”

  “Calm down, Princess,” Abeeku chuckled. “I had to abduct you.”

  “And why was that?” she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Because I wanted to surprise you with something,” he said.

  Before she could ask what he meant, he turned her around and her eyes widened. There was a table covered with all her favorite foods, and watered-down wine for them to drink.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “I am leaving to go on campaign with the rest of the army,” he explained. “And…I wanted to say goodbye to you…before I left.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” she asked, blushing at how close he had stepped forward.

  “I wanted to do it my own personal way,” he said, taking her hands in his. “Mena…I have had strong feelings for you ever since I was young and I want to promise you something. When I come back from this campaign, I will ask the queen if I might court you. I will be within my 17th year, and you within your 15th when I return, and I…I want to court you properly. Will you allow me to do it?”

  “Why did you even have to ask?” she breathed in question. “Of course I will!”

  He smiled and pulled her to him, his arms wrapping tightly around her waist and when they pulled away, he lightly kissed her. Philomena felt warmth spread throughout her body at the kiss. It wasn’t a long and passionate one, just a simple peck, but it felt as if he was air from her lungs. She’d always had strong feelings for Abeeku, too, but she was too nervous to tell him. Now that she knew that he felt the same way, a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

  Abeeku smiled and pulled away, leading her to the table where their meal was and they ate quickly. Once done, he gave her two more quick kisses, once on the cheek and another one on the lips, before he let her go to return to her chambers.

  Philomena felt as if she were a beehive, her head buzzing with excitement and happiness over what just happened. Her lips tingled with joy at her finally experiencing her first kiss. She knew that she had to go tell Adonia, who most likely would scoff and roll her eyes, but she had to tell her best friend.

  She found Adonia in her chambers, reading a book, and told her in a rush all that had happened. She, however, found it strange that Adonia wasn’t at all surprised when she told her what Abeeku had said and done.

  “About time,” Adonia said, sitting back on her bed. “I thought it was going to never happen.”

  “What do you mean?” Philomena asked, slightly confused.

  “Oh please, Mena,” Adonia chuckled. “You’re telling me that you didn’t at all notice the way that he always looked at you? How he always seemed to be at your side? Or how he always took care of your needs above everyone else’s?”

  “Well…” Philomena said slowly, blushing as she remembered what he said. “Not really…”

  “That’s a load of cow shit and you know it,” Adonia laughed. “He really does like you, Mena. I would say that he loves you, but is just too nervous to say it.”

  Philomena tilted her head; she hadn’t considered this. Who are you kidding, Mena? She thought to herself. You know that Abeeku has had feelings for you since you both were children. Adonia is right; he loves you…

  “He is still going to have to formally ask to court me,” she said aloud.

  “And we know that your mother would allow it,” Adonia said nodding. “She would do anything to make you happy. And besides, having a daughter married to a general would hold the army close to the throne.”


  Philomena had forgotten that is where almost all love went, as it’s what her parents did. They loved each other greatly, and her father proposed to her mother several times. At first, she refused, but slowly, he wore her down and she accepted. She realized that she couldn’t live without him.

  Love, it’s like a flower that needs to be watered and cared for in order for it to bloom. That is what Philomena wanted; that is what she felt bubbling in her chest for Abeeku: love.


  “Your Highness, here are the documents you requested,” a man said.

  Zenobia nodded to Pallas and took the papers that he held out. She nodded when she saw that several of them were from the Persian King Mother, and they were unbroken, so she knew that none had read them. They were playing a dangerous game as both kingdoms weren’t exactly on the best of terms as of this moment. But she knew that what they were planning had to be done.

  A marriage between Philomena and Darius would stop all the petty warring between their kingdoms, and Zenobia would be damned if anyone tried to break what she had worked for so long for. She had lost her husband for this peace, just like the Persian woman had; only in Zenobia’s case, she had killed Xerxes…

  She had expected the woman to
be furious with her, but was slightly shocked to find the complete opposite. In fact, it was the Persian who had suggested the idea of their children marrying, but it was Zenobia who had chosen Philomena. Zeta was too young, and too trusting. From the reports she’d gotten about Darius, he needed a person like herself who could rein him in; Philomena was that person.

  She looked to Pallas, her advisor and the only other one privy to her plans for the future of the kingdom. “How does my children?”

  “Wonderful, Your Highness,” Pallas answers. “However…Prince Matthias seems a bit…distant.”

  “Distant?” Zenobia repeated. “Explain.”

  “He doesn’t seem that interested in his studies,” Pallas explained. “He enjoys the lessons whenever I bring out the maps of the world, but when it comes to other things…he doesn’t pay attention at all.”

  Zenobia frowned as she listened. Matthias had never been one to like to sit down in a chair and learn things; he was a boy of action, like his father. However, he seemed to go a bit beyond this. She had noticed that as of late, he hadn’t been interested in matters of state. Instead, he was always looking out the window, watching the birds or wanting to go hunting.

  “I do not think…that he wants to become king,” she said slowly.

  Pallas tilted his head. “What makes you say that, my queen?”

  “I know my children better than they know themselves,” she said. “And can tell what they desire and what they hate. Matthias…I do not think wants to become king of this kingdom.”

  Pallas nodded. “What will you do?”

  “I will talk to him,” she said, turning back to her papers. “And see what he says. If he does not wish to be king, then I shall not force him.”


  Adonia moaned softly as Matthias kissed her neck and cheeks. The young couple was pressed tight in a corner, his hands stroking her hips and thighs. They had stolen this forbidden moment because they were in love. On the outside, they tried to hide it, arguing in public and pretending to hate each other; because they knew that the Council would never allow such a thing.

  Matthias was the heir to the throne of Sparta, though he had told her that he was considering giving it away. The pressure of ruling a country, Sparta specifically, was great. The Council wouldn’t let him go without a fight, as the country needed a strong leader to hold the reins of power. They needed a person who knew when to run into war, and when to rest. They needed someone who wasn’t afraid of standing up for what they believed in. Matthias only fit half the requirements.

  “Have I told you how beautiful you are?” Matthias chuckled to her, as he pulled his lips away.

  Adonia grinned. “You could stand to mention it more…”

  “Has anyone suspected us yet?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “Not that I know of. From what I hear, no one thinks anything.”

  He grinned. “Perfect. But I do hate that we have to hide our love…”

  “So do I,” she sighed, “but I understand why we must.”

  He sighed and cupped her cheek, looking into those brown eyes that he loved so very much. He moved forward to kiss her again, but heard Philomena calling for Adonia. “Guess you must go.”

  “Yeah…” she sighed. “But I’ll find you again?”

  “Of course,” he said, kissing her cheek one last time before he let her go.

  He watched her fix her clothes, and then hurried off to see her friend. He knew that their love was forbidden, much like Philomena and Abeeku’s was. And yet…that made it all the more desirable to know that they all wanted something…someone that the world made seem forbidden. It proved that they would do anything, however, to fight for that person. Matthias knew, however, of his secret desires, and as much as he knew it would hurt his mother, the throne of Sparta wasn’t on the list.

  Chapter Four

  Darius groaned as he poured into Amani. Panting heavily, he grinned at her. “You never…cease to please me.”

  Amani blushed. “I am thankful, my king.”

  He smiled and patted her rear as he withdrew from her before he rolled onto his side in order to catch his breath. He was supposed to be getting ready for the celebration planned tonight for his 17th birthday, but he knew what it really was. Now that he was officially a man, they would force wives upon him. They wanted him to settle down and begin to sire heirs, but Darius wasn’t ready for it. The world was too big, there was too much for him to see, and he was too young to get tied down with a single woman and children…

  The thought made him shudder in horror as he knew that they closely followed after couples laid together. The only reason he didn’t have any now was because he was careful and made all the women he slept with drink a special tea in order to keep them from becoming pregnant. He didn’t want children yet, as they forced him to stay with the woman who bore them.

  “My king?” Amani whispered. “Are you thinking of something?”

  “No, not really,” Darius lied. “But I should get dressed soon…you know how my mother gets if I’m late…”

  Amani frowned, but said nothing; the woman watched as he pulled away to get dressed in his clothes. She had been his personal slave for as long as she could remember, but they had only begun sleeping together for the last couple of years. She was the uncrowned mistress of the royal court; the only thorn in her side was the King Mother, who always seemed to find a way to rain on her parade. Amani secretly wished that the old woman would just drop dead, but the King Mother was a strong woman, who most likely would live for several more years.

  “You know…” Amani said slowly. “Do you remember that promise that you made me not long ago?”

  Darius looked up from where he was buckling his belt. “What do you mean?”

  “You said that you’d take me with you…the next time you travel around your kingdom,” Amani reminded him. “Remember?”

  Darius nodded his head. “I believe so, yes, but we won’t be traveling anytime soon. There are some things that still need handling in order to make sure that it’s safe for you; things have been stirring within the lands…”

  “Is it those stupid Greeks?” Amani asked.

  “What do you know about that?” he asked her, surprised that she knew what was happening.

  “I hear things,” she said with a shrug. “And I know that the Greeks are causing trouble.”

  Darius nodded. “Honestly, if I had my way, I’d go to war and wipe them from the face of the earth. But they are too well ruled by the African woman they call ‘Queen Regent’.”

  “I heard that she looked like a man, and is hiding a man’s part under those dresses she wears,” Amani chuckled.

  Darius couldn’t help but smile a bit at that. “Maybe…you never know. And the Africans are a strange people.”

  Amani grinned. “And savages. I’m surprised that this one is tamed enough to rule a powerful kingdom.”

  “Well…maybe her rule will be coming to an end…” Darius said with a sly grin upon his lips. “Very…very soon…”


  Dorian walked down the halls of the palace, well aware of the eyes upon him, but he didn’t care. He was on his way to an important meeting and he wasn’t going to be late. When he reached the stables, he swung himself upon his horse and kicked it hard, causing it to thunder away from the palace grounds. He didn’t stop until he reached a clearing in the woods that was a good distance from the palace, and slowed his horse to a walk.

  A man emerged not long after he arrived, dressed simply, but Dorian knew that he wasn’t a ‘normal’ man. He could tell by the softness of the man’s hands, the non-tan on his skin, and the arrogant sneer on his lips; this man breathed rich and pompous noble; it was almost printed on his forehead. However, Dorian knew that he had to rely on this man in order to make his move for the throne.

  “About time you got here,” the man said irritably. “I hate being out here among the peasants.”

  “A bit of sun might he
lp your complexion, Zenon,” Dorian said back just as irritable. “You’re as pale as flour.”

  “I shouldn’t have to come out here to this horrid sun,” Zenon said crossly. “I’m out here enough and I’ll look like that African whore and her half-breed bastards.”

  Dorian’s eyebrows shot up. “That’s a blunt thing to say about the Spartan royal family.”

  Zenon scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I see no royal family; I see a bunch of monkeys led by a woman who used what’s between her legs to entrap our king!”

  Dorian wanted to roll his eyes, as he knew that Zenon was nothing but trouble. The only reason he was working with him was because Zenon was his patron, paying for his stay in court. Zenon hated the current royal family and planned on changing it.

  “So, what have you learned?” Zenon asked, swatting at a mosquito.

  “Nothing much,” Dorian said with a shrug. “There wasn’t much to learn as of late. They haven’t exactly done anything worthy. However, the eldest girl, Philomena, I believe is her name, has a crush on a childhood friend.”

  “That African boy?” Zenon asked. “I believe I know him; he is in the army. We might be able to use that. But other than that, what else have you found?”

  “Nothing,” Dorian said, shaking his head. “They are a secretive bunch, and that boy Matthias makes sure to exclude me from everything.”

  Zenon nodded, thinking this over. “I will give this some thought and talk to you about what I find. Until then, keep up appearances and we will see what happens next.”

  Dorian nodded, but as he turned his horse around, his mind was already on how he could get rid of Zenon. The man was rich, but that was all that Dorian cared about. The man had ambition, but it was for his own family and how to further his position. What he thought was that when Dorian became king, then he would rule as his right-hand. Yet, Dorian knew that wasn’t going to happen. In his mind, he already knew that the first chance he got, he was getting rid of Zenon.


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