Book Read Free

Always Yours

Page 12

by Kennedy Fox

  I snicker. “No.”

  “Are they Liam’s?” she hesitantly asks.

  “No,” Liam answers without explaining more.

  I put the call on mute and tilt my head at Liam. “Let’s tell her about us at least.”

  He waves his hand toward me. “Do the honors, baby.”

  Smiling wide, I unmute the call and clear my throat. “Soph, there’s something else I gotta tell you.”

  “What is it?” she asks wearily. “Should I be sitting?”

  I snort at her dramatics. “No, well…maybe.” I laugh. “Liam and Victoria’s marriage was an arrangement, and we’ve been secretly seeing each other for the past two months.”

  “I knew it! Oh my God, I so knew it!” she shouts. “Are you fuckin’ kidding me? Oh my God.”

  “Stop freaking out!” I chuckle.

  “I knew there was no way he’d marry that bitch. I hope you knew the truth when you two were…”

  “Soph! Of course, I did.”

  “Wait…” She pauses. “Did Liam touch you? Like…all the way?”

  Liam and Tyler groan as I burst out laughing. Sophie would ask that.

  “I can answer that for them…” Tyler interjects. “Yes.”

  “Uh…who is that?”

  “His name is Tyler. He’s a friend of ours.” Nervously, I ask, “How would you feel about another housemate when we return?”

  “Where the hell would he sleep?”

  “He can stay in my room,” Liam confirms.

  “It’s a long story, and we promise he’s a good guy,” I assure her. “He needs a place to stay until Victoria and Liam’s divorce is finalized.”

  “I better get a full explanation!” she warns. “Be home in a week, you said?”

  “Yep. Text me on Liam’s phone, though, because mine is gone.” Which reminds me, I should cancel my service if Eric still has it and get a new one.

  Sophie sighs. “Okay. I’m very confused, but I trust you’ll take care of my sister. Right, Liam?” Her voice grows louder with each word.

  “Absolutely,” he says immediately. “I’ll protect her with my life, Soph.”

  “Good.” She blows out a breath. “And for what it’s worth, I’m glad you finally came to your senses, Liam. But if you hurt her, I won’t think twice about kicking your ass, then throwing you to the wolves to let them eat you alive.”

  “If I do that, I give you permission,” Liam says confidently. “Trust me, though, it’s the last thing I want to do again. I love her.”

  “Aww…wow,” Sophie singsongs. “Never thought I’d hear that come from your mouth, Liam Evans.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” He grunts at her playful teasing.

  “I’ll text or call tomorrow, okay? We’re gonna get ready for bed,” I tell her.

  After a few moments, we end the call, and I beam at Liam. “Well, she didn’t cuss you out, so that’s a plus.” I shrug.

  “That was only one sister…” he says, breathing in through his nose as if he’s expecting the worse from Lennon. “Then I have to deal with the wrath of Mason and Hunter.”

  I pat his hand like a child’s. “Don’t forget my parents too, eventually.”

  Liam pales with a groan.

  Tyler laughs. “I don’t envy you, man.”

  “You ever bring a chick home to meet the parents?” I ask him.

  Tyler’s lips immediately turn into a frown, and I fear I’ve hit a sensitive topic. “Hell no.”

  “He has a hot sister, though,” Liam taunts, and I scowl at him. “Or so I’ve heard.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah, nice save.” Then I look at Tyler. “You didn’t tell me you had a sister. What’s her name? Where does she live?”

  Tyler pushes his hands on his knees and stands. “And that’s exactly why I didn’t.”

  “Oh come on!” I pout. “If we’re going to be roomies, I need some personal info.”

  He contemplates it for a moment. “Six feet five, a hundred seventy-five pounds, brown hair, and brown eyes. Favorite color is orange, and I like spicy foods,” he rambles off, then gives me a shit-eating grin.

  “That’s not what I meant!” I groan. “Wait. Your favorite color is orange?” I chuckle. “That’s cute.”

  “Can I go now?”

  I groan, narrowing my eyes. “At least give me your sister’s name!”

  “Fine. Her name is Everleigh.” He gives in, and I grin victoriously.

  “Maybe I’ll get to meet her someday.” I smile hopeful, but he doesn’t take the bait to give me more information.

  He nods firmly at me with tight lips, and I know he gets uncomfortable talking about himself. That part was genuine while at the cabin. When he avoided telling me anything personal, it wasn’t just an act. “Alright, lovebirds. I’m gonna shower, then go to sleep.”

  “I think that’s code for get off the couch,” Liam says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up.

  Tyler walks toward the bathroom, then turns and smirks. “Well, I’m definitely not sleeping in that bed. I’ll be wearing the headphones, though.”

  The past six days have all been long and repetitive. It’s felt like Groundhogs Day except Liam’s been too paranoid to let any of us out of the condo, so we have food delivered, and Tyler’s friend who owns the place dropped off some other supplies for us. Condoms included this time.

  I can tell Liam’s been on edge the past couple of days as he waits for Victoria to make the next move. I also know he hates sitting around and is probably eager as hell to get back to work. Sophie and I text every day, and I even called Lennon to give her the same updates. Once we’re home, we plan on sitting with everyone and telling them the whole story. Now that Victoria isn’t playing puppet master, they need to know everything in case anyone in Victoria’s world tries to talk to them.

  Then Liam has to talk to his father and give him a brief summary of why he’s no longer staying married to her and how the babies aren’t his. I know he’s super stressed about the fallout of having an arranged marriage and now having to apologize to everyone for lying.

  There’s a lot on his plate, so I try not to push him to talk about it because there’s nothing that can be done until Victoria sends the papers. Until then, we’re living in limbo.

  “What are you hungry for?” Tyler asks as I sit at the breakfast table.

  “A triple berry smoothie from Frenchie’s Cafe,” I smart off. “They have the best muffins too. Mmm.” I release a dreamy sigh as I think about being back in Sacramento.

  “Alllllright, well…” he ponders. “I can make you a fruit and yogurt smoothie, and there’s some blueberry muffin mix in the pantry. How’s that?”


  “Good, then you can do my laundry while I cook.”

  “Oh my God. You too? Liam does the same shit to me.” I groan.

  “What do I do?” Liam comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, then presses a kiss to my neck.

  “Sneak your laundry in mine so I’ll do it,” I tell him, then elbow him in the stomach. “Now Tyler is trying to be sneaky and barter for his cooking.”

  Liam walks around me and goes toward the fridge. “Smart man. He works his strengths in his favor.”

  “I’m good for more than just cleaning.” I groan.

  “Like what?” Tyler pries. “Because all I’ve seen you do is watch Netflix, do yoga, and dance around the living room for the past three weeks.”

  Liam whips his head around and faces me. “You were doing yoga and dancing in front of him?”

  “I. Was. Bored!” I say for the hundredth time this week. “He’s the one who watched…” I hold out my hand, putting the attention on Tyler instead.

  Tyler snickers, shaking his head. “It was my job to watch you. Remember?”

  “You better be keeping your beady little eyes off her now,” Liam warns, and I can’t tell if he’s being serious or not. His voice is firm, and he flashes Tyler a murderous glare. Liam looks like he’s ready for a fight.
  “Liam, relax,” I tell him, walking over and rubbing my hand over his arm.

  “Yeah, Liam, relax,” Tyler mimics in my same tone. “Plus, I only saw her naked one time. Nice nipple rings.”

  I knew he looked, the bastard!

  Tyler shrugs, and within two seconds, Liam’s charging for him.

  “Dude, not fuckin’ cool!” Liam has Tyler’s shirt fisted in his hands as he pushes him up against the wall.

  “Liam!” I scream. I’ve seen Liam pissed off before, but never like this. He’s worked up and taking it out on the wrong person.

  “Maddie, stay back. It’s fine,” Tyler says, then looks back at Liam, not even defending himself. “Go ahead, punch me. Get your anger out.”

  Tyler’s voice is calm and calculated, which means he knows what he’s doing, and that Liam won’t actually hit him.

  Liam pulls back, dropping his arms. “Shit.” He glances at me, looking fucked up, then goes back to Tyler. “I’m sorry, man.” Liam shakes his head, then lowers it. “Being stuck inside and not being able to work out and not hearing from Victoria…” He pauses and inhales a deep breath.

  “It’s okay, really.” Tyler puts his hand on Liam’s shoulder. “I get it. You’re used to an outlet, and you’re not getting one.”

  “It’s no excuse. I should never lose my temper like that, especially to lay a hand on you.” Liam sounds distraught, and I’ve never seen him like this before.

  “Liam, it’s fine.” Tyler rests both of his hands on his shoulders and pushes him back slightly so he’ll look in his eyes. “You’re at your breaking point. We all have one. Perhaps you need to do a yoga workout video.” He smirks, causing Liam to relax and blow out a breath.

  “Maddie told you, didn’t she?”

  “What can I say…” I chime in. “I’m a rambler when I’m bored.” I shrug when he eyes me.

  Liam steps toward Tyler and wraps his arms around him in a big, manly hug. I smile wide at the gesture, knowing Liam isn’t close to many people. There’s his small inner circle of Mason, Hunter, and my sisters, but now Tyler is one of us. He’s our family now, too.

  “Sorry again.” Liam slaps his back before pulling away.

  “We’re cool, man. Don’t worry about it.”

  The rest of the day passes, and by ten, we’re ready to pass out. This routine is getting old, and I can’t wait until I can go back to my dance classes—assuming I haven’t been dropped from them.

  I’m woken up the next morning by Liam’s booming voice echoing in the distance. I blink, then look over and see he’s not in bed with me. Right after I throw off the covers and set my feet on the floor, the door whips open. Liam charges toward me with a wide smile.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, confused. It can’t be any later than nine.

  “Victoria just texted me. She has the papers and signed them.”

  My brows rise. “She did?” I throw my arms around him, and he lifts me up, my legs wrapping around his waist.

  “Yep.” He kisses me before setting me down. “She’s sending them to the house, but I had her send me pictures of the docs for proof. We were only married for four months, so it’s very basic. Her assets are hers, mine are mine, and we never had anything joint or shared, so I’ll sign and send back for her to file. Then depending on the court’s schedule, hopefully in six to eight weeks, we’ll go in front of a judge.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then it’ll be final.”

  My heart races when I think about Liam finally being a free man. “I’m so relieved.”

  “Me too, baby. So fucking relieved.” He cups my face, and I pull him closer as he brushes his lips against mine. After the incident in the kitchen last night, Liam was so pissed at himself. I know he’d never intentionally hurt anyone he loved, especially not Tyler. He apologized over and over for showing that side of himself, but I want it all. The good, bad, and ugly parts of him. Neither of us is perfect, but together we’re stronger and much happier. Fortunately, Tyler handled it all well and knew how to deal with the situation.

  Liam smiles. “Let’s go home, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Maddie and I were so happy to finally be home after spending seven days in Oregon. I was anxious as hell waiting for Victoria to file the papers, but once she finally did, I felt like I could breathe a little easier. Once we were back, we could finally be open about our relationship, and it’s been what dreams are made of. I’ve never had this feeling before, but everything I’ve gone through to get Maddie in my arms every night is worth it.

  Being apart from her, I was so damn worried about her safety that I’d nearly forgotten to take care of myself. Sleep was ever fleeting, and I had no appetite. Though once I knew she was safe with Tyler, I felt relieved, but there was always that chance that something terrible could have happened. I would’ve never been able to live with myself if she had been hurt.

  Though we’re trying to find our normal, we’re both well aware that it won’t be happening until the divorce is final and the weight of Victoria’s threats is lifted. I also have a lot of making up to do because I hurt Maddie in ways I wish I hadn’t. I should’ve told her about the pregnancy, and it’s something I regret not doing. The hurt on her face the night she found out nearly destroyed me, and it’s something I won’t forget for as long as I live. While she says she’s forgiven me and understands, I’m going to do whatever it takes to rebuild that trust between us.

  Maddie spoke with her advisor the day after we returned. She had to get permission from her professors since they can kick her out for missing so much, but after speaking to the dean and giving an explanation, they’re allowing her to return this week. Considering the car I bought her is still yet to return to the house, it’s probably for the best since I’m still working on how to get it from Victoria. At least then Maddie can find her own personal normal without having to depend on anyone to drive her. It bothers the hell out of her because she wanted to be independent.

  “What do you want to watch?” Maddie asks me as we sit on the couch. I was lost in my thoughts again, not paying attention. It’s happened more times than not since we’ve been home.

  “Uh, I don’t care,” I mutter. It’s Sunday evening, and Lennon and Hunter are on their way over to visit. Maddie’s been wanting to see Aaron and Allie, and there are a lot of things I need to tell the two of them. Sophie and Mason said they’d grab pizza, and we’d have a small get-together like old times. If anything, I’m grateful for my friends and how forgiving and understanding they are for this shitshow I’ve brought to them.

  Maddie flips through the channels and stops on Lifetime. It’s like Hallmark, but with sex and cursing, and she’s all about the cowboy romance movie she’s watching. It literally took two minutes before she was sucked into the plot. Go figure, cowboy boots and a Southern accent are all it took to have her swooning. I wrap my arm around her and pull her a little closer, happy we can have this time together, because weeks ago, I wished for moments like this with her. As best as I can, I’m going to enjoy this time because it’s been relentlessly proven to me how fast things can change.

  Once the couple makes out and their intimate moment fades to black, Tyler comes downstairs.

  “What the hell are y’all watching?” he asks, plopping in the recliner.

  “Don’t you recognize a cheesy Southern flick when you see one?” Maddie taunts. “They talk like you.”

  “Har har. I don’t talk like that,” he remarks. Tyler’s quickly made himself at home, and I’m gonna miss him when he leaves in a month. He’s so easily fit in with everyone, and it almost feels like he’s always been one of our roommates. It helps that he and Mason already have a good relationship, though, from when he was Mason’s trainer.

  Lennon and Hunter eventually arrive, wearing grins when they walk through the door. Maddie is over the moon excited to see the kids. I watch her with Aaron and see how her face lights up as she talks to him a
nd how Allie smiles and laughs at Maddie’s words. They love her so much, and one day, I know she’ll make an amazing mom. Sophie arrives with six pizza boxes, and Mason walks in not long after with two six-packs of beer. It’s D-Day, the day I sit down and explain to everyone what happened from the top. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for so long, and the time is finally here. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about it, but I’m glad Tyler and Maddie are here to help tell the whole story.

  As we eat, Maddie looks at me, smiling and encouraging me to start.

  “So, I have a lot of explaining to do…but first I owe every single one of you an apology.” I speak up, finding confidence within myself. “I’m so fu–freaking sorry.” I look at Allie playing on the floor with a doll and decide not to teach her curse words.

  I start from the very beginning and explain my gambling addiction, and then the big stakes poker game I lost. Sophie’s eyes are wide when I tell her how JJ harassed and blackmailed me.

  “And they threatened to hurt me,” Maddie adds. “Sent him a photo with a target over my head. They followed me around campus too, knowing I was Liam’s weakness.”

  Mason stops eating. “Why didn’t you say something to us? I could’ve helped.”

  Shaking my head, I meet his eyes. “It was too risky. I didn’t want to get anyone else involved especially after I’d risked so much by having Tyler help me, and they were already targeting Maddie. I thought I had control of the situation, but clearly I didn’t, especially once Victoria dropped the pregnancy bomb on me.”

  “You would’ve done it for me,” Tyler states confidently. “It was the least I could do.”

  “Man, we’re here for you,” Hunter adds. “You’re our brother. We fight together. We do all this together and have since the very beginning.”

  “I know,” I offer, pissed at myself, realizing how ridiculous it all sounds. “It’s something I’ll always regret, but I really thought I was protecting you guys.”

  “Wow,” is all Lennon says, watching me with wide eyes when I tell them about Johnny nearly shooting me and Victoria saving my ass at the last second but with an ulterior motive. By this part, everyone has stopped eating, and they’re watching me intently. Maddie interlocks her fingers with mine and inspires me to keep going.


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