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Always Yours

Page 27

by Kennedy Fox

  Maddie snorts and shoves a donut in her face while she shakes her head. “Probably having rough sex again. Thankfully, I don’t need to shower this morning. Geez,” she says around a mouthful, snagging another one.

  “You’re probably right, but as long as donuts are involved, I kinda don’t care.” I shrug, snatching one and eating it in two large bites.

  Maddie pulls a to-go cup from the cabinet and boils some water for tea. “You know what next week is, don’t you?”

  “Nope,” I say, joking with her, but she takes me seriously.

  Her face falls as she grabs the milk from the fridge. “Seriously?”

  “No idea.” I take another donut, knowing I could probably finish the rest of them on my own.

  “Liam!” Maddie sticks out her bottom lip, and I go to her, laughing at her pathetic lip tremble.

  I plant quick kisses on her cheek until I find her mouth. “Babe, of course, I know what it is. Your birthday. Number twenty-two.”

  “You better have something awesome planned.” She taps her pointer finger into my chest with a smirk.

  “I thought I’d just dick you down all night,” I joke.

  Maddie rolls her eyes, but I don’t miss the smirk painted on her face. “You were gonna do that anyway.” She drops a tea bag in her cup to seep before glancing over her shoulder and biting her lip. That fucking taunts me, and if we both didn’t have to leave in a few minutes, I’d be bending her over the kitchen island.

  “Don’t worry, it’ll blow your panties right off. Guaranteed.”

  “Guess that means I better be wearing some?” She waggles her brows. This time, I really am two seconds from throwing her over my shoulder caveman-style and returning to her bed. She has that look in her eye, the one that says she wants me right now.

  I glance at the clock on the stove and groan, knowing I can’t. “Damn. There’s never enough time in the day to spend with you.”

  Maddie steps toward me, closing the space between us, then wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my lips to hers. “We have forever, Liam.”

  Lifting her chin, I brush my lips against hers again and growl. “Forever isn’t enough,” I admit, knowing I’m greedy when it comes to her. “I want an eternity.”

  She flashes me a bright smile, and reluctantly, we break apart and finish getting ready, then go our separate ways.

  For the next eight hours, I stake outside of an empty warehouse on the other side of town waiting for a guy to deliver stolen vehicles. He’s been arrested and bailed out a handful of times but decided last month to skip his court date. All day, I wait and never run into the guy or really anyone. By the time I make it home, I’m frustrated, but this sometimes happens when the people I’m tracking know they have a warrant out for their arrest. As soon as I grab a beer and sit on the couch, Maddie comes bolting through the door. She’s a golden ray of sunshine, and I immediately perk up when I see her.

  With a plop, she kicks off her shoes, tuckers her legs under her body and leans against me. “Missed you. How was work?”

  “Sucked.” I shrug. “Tomorrow will be better, though. How was school?”

  “I should’ve stayed home and fucked you all day,” she tells me, throwing her head back with a laugh. “Seriously, though. Nothing monumental about it. We’ve started preparing for our senior recital, and I’m not as in it as I thought I would be. Maybe after a few weeks when I actually have the choreography memorized.”

  Just as I’m about to respond, my phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s an unknown number, but I answer it anyway.

  “Liam.” Tyler’s distraught.

  “Hey man, what’s up?” The line is silent for a few seconds.

  I’m about to ask why he’s calling me from a different number when Tyler lets out a ragged breath. “I got arrested. I’m in jail and completely fucked.”

  My body goes into full alert, and Maddie notices my demeanor change. She stares at me, searching my face.

  I put the call on speaker. “What did they arrest you on?”

  Maddie’s eyes widen in shock. “What happened?”

  “Victoria set me up. Loaded the bed of my truck with pounds of drugs, guns with the serial numbers scratched off, and bricks of money. It looks like I was hauling this shit across the US. They booked me for possession with intent to distribute and sell.”

  “Fuck,” I bark out loudly, running my fingers through my hair. “I thought this was over. She fucking promised she would stop and leave the people I love alone. She just unleashed the door to hell.” I’m seething, already planning what I’m going to say to her when I track her down and choke her. I still have all those photos of her and Mickey, and even if she’s not afraid of what her dad will do, I imagine the DeFranco family won’t be as forgiving, especially after JJ’s stunt.

  “Did she know Tyler was your friend?” Maddie asks me. “Or just that he was the mole in getting me out?”

  “She saw me at the fight with you, so she knows,” Tyler says. “Wouldn’t have taken her long to put everything together, especially with the people in her circle. Eric probably told her what I did too. She had more than one reason to get back at me,” he explains.

  “Goddammit,” I hiss, balling my hands into fists. My heart races, and I’m seconds away from planning a full-on rage-revenge.

  Tyler continues, “I shouldn’t be as shocked as I am, but she went to the extreme, making sure I’ll be fighting like hell to prove I didn’t do it.”

  “When do you see the judge? I can get you bailed out once it’s set. Are you in Vegas?” My legs shake anxiously, ready to go wherever he is, even if that means returning to a city I swore I’d never visit again.

  “No, I’m in Sacramento. I was gonna surprise you and Maddie and was only fifteen minutes from your house.”

  “I’ll figure out a way to get you bailed out at least until the court date,” I tell him confidently. There’s no way I’m letting him stay there.

  Tyler blows out a frustrated breath. “It’s gonna be high.” His voice is nearly a whisper.

  “I don’t care,” I tell him. “It’s your first offense. You’re a vet. You don’t have a record. I’ll call my lawyer friend, Serena, and see what she can do.”

  “Well, unless she’s a miracle worker, I’m not holding my breath. The officer who put me in cuffs was a total dick. Before putting me in the back of his unmarked car, he whispered in my ear and said I should’ve never betrayed Victoria. Then he winked and pushed my ass inside.”

  “Who the fuck was the officer?” I ask, my adrenaline spiraling out of control.

  “I’m pretty sure his tag said Officer Ferguson. Now I’m convinced she has everyone on her goddamn payroll.”

  I see red, barely able to contain my anger. “Blake. That motherfucking bastard.” Then I glance over at Maddie. “Told you he was bad news.”

  Maddie tenses and shakes her head, frowning.

  “Serena will know what to do. I’ll have her come down and be your counsel. At least that way, you have someone on your side,” I tell him, feeling helpless but wanting to save him the same way he saved Maddie and me.

  “Even if I get out on bail or manage to somehow prove my innocence, she’ll come after me again, Liam. I wouldn't doubt it if she planted shit at my house too. She’s like a black widow and will seek her revenge one way or another. I have to play by her rules, and this is what she wants—to humiliate me and send my ass to prison. I’m convinced it’s the only way out of this. It’s the only way she’ll leave everyone alone.”

  “I’m not letting you rot in there without a fight,” I tell him.

  “I appreciate that, man, but I’m afraid my destiny has been set.” He sounds so damn defeated, and my guilt starts to weigh heavily on me.

  “I’m sorry, Tyler. I’m so damn sorry.” All I can do is apologize as the reality of it all sinks in.

  “Don’t apologize. I planned it, remember? I chose to go undercover, knowing the risks. It was worth it, Liam. I have no re
grets and would do it again in a heartbeat.”

  “I love you, man,” I tell him. “I’ll get Serena down there as soon as I can, okay?”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it.” Without allowing me to say another word, Tyler ends the call, and I’m left standing there in shock. I turn to look at Maddie whose eyes are glassy with tears.

  “I can’t believe this,” she says, wiping her cheeks.

  “I don’t care that she’s about to pop out two babies, I’m tempted to fly my ass out there and give her a reminder of what I’m capable of,” I mutter.

  “What would that solve?” she counters, crossing her arms. “That’d give her another reason to come after us again.”

  “Maybe.” I shrug. “Maybe not.” Pulling out my phone, I scroll to Serena’s number. “I’m gonna call Serena and beg her to help. Pay her triple if I have to.”

  Maddie gives me a sad smile. “I hope he’ll be okay.” She worries her bottom lip, and I wrap her in my arms.

  “He’s one of the strongest people I know. If anyone can make it through this, Tyler can.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three



  “Right corner pocket,” Liam announces, bending over and effortlessly sweeping the ball into the hole.

  “Goddammit,” Mason curses, slamming down his pool stick. Liam’s killing him and only has the final eight ball left.

  “Why you even try, bro?” Liam gloats, lifting his arms to show off his biceps. The guys have been playing pool for the past two hours, and Liam has killed Mason, Hunter, and Kilan each time. He’s undefeated at this point.

  “I’m grabbing a beer and finding my wife.” Mason shakes his head and walks out of the game room.

  “Do I get to play you next?” I ask sweetly from the other side, bending over just enough to show off my chest. My eggplant-colored dress leaves nothing to the imagination, which is exactly why I wore it for our last house party. Mason and Sophie moved out a few months ago, so it’s been just the two of us, but we recently decided we needed a fresh start and found our own apartment.

  “Not a chance in hell,” Liam grumbles, stalking toward me. “You’ll cheat.”

  “What?” I narrow my eyes as he snakes his arms around my waist. “How can anyone cheat at pool?” I ask innocently.

  “You know exactly how.” He leans down and tips my chin up toward him. “I keep having to give every guy in here dirty looks to stop them from looking at my girlfriend. I’m about to sucker punch Kilan in the face if he can’t keep his eyes to himself.”

  I snort. “Kilan is harmless. Plus, you’ve known him for years, so I know you’re just being extra macho.” Kilan used to live across the street, but after he moved, they kept in touch. Since it’s the final house party before we officially move out, it was only right to invite him for one last hurrah.

  “Harmless or not, one more glance at your chest, and he’s getting a fist to his nuts.”

  Wrapping my arms around his waist, I pull us closer. “Hmm…I like your possessive side. It really turns me on.”

  “Oh yeah?” He arches a brow. “How turned on are we talking here?”

  “Like, you better get us to a room stat before I take you on this pool table. After all this time, why haven’t we christened this damn thing?” I chuckle.

  “Trust me, not comfortable,” Hunter chimes as he walks in.

  “Ew…” I mimic a gagging noise.

  “Dude. You didn’t even live here. What the fuck?” Liam scowls.

  Hunter shrugs, then takes a swig of his beer. “I was a dumb college kid.”

  Smirking, I cross my arms. “Does Lennon know?”

  “No…” He points at me with the bottle. “And don’t you tell my hormonal, pregnant wife either. I don’t need to give her any more ammunition to knee me in her sleep.”

  “Huh,” Liam says sarcastically. “Dick kicking in their sleep must be a Corrigan trait.”

  Laughing at both of their expressions, I shrug. “Well, Lennon’s probably getting even after all the times you were an asshole. Maybe I should tell her…”

  I still can’t believe they’re having another baby. After Aaron was born, they said they weren't necessarily careful but were also doubtful they could due to Hunter’s medical concerns. Turns out, he’s very able. Lennon’s three months along now and moodier than she was with the last two pregnancies. Probably because she has two kids to take care of this time around.

  “Keep your loud mouth shut, Maddie,” he warns.

  “Okay, on one condition…” I offer, turning to Liam quickly before looking at Hunter. “You keep guard while we give the room a proper goodbye.”

  Hunter chokes on his beer and shakes his head. “You two are worse than Mason and Sophie.” Then he turns on his heels and shuts the door behind him.

  “You’re a bad, bad girl, Madelyn Corrigan,” Liam taunts as I slowly unzip my dress in front of him.

  “And you have about ten minutes to do very bad, bad things to me. So start strippin’,” I order.

  He waggles his brows and kicks off his shoes. “Yes, ma’am.”

  I giggle at our eagerness, and as soon as we’re both naked, Liam wraps his hand around my neck and draws me into him, crashing our lips together frantically.

  “God, Mads. Do you have any idea how much I love you? How crazy you make me?”

  I wrap my fingers around his cock and stroke him. “If it’s half as much as I love you, then I’m guessing a lot,” I say against his lips.

  “Half? Do you not understand my feelings for you? Most of the time I hold back so I don’t scare the shit out of you.”

  Tilting my head, I blink and look him in the eyes. “Don’t. I want every single part of you. You were my first and only, so I want to experience everything with you.”

  “Maddie, baby. The feelings I have for you…they’re so goddamn intense. I want you every second of every single day. And I don’t mean just sexually. It’s enough to just be near you. Close enough to touch you. Hold you in my arms, where you belong.”

  “Considering how our relationship started and everything we’ve been through, I wouldn’t want us any other way. Desperate, intense, frantic. I like knowing you want me as much as I want you,” I tell him honestly.

  Liam startles me when he grabs my arms and bends me over the pool table, positioning himself between my thighs. I plant my palms down and arch my back, widening my legs for him. “I don’t just want you, baby. I need you.” He threads his fingers in my hair before grabbing a fistful and pulling until my head touches the felt of the table. “Physically, mentally, emotionally. Every fucking aspect of the word. I’d have no purpose without you in my life.” Liam aligns our lips until our mouths are on each other’s. I love every side of him—soft and gentle, sweet and caring—but I’m especially fond of his rough and passionate side.

  He abruptly enters me, stroking himself against my pussy before he pulls out, then rams himself in again. I gasp at the intensity but want him to continue his sweet assault. Liam palms my throat, keeping my head close to him as he nips my bottom lip. Thrust after thrust, he brings me closer to the ledge, so damn close I’m about to cry out in misery if I don’t come soon.

  “Even though it’s been months, I’m still torn up that I hurt you the way I did,” Liam grits between his teeth as his free hand slides to my hip. “Every choice I made in Vegas led to me marrying that witch, betraying you, and you getting hurt in that car explosion. I fucking hate that I did that to you.” He slides out slowly before thrusting back in. “The guilt eats me alive every day.”

  He mentions feeling guilty, and I know he’s not just talking about me, or us, but Tyler too.

  When Victoria set Tyler up after the fight in Vegas, Serena agreed to be his lawyer. Once the bail was set and the judge read his charges, Liam nearly lost his shit. With the number of drugs and guns they found, there was enough to put Tyler away for fifteen to twenty years. Even though it was his first offense, he cross
ed state lines, and the judge wasn’t empathetic. Serena managed to get his bail lowered on account of him being former military and not having a criminal record. Liam made sure Tyler’s bond was quickly paid, and he was released. While he awaited his next court date, Tyler wasn’t allowed to leave California, so he stayed with us.

  One morning I woke up and Liam was gone, leaving me with a note that he went to Vegas to handle Victoria. I was so goddamn pissed, but by the time he returned and told me what he did, I lunged into his arms in relief. He told Victoria his plans to tell the DeFrancos of their affair if she didn’t fix this, and when she called his bluff, he drove to Mickey’s and put a gun to his forehead. I’d never known Liam to be in such a full-on rage before, but he’s loyal as hell to the people he loves. Once he told Mickey what evidence he had and what he’d do with it, he threatened Victoria into helping Tyler or would leave her and the babies. Mickey cared more about his family finding out the truth than being with Victoria, but at least now Liam knows he has a secret weapon if Victoria ever tries anything again.

  Unfortunately, it was too late to get Tyler out of his charges due to the physical evidence they found. She managed to pay off someone to reduce his sentence to eight years. Serena claims he’ll probably get out in five years with good behavior, but anything could change between now and then. Though we’re all devastated, it’s better than the twenty he could’ve had.

  Tyler started his sentence four months ago in April, and it’s been an emotional whirlwind since.

  I’d never seen Liam so distraught even after all the shit we’d been through. Watching his friend go to prison from events that Liam started has really hit him hard these past several months. I know he feels at fault, but Tyler chose to get involved. He knew the risks, and although neither of us could’ve predicted this would’ve happened, I wish he’d stop beating himself up over it. Proving Victoria’s motive for setting him up would’ve been nearly impossible too. Tyler’s not ready to confess all his sins and rat out the mafia, given the consequences he’d face for being a snitch. As disgusting as it is to think, he’s actually safer in prison than in Vegas right now. So for that, I’m somewhat thankful. Hopefully, once he’s out, all of this can be forgotten, and Victoria will leave us alone forever.


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