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What Remains: Wasteland

Page 19

by Kris Norris

  Kace frowned. “The message never stopped. We changed it once Hunter and Emersyn showed up, but it kept broadcasting.”

  Colby nodded. “Turns out that bastard rigged the radio. Made it look like it was still receiving, but we couldn’t hear anything. Never would have discovered it if Abby hadn’t been suspicious of his wounds. He had a laceration along his chest. Said he got it cutting his vest off while trying to escape some trap. But Abby said it wasn’t deep enough for what he’d described. Then we caught him with some discrepancies in his story and got suspicious. Darcy discovered the radio had been tampered with and well…we figured it out.”

  Hunter nodded. “Please tell me you took care of the bastard.”

  “In a manner of speaking.” Colby huffed. “The son of a bitch pulled a knife on Abby in the clinic. As you can imagine, that didn’t go over well.”

  Emersyn pushed forward. “Is she okay?”

  Darcy nodded. “Jack attacked the guy before any of us could get off a shot.”

  Rhys waved his hand. “Who the hell is Jack?”

  Darcy grinned. “He’s one of our dogs. Barrett found a couple of strays a few months back, and well, Jack has become pretty protective of both his mate and Abby. Damn dog nearly chewed the guy’s arm off before we could pull him back.”

  Hunter chuckled. “I’m surprised the good doctor let you out of her sight. Any reason you didn’t send Gunner to look for us?”

  Darcy’s smile faded. “They never made it back. We’re hoping for the best but…”

  Emersyn kicked at the floor. “Damn. Maybe we can help out with that once we’re back.”

  Darcy glanced at her, his expression changing as if he knew something she didn’t. “We’ll discuss it after you guys get some rest. You all look like shit.”

  Emersyn smiled, but something in the way the three men studied at her made her feel uneasy. “Why the hell are you all looking at me like that?”

  Barrett shrugged. “Like what?”

  “Like you know some big secret, and I’m the odd man out.”

  Barrett smiled. “That’s just the thing. You don’t look like the odd man out anymore. In fact, the four of you look pretty damn friendly.”

  Em crossed her arms on her chest. “You asking something?”

  Colby shook his head. “Don’t need to. The answer’s written on their faces. And can we just say it’s about bloody time. There’s been enough sexual tension between you and Hunter these past few months we could have harnessed it and run the damn generator. And now that there’s four of you…”

  “Can we discuss the grouping later? The sun’s coming up, and this place is crawling with Gray.”

  Colby nodded. “Just one more thing. Whatever became of that vaccine from the message?”

  Emersyn smiled, pointing at Kace. “You might want to ask our resident genius and bio-chemist.”

  Barrett whistled. “Rhys’ little brother is the mastermind behind a possible vaccine? This explains a lot, Rhys. Just saying.”

  Rhys huffed. “Very funny. And for the record, it works.”

  The smiles faded as Colby walked over to them. “How do you know?”

  Rhys sighed and lifted his shirt. Colby’s gaze dropped to the bite mark, the color draining from his face as he glanced back up, looking at Rhys as if seeing him for the first time.

  Emersyn stepped in front of Rhys, not sure how Colby was going to react. “We’ve all been injected.”

  Barrett moved in beside Colby. “You were all bitten?”

  Rhys shook his head. “Again, long story. But as you can see, it prevents the infection from taking hold.”

  Kace cleared his throat, drawing their attention. “This is all quite complicated. And I’d be happy to fill everyone in once we’re back at this compound of yours. I need to run additional tests on all of us, now that we’ve been exposed to the actual serum, but at the very least, I can offer some measure of protection for your residents.”

  Colby stared at Rhys again, a smile reclaiming his lips. “Bloody hell. Never thought it’d actually happen. Get your stuff. We’re going home.” He turned to Emersyn. “And we’ll discuss this change in status later, so don’t think you’re getting out of this without a conversation.”

  Hunter snagged her waist from behind as Kace and Darcy headed for the ladder to grab their stuff. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ve got your back.”

  Rhys crowded her from the front. “Hunter’s right. We’re a team, and that’s all there is to it.”

  She smiled, kissing them both. “I’m sure we can come to an understanding.”

  Hunter chuckled. “Just as long as it’s their asses you kick and not ours.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  * * * *

  Kace paced the length of his lab, checking his watch every other minute as he stared at the door, willing the damn thing to open. Hunter, Rhys and Emersyn had been summoned for some kind of meeting over an hour ago, and he was dying to know the outcome. Though they’d insisted on him joining them, Darcy had refused, stating that since Kace wasn’t part of the recon team, it didn’t directly involve him. Emersyn had looked as if she might kick Darcy in the face, but she’d somehow restrained herself and followed along with only a moderate amount of grumbling. Now he was left guessing about the outcome and wondering how it’d affect their life within the center. He ran a shaky hand through his hair. They’d already come close to losing Emersyn once over the issue of her remaining active, another incident might alienate her for good.

  “Damn, I hate not knowing.”

  “You know they say talking to yourself is the first sign of mental illness.”

  Kace spun around, the sound of Rhys’ voice making him jump. His brother was standing in the doorway, grinning in that irritating way he’d done as a boy.

  Kace crossed his arms on his chest. “At least I have the possibility of going insane. You lack the necessary equipment.”

  Rhys chuckled, stepping inside as Hunter and Emersyn moved in behind him. “A bit anxious there, little brother?”

  “Hell yes. You three have been gone for over an hour. I was just about to grab some medical supplies and come looking, just in case Em had gone ballistic and maimed half the committee.”

  Emersyn grinned, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”

  Kace’s tension eased, and he dipped down for a kiss. “Does this mean it went well?”

  Emersyn tilted her head. “Yes and no.”

  Kace frowned. “It can’t be both.”

  Hunter moved over to them. “Em’s just pissed because she had to agree to go on leave if she becomes pregnant.”

  Emersyn punched Hunter in the shoulder. “I’m not pissed about that. What pisses me off is the fact they thought they had to stipulate that. Of course I’d remove myself from active duty if I got pregnant. I’m not that reckless.”

  Hunter raised a brow. “Sweetheart, I have no doubt you’d take on an entire horde of Gray while in labor. But then you’d probably still come out on top, so…”

  Kace sighed. “I’m sorry, Em. If I knew what kind of effect this drug had on a fetus—”

  She stopped him with a finger over his lips. “Don’t be silly. If we’re fortunate enough to conceive, I wouldn’t endanger our child’s life, pride or not. Besides, I’m not the only one who has to stand down if I get pregnant.”

  Kace raised a brow.

  Rhys nodded, joining them. “We told the committee that we were a team, end of story. If Em goes on leave, we all do. Simple as that.”

  Emersyn drew Rhys to her, tiptoeing up to give him a kiss. “And I love you guys for standing up for me. You know that, right?”

  Rhys nodded. “You’ve mentioned it a few times since, but it never gets old.” Rhys nudged his brother. “So you got any other news for us?”

  Kace released a weary breath. “Some. As feared, the effects of the serum aren’t permanent. The levels of blockers
in our system have drastically reduced since our initial readings. At this point, we’re not immune anymore.”

  Hunter slapped him on the back. “Well, at least it lasts for a couple of days. That’s better than nothing.”

  Kace nodded. “There’s something else. Rhys’ blood seems to have created some kind of antibody in response to surviving the infection. I’ll have to do more tests, but it could prove to be the break we’ve been waiting for…a chance at a permanent solution.”

  Rhys patted him on the back. “Sounds like you’ve got a lot of work ahead of you.”

  Kace grinned. “I don’t have all the equipment I need, but…enough to start.” He pulled Emersyn tighter against him. “But I do have the necessary equipment for the task I have in mind. Unless you three are off to get sugar or something from the local store.”

  Emersyn laughed. “Why go out, when I’ve got what I need right here.” She tsked Kace when he tried to undress her, darting over to one of the boxes in their room. She dug inside it, holding up a few lengths of rope. “I seem to recall promising to tie you boys up. Don’t suppose you’ll come quietly?”

  Kace shook his head, nodding at the other men as he stalked toward her, undressing as he went. “Oh, there’ll be lots of coming, baby, but I highly doubt any of it will be quiet.”

  Emersyn laughed, dodging left to avoid them. “Three against one isn’t exactly fair odds.”

  Kace stopped in front of her, smiling when Hunter grabbed her from behind. “Maybe not fair but perfect just the same.”

  She smiled, resting against Hunter. “Perfect. I like the sound of that almost as much as I love the three of you.”

  Hunter nipped her ear. “Ditto, sweetheart. Now let’s get that rope.”

  About the Author

  Author, single mother, slave to chaos—she’s a jack-of-all-trades who’s constantly looking for her ever elusive clone.

  Kris started writing some years back, and it took her a while to realize she wasn’t destined for the padded room, and that the voices chattering away in her head were really other characters trying to take shape—and since they weren’t telling her to conquer the human race, she went with it. Though she supposes if they had…insert evil laugh.

  Kris loves writing erotic novels. She loves heroines who kick butt, heroes who are larger than life and sizzling sex scenes that leave you feeling just a bit breathless.

  Kris loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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  Resplendence Publishing

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