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Her Perfect Man- The Complete Series Box Set

Page 34

by Z. L. Arkadie

  “How did you get in?”

  Luther would not let her in. I have given him instructions to keep her out. Where Carmen goes, chaos follows. She drinks too much. She has too many lovers. She is the painting on a two-dimensional canvas—color, light, and shadow. She has no soul, no spirit, no amusement.

  Carmen squeezes her lips into a pout. “Why are you not happy to see me, Gianfranco?”

  “Because you are not an invited guest.”

  She crawls on my bed and curves her body seductively. “Join me.”

  I go over to the buzzer and ring Luther.

  She sits up. “What are you doing?”

  “Get dressed. Luther will show you out.” I turn my back to leave.

  “Is it her?” she asks.

  I stop. “Is it who?”

  “The woman who was here this morning?”

  Slowly I face her. What an evil smirk she wears. “What woman?”

  “The American.”

  Anger swells deep within me, and I race toward her. “Did she see you?”

  Her eyes widen. “Yes!”

  “What did you say to her?”

  “The truth,” she barks.

  “And that is?”

  “I’m your wife!”

  “Sir,” Luther says, standing in the doorway.

  I scratch my head with both hands. This is a nightmare. I must think, focus.

  “Get her out of here,” I say to Luther.

  Carmen shakes her head frantically. “In God’s eyes, we are still married.”

  Is this why Liza did not answer my call? My meeting in the city carried on too long. It lasted five hours.

  “What time did she come?” I yell.

  Carmen pokes herself in the chest. “I’m your wife!”

  She’s not fit to answer my question.

  I turn to Luther. “What time?”

  “Miss Patrick arrived close to eight a.m.”

  My meeting started at eight.

  “And what time did she leave?” I ask.

  Luther shakes his head. He is distracted by Carmen screaming that I am going to hell for divorcing her. However, she is dressing herself.

  “I did not see Miss Patrick leave. I assumed she was still here.”

  I point at Carmen. “Make sure she leaves and bar all the entryways except the front.”

  “Yes sir,” Luther says.

  I suspect Carmen entered through the cave I always use. As I run down the hallway, I know that I must ask Luther to change the locks very soon. I thought I had collected the key from her, but she must’ve had others made.

  I drive to Liza’s house as fast as I can without driving dangerously. When I arrive, I knock on the door. My call is not answered. I run to the back of the cottage to see if she is playing in the garden with Aiden. No one is there.

  I go sit inside my car to think. I do not think Liza will return to the studio for two months, but a jolt of energy surges through me. I must go see. I smile as I drive. Liza will surely forgive me for this misunderstanding. But this can never happen again. When I make it to the studio, I find a parking space and race inside.

  The girl behind the desk gasps. “Ciao, Gianfranco Guardi?”

  “Yes, is Liza here?”

  Her mouth is wide open. I give her a moment to find her voice.

  “Um…” She looks around her desk as though she has lost something. “One moment, please.” She picks up the phone and says, “Gianfranco Guardi is here.”

  My heart beats like a drum. My stomach curls into knots. I am worried because I do not feel Liza present. Her spirit usually washes over me like a gentle and pleasant breeze.

  “Si...” the woman repeats for the fourth time. “Si, Giovanni.” She hangs up, stands, and gives me a smile. “Signor Guardi, this way please.”

  “Grazie,” I say with a nod and follow the young woman.

  She leads me past an office. Liza’s name is on the door, and I touch it as I walk past. We reach a bigger office, where a man sits behind the desk.

  He stands and extends his hand. “Signor Guardi, I am Giovanni Leoni.”

  I shake his hand. “Signor Leoni, could you tell me where to find Liza?”

  He points at the seat across from him. “Call me Giovanni. Now please, take a seat.”

  I don’t want to sit, but I do it.

  “Liza is in America,” he says.

  I stiffen my back. “America? Why?”

  He studies me with narrowed eyes. I know something has happened.

  “She was at my house this morning,” I say.

  “I know. She went to tell you that her ex-husband had been convicted of murdering her father. She wanted to tell you that she was flying to America this morning, but instead she found a naked woman in your house. This woman said she was your wife.”

  “The woman lied.”

  Giovanni sits back and crosses his arms. “You live in a castle, Signor Guardi—a fortress, for that matter. How can a woman sneak into your home and say she’s your wife unless you allow it?”

  I close my eyes to find peace. I know I look guilty. Everyone knows that my castle is not easy to break into—unless one has a key. I force a smile and try not to sound as desperate as I feel. “Giovanni, the woman was my ex-wife. She is crazy. This morning I was at a meeting with my manager regarding the auction for Fixation.”

  Giovanni adjusts in his seat. “Fixation?”

  I tilt my head. “You’ve heard of it?”

  “Everyone in the world has heard of it.”

  “Well, yes, and when I came home, my ex-wife was naked in my room, and I asked my butler to escort her out. I am here to find Liza, and I will not stop looking until I reach her.”

  Giovanni’s eyes narrow to slits. After a moment, he sighs sharply. “Un momento.” He places a call.

  My hope is that he is not telling the truth and Liza is not in America. I hope she is in Bari so I can go to her and prove my love.

  “Ciao, love,” he says, then speaks in French to tell the person he is speaking to that I am in his office.

  He rolls his eyes as the woman rants and raves. I know it’s a woman because I can hear her. She has called me a pig and asked Giovanni to ask me why I did not tell Liza that I am married.

  “Because he is not married,” Giovanni says in English. “The lady Liza found in the house lied.”

  I cannot hear the woman yell anymore.

  “She is his ex-wife.” He frowns and swivels in his chair to look away from me. “Yes, I believe him,” he whispers. “He won’t wait.” After a moment, he turns to look at me. “She’s in America. That is where you will have to go to find her.”

  “That is where I am going,” I say.

  “Then you will need her address.”

  “Yes,” I say, sitting on the edge of my seat.

  “He needs the address.” Giovanni lifts a pen off the desk and writes on a piece of paper. “I got it.” He nods twice, then smiles. “Allora, my love.” He hangs up and gives me the paper with Liza’s address.

  I take it as if my life depends on it. “Grazie.”

  “You are welcome, but my wife has one more request.”


  “She wanted to ask if we could be the first to broadcast Fixation. But”—he raises a finger—“I have not given you what you seek for our benefit. We love Liza, and it is clear that she loves you.”

  “And I love her,” I confess.

  “See, then that is all good,” he says.

  “I said I would do anything and I meant it. On the day of the auction, your station can arrive early and take the first picture.”

  He stands as fast as lightning to shake my hand, and I tell him again that I am very appreciative of his help. Once I leave the station, I call my charter company to schedule a pilot for my plane. I will return to the castle and prepare to leave for America immediately.


  I decide to drive to my house even though I’m staying at Nolan’s tonight. I want to v
isit my father’s desk, which I had Nolan bring over from our father’s house before it was sold.

  Seeing John was cathartic. I was able to alleviate some of my vexing thoughts, but more importantly, the power he’s had over me is now gone. Now all I can think about is Gianfranco and his beautiful wife. From this point on, I’m dating no one until I know for sure that he’s not a jackass. And poor Aiden—he was falling in love with Gianfranco too.

  I shake my head as I turn down my old street. I’m pretty sure that I will sell my house. Minneapolis is not my home anymore. Even if I were to move back to the United States, I would go elsewhere and do something else besides join the family business. A number of places come to mind as I reach my house. A black Cadillac with tinted windows is parked in my driveway.

  “Who in the world is that?” I mutter.

  Instead of pulling up behind the car, I park on the street. I’m not sure if I should call the police. Maybe we have squatters. But Nolan has been watching my house. He would’ve known if there were squatters. Just as I walk up to the driveway, the door of the black Cadillac opens.

  My heart stops as Gianfranco gets out. I can hardly believe what I’m seeing. His smile is like the sun.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I had to see you.” He holds his hands up in surrender. “May I approach?”

  “No, because you’re married!”

  “That is not true.” Gianfranco talks fast, explaining how the woman was his crazy ex-wife who snuck into his castle.

  “Ex-wife?” I say.

  “Liza, I would never hurt you. I love you. Now please, may I approach?”

  I nod. He walks over to stand right in front of me. I look up into his gorgeous eyes.

  “You look tired.”

  Suddenly tears fill my eyes. I fight the urge to rest my head on his chest. “That’s because I am.”

  He caresses my shoulders. “You believe me?”

  “Yes,” I barely say.

  His arms wrap around me, and my head spins as we kiss.

  “How long have you been here?” I ask as I finally rest my face on his chest and wrap my arms around him.

  “A long time,” he says.

  “I spent the night at my brother’s house.”

  “Will you spend the night with me tonight?”

  I let myself enjoy him stroking my back. “Yes,” I say with a sigh.

  After we go inside, I call Nolan and tell him that I’m staying at my house with Gianfranco tonight. I also tell him that he was right about the other woman—she was a lot like Kelsey. Nolan is happy to hear it and says that he can’t wait to meet the famous artist.

  Since we’re in America, Gianfranco asks to drive us to McDonald’s, where we order a lot of hamburgers, French fries, sodas, cookies, and apple pies. Once we get back, we go straight to my bedroom, put the food on the dresser, and fall onto the bed, kissing. Before long, we’re making love.

  Hours later, when we’re both sated, he holds me against his naked body. My eyes can hardly stay open as I rest in complete tranquility. Who could be happier than me at the moment?

  No one in the world!

  His lips graze the back of my neck. I close my eyes, and just as I’m about to drift off to sleep, Gianfranco snores.


  Six Months Later

  Aiden and I have moved into Castillo di Guardi. Floriana lives with us too, and she loves having her meals prepared by the cook and her bed made by the maids. All she does is watch Aiden whenever I’m at work and Gianfranco is in the tower, painting.

  Tonight, Gianfranco and I, along with Nolan and Abby, are in a private airplane on our way to Paris to see Fixation. It sold at the auction for forty million dollars. Now it’s in a world-famous museum under constant guard. We were there when Abby gave birth a month and a half ago, and now she and Nolan have finally flown to Bari to join us for the public viewing of Fixation.

  They chose to leave my new nephew, Merry William Patrick, at home because they felt he was just too young for such a long flight. When we were last in Minneapolis, Abby had already charmed Gianfranco into letting her guest curate a gallery for him in Minneapolis. She convinced them that people from all over the world would descend on little old Minnesota just to get a look at his work. Gianfranco was so fascinated by the new life that had just entered the world that his gift to Abby was to have her curate his exhibition in Minneapolis first and then New York second.

  Abby was over the moon.

  Now that she’s here in Italy, Nolan and I have had to put a temporary ban on them talking shop—except for tonight. Gianfranco is very excited to talk about Fixation. Even Nolan is excited about tonight, which is strange because he’s never been a lover of art. But there is a lot of history in Gianfranco’s piece. Not many of today’s artists can say that they have collaborated with a master who happens to be their uncle. Some critics are even saying that Gianfranco’s portion is more inspiring, more brilliant—he is the true master.

  Up in the air, we’re in high spirits and enjoying a nice amount of red wine and conversation about Castillo di Guardi. Last night was the first time Nolan and Abby had ever slept in a real castle. Abby swears she heard a ghost scratching at the wall while they were in bed. Gianfranco assures her that was only a big rat.

  “Yikes!” Abby says.

  We laugh our heads off.

  The pilot tells us that we should prepare for landing, and we buckle up.

  “I’m happy Liza’s with you now,” Nolan says to Gianfranco.

  Gianfranco smiles. “Me too.”

  Abby shakes her head. “John was awful. I’m glad they gave him two life sentences.”

  “He won’t be eligible for parole for at least fifty years,” Nolan says.

  We fall silent, and the heaviness of justice hangs in the air.

  “Let’s keep the moment happier, no?” Gianfranco says.

  “Yes.” Nolan raises his glass of wine. “To happiness.”

  We drink to that, then the flight attendant collects our glasses. Finally having a partner who doesn’t flirt back with flight attendants, waitresses, or even ticket takers is refreshing.

  After the airplane lands, a limousine whips us over to the museum. Since we’re special guests, we walk right past the long line of other invited guests. People call out to Gianfranco, but he pretends he doesn’t hear them.

  He kept his promise to Liza and Giovanni. Before Fixation went to auction, he let them videotape the painting, then answered a few questions. Apparently that made other media outlets jealous and voracious for their own exclusive with Gianfranco Guardi, but he’s not willing to give them special attention.

  So we don’t stop for even one interview, though the reporters and photographers can’t stop calling his name. Once we’re inside, there’s no media, just high-profile guests. I recognize Juanita Smith and Penelope Hughes. I want to go say hi and introduce Nolan and Abby to them, but Gianfranco insists we go see Fixation.

  “Is it time for the ceremony?” I ask.

  “Not yet,” he says. “But I want to spend time with Fixation with you first.”

  I cup his chin and kiss him. “Okay.”

  I turn to tell Nolan and Abby we’re stepping away, but they aren’t there. Abby must’ve taken Nolan to see another famous piece of artwork. She’ll probably be like a kid in a candy store tonight.

  Gianfranco takes my hand and leads me to Fixation. It’s strange feeling as if the guests are parting to let us through. This will actually be the first time I’ve seen the finished painting. Gianfranco has never let me back into his studio since he painted my body that night, and Elsa wouldn’t let me see the footage from their interview.

  I’m so captivated by the painting’s bold pinks and tans and browns and blacks. It takes me a while to put together the body parts—shoulders, calves, waists, knees, and…

  I step closer to get a better look.

  “Do you see?” Gianfranco asks.

  “The center portion—is
that me?”

  Oh my God, I love his bright smile and beautiful green eyes. “Yes. You are my fixation, my love.”

  My heart is so full of love for him. I turn to study the painting again. That’s me in the center. My body is the dominant scene.

  “And above you is Gabriella Notte, my uncle’s only true love.”

  “But he wasn’t married.”

  “She died of consumption.”

  I skip a breath and gaze at the curves of Gabriella Notte’s body.

  “Liza?” Gianfranco says.

  “Huh?” I’m still captivated by this woman who met a tragic end while experiencing a great love.

  “You are alive, and I am alive.”

  I feel Gianfranco’s position shift, so I turn to face him. He’s dropped to one knee, and he’s holding a ring box. I slap my chest as my eyes widen. I want to ask what is he doing, but I see what he’s doing. I’m so shocked that I can’t speak and can hardly breathe.

  “We only have one life to live, my love. Let’s live in the moment and spend it together. Aiden, you, and I. We will be a family, and your firstborn son will be my firstborn son.”

  My mouth is still caught open. Tears rush to my eyes. I look up and see Nolan and Abby grinning from ear to ear, embracing. Seeing them so in love brings back my voice.

  “Yes!” I cry. “I’ll marry you!”

  The museum explodes in cheers as Gianfranco slides the ring onto my finger. He leaps to his feet and embraces me, lifting me off the ground.

  As we kiss, my head is spinning. Fading into the distant memory is my bad marriage with John and horrible relationship with Salvatore. From this moment on, I decide to leave the past in the past and hope for a brighter future.

  Once Gianfranco and I let go of each other, I show my ring to the excited crowd and sing, as if it’s the greatest song in the word, “And she lived happily ever after!”

  The Professor’s Heart


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3


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