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Chosen Thief

Page 21

by Scarlett Dawn

  I swallowed a bit more of my drink.

  Then a little more, before I slowly lowered my glass to the table as that sank in like a fucking brick. And…I started chuckling, because I had been taken for an absolute absurd idiot. The table’s occupants glanced at me, and I waved a hand. “Excuse me, I just remembered what a fool was.” I got a few blinks at that, and Sin actually reached for my drink, but I intercepted his hand and patted it once. I whispered not so quietly to him, “You don’t need to cut me off yet. I’m just finally seeing the trees through the forest.”

  Because Queen Ruckler had known who I was all along. And I had an inkling the Mage, and possibly even the Vampire over there if he proved to have dark eyes, were the two men who had been in the room I had walked in on three years ago.

  Leric sipped his own drink. “I believe the saying is ‘seeing the forest through the trees.’”

  I chuckled in self-mockery, resting further on my chair. I prepared myself because this more than likely was going to be a brutal evening. “All right, perhaps I’m a bit tipsy.” I shrugged a shoulder, lightly patting Sin’s sticky-fingered hand when he reached for my drink again, before I lifted my glass and placed it on the other side of me, farther from his reach. “It should be easier for everyone at the table to take my money, so rejoice as the criminal is currently off duty.”

  “Christ, Caro,” Sin whispered under his breath, glancing at me with a scolding look. But he turned to the table with a cocky expression, shrugging a negligent shoulder. “I’m still on duty, so guard your stash.”

  Running my finger around the edge of my drink, I watched the action instead of Queen Ruckler who was on her way over here with the newcomers. I pinched the bridge of my nose for a few moments, nearly achieving an instant headache from the performance I knew I was going to have to do this evening — already on top of the politically polite performance I was putting on with Leric.

  Queen Ruckler began introducing them to Leric, Roselle, and Sin. Brenna, who also sat at our table, already knew them. Apparently Isa had been visiting Elder Farrar as she usually lived with her mom. Queen Ruckler then introduced Elder Farrar to me, Elder Zeller — who did have dark eyes — came next, and Torrie was just as lovely up close as she was across the room. Then it was time to ‘meet’ Isa.

  Queen Ruckler gestured across the table. “Isa, this is Caro, the spirit Elemental I was telling you about.”

  She had forewarned her daughter. Not too many spirits called Caro wandering about the world. My lips tilted at Queen Ruckler, possibly a bit more evilly than I should have, but I turned my carefully neutral eyes toward Isa for the first time since she arrived. I peered into the spring green eyes I knew would be staring at me with cold detachment, utterly positive Queen Ruckler wouldn’t have told her about our first encounter, protecting her daughter. And I wasn’t wrong. She stood casually next to Torrie, leaning a bit her way, with covertly frosty eyes as we each silently evaluated one another for a moment.

  With Brenna at our table, I was careful with my word choice. “Hello, Isa.”

  Her chest rose and fell once, but she nodded to me. “Caro.” Her head tilted and she blinked. “What did you say your last name is?”

  There was a flash of claws. “I didn’t, but it’s Jules.” I blinked innocently. “And is your last name the same as your mother’s?” Not really a rude question with her being a Vampire with a Shifter mom.

  Her lips lifted the barest bit. “Yes, it’s Isa Ruckler.”

  “Ah.” I nodded, pointing around my glass before taking a drink. “Your ring is lovely.”

  And it was. Especially since I was the one who bought it just for her.

  “Thank you,” she stated evenly, but her hand clenched where the emerald ring rested on her pinkie. My comment had knocked her off balance as I wanted, dredging the past back into her mind, the good and the bad, so she wouldn’t be at the top of her game. Her nostrils flared and she turned her attention away from me, looking to her mom as she put an almost believable smile on her face. “Where do you want us all to sit?”

  Queen Ruckler’s expression stayed carefully blank, even though it was blatantly obvious the only empty seats remaining in the room were at our table. “You can sit with us and play, unless you and Torrie would rather do something else?”

  I already knew the answer to that one. If Isa left right now, she would be backing down, in her mind. Isa never backed down, or let herself appear weak. Because she wasn’t.

  “No, we’ll stay,” Isa stated, and a genuine smile lifted her lips. “I haven’t seen you for a month and I missed you.”

  “Good.” Queen Ruckler leaned forward, kissing her forehead. “I’ve missed you, too.”

  So the four of them began taking their seats around the table, and I didn’t miss that the two Elders — who I was just remembering had been the sadistically vicious Kings during the first war — sat on either side of Roselle and Leric. Unfortunately, that only left the two empty seats on the other side of me. I saw Isa’s steps falter when Torrie didn’t take the seat directly next to me, but she recovered fast enough, quickly sitting down. I scratched my nose as her perfume, the same as she had always worn, lightly drifted to my senses.

  Christ, talk about dredging up old memories.

  I took another hefty drink before setting my glass down. As Brenna dealt the newcomers their chips, I turned my attention to King Zeller, asking him, “Can I bum a cigarette?”

  Leric’s quiet talking with Roselle happened to stall with the question, but I paid him no mind, even if others were observing his every move.

  King Zeller raised an eyebrow, but he reached inside the velvet robe he was wearing. “I didn’t know you smoked.”

  “She has a cigarette every once in a while when she drinks,” Sin stated, playing with his chips, glancing at me.

  Heavily was the word he left out. I smoked when I got drunk. But I wasn’t drunk now, I only wanted to get rid of the scent of her perfume. I took the proffered cigarette and lighter, scooting the ashtray closer to myself, and lit it. I took a heavy drag and returned the lighter to King Zeller. I let my head fall back, closing my eyes as the nicotine entered my system, and blew the smoke out slowly.

  God, that felt good.

  I opened my eyes and turned my attention to the Mage at the table, who had obviously known what he was walking into tonight, unlike me. “You look familiar, Elder Farrar. Have we met before?” I ashed my cigarette, ignoring Leric and Isa the best I could.

  “I’ve met many people in my life.” Elder Farrar’s golden eyes never wavered from mine. “It’s a good possibility we’ve met before.”

  My lips curved at his beautiful answer, and I slowly let my eyes move to Elder Zeller, running them over his impressive frame. He was just as large as he had been three years ago. I lifted my gaze to his dark eyes, which were just as intimidating as the rest of him. I tilted my head, taking a slow drag from my cigarette as Brenna dealt our cards. “You also seem familiar, Elder Zeller.”

  He grunted, his lips curving a bit as he thumped his thumb on the table in an odd rhythm. “It is amazing the many people you meet in passing. I often meet individuals who seem familiar.”

  I chuckled quietly, actually enjoying both of their responses. “That’s very true.” I peeked under my two cards, placing my ante in. I sat back and turned my attention to Queen Ruckler, smoking my cigarette and re-evaluating the past actions she had taken. What I slowly and grudgingly realized was she had done it all for her daughter. Her daughter had been hurt, and I was the reason for her daughter’s pain. I wasn’t sure there were any mothers out there who wouldn’t relish at least a bit of mischief for the culprits of their child’s pain.

  “I like to play a clean game,” Isa stated, interrupting my reverie as she spoke to the table. “I realize everyone here has many skills that could enhance their winnings, but I absolutely,” her voice got louder in my ear, meaning she was looking my way even as I continued staring at Queen Ruckler, “detest che
aters.” A pause, her voice farther away now. “So, let’s try to keep it clean.”

  My lips quirked around my cigarette at her ingenuity, even as Sin chuckled. He glanced around me to look at her, stating bluntly, “You may want to change tables if that’s what you’re looking for.” He gestured at the occupants seated around our table, all of them ruthless, powerful individuals. “I believe every single person here plays to win, and I can guarantee you none of them has a clean background.”

  Isa leaned forward, bending around me so she was staring Sin in the eyes. Trapped between them, I casually ashed my cigarette and took a sip of my drink as she asked, “I’m sorry, but what did my mom say your reason for being here was?”

  Sin’s eyebrows rose because Isa had not moderated the rudeness or bite to her tone. “I’m with Caro.”

  “Hmm,” she hummed, her gaze lingering over his face. “You’re her mate?”

  Sin’s head tilted. “No mate bond.”

  Instant. “Husband?”

  He held up his hand, wiggling his fingers. “No ring.”

  Immediate. “Boyfriend?”

  “At times,” he murmured, his lips starting to curve.

  Direct. “How long have you been together?”

  “Almost forever.” Sin was actually grinning, and he stated before she could speak, “Isa, you have very beautiful green eyes. They’re very…angelic.”

  I peered down to the ashtray, grinding out my cigarette. I was done wondering how long it would take Sin to figure it out. I had never told him her name, just said she was a Vampire, a green-eyed angel, and how I had ended things with her.

  “You’re also very good,” he murmured, chuckling quietly when she went mute at the compliment that had derailed her from her questioning. “You have just managed to get more information about Caro and me than the entire lot have since we’ve been here.” He tipped his head to her. “My congratulations.”

  Her jaw clenched, but she glanced at Queen Ruckler before she sat back on her seat, murmuring, “Thank you.” In other words, Queen Ruckler had mentioned my odd relationship with Sin and how no one could figure us out.

  “It’s your turn,” Torrie told Isa quietly, watching her carefully.

  Ah…tsk, tsk, Isa. Having a Vampire girlfriend meant her emotions could be scented. I hid my grin behind my glass as I downed the rest. I turned on my chair to refill it, somewhat enjoying the fact Isa would have to work extra hard to control her emotions. I folded my cards when Isa raised, not about to get into another match with her other than the personal battle of wits we were having.

  “Folding so soon?” Isa asked me casually as Sin called her raise.

  I played with the rim on my glass. “Yes. Since I don’t cheat,” I shrugged, hoping to derail her with my word choice, “I know when to fold a losing hand.”

  Her shoulders stiffened. “You don’t cheat? I find that hard to believe. Everyone cheats at something in life.”

  God, how far did I want to push this?

  I placed my glass on the table, weighing my options. “I’ve never cheated in cards.” I shrugged a shoulder. “I’ve seen people across the table from me get shot doing that.”

  Her fingers thrummed on the table. “And in life?”

  I watched Roselle raise after glancing at her cards again. “Only to the wicked.”

  Instant. “And in relationships?”

  Fuck, I couldn’t lie with Brenna at the table — it would be odd to do so with that question — and she appeared to be studiously evaluating everyone, a serious card player that one, so I had to go with the truth and hope it possibly derailed her more. “I’ve never cheated on anyone.”

  I heard her subtle inhale, and oddly from my peripheral I saw her completely freeze, even her fingers frozen in mid-thump. As I lifted my glass, taking another heavy drink, I waited for her to come back with some witty retort or storm out of the room or even punch me. Instead, what I got was silence. Utter and complete quiet as she slowly unfroze and relaxed on her chair, folding her cards mutely when Roselle’s re-raise got around to her.

  Sin placed his arm over the back of my chair, leaning close to whisper in the barest breath at my ear, “You are so blind.” He kissed my cheek as my eyebrows puckered at his comment, and he ran his hand under my hair to my nape and a little higher. Taking a firm grip on my hair where no one could see, he subtly turned my head in the direction of Queen Ruckler…then King Zeller…then very slowly Isa. He pulled his hand back to the table.

  I blinked, turning my attention to Queen Ruckler, not really wanting to look at Isa and having avoided doing so other than the introductions. My head cocked as I studied her beautiful small features before slowly moving on to King Zeller and his mocha skin and…spring green eyes. I was the one freezing this time, remembering everything Isa had originally said about her mom not caring about mixed faction relationships. Hell, even the conversation Queen Ruckler had had with me and Brann made sense now. King Collins and Queen Cooper were together while King Zeller and Queen Ruckler were together.

  Meaning that Isa wasn’t adopted; her looks were from her parents, an exquisite mix of the two Rulers.

  It also meant she was a hybrid, Vampire and Shifter. Shifters could detect lies after their Awakening, and Isa was now twenty, which is when she would have gone through it. Fuck, even her being gone for the month made sense since she would have been adjusting to her animal’s unruliness.

  King Zeller’s eyes lifted to me, and I blinked, turning my attention to the game at hand. Everyone was waiting for me to fold or post the blind on a new game, an entire hand having gone by and won by Roselle. I blindly pushed my cards in, folding, and sat back on my chair. I instantly grabbed my drink, knowing Isa was going to corner me now to know why the fuck I had lied to her so long ago.

  “You didn’t even look at your cards,” Leric’s rumble sounded quietly while a few people eyed me at my action.

  I gave a breathy chuckle and turned my attention to him, actually looking him straight in the eyes for the first time since sitting down at the table. “You know, Leric, there are times when you just know you’ve lost.”

  He quirked a brow, his eyes roaming my face. “You saw the signs?”

  Everyone was watching our interaction silently as the game continued, but I ignored them, realizing what he had over King Zeller and Queen Ruckler. In fact, at that dinner he had commented about ‘sometimes twice’, which made sense because of Erik. The two Rulers had two children together. My lips twisted in dark humor at the situation since it had actually been Sin who had helped me find the light when it was so obvious. “I did.”

  “Any decent card player can read the signs in the present, but gifted ones look for the warning signs in advance,” he murmured quietly, peeking at his cards before sliding in his ante. Silver eyes returned to mine as I stared at him mutely. I knew he was saying I should be using my powers. He cocked his head, white rolls dangling as he stated softly, “Just as I will have to warn my Tristan he now has company.” His lips curved subtly. “And I don’t believe you’ll be able to pacify her as easily as you bewitched him.”

  Oh, Jesus Christ.

  I know my eyes widened marginally when Leric flat out told me he knew about the break-up between Isa and me…and that she was a fucking tiger. I choked on a deep chuckle at the twists this day had brought me, shaking my head at him, and I mumbled honestly, “This day sucks.”

  His lips slowly curled, enjoying the sadistic humor of the situation right along with me, his silver eyes twinkling in the light. Then he, too, started chuckling very slowly, the sound genuine. “I would have to agree with you.” His laugh grew as he leaned back on his chair. His hand went to his stomach, then he fisted it at his mouth as he stared at me while outright laughing, one of those laughs that booms deep from the belly. “Fuck, and I thought it was bad earlier, as in, a definite three-drink day even before noon,” he flicked a finger at me, “but for you, I’d say keep drinking.”

  My eyebrows flew up a
t his comment, and I raised my glass in cheers in his direction as I hooted with him, wiping my eyes as they watered — I was in utter and complete agreement.

  Queen Ruckler cleared her throat hard and pointed with a sharp finger at Leric’s cards, her gaze frosty on him and her voice clipped. “It’s your turn.” She was pissed off again…apparently having caught on to the part he knew about her daughter.

  Leric sucked in a breath. Snorted. Tried to get a hold of his laughter as he glanced around at the play on the table. Seeing Elder Farrar had raised, he folded his hand. Then he sat back in his chair, running his hands over his hair and leaving them behind his head. He cleared his throat, his eyes still sparkling, but he was finally able to quit laughing as I was finally doing as I wiped my eyes again.

  “Who’s Tristan?” Torrie asked quietly. I had damn near forgotten she was there.

  I leaned forward, looking past Isa to her and watching her reaction as I stated, “His tiger.”

  Her brows puckered slowly. “Like, as in a pet tiger?”

  My eyes roamed her face. “Mm.”

  “Interesting,” she stated, her eyes flicking to him then quickly down to her cards. She was obviously thinking he was crazy but was also scared of him.

  Which answered what I wanted to know. She had no clue about Isa’s hybrid nature. With Isa’s girlfriend preoccupied, my eyes turned to Isa, looking her straight in the eyes. I had to admit, I was somewhat impressed she held my gaze without wavering, her chin even lifting a smidge, because Isa wasn’t ignorant. She never had been. And she knew I knew her secret. Hell, her parent’s secret, which would rock the Mystical community if it ever got out.

  Her nostrils flared, and the fury at being lied to years ago flashed in her green eyes before she hid it again. She subtly tilted her head to the door, apparently wanting answers now.

  I sighed silently and rested back on my chair. I lifted my drink, downing it, before I murmured to everyone, “You’ll have to excuse me. I need to use the ladies room. I’ll be back in a moment.” I stood and stayed upright, which was a good sign, then walked out of the entertainment room and toward the actual bathroom. Then I turned and waited.


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