Book Read Free


Page 6

by Gabby Tye

  “Jae!” I scream. I lean over and yank him up, almost tipping over. We fall over the other side ungracefully and I glance at him in relief.

  The rest of the group are waiting, lined up on the narrow path along the edge of the big storm drain, not knowing which way to go.

  “The Eaters are coming from that way,” I say, pointing to where I have seen them. “We have to go the other way.”

  “Go!” Kyl shouts. “Run, run, run!”


  I’m the last in line, watching everyone’s backs. I hear someone else scream. Shriller and more high-pitched. It’s one of the younger kids. It’s coming from the other side of the wall. Who is it? How could we have left one behind?

  “Help me. Help meeee!”

  “JAE!” I scream.

  He runs back, a questioning look on his face. I don’t have time to explain. I put my hands on his shoulders and jump up. I think I step on his stomach too. I hear him grunt and he falls backwards.

  “What the…?” he shouts.

  I lean over and look. It’s a 10-year-old boy. I forget his name. Mikey or Mickey or Nicky? He is being grabbed by one of the adults! He’s wailing hysterically, struggling and kicking with all his might.

  My eyes widen in horror. In the panic, he must’ve have hidden somewhere and gone unnoticed. I feel my heart drop to my stomach.

  His screams get more desperate as more Eaters get closer.

  “Help…” he wails. “Help…”

  I see my pole still leaning against the wall. I swing one leg over so I’m sitting astride the wall. I grab the pole and swing wildly and clumsily at the Eater.

  I am totally panicking. What has happened to my mad skills? The boy is still stretching for the top of the wall, not quite reaching it.

  I raise the pole again, and this time, it smashes down on the Eater’s head. He crumples and lets go of the boy. I reach forward and grab hold of his arm as more Eaters come forward. The whole backyard is now filling up with the disgusting creatures.

  One lunges at the boy and sinks his fingernails into his arm. His skin rips apart, forming a long gash. He screams in agony. His cries seem to startle the other Eaters. Still, they stretch their arms forward, moving towards him and the smell of his blood.

  The boy is visibly shaking. It angers me to see someone so young and so small get hurt.

  Before another Eater gets nearer, I pull the sobbing boy up the wall and lower him to Jae on the other side.

  “Hurry,” I say to Jae.

  Jae takes the boy gently and sets him down. The boy clings on to Jae.

  “Come down. What are you waiting for?” Jae’s voice is loud and urgent. His strong, gentle hands tug at my leg.

  What am I waiting for? I guess I want to observe them. I am relatively safe up here. They are not smart enough to climb up the sofa. They seem oddly still, waiting.

  I lean over the wall and face the Eaters. “STAY AWAY from my kids!” I snarl.

  That gets the Eaters’ attention. They shamble my way. Then, as I watch, they go still again, waiting. I swing my pole madly, hitting the Eaters nearer to me.

  “GET AWAY! GET AWAY!” I scream.

  My aim is way off and I only manage to graze two of them, not really injuring either. But the rest start shambling towards me again, towards my hysterical screams.

  Something clicks in my brain. Shut up, you idiot! I tell myself. I go perfectly still and let the pole drop. The Eaters go still and wait. So that must be their weakness… they can’t see? They must be attracted to sound! I have to warn the others.

  I haul myself over back to Jae and the boy. Jae is staring strangely at me, not quite angry, but not happy either. “

  It’s sound,” I whisper. “They are attracted to noise. We have to warn the others.”

  Jae nods, understanding. The three of us run to catch up with the rest, who are by now, far ahead.


  We run along the back alley, passing the back of the terrace houses. When we catch up with the rest of the group, we do a quick head count. All 15 are accounted for, I note with relief. I explain what I think I’ve learnt about the Eaters. They are attracted to sound, so we must be quiet.

  We stop when we come to the end of the path. In front of us is a main road. We have two options: up on the main road, or down into the storm drain that continues in a tunnel under the road. The main road seems deserted. The side streets running perpendicular to both sides of the main road seem empty too.

  “So, up or down?” Brion asks Kyl.

  Jae peers into the tunnel. It is pitch black. The boy – it turns out his name is Nicky – whimpers as he continues to cling to Jae. His arm is no longer bleeding, but the wound looks bad.

  “I-I don’t want to go down there,” he says fearfully. “Can’t we just go into a house? What about that one?”

  He points to a house on the opposite side of the street. It doesn’t look like it’s ever been broken into. Also, it sits invitingly close.

  “Or this one,” he says, pointing to the house we are standing right behind. “The fence is so low, we can all just climb over.”

  “Please?” Eryn says.

  “Please, please?” some of the other kids plead.

  They are tired and their bags are heavy. Kyl’s shoulders slump, and I think he’s about to relent. I lean against the fence and close my eyes. I am so tired. I hope he says yes.

  My eyes flick open. It’s that tingly feeling, at the back of my neck. Where’s the danger? Where’s the danger?

  “Shh! Quiet!” I put my hand out to shush the kids. The kids stare at me, wide-eyed with fear.

  I push away from the fence like it’s electrified and look behind me. I peer through the gaps in the fence. Kyl and Jae do the same. There is nothing in the backyard. “

  What’s going on?” Jae asks me.

  Now is not the time to explain to him how, when I get a tingly sensation, it signals danger. And how I can see things in my mind and read people’s thoughts. He just has to trust me. I signal to everyone to keep quiet, and to stay down. They all obey immediately. Except Jae. He stays stubbornly next to me. I feel both relieved and annoyed.

  “What is it?” Jae whispers.

  “I sense something nearby,” I say softly.

  “Like Spiderman, spidey-sense?” he whispers, smiling.

  I don’t understand how he can joke at a time like this. Then, I see the fear in his eyes and I understand that he’s putting on a brave face for the younger kids. I, too, smile.

  “Yeah, like Spiderman,” I say.

  The images start. One after another, I see flickering images in my mind. What I see fills me with dread. They are in the tunnel. The Eaters. A whole horde of Eaters shuffling, shuffling, shuffling nearer.

  Jae sees the look on my face and grabs my hand and pulls me to him.

  “Tell me now,” he whispers fiercely into my ear.

  “They’re in the tunnel,” I say. “We need to move everyone. Now. Quietly.”

  He nods, understanding. He releases my hand and I suddenly feel lost and weak. He takes charge. He smiles widely, like everything is okay. He gestures for Kyl to come to him and he whispers something in his ear. Kyl jerks back in alarm, then nods.

  “Okay, okay, you win,” Kyl whispers to the group. He smiles, but I see the panic on his face. “Let’s go into this house. As quietly as you can.”

  He climbs over the fence and starts hauling the younger kids over. The fence is so low the taller ones don’t need help. They fling their bags over and pull themselves up. One of the bags hits the ground and the tins inside clank against each other loudly. I wince and stare into the tunnel, hoping the Eaters don’t hear.

  I hear a low moan. No! Tears spring to my eyes. Please, not now! I am so tired. Jae and I stare into the tunnel. I half expect an Eater to spring out at me, but nothing comes out. Jae nudges me and I realise that everyone has gone over. I jump over easily and Jae goes over last.

  Everyone is wai
ting for him at the back door. He flashes a tired smile and gets started on picking the lock. He opens it in less than a minute.

  The house smells musty and damp. We all file inside gratefully. I take one last look beyond the fence and into the tunnel and shut the door as quietly as I can.

  I turn to Jae and shrug. “It could’ve been worse.”

  Exhausted, I sink to the floor with my back against the door and take stock of the situation:

  1. I can’t remember who I am.

  2. All the plants and animals are dead.

  3. We have been left to die, probably by our parents.

  4. The only food we have is in our bags.

  5. We have just lost our home.

  Is that all? Oh, wait. I almost forgot. We are being chased by cannibals. Great. Juuuust great.

  I think of all the little kids huddled up beside me shivering and wonder how their parents could’ve been so selfish to abandon them. What stupid parent, even if they were dying, would send their child into this hell? Not that I know what hell’s like. But I’m sure it’s no worse than this.


  Dyanne is in take-charge mode again, and I am grateful. She moves us all into the living room and divides us into three groups of five. There are two older kids per group. Brion and I are put in charge of one group. Eryn is in my group. Her smile cheers me up. Dyanne and Shulin are in charge of another group, while Kyl and Jae take the last group.

  We should have done this a long time ago. Then poor Nicky wouldn’t have been left behind. I look over at him. He’s lying on the floor, asleep. From exhaustion, trauma or sickness, I can’t tell. At least he’s stopped whimpering.

  Jae catches my attention and waves me over to the window overlooking the backyard.

  “Are you sure there are Eaters in there?” he asks, eyeing me carefully. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on with you?”

  I avoid his stare. Should I tell? Why not, I decide. What’s the worst that can happen?

  “I can see things,” I say.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Sometimes, when something bad is about to happen, I can see it before it happens,” I say.

  “You saw Eaters in the storm drain?”


  “When has this happened before?”

  “Both times when the Tattoo Guy attacked us. Also in the house just now, with the Eaters.”

  “If you can see danger, why didn’t you warn us before?” Jae says. He is angry. He grabs my arm painfully. “Why?”

  “It’s not like I can control when I can see things,” I say, shaking his hand off.

  “And your fighting skills?” he asks coldly. “Where did that come from?”

  “I don’t know,” I say. “I really don’t.”

  Jae sighs. He places his hand on my back and leans towards me. He rests his forehead on my shoulder. “What am I going to do with you?”

  I shrug. His head moves up and down with my shoulder. I smile at the sight. I shrug again. Up and down, up and down, until his head rolls off my shoulder. I laugh at the indignant look on his face.

  “Are you going to tell the rest?” I ask.

  He makes a face. “No, I’m not. It’s probably better this way. For now.”

  He’s so cute, I think.

  Shut up! I stop myself, slapping my face.

  Jae frowns at me and I grin sheepishly, waving my hand in front of my face. “Ahaha… Sorry, I was thinking about something.” Something like your face.

  I slap myself again and Jae stifles a laugh. “Are you okay, dandelion?”


  How many flower names can one boy think of? Well, two can play at that game. “

  I’m fine, chocolate muffin.” I glare at him.

  I see his cheeks turn pink but I pretend I don’t.


  We settle down in the new house. I keep going back into the backyard to see whether there are any Eaters. But I guess luck is on our side this time, and I spot none of them.

  Dyanne spends the day sorting through all our supplies, deciding on our one meal for the day. Everyone gets one can of baked beans. Yuk. But I’m too hungry to care. I scrape the bottom of my can. I check out the mound of food that we have carried with us. What will happen when that runs out? Will we, too, turn into Eaters, crazed with hunger? I push the thought away.

  It’s about eight, and we’ll have to wake up early tomorrow. The younger kids are herded into the upstairs bedrooms.

  I check all the windows and Jae relocks all the doors. Dyanne and Shulin line up all the bags, in case we need to grab them and run, like we did this morning. Then they go upstairs to tuck all the kids in.

  I look in one of the rooms and I see Eryn and Brion in serious conversation. Eryn’s face lights up and she throws her arms around Brion. He hesitates for a moment, his face turning a bright shade of red, and hugs her back. I turn away, smiling to myself.

  I head back downstairs and lie down on the sofa in the living room that acts as my bed. I shut my eyes as I hear Jae come down and prop himself against the sofa. He reaches up and takes my hand. I smile and drift off to sleep.

  “Come on, little girl. Scared of me?”

  “Go away,” I shout. “I’m not afraid of you. Go pick on someone your own size!”

  “No way. I’m not going to let you steal from me again.”

  I jerk awake, gasping for air. Jae looks up at me sleepily.

  “What’sgoingon?” he mumbles.

  “I know how I’m gonna find out who I am! The Tattoo Guy! He knows me!”

  Suddenly awake, Jae bolts to his feet. “Yes! He recognised you, didn’t he?”

  He grabs me into an unexpected hug and I just stand there in surprise, thankful for the darkness that is concealing the blush on my face.

  “We should go now. Before they all wake up. I’ll tell Kyl.” He rushes off without giving me a chance to reply.

  “Let’s go,” he says when he comes back. He is holding a length of rope in one hand. He slips his other hand into mine.

  I realise how natural it feels and I squeeze his hand and smile up at him. Those familiar green eyes stare back at me. I wish I could remember where I had seen eyes like these before.


  We slip out the front door. I am creeped out by the darkness. No street lamps, no light shining from people’s houses, no people anywhere. The weak moonlight just about gives us enough light to see by. I wonder where the Eaters have gone. We jog back towards our old house hand in hand, looking out for Eaters and Tattoo Guy.

  I look up at the gates of our old house. They look all battered and bruised now. One of the front gates hangs off its hinges. I peer down the street but don’t see anything. I shiver as a gust of wind blows against me. Jae puts his arm around my shoulder and smiles at me.

  “It’ll be okay,” he says quietly.

  We creep inside. My senses are on high alert. My imagination is going crazy and every shape I see looks like an Eater waiting to pounce on me. But there’s no one there. We creep into the kitchen. There is a stench of rotting flesh. The whole place is covered with slime and I almost slip and fall. We look out into the backyard.

  “There’s nothing there. What happened to all the bodies? The ones I knocked down?” I ask. “I don’t think they were dead.”

  “They were eaten, weren’t they?” Jae whispers.

  “But there’s nothing left. Not even bones.” I shudder.

  “C’mon. Let’s stop freaking ourselves out,” Jae says.

  We go back inside and sit alone together in a corner of the living room. Waiting.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  I nod. “A little scared, I guess. You think Tattoo Guy will come? What if he’s come and gone already? Or what if he came, and was caught by the Eaters? What if he’s dead?”

  I am stressing out. I want to know who I am. I need to know what Tattoo Guy knows about me.

  He puts his arm around me and
pulls me to him. I lean against him. It’s nice. Except for one thing.

  “You stink,” I say.

  “Excuse me. You don’t smell so great yourself, honeysuckle,” he retorts.

  “Don’t honeysuckle me, you pumpkin pie.” Oh, I am so witty today.

  “You want to play Face-Off with me? Really?” His tone is challenging.

  “Why not? It’s not as if you can think of anything better to do.”

  I give him a defiant look. I am ready for whatever insult he can hurl at me. I’ve got some good insults I’ve been crafting in my head since I saw the three of them go at each other.

  “Who says I can’t,” he says.

  He reaches out and touches my face with the back of his hand. I am not expecting this. I stare into his green eyes. He draws my face closer to his and leans in. I feel his breath on my lips and my stomach does a thousand backflips. His lips almost brush mine.

  There is a noise and we jerk apart. Someone is coming in through the front door. I hold my breath. It is Tattoo Guy. He slinks in. He can’t see us but we can see him, silhouetted against the moonlight. He is alone.

  “Jake! Sean! Are you here?” he whispers loudly.

  “On three,” Jae says, which means on one.

  “One,” he says, and we charge.

  Tattoo Guy yells as I tackle his legs and bring him down. I hang on tight as he tries to free himself. I’m stronger than he is. Jae manages to tie his hands behind his back. He loops the rope around his legs and ties them together too. He’s a much easier target than the Eaters. I grin up at Jae and he offers me a half smile.

  Jae hauls Tattoo Guy into a sitting position.

  “You!” he says when he sees me.

  “You know me? Where do you know me from? Tell me!” I say, shaking his shoulders.

  Tattoo Guy shrugs nonchalantly. And that annoys me.

  I slap him. Hard.

  “What do you know?” I demand.


  “Why are you following me?”

  “I am not following you.”

  “Then why are you here?”


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