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Love Is In the Air Volume 1

Page 11

by Susan Stoker

  “There is one problem with this outfit, though.”

  Frowning, Lexi turned to give herself a once-over in the vanity mirror. Her long, blonde hair was pulled into a half-up, half-down do. Her makeup was complete, and the simple, red dress with the capped sleeves and conservative-yet-sexy hem showed only the slightest amount of cleavage.

  “What’s wrong with my outfit?”

  “It’s not what’s wrong, really,” Trevor’s deep voice rumbled. “More like, what’s missing.”

  Before she could ask what he meant by that, he was reaching around her front, aligning the new necklace he’d purchased for her.

  Lexi sucked in a breath as she caught sight of the delicate, silver locket. “Trev, it’s beautiful!” She leaned her head forward so he could hook the clasp.

  “There was an antique shop next door to my hotel. I saw this hanging in the window the first night I was there. Went straight inside and bought it.”

  “I love it.” She caught her husband’s eyes in the mirror. “Thank you.”

  “Open it.”

  Grinning, she did as he instructed. Inside was the tiniest picture of the two of them on their wedding day.

  The image blurred behind unshed tears.

  A soft, gentle tone caressed his voice when he spoke again. “I left the other side open. Figured, when the time comes, we can put our baby’s first picture there.” His lips brushed against her ear as he whispered, “And the time will come, angel.

  “Oh, Trevor.” She faced him again, blinking the moisture away before it could fall. “It’s perfect.”

  He was perfect.

  She wanted to give him his Valentine’s Day present so badly. Was almost bursting at the seams to tell him. But she held back, wanting the moment to be perfect.

  Because the man standing before her deserved nothing less.

  Soon. You’ll get to tell him, soon.

  Before she blurted out the news in the middle of the bathroom, Lexi rose onto her tiptoes and kissed him softly. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He took her mouth in his again. “Hurry back. The locket was only one part of your Valentine’s surprise.”

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.” Lexi forced herself to break free from his loving embrace.

  His dark eyes burrowed into her soul, his voice filled with affection as he said, “I love you, angel.”

  “I love you, too, Trev.”

  With a heart so full it might explode, she turned and left, knowing the man of her dreams would be waiting for her return.

  “What the fuck do you mean, I’m fired?” Bryan Mackey sent his piece of shit boss a nasty glare.

  He’d been working his ass off for the guy, and for what…so he could be tossed out like yesterday’s garbage?

  “You were a no-call, no-show, Bryan. Again.”

  “Damn it, Todd. I tried to call.” Bryan bit out. “Fucking cops wouldn’t let me use the phone.”

  Todd—the owner of the construction company Bryan had been employed with for the past year—didn’t seem to care. He just sat behind his desk with his hands folded in front of him.


  “I wish the circumstances were different, Bryan. I really do. But this is your second DUI. I can’t have you out driving my trucks with that kind of record.”

  “So I won’t drive.” He shrugged. “I can ride with someone else to the job sites. Darren does that shit all the time.”

  “Darren’s been on the job less than a month. The guy’s still in training.” Todd shook his head. “I don’t need another rider, I need someone I can count on.”

  “You can count on me!” Bryan yelled. Running a hand through hair he desperately needed to wash, he tried to convince the selfish prick to understand his situation. “Look, man. I’ll do anything. Pick up scraps and trash and shit. Whatever you want, but I need this job. I don’t keep a steady paycheck coming in, my parole officer’s gonna have a shit fit. Not to mention my ex is already threatening to take me back to court for full custody. Bitch pulls that shit, I’ll have nothing left.”

  “Well maybe you should’ve thought about that before you decided to tie one on and then get behind the damn wheel.”

  “Fuck you!” Bryan scowled at the self-righteous prick. “Like you’ve never stopped for a drink on your way home.”

  “See, the key words there are ‘a drink’. You blew a point one five.”

  “Fine. Maybe I had a few too many, but shit. Can you blame me? I had to sit and listen to that goddamn homeowner bitch and moan about how long it was taking us. Guy wouldn’t leave us alone. Just stood around, watching us all damn day. Like he even knows what it takes to build a fucking house.”

  “Are you even listening to yourself right now? What am I saying…of course, you’re not. You’re too busy blaming everyone else for the choices you’ve made.” Todd stood and made his way around his desk. “Go home, Bryan. Get your shit in order, deal with your legal issues, and get your drinking under control. You do that, and maybe, in a few months, we can revisit the idea of you working here again. In the meantime, I’ll mail your last paycheck as soon as it’s printed.”

  “Fuck you and fuck this place.” Bryan spun around to leave. “Never liked working for this shit company, anyway.”

  “You did this to yourself,” Todd hollered after him. “Just remember that.”

  Slamming the door behind him, Bryan stormed through the building without a word to any of the other workers. He climbed into his beat-up Camry and started the ignition. Shoving the gearshift into drive, he pushed the gas pedal down as far as it would go, purposely spewing gravel behind him as he sped out of the parking lot.

  “Fuck!” Steaming with anger, Bryan smacked his steering wheel.

  He didn’t know what he was going to do. He wasn’t lying about his ex. She’d just been waiting for another opportunity to stick it to him. Now, thanks to those fucking cops and Todd firing him, she’d have it.

  Bitch always did love kicking me when I was down.

  An off-key ding filled the car’s interior. Glancing down at the dashboard, Bryan cursed when he saw the yellow gas light shining back at him brightly.

  “Fucking figures.”

  Christ, he was sick of living like this. He had about forty bucks to his name and was already two weeks late on his rent. For the past few days, he’d been successfully dodging his landlord’s calls, but that shit wouldn’t last forever.

  He needed a plan. A way to come up with a decent amount of cash and fast. But first, he needed some gas.

  Spotting the Quick Trip just down the road, Bryan didn’t bother using his turn signal. Instead, he cut across traffic just before the gas station’s entrance. The lady behind him blared her horn, but he stuck his hand out his window and flipped her the bird.

  “Bitch,” he mumbled under his breath.

  They’re all just a bunch of fucking bitches.

  Pulling up to the nearest pump, he slammed the car into park. His door creaked in protest when he got out, another string of curse words running through his mind when he pulled out his wallet and noticed he had even less money than he’d thought.

  With a ten in his hand, he walked inside to pre-pay. It wouldn’t get him much, but he’d at least be able to get home without worrying about his car dying on the side of the road.

  When the transaction was complete, the kid behind the counter thanked him and told him to have a good day.

  Too late for that, dickhead.

  On his way out, Bryan noticed another car had pulled up to the pump opposite his. A nicer, newer car than his. And the driver? He’d be more than happy to take her for a ride.

  Maybe getting laid is what he needed. Sure would brighten this otherwise fucktacular day. But the closer he got, Bryan realized this woman was way the hell out of his league.

  Didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the view.

  You could follow her home. Invite yourself in for a little afternoon delight. Not like you have to go to
work, now.

  Liking the sound of that, he pulled his dark sunglasses down in order to watch the petite blonde without her knowing. Keeping his covered eyes locked on her, he went back to his own car and began unscrewing the gas cap.

  Completely unaware that she was being watched, the blonde in the sexy red dress spoke on her cell phone as she inserted her debit card and began entering her PIN. Bryan listened to her conversation with deft ears.

  “No, Charlie. I haven’t told Trev yet. It’s been killing me not to, but I want it to be special, you know? I have this whole thing planned out, but it’ll have to wait until after I leave work.”

  The woman paused to listen to whatever the person on the other end of the phone call had to say.

  “I know I’m the owner, but the place is going to be packed. Valentine’s Day is like Black Friday for The Gardens. At least it was last year. The restaurant was filled to capacity, and the staff made a killing in tips. Our reservation sheet is full again this year, and we even have a waiting list in case someone calls and cancels.”

  Another pause.

  “I’m only staying until the first big rush settles down. After that, I’m going home to spend a quiet, romantic evening with my husband. He said he has something special planned for me, too.”

  The blonde chuckled as she removed the pump from her car and replaced it back into its cradle.

  “Right? I can’t wait to see the look on his face when I give him my present. I’ve been really careful not to let anything slip, too.” She listened to the Charlie person some more and sighed. “I promise I won’t overdo it tonight.”

  Another long pause.

  “Okay. Oh, I almost forgot…I have a special table reserved for you and Derek. I even scooted it over a smidge so you two could have a little more privacy.” The blonde smiled. “I know I didn’t have to. I wanted to. Your reservations are for seven-thirty, right? I should still be around when you guys get there. Let your server know to come get me, and I’ll stop by and say hi before I leave.”

  There was one, final stretch of silence as the fuckable woman opened her car door and slid behind the wheel. “Sounds good. I’ll see you soon.” She ended the call, and pulled her door shut.

  Bryan waited until she pulled out of the parking lot to remove the pump from his car. His ten dollars’ worth of gas had run dry a while ago, but he’d pretended to still be filling up in order to listen to the interesting conversation.

  The chick owned a restaurant. And not just any restaurant. The Gardens.

  Bryan had never been, but his ex had always harped on him to take her there. Like he could afford a place like that.

  It was located on the outskirts of town, away from the crowded downtown business. Supposedly, it was the restaurant in Dallas to go to—not that he could ever afford eating there.

  But now, thanks to the information the blonde had just inadvertently shared, Bryan knew the place was going to be filled with rich jackasses trying to impress the women in their lives.

  The staff made a killing in tips.

  Bryan’s shitty day just got a little brighter. With a smirk on his lips, he got into his car and started the engine. At the same time his phone began to ring.

  Digging his pre-paid phone from his pocket, he saw his younger brother’s number on the screen.

  “What’s up?”

  “Where you at, man? I stopped by your work to see if you wanted to grab some lunch, but Todd said he had to let you go. Something about another DUI? What the fuck, dude?”

  “Yeah, it was a bogus charge. Shawn bailed me out, though. It’s no big deal.”

  He always could count on his childhood friend to help him out in a jam.

  “No big deal? I thought you liked that job? And you were just talking the other day about how you were seriously strapped for cash. Now you’ve got nothing coming in at all. What the hell are you going to do?”

  “Fuck that job.” Bryan started his car. “Listen, do you have plans tonight?”

  “Nah. Sheila and I split up again, so I was just gonna hang out at home. Maybe try to catch a game or something. Why? What’s up?”

  “Call Shawn. Tell him to meet us at your place in twenty.”

  “For what?”

  Bryan thought about the pretty blonde again. He thought about the restaurant she owned and all the money her clueless customers would have shoved in their expensive pockets.

  Wearing his first real smile of the day, he told his brother, “I have an idea.”


  “This food is to die for, Lexi,” Bonnie Greer, a regular at The Gardens, smiled.

  Sitting across from her, the sweet woman’s husband nodded as he swallowed another bite. “The missus is right. You’ve really outdone yourself tonight.”

  “Thanks, Howard. I’m glad you’re enjoying the meal.”

  “Always do.” The gray-haired man smiled up at her. “It’s why we keep coming back.”

  With a gentle hand on the man’s suit-covered shoulder, Lexi grinned. “Just be sure to let me or one of the servers know if there’s anything you need. And Happy Valentine’s Day.”

  “It’s our fifty-third one spent together.” Bonnie beamed.

  Lexi shook her head. “Congratulations. That’s impressive.”

  “Especially nowadays,” Bonnie commented. “These young couples…they don’t know what commitment means. They go into a marriage focused on all the wrong things…the wedding, the house. Babies. They get so caught up in it all, they forget to focus on what started it all to begin with.”

  “Each other.” Howard finished for her. He reached across the table and took his wife’s hand in his.

  Lexi’s smile grew. “You two are very lucky.”

  “Well, from what I’ve seen…” Bonnie picked up her glass of water. “You and that handsome husband of yours are off to a good start.”

  “She’s right,’ Howard agreed. “I’ve seen the way you two look at each other when he’s in here. It’s the same way I look at my sweetie.”

  The loving scene had tears pricking at the corners of Lexi’s eyes. It was either that or the hormones.

  Probably both.

  Blinking the moisture away, Lexi glanced at her watch. “Speaking of my husband, I think it’s about time I head home, myself.”

  “You two have something special planned?”

  Something very special, indeed.

  “We’re just going to have a quiet night at home. Between this place and his job, we’re both kept pretty busy. So a night in is actually a nice treat for us.”

  “Enjoy, dear. You’ve most certainly earned it.”

  “Thank you. I’ll let you finish your dinners. Have a wonderful evening, and be safe driving home.”

  Turning away from the loving couple, Lexi glanced at her watch a second time. If she left now, she shouldn’t run into too much traffic.

  Excitement filled her belly as she made her way to the kitchen located at the back of the restaurant. The large space was bustling with activity, the sounds and aromas mixing together in a way that always made her heart happy.

  “You still here?” Maggie, the manager she’d hired a few months back, came rushing by with a piece of Lexi’s infamous chocolate cake. “I thought you’d be home with that hunky hubs of yours.

  Lexi grinned. “He is kind of a hunk, isn’t he?”

  “Kind of?” The happily married mother of three looked at Lexi as if she’d lost her mind. “Don’t get me wrong, I love my husband more than anything. But I’m pretty sure God broke the mold when He made Trevor.”

  She wasn’t wrong.

  Chuckling, Lexi reached for her coat and purse, which were both hanging on a hook next to the large walk-in freezer on her left. She usually kept her personal things in her office, but since she hadn’t planned on being here very long, she’d just left them there on her way in earlier.

  “As a matter of fact, I’m headed home, now. You got this covered?”

  “Piece of cake.” Mag
gie held up the plated dessert and winked. “Now, go. Spend some quality time with your man.”

  “Thanks, Mags. Have a good one. And call me if you need anything.”

  Just then, a loud clanging sound came from across the room near the sink, causing everyone to stop what they were doing and stare.

  “All good, Boss,” Kenny, her dishwasher, hollered. “Just a metal pan.”

  “Go.” Maggie gave Lexi a gentle shove with her free hand. “Seriously. We’ll be fine.”

  “I’m sure you will. And thanks, everyone!” Lexi addressed the kitchen staff. “Keep up the good work and have a great night!”

  Several goodbyes and see-yas were spoken as she turned and headed for the back door. Stopping short, she gave herself one final moment to think of the tables full of happy couples enjoying the food she and her staff had prepared.

  Lexi thought of Bonnie and Howard, again. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride knowing her restaurant had brought a tiny bit of joy into their lives.

  Just two short years ago, she was working at a small, run-down diner. Now she owned one of the most successful restaurants in the city.

  With the help from her amazingly supportive husband, of course.

  Her insides fluttered as she thought of Trevor and the news she would be sharing with him soon. After nearly a year of trying, their prayers had been answered.

  They were going to have a baby.

  Lexi slid a hand over her lower stomach as she made her way toward the restaurant’s employee entrance. She beamed with joy and excitement, her mind becoming filled with thoughts of family and dreams come true—

  “Everybody freeze!”

  The loud order resonated throughout the entire restaurant…including the noisy kitchen. Several screams filled the space, and it took Lexi and the staff around her a second to realize what was happening.

  Two men had just entered the building. Both were dressed in head-to-toe black—including masks—and both held up their assault rifles for everyone to see.

  The taller of the two was making his way around the tables yelling at everyone to line up against the back wall and empty their pockets and purses.


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