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Love Is In the Air Volume 1

Page 66

by Susan Stoker

  As if she could read his mind, her fingers slid between them and began unbuttoning his jeans. Pulling back only slightly, he gave her room to work but his mouth never left hers. When she slipped her delicate hands into his jeans, his breath hitched. When she wrapped her fingers around his cock, he groaned.

  She smiled though their lips never parted. He reached for her hands, and hesitantly pulled them from his cock, then quickly undid the button on her jeans. Lowering her zipper, he quickly moved them to the side of the hood of the SUV. He turned Roxanne so she bent over the hood and pulled her jeans over her fine, soft ass. His hands roamed over her skin; the feel was so appealing to him. He squeezed and manipulated her flesh, but his cock had other ideas right now.

  Lowering his jeans just enough that he was freed from its confines, he positioned himself at her entrance and halted. She turned her head to look back at him, a sexy smile on her face as she released her hair from its braid, then she pushed herself back into him allowing him to enter her warm, wet body as she moaned in delight.

  Did he just think he was a lucky man? He was fucking lucky.

  His right hand wrapped itself in her glorious silvery hair, as his hips pounded into her body. His left hand slid between Roxanne and the hood and found her clit and began circling it with his fingers. She shivered and he knew she was close already.

  His pace increased at this surreal moment, and the loving feelings of the day. Looking down at his gorgeous wife, sprawled in front of him, brought him close. Glancing down as he slid out and then back into her flesh was the last straw. As he watched their coupling for a few strokes, his skin dampened, and his cock ached. His balls drew up painfully into his body and his hot seed spewed into her in what could only be described as pain combined with ecstasy. He heard her moan out her pleasure and he had a split second of realization that he'd almost forgotten her pleasure he'd been so overcome.

  He bent down and kissed the back of her neck, her rapid breathing, for some reason, gave him pleasure. He continued kissing her neck, her jaw, her cheek, her ear.

  "I love you, Luna, more than I will ever be able to express to you."

  Her left hand reached back and rested on his jaw. She managed to whisper, "I love you, Hawk."


  Hawk turned the key in the ignition to start the Explorer. Nothing happened, so he tried again. Still nothing. Checking that the vehicle was in park, he looked over at her, his brows raised.

  "Have you been having trouble with it?"

  "No, not at all."

  Turning the key in the ignition again and listening, he shook his head. "No radio, no fan, no sound, no dash lights. You have a dead battery."

  Taking his seatbelt off, he climbed out of the SUV, walked to the hood, and lifted it. She peeked through the opening between the hood and the vehicle and saw him check the battery cables, look at the wires and for good measure, he checked the oil.

  Getting back in the driver’s seat, he tried the key once more and the only sound that met them was silence. He looked over at her and shrugged. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, his brows bunched together. "No service."

  Roxanne pulled her phone from the cup holder and swiped the screen. "Me, either."

  She opened her door and stepped from the Explorer. Still no service. Walking a few steps from the vehicle, she watched her service indicator hoping there'd be a spot where they'd be able to get at least a slight connection. Nothing.

  She turned back to see Hawk walking in the opposite direction doing the same thing. He walked quite a way down the narrow road before turning around and coming back.

  "Well, Luna, we've got about an hour until dark and it'll take us longer than an hour to walk the seven miles back to the highway where we can likely get service. Then we’d be vulnerable sitting out there by ourselves until Wayne could come and get us."

  "Why don't we spend the night here?"

  "We don't have much food left over, though there is some."

  "I'll catch fish and you build a fire right here in front of the Explorer, then we can sleep in the back for tonight. Tomorrow we'll walk down the road until we have service."

  He chuckled. "How are you going to catch fish?"

  She pulled a couple of bobby pins still tucked into her hair and held them up. "With these."

  He shook his head, but she continued. "Look, the whole point of not flying to some overcrowded resort was to have a honeymoon adventure. We're here, let's look at this as an adventure."

  Chuckling, he nodded. "Okay, let's make a bet. You catch fish with your bobby pins or whatever, and I'll make the fire to cook them on. If you can't catch the fish, we'll at least have a fire to sit by for our adventure and some leftover cheese and fruit and meal bars. There should be crackers as well as some grapes and apple slices, too. If I can gather enough wood to get the fire started and keep it going all night, and you don't catch fish, I win. If you do catch fish and I can't keep the fire going, you win."

  "What are we betting."

  "I'll serve you breakfast in bed every morning for five days once we get back to the compound."


  "You want me to serve you breakfast in bed naked?"

  "Yep." She giggled at the look on his face.

  "Okay, you're on. And if I win, the bet is the same. You serve me breakfast in bed naked for five days."

  "It's a deal. Prepare to serve me." She giggled and opened the passenger door of the Explorer. Looking around in her purse, she found a mini sewing kit and pulled some thread from the case. She bent one bobby pin into a hook, then she found a rock. She sharpened the end of the hook by rubbing the bobby pin against the rock.

  She watched Hawk for a moment. She could watch him forever. He found some large stones along the path he would use for a fire ring, while she continued strengthening her fishing line by adding several pieces of thread.

  "I'm heading down to the water to fish."

  "Wait, Luna. Take this."

  From an inside pocket of his duffle, he pulled out a flashlight and checked that it worked. Satisfied, he handed it to her and kissed her on the lips.

  “I'll be down in a minute; I just want to gather a bit more wood."

  "Okay." Reaching into the back of the SUV, she pulled a shopping bag she had extra shoes in, lay her shoes on the floor and took the bag. She'd need it to carry her fish back.

  "Also, Luna, carry your gun with you."

  Bunching her brows together she turned to look at her handsome husband.


  "We don't know what kind of animals might be around here. You have a gun; carry it with you and an extra clip."

  She cocked her head, but he crossed his arms over his massive chest and his look hardened. Couldn't hurt to carry it. Walking the few paces to the SUV, she opened the passenger door, entered the combination into the gun safe on the floor between the seats, and pulled her gun and an extra clip from inside. Noticing that the space for his gun was empty, she turned and saw a slight bulge around his ankle. He'd been carrying the whole time. It was a job hazard for him. Once you worked at GHOST, or anywhere similar, you felt half-dressed without a weapon for several.

  Attaching the holster to her waistband, she checked that her magazine was loaded, inserted it into the gun, put the safety on, and holstered it. Sliding the extra magazine into the carrier on the side of her holster, she turned to see Hawk still staring at her.



  Smiling to herself, she began her trek down the footpath, her heart light and excited to see Hawk naked serving her breakfast in bed. He was a fine, fine looking man naked.

  The light was still bright enough that she could see the path ahead of her, but it was darker in the woods. She skirted the tree stumps that grew up along the path and tried to memorize where they were in case it was dark when she walked back. Honestly, what a fun adventure.


  Hawk watched Roxanne walk down the footpath until she disappeared over the crest
of a hill. Turning to his task at hand he continued to gather rocks and then formed his fire ring. Satisfied that it was able to contain a fire, he set about picking up wood laying along the footpath. He gathered small sticks and branches big enough to start his fire. After he had the kindling wood set in the ring, he opened the hatch of the Explorer again, searched around in the little toolbox he had in the back and pulled out a very small saw.

  Looking about for larger pieces of wood that would need to be cut, but that would sustain a fire, he got lucky when he found a downed tree. Unfortunately, the tree was very dry and would burn fast. He dragged it through the small copse of trees and over to the fire ring. Proceeding to cut away at it until it was in manageable pieces, he looked up as the sun's light was waning. With no headlights on the car, he grabbed his own flashlight and then continued to do as much as he could in the darkness. Admitting that this was going to take some time, he hoped Roxanne caught fish but not any too soon.

  Unable to work anymore in the dark, he decided he'd work at it a bit more once he'd built the fire. Taking his flashlight, he followed the footpath and went in search of Roxanne. Trying hard not to trip over stumps and stones along the footpath and trying to be as quiet as he could so he didn't attract any hungry animals, Hawk made his way to the river's edge. Walking along the water the last remaining light from the sun glistening off the ripples helped him see what was in front of him.

  Luckily for Hawk, Luna's silvery-white hair gleamed from her reflection in the water and the last of the sun's rays. He saw her sitting on a rock at the edge of the river holding a stick with a string dangling from it that she had dipped into the water. He chuckled as he watched her. Her shoulders were slumped slightly forward, and he assumed they would be eating the leftover cheese and crackers they had in the Explorer. Roxanne’s head turned when she heard him approach and the smile that greeted him took his breath away. She was as beautiful today as she was the day he met her, and he was so happy he felt that way.

  He reached her and bent to kiss her lips, then stood straight and asked, "How did you do?"

  Roxanne giggled, bent over to her right and pulled up a bag.

  "I have three small fish in here and I'm trying for a fourth. They may not fill us up completely, but I did catch fish."

  He looked into the bag, pulled his flashlight out and shined it inside at the three-wriggling fish.

  "Well, I'll be damned."

  "You're going to look so sexy delivering breakfast in bed to me, Hawk."

  "The night's not over yet, Luna."

  She giggled again . "We'll see."

  He found a rock alongside Roxanne and sat beside her watching her fish.

  Soon her line was tugged, and she started laughing; she pulled the string from the water quickly and there on the end of the string was a nice-looking perch. She took the fish off the hook, dropped it in the bag, then leaned over into the water and washed her hands. She stood smiling proudly at him, and said, "Let's go see how your fire skills are.”

  He shook his head a little, more concerned now than he had been before since he hadn't been incredibly successful finding wood that would burn through the night. But he still felt he'd win in the end because serving Roxanne breakfast in bed naked would still get him what he wanted in the end which was her.

  He picked up her bag of fish; she rolled the string around her stick and carried it along with them. Pulling her flashlight from the back pocket of her jeans, they both started up the footpath shining their flashlights on the ground to light their way. It took them a bit longer than it had before in the daylight, but they made it to the SUV without incident.

  He turned to Roxanne a slight smirk on his face. "Are you cleaning those Luna while I build a fire?"

  "I can clean them, my Grandpa Bowman taught me how to do that."

  "I'm still learning new things about you every day."

  "That's the plan, babe, something new every day to keep it interesting."

  Roxanne went to the back of the Explorer while Hawk set out to start the fire. Pulling a flint from his go bag, GHOST members always had a go bag, which carried essentials for survival, he started the kindling burning, gently blowing on the fire so the dried wood would catch. Once satisfied it would catch, he set his dry log on top. He’d continue to watch the log and fire and once the dried log caught on, he'd add another and then another. He'd only managed to cut 6 dry logs and he knew it wouldn't last all night.


  Roxanne hated the job of cleaning fish. Her Grandpa had taught her how to do this alright, but what she hadn’t told Hawk was that she hated it. But she was going to do it; she’d make him proud of her, and she’d be proud of herself. Scrunching her face as she began cutting the belly of the fish open, she tried not focusing on what she was doing, but focused instead on winning her bet with Hawk.

  She scraped the entrails into the bag, ran the knife backwards along the fish's scales, then did the most detestable thing, which was cutting its head off. She closed her eyes, pushed down on the knife and grimaced at the sound of the crunching bone. Only three to go.

  Reaching into the back of the SUV for the gallon of water they had stored there in case of emergency, she poured some of the water over the fish to rinse them off, then ran the water over her hands, careful not to waste too much. Scouring around the back of the Explorer for something to carry the fish on, Roxanne found the tray the cheese and crackers had been laid out on, wrapped them back up, and lay her fish on that tray. Walking it to the front of the vehicle where Hawk's fire was burning nicely, she smiled, "Nice fire, Hawk will at last?"

  "We'll see."

  Roxanne giggled, proudly handed Hawk her fish on the cheese tray and said, "I'll go grab a couple more sticks that we can roast these on."

  "I've already got them right here, Luna."

  "Thinking ahead were you?"


  She watched as Hawk pierced the fish with a stick, two fish per stick, and handed her one of them. He laid the blanket they’d used earlier next to the fire and sat down. She curled up alongside him, and then proceeded to roast her fish over the fire Hawk built. As the fish cooked the aroma made her smile. Plus, she was hungry.

  Once they finished their fish, Hawk walked back to the SUV and pulled out the cooler with the leftover cheeses, crackers and fruit so they had something to go with their main dish.

  It turned out to be a nice supper. The night was quiet, the fire smelled fantastic, the food was good, but the company was the best.

  Her belly was full as was his. The only thing they had to drink was bottled water from Hawk’s cooler, but it quenched their thirst. Thank goodness, Mrs. James had thought to put some water bottles in the cooler. They cuddled close and stared into the fire for long moments, enjoying the peace, quiet and privacy.

  "This is nice, Luna. This is really nice."

  "It sure is. Sort of beats staying at a hotel don't you think?"

  "It does. But tomorrow morning you'll likely wish I had a shower."

  "Roxanne giggled. "Me, too." Looking over into his eyes, she smiled. "We seldom have large blocks of time together, between your job and my law practice. I'd enjoy spending time with you, smelly or not."

  "Is it too much, Luna? Our lives, are we doing too much? One of these days, I'll need to slow down with what I do. It's a young person's game and I’m in my forties."

  "Some days it feels like too much. I've caught myself wondering if I should give up my career so that at least when you are home, we'll have more time together. I've earned enough money, not to mention what I inherited, so why not have more free time to spend with you?"

  He kissed the top of her head and lay his cheek against it. He was so quiet she wondered if he hated the idea and the thought of spoiling the mood weighed heavily. Then he asked, "Where would we live?"

  She pulled back so she could look into his eyes. "What do you mean?"

  "When I have to leave GHOST and you leave your job, where will we live? We couldn�
�t stay at the compound."

  "Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. Also, what would you do to keep yourself busy?"

  He laughed. "Believe it or not, I'd love to farm. A small hobby farm. A few chickens, a few cows, maybe beef cows, and some pigs. Just small. I'd work outside all day and come inside at mealtime, tired, happy and make love to my gorgeous wife."

  She laughed. "I didn't know you wanted to be a farmer. I’m trying to picture you in overalls on a tractor. I’m not sure what I would do on the farm, but it actually sounds kind of nice."

  He nodded. "Something to think about."

  After sitting for an hour or so, with no reception on their phones to interrupt the peaceful silence of the night, Hawk stretched and gathered up the leftovers from the cheese baggies and tossed them on the fire. Adding another log to the fire to keep it going for as long as he could, he brushed his hands together and smiled. She knew it wouldn't last all night, but he was trying.

  Hawk stretched once again. "Let's get this blanket in the SUV and get ready to sleep for a while, Luna. Tomorrow morning I'll get up early and walk to the road as far as I need to until I can get reception and call Wayne. If you want to come with me I always enjoy your company, but if you want to stay that's understandable."

  "I'll come with you; I enjoy your company, too." She leaned in and kissed his lips; she so enjoyed the way his lips felt against hers.

  "They stood and gathered the blanket, the water bottles and then picked up their mess and loaded it onto the floor of Roxanne's Explorer. Hawk reached in and pulled the seats down, so they had more room, though at 6 foot eight he likely wasn't going to sleep comfortably tonight. She'd scrunch up as small as she could to give him the most room, but at 5 foot nine it wouldn’t be easy. They would both likely relish a bed by tomorrow night.


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