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Hagen, Lynn - Remi's Pup [Brac Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  He lay on the floor crying and shaking as the craving slammed into him full force.

  Remi noticed Drew wasn’t behind him. He took the stairs back up to their bedroom as a clenching pain gripped his chest. His palm slammed over his sternum as he tried to catch his breath. What was wrong with him? He quickly realized that it wasn’t him. It was Drew.

  He ran into the room to find Drew shaking on the bathroom floor, a foul odor stinging his nose. Remi pulled Drew up in his arms, clenching him to his chest.

  “What is it, Drew? What happened?” Remi felt like claws were scraping at his skin, digging in and biting. Was this what his mate felt when his withdrawals hit him? God, how did Drew manage to stay sane?


  Remi threw his head back and howled. Anger tore threw him. That was it. He had had it with that little menace. Remi carried Drew with him as he descended the stairs, cradling his mate close. He stormed into the den and spotted Micah lecturing Oliver…again.

  “You! I’ve had it with your viciousness. Look what the hell you’ve done to my mate!” Remi nodded his head down toward Drew’s shaking form. “I want him out of this house now!”

  Remi gently handed his mate over to Storm, and then he shifted into his wolf form, baring his teeth and charging toward Oliver. It took Maverick, Kota and Hawk to stop him. The other mates scrambled to get out of the way. Micah had shifted, defending his mate.

  “Holy shit!” Oliver yelled.

  “Get him out of here!” Hawk bellowed.

  Tank grabbed Oliver around the waist and raced to Maverick’s office.

  Remi tried to follow, but Maverick’s superior size stopped him. Maverick’s wolf form was unrivaled. He snapped at Remi, warning him to heel. Micah paced in front of the archway, stopping Remi from getting through and going after his mate. The rest of the Sentries had barricaded the mates behind them, protecting them from harm.

  “Shift back now, Remi,” Kota demanded.

  Maverick stayed in wolf form until Remi complied. Once Remi was human again, Maverick shifted. The warriors who shifted back stood naked, and the other Sentries blocked the mates’ view.

  “Have you lost your mind? Since when do we go after someone’s mate? I want you in my office in twenty minutes!” Maverick bit out between clenched teeth, his naked form leaving the den. Micah followed.

  Remi grabbed Drew from Storm, hugging his mate close. He crooned in his ear, trying to soothe him as he went upstairs to dress. The Sentries listened as they understood what was going on. Drew was hurting. Once Remi came back down with his mate still clutched to his chest, the questions began.

  “What happened?” Kota asked softly.

  “Why did you try to attack a mate?” Cody asked.

  “Oliver.” Remi never took his eyes from Drew’s. He focused all his attention on his mate as he tried to bring him back from his craving.

  “He’s mean,” Johnny shot out as the Sentries slowly moved away from the mates.

  Remi knew something had to give before irreparable damage was done. Oliver had some answering to do. What happened to Drew was low even for an angry teen lashing out. It wouldn’t be tolerated.

  Remi, Kota, Hawk, and Micah were in Maverick’s office, a shouting match underway. Maverick had had about enough.

  “Silence!” his Alpha voice commanded.

  The room became deathly quiet. “Micah, I agree with Remi. Something has to be done about your mate before he is seriously hurt. One can only pull the tiger by the tail for so long before the tiger eats him.”

  “Alpha, every last one of the mates has issues that they are dealing with. Mine is no different. I think that is why the fates gave them to us, to help them heal. I have been working with him. He needs time.” Micah looked defeated. Dealing with Oliver was taking its toll.

  “Micah, we are all willing to help when it comes to our mates, but Oliver fights it. I’m sorry, but I have no choice but to confine him to your room until improvement is proven. I have to look out for the others’ well-being,” Maverick said sympathetically.

  “I understand, Maverick.” Micah turned to Remi, shame filling him. “I am truly sorry for my mate’s behavior. Tell Drew I’m sorry as well. We all have our fight we’re struggling with.”

  Remi nodded as Micah left to confine Oliver.

  Maverick didn’t want hard feelings between his pack members. Micah was a good warrior, but his mate needed to deal with his issues.

  Chapter Five

  Maverick left for his meeting with the new Alpha, wondering if this guy was going to be a bigger asshole than Jackson. He waited inside The Café with Hawk, and Kota. Tank, Jasper, Cody, and Loco were hidden around the building, watching.

  Maverick stood as an unbelievably large man stepped through the door. With his height, that was saying something. He had to duck to walk through. The man spotted Maverick and nodded. They took a seat as the conversation ensued.

  “What are your plans for your pack?” Maverick needed to know if the new Alpha was going to be an ally or an enemy. If Zeus became his enemy, he would have to enlist more Sentries. The guy was too levelheaded and intelligent. It wouldn’t be like Jackson’s crap.

  One dozen had been the number of Sentries in the Brac pack for centuries. One dozen was all that was needed. They were fierce warriors with unparalleled skills. These grey wolves relied on numbers. Maverick’s Timber wolves relied on strength.

  “To bring order back to my pack. Jackson was sloppy, lazy. The pack suffered because of this. I don’t wish to be enemies. I wish for a truce among our people,” Zeus stated confidently.

  They discussed territorial boundaries, pack members, and the boring stuff Alphas talked about, keeping their conversation hushed from the humans’ ears.

  As they were shaking hands, leaving The Café, Jasper appeared at Maverick’s side, staring at the large Alpha from the Eastern pack. Zeus ran a knuckle down Jasper’s face as Cody howled in rage. He grabbed Jasper around the waist, hauling him back and taking a protective stance in front of the redheaded wolf.

  Zeus roared at the Sentry. “Mine!”

  Maverick rolled his eyes. “Fuck”

  Cody held Jasper in his arms as they sat on the sofa in the den. “Is he really your mate, Jazz?” Cody’s heart was being ripped from his chest. They had been best friends and lovers for over two centuries. Although they both knew they weren’t mates, you couldn’t tell them that.

  Tears streamed down Jasper’s face as he nodded. He didn’t understand why fate hadn’t made Cody his mate. Mates were paired together because of needs and compatibility. Cody knew him like the back of his hand. He was his best friend, his lover, everything. This was some fucked-up shit.

  Jasper laid his head on Cody’s chest as he thought about a future without his Code-man.

  Drew answered the door on the second knock.

  “Can I help you?” He stood there looking at a tall man with short dark hair and a detective badge hanging around his neck. Drew panicked. He slammed the door in the guys face. Why would a detective come here? Did Oliver’s dad file a missing person report? Was it because of his drug use? What could he possibly want?

  The knock turned into banging. Drew ran into the den, yelling for everyone to hide. He yanked at the sleeves of his shirt, praying for his marks to go away. He ran over to Cecil and Johnny, tugging them behind the couch.

  “Hey, calm down, Drew. Just tell Loco what’s troubling you.” Drew began stabbing his fingers at the front door as he jumped up and down.

  “Coppers! Hide.”

  Loco chuckled at the hazel-eyed guy biting his nails. What the hell had him so worked up? He heard the pounding on the front door and walked off to answer it, shaking his head.

  “Can I help you?”

  “Depends. You gonna slam the door in my face, too?” The detective eyed Loco up and down.

  “Nah. Drew’s just seen one too many movies. Come on in.” Loco stepped aside to allow the detective to enter. They only had one
person to worry about, Oliver. He was the only underage person in the house. Although he was an unclaimed mate, untouched by Micah, they still didn’t have legal guardianship over him. This could get complicated fast.

  “I need to see”the detective pulled out his notepad“a Cecil Walters.” The detective looked at Loco as if he should run and fetch him. Loco bit back a growl. This guy was starting to rub him the wrong way, Loco didn’t fetch for anyone except his Alpha.

  “Wait right here. I’ll go get him.” Loco stomped off, pissed.

  The detective nodded.

  “Can I help you, detective?” Maverick asked as he entered the foyer.

  “Detective Keating, are you Cecil Walters?”

  “No. I’m Maverick Brac. Cecil’s…boyfriend. Could you tell me what this is pertaining to?” Maverick had no clue what was going on, but no one was getting near his mate.

  “No. Not unless you’re Cecil. I need to speak with him.” The detective growled.

  “Very well. Loco, please bring Cecil here.” Maverick’s instincts were telling him to throw this guy out on his ass. Unfortunately, he had no choice if he didn’t want the police department at his door. Besides, he was intrigued as to why a detective wanted to speak with his mate.

  “Yes, Maverick?” Cecil eyed the dark-haired man at the door.

  “I need to speak to Cecil privately if possible.” The detective cleared his throat.

  “Of course.” Maverick led his mate and the detective to his office. He didn’t have a good feeling about this guy’s presence.

  “Cecil, I need to know where you where last night.” The detective took a seat on the leather sofa in Maverick’s office.


  “Let me guess, you have a house full of witnesses?” The detective asked skeptically.

  Maverick growled. He pulled Cecil closer, his mate visibly shaking.


  “How do you know Jeremy Yards?”

  “He’s my ex-boyfriend. Why?”

  Maverick knew as soon as his mate’s ex-boyfriend’s name was mentioned that this wasn’t going to be something he wanted to hear. Jeremy had been nothing but trouble, and it seemed he still was, even though they hadn’t seen the jerk since he claimed Cecil.

  “He was assaulted last night, beat up beyond recognition. He’s naming you as the attacker.” The detective looked at his note pad then back at Cecil, a questioning look in his eyes as if he didn’t believe Cecil was capable of the crime.

  “I was nowhere near him! Jeremy is a violent abuser. I ran from him because of the abuse. He’s a big fat liar!” Cecil was near tears. Maverick was fighting no to rip this man apart. The idea that his mate attacked his ex-boyfriend was ridiculous.

  “So, you’re telling me you had nothing to do with his assault?” Maverick watched as the detective looked down at his notepad then back up at his mate. Yeah, he was thinking the same exact thing. Jeremy Yards was full of shit. The man had tried to isolate his mate, cutting his friends off slowly. Maverick was surprised Jeremy had allowed Cecil to work and live apart from him. The man was a genuine asshole. Maverick wanted to go find him and show him what a real ass kicking was all about.

  “That’s exactly what I’m telling you. Why won’t he just leave me alone?” Cecil buried his face in Maverick’s chest, crying.

  “I’ll need to question the residents here. Corroborate your story.” The detective looked at Maverick, defiance gleaming in his eyes, daring the Alpha to refuse.

  “You have our full cooperation.” Maverick called Hawk, telling him to bring his men in here one at a time.

  An hour later, the guy asked, “Is that everyone?”

  “We have one more, but he’s indisposed at the moment. Evan Triamade. I’ll make sure to give him your card and have him contact you.” Maverick offered his hand.

  The detective shook it, “Thank you for cooperating, make sure this Evan contacts me.” Detective Keating followed Maverick back to the front door. Once the detective was gone, he breathed a sigh of relief. Cecil had been through enough. If Jeremy insisted in this, Maverick would make sure the guy forgot Cecil on a more permanent basis. Nobody messed with what was his.

  “I got a present for you.” Johnny jumped up and down excitedly, Drew quirked a brow up at the happy little puppy. Guess Remi was right about Johnny’s natural personality. Johnny leaned in closer and whispered, “For…you know, helping me not be sad anymore.”

  “You don’t have to give me gifts, J-man.” Drew ruffled his hair. He didn’t let on that he absolutely loved gifts. He became more excited than a kid at Christmas with surprises.

  Johnny pulled out a black box with a bow on top, shoving it into Drew’s hands.

  Drew froze.

  “It’s a surprise.” Johnny beamed.

  His body became on big suffocating vise. He faked a smile, thanked Johnny and walked away, holding the box out at arm’s length. His palms became sweaty, and his heart was beating out of his chest. He walked to the foyer, dropping the box, and walked out of the front door.

  Remi was going nuts searching every room for Drew. How had he vanished without anyone noticing? What set him off? It had to be the drugs. Drew wouldn’t leave the house without Remi otherwise. He raced downstairs to grab his keys, knowing where he was looking first.

  The mall.

  He spotted a black box sitting on the floor in front of the door, a pink bow taped on top. It looked identical to the one Drew had in his apartment the day he tried to use. Remi dropped to one knee and reached a shaky hand down to grab it, pulling the lid off, there was a handmade beaded necklace inside with Andrew spelled out in block letters.


  Johnny had inadvertently set Drew off. He had to find his mate. Remi pocketed the necklace and took off.

  Drew was ready to explode. What the fuck did Mike mean he was out?

  “Got something else you could try, though, on the house, for old times’ sake. It‘s my own special blend.” Mike gave him an evil smirk.

  Drew didn’t trust him, but he was hurting. He grabbed the small baggie from Mike and ran out. No! Don’t do it. Think of Remi. Think of how proud he’s been of you. Fight it.

  Drew fought a war inside himself. His head was squeezing down on him with pressure. His body was physically jerking with the battle. His palms slapped the sides of his head, pressing in, trying to relieve the burden.

  He walked briskly in no particular direction. Up one side street and down the next. He hugged his midsection.

  The pain.

  It hurt so much.

  He wanted to call Remi and tell him to come get him, but the small bag in the palm of his hand burned. He began to sweat profusely. He was losing the fight, and he knew it. Just once. He would do this just one more time.

  He was a junkie after all, right? Who could trust a junkie at his word? That’s all he’ll ever be in everyone’s eyes anyway. No matter what they said, he knew how they looked at him, how their eyes accused him of not being worthy enough for Remi. Remi would be better off without him anyway. The wolf deserved better then a track-littered user.

  Remi would realize this and leave Drew. That would best for the warrior, to find someone worthy of his love. Drew’s life was a total loss anyway, so why pretend to be something he wasn’t? Once again, Drew came to the conclusion that Remi deserved better. Someone clean, someone with less baggage.

  Drew wasn’t that man and would never be that man. He was only good to use drugs, nothing more. Going back to his old life and relieving the burden he put on Remi and the others would be the right thing to do.

  Drew clutched the packet firmly in his hand. Just once.

  Just once.

  Chapter Six

  Remi collared the little punk. “Where the fuck is he?”

  “I–I don’t know man. He ran out of here about forty minutes ago.” The kid was shaking in Remi’s grip.

  “What did you sell him?”

  Mike’s eyes hooded, and his lip pul
led up into an evil grin. “You’ll see.”

  Remi felt a chill run down his spine. He wanted to tear his flesh from bone, but he needed to find Drew first. Mike would be dealt with later. This was time sensitive.

  Remi threw Mike down and headed back to his truck. He had to find Drew. His mate. If anything happened to him, Remi wouldn’t survive. He loved Drew more than his own life. No one mattered to him but Andrew.

  Remi drove up and down the residential blocks. Where would he have gone? He was wasting time. He had to think.

  His apartment?

  Remi floored it as he raced through the streets, making hair pin turns and skidding to a halt as he jumped out. He saw one of Drew’s window’s slightly ajar.

  He forced his way into the back door, expecting his mate to be laid out, high, with a needle stuck in his arm, but instead…well. Remi didn’t know what the hell to think.

  Drew was vacuuming the rug in the same spot, over and over again. Stark naked. His cock jutted out to full attention. He didn’t think he’d ever seen a prick stick straight out like that. It looked…painful. Drew grabbed the detachable hose and shoved his dick in it. Remi stood there confused and shocked.

  “Fuck!” Drew threw the hose down, stomping on it. “You suck!” Drew burst out laughing, pointing at the vacuum, “Get it? You suck.” Picking the hose up, he began to vacuum again, in the same spot, only this time…huh? One hand was pushing the handle while the other was pumping his cock with such force that Remi thought the damn thing was going to go up in flames. The dry friction had to hurt. Ouch.

  Drew detached the hose again, this time trying to shove it up his ass as he continued to pound his prick.

  Okay, his mate needed intervention. Now.

  Remi slid his arm around Drew’s waist as he pulled the hose away. Drew leaned back against his chest as his hand pumped at lightning speed.

  “Can’t come. Make me come, Remi. Please. My balls hurt.” Drew spun around and began humping Remi’s leg, grabbing painfully at Remi’s cock hidden behind denim.


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