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Hagen, Lynn - Remi's Pup [Brac Pack 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  “If you wanted to know, all you had to do was ask. These images are disgusting.” Remi clicked out of the website.

  “Believe me, with images like that, I will.” Drew shuddered.

  Remi immediately shifted into his wolf form as he entered the kitchen, circling around Tank, jaws snapping.

  “Whoa, Remi, I’m not hurting Drew. Calm down.” Tank lowered Drew from above his head, holding him in his arms. “Back the hell up, Remi.”

  “I’m okay, Remi.” Drew reached a hand down to pet his mate. This was the first time he had seem Remi in his wolf form. He was beautiful. “I just needed Tank to lift me to reach a bowl, and I got scared of the height. I’m okay, mate.” Drew cooed at him.

  Remi backed up, shifting his form. He pulled Drew from Tank‘s arms, nuzzling his neck and rubbing his back.

  “Dude, chill. The squirt needed a large bowl for snacks. I didn’t know he was going to freak out when I lifted him. Sorry.” Tank walked out, leaving Remi and Drew alone.

  “You okay, pup?”

  Drew chuckled, “I’m fine, knight in shining armor. Didn’t realize how damn tall Tank really was until I was above his head.”

  Remi pulled a chair to the counter, stepping on it to retrieve the bowl his mate had been after. “I’ll make sure it’s stored under the cabinet for you vertically challenged mates.”

  Drew swatted at him with the large plastic bowl. “I’ll give you short.”

  “Well, babe. You’re only five six in a house full of men over six feet. You’re vertically challenged.” Remi jumped back as Drew swung the bowl again.

  “Be nice, pup. I’ll have to spank you.”

  “Promises, promises.” Drew poured the snacks as he nibbled on the nachos.

  “You and the boys have big plans tonight?” Remi grabbed a handful of chips as he watched Drew grab soda’s from the fridge. He loved seeing his mate with his new friends. Drew’s confidence was lifted and his cravings were almost nonexistent.

  “Yeah. Cecil got a horror movie for us to watch. Wanna join us?”

  “Nah. It’s your night with the fellas. Have fun.” Remi kissed Drew. “I’m going to get dressed then to find Tank to apologize.”

  “I can’t watch.” Johnny covered his eyes as the killer hacked his victim into tiny pieces. Bloodcurdling screams bounced off the walls in the den from the surround sound.

  “I gotcha, buddy.” Blair pulled Johnny close to his chest as the female ran through the abandoned warehouse, falling a gazillion times.

  “Will you stop falling, you idiot.” Drew threw popcorn at the large flat screen television. “Why do woman always fall?”

  “Guess their boobies tip them over.” Johnny giggled.

  They all burst out laughing as the killer locked her in, cutting the power to the warehouse.

  The lights cut out in the den. Cecil screamed, panic seizing him. It was dark, too dark. He felt his way around the couch as he screamed for Maverick, sobbing.

  Two big strong arms pulled him up and held him tight. “It’s okay, baby. You’re not in the tunnels. Power’s out is all. Calm down. Someone go see what happened,” Maverick barked out. He didn’t like to see Cecil this frightened. Maverick knew he was having flashbacks, and he wanted them to stop immediately.

  “On it,” someone said as he carried Cecil to a window, pulling the curtains back so the moon shown down on them.

  “Think of it as a romantic night. Just you, me, and the moonlight.” Maverick rubbed his mate’s back as he waited for the power to be restored.

  “Is he going to be okay?” Drew whispered to Remi.

  “Yeah, he just had a traumatic experience that involved pitch-black tunnels. He’s terrified of the dark now. Maverick has him.” Remi pulled Drew in his arms, keeping him close. It may be a power outage. It may not be. He wasn’t taking chances with his mate. Remi saw that Hawk had Johnny wrapped tightly in his arms while Kota held onto Blair. He knew Micah had Oliver safely upstairs.

  Remi could hear Loco whispering into Maverick’s ear. “It wasn’t a power outage. It was cut.”

  The mates were immediately escorted into Maverick’s office as the Sentries went on alert. Even Oliver was pulled downstairs and thrust into the office with them.

  “What’s going on? Micah woke me and pulled me down here.” Oliver looked from one face to the next for an answer.

  “The killer came out of the movie to eat you.” Johnny pouted at him.

  Oliver rolled his eyes. “Whatever, dude.”

  “Power outage,” Blair offered his brother. Drew saw the way Oliver curled his lip at Blair. What was wrong with the guy? What had caused Oliver to be so black-hearted?

  “I heard Loco tell Maverick that it was cut.” Cecil moved closer to Drew. He pulled the mate closer to him. Cecil’s eyes radiated pure terror. Remi had told him about Cecil’s ordeal, so he could understand why the mate was this way.

  “Why would someone cut it?” Johnny looked confused.

  “To keep the element of surprise,” Oliver offered.

  “Huh?” Johnny looked even more confused.

  They all froze as they heard scraping outside the window, and even Oliver huddled closer to the mates.

  “I don’t think we should stay in here. I found a passageway while I was sneaking around one night. I think we should hide in there.” Oliver crossed the room, hitting a round flower that was carved into one of the bookcases against the wall. Oliver pushed, and the bookcase creaked and fell away.

  Cecil shook his head frantically as he backed away. “There is no way I’m going in there.” Cecil shook like he was standing naked in a blizzard.

  “You’ll be safe. You’re not alone. Come on buddy.” Blair grabbed Cecil’s wrist as he pulled him along.

  “I think we need to hurry. I have a bad feeling about this.” Drew wanted Remi. Fear had his body trembling as he followed the other guys into the passageway.

  “Yeah, hurry.” Johnny twisted his fingers in front of him. His eyes were wide with fear as Drew coaxed him in. Drew closed the bookcase, praying they weren’t making a bigger mistake by coming in here.

  Chapter Eight

  Remi raced down the hall as he heard glass shattering and wood splintering. It was coming from Maverick’s office.

  The mates.

  As he rounded the corner, Hawk and Kota joined him, Micah not too far behind. They crashed through the door to find the window lying on the floor in a thousand pieces, curtains blowing, and the frame cracked and broken.

  Their mates were nowhere in sight.

  Howls echoed through the darkness.

  “Come on, sweetie. Blair’s got you.” Blair hugged Cecil tight to his side as they made their way through the cobwebs. The wooden tunnel was wide enough for only one person to pass at a time. Blair had to walk sideways to keep Cecil close.

  Drew had a tight hold on Johnny. His little body was trembling as he stumbled along. Oliver led the way.

  “Where do you think this ends?” Blair asked his brother.

  Oliver just shrugged.

  There were small lights that had flickered on when the bookcase opened to reveal the passageway. Blair felt like a monster forcing Cecil into the passageway. He knew about Cecil’s kidnapping and his near death experience, and he knew he was harming the little guy mentally right now by making him travel through it. But his gut had told him to get the hell out of that office immediately. After being on the streets, Blair learned to listen to his instincts.

  “How much further do you think it is?” Again, his brother just shrugged. “Could you tell me anything? Some of us need reassurance.” Blair squeezed Cecil closer. He didn’t care what Oliver’s problem with him was, Cecil and Johnny were terrified and needed one of them to act like they knew what they were doing.

  “How the fuck should I know. I never went this far,” Oliver spat over his shoulder.

  “You don’t have to be an ass about it.” Blair was really tired of watching his brother take his anger out on
innocent people around him. This was not the time for him to be what had become normal behavior for him. The mates were terrified and needed to know what was going on. Blair was terrified but kept his cool so the others wouldn’t totally lose it.


  “What the hell happened to you, Oliver? At one time you looked to me to keep you safe, keep you happy. What’s with the Goth look and the bitterness?” Blair couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted his little brother back. He didn’t like this guy in front of him. This guy was cold, bitter, and spiteful.

  Oliver whirled around, getting into Blair’s face, “You want to know what happened to me? Dad happened to me! You left me in the hands of that monster. You. The brother who supposedly had my best interest. The brother who protected me left me unprotected.” Oliver turned around and stormed off. They had to pick up their pace to keep up with him.

  Blair yelled back at him, “Do you think it was my choice? He threw me out to fend for myself! I tried to tell someone. I tried to make someone listen. Nobody gave a shit. If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t have sent Dakota to get you. I care, Oliver. I care too much what happens to you. It tore me apart knowing you were there with him.” Blair was crying now. He had tried to hold back all the pain he had felt, tried to damn the walls up. But Oliver’s bitter accusations tore them down.

  “Whatever. You could have snuck back and took me with you.” Oliver growled.

  “To what, the unforgiving streets? Are you crazy? Do you know what I had to do to survive? Oh, yeah. You do. Lord knows you made sure to throw that in my face.” Blair had to calm down. First, they were shouting and that wasn’t good if you were trying to sneak. Second, Johnny was crying.

  “Stop it, both of you. As glad as I am that you two are finally getting things off of your chest, this isn’t conducive to us getting away quietly,” Drew hissed out. He pulled Johnny to him, rubbing his back and shushing him.

  “Listen.” Oliver held a hand up, tilting his head as he strained to hear.

  They all quieted to hear footsteps getting closer.

  “Run,” Oliver whispered.

  They all began to run as fast as they could in the confined space, the twists and turns slowing them down. They stumbled when Oliver ran into a wall. They were in some sort of a chamber with nowhere to go as packed dirt walls surrounded them.

  Cecil was becoming hysterical, clawing at Blair and crying.

  “Now what?” Blair asked in a panicked voice. This was so not good. They had nowhere to go, and whoever was after them had only to finish the journey, and he would have the mates cornered.

  Blair watched as Oliver looked around for a weapon. There had to be something he could use. His brother was the unofficial leader of this little group, and Blair knew Oliver felt it was his job to protect them. Some of the old Oliver was coming out. His brother pulled at a rotting three-foot piece of two-by-four that was falling away from the structure that was outlined against the far wall, apparently an old bracing system of some sort. He yanked and twisted at it until it broke free. “Get behind me.”

  All four ran behind Oliver as he raised the piece of wood.

  “Looky. Looky. Little mates lost.” Jackson cackled as he came into view. He walked casually toward the frightened group. Drew and Blair shoved Cecil and Johnny further behind them.

  “I thought you got your ass kicked and ran out of town, doggy,” Blair spat out at him. What was wrong with him? Why was he taunting a deranged wolf? Yeah, he needed a head examination.

  “Shut up, whore. I don’t need you now that I have the Alpha and Commander’s mates.”

  “Don’t talk to my brother that way, you piece of shit!” Oliver swung the two-by-four at Jackson, making him take a step back.

  “Damn, mates are getting backbones these days. Used to be a time when they were seen and not heard. Ah, the good old days.” Jackson tsked as he stepped closer again. “Just give me the two little twinks, and I’ll be on my way. No harm, no foul.”

  “Try and take them and I’ll stake you through your black heart!” Oliver yelled.

  “Dumb ass. I’m not a vampire. Should have stayed in school. Now give them to me.” Jackson lunged as Oliver braced the wood under his arm and thrust forward. Jackson’s claws swiped at him but missed as he slumped down Oliver‘s body. Everyone started screaming, and Johnny was crying hysterically as Drew kicked Jackson’s body away from Oliver.

  “I–I killed him.” Oliver dropped the makeshift weapon as he slumped against the wall, looking at his hands as if they were strangers to him.

  Oliver quickly gained his composure as they heard footsteps again, lots of footsteps, thundering toward them. His brother reached down and grabbed the bloodied weapon as he jumped in front of the mates again. Holding it high, he was ready to swing at whoever came close. Blair was terrified and proud at the same time.

  Maverick was the first to round the corner, skidding to a halt as he took in the scene. He put his hand up. “Its okay, Oliver. Put it down. You’re safe.”

  Blair looked over to see Oliver had an unfocused look. His eyes darting around, and Blair knew Oliver wasn’t even aware of what was going on. Blair knew taking out Jackson was playing havoc with his psyche. The act was rebelling in his mind, his brain rejecting it.

  Micah pushed past and threw his arm up as Oliver sent the piece of wood flying at him, “Stay away from them!”

  Micah grabbed him and pulled him in his arms. “I got you. It’s okay.” Oliver slumped against his mate in a daze.

  “Johnny! Where the fuck is my mate? Johnny!” Everyone moved aside as Hawk came barreling through, and Johnny ran to Hawk, wailing and crying Hawk‘s name. Hawk snatched him up and held him in a tight grip. “It’s okay, pretty baby. Daddy’s got you.” Hawk buried his face in Johnny’s hair and released a loud exhale, his shoulders shaking.

  Blair and Oliver’s heads snapped up as they looked at Hawk.

  “Long story.” Micah and Kota said in unison.

  Blair turned to his brother. “This isn’t finished between us.”

  “Whatever,” Oliver muttered as Micah led him away.

  Remi grabbed Drew, pulling his shirt up and running his hands all over his upper torso. “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you, pup?”

  Drew was going to die of mortification if Remi didn’t stop. Geez, the guys were here. Remi pulled him close, peppering kissing all over his face and head. Drew loved it.

  Kota grabbed Blair as Maverick carried Cecil out, leading the way.

  As they cleared the bookcase, Maverick looked back. “I had no clue that was here. Who found it?”

  “Oliver,” Blair volunteered.

  “Very smart, young man. Very smart,” Maverick praised him. “I believe people should not only face up to what they do wrong, but be acknowledged for what they do right. Balance.”

  Oliver shrugged and looked away.

  Maverick dropped down in his office chair with Cecil cuddled in his arms. The Sentries had boarded up the window and cleaned the glass and other debris up.

  Hawk slumped onto the sofa, pulling Johnny even closer, Johnny calming him down now. Drew noticed that Hawk didn’t care who saw him cry.

  “So what the hell did Jackson want?” Remi asked as he kissed his mate.

  “Cecil and Johnny,” Drew answered.

  Hawk growled loudly.

  “But why? I can’t figure out Jackson’s motives. Sure, an Alpha’s mate is a prime target, but Jackson wasn’t after territory or even his position. It doesn’t make any sense.” Remi asked in a baffled voice.

  “Did you know he was a pimp? He approached me a while ago at The Café. I think he thought Cecil and Johnny would rake in the cash as his rent boys.” Kota pulled Blair in his arms.

  “Love you, sunshine.”

  Blair smiled at his mate, kissing his neck. “Is it really over? Because I was scared shitless?” he whispered to his mate.

  “Yes, it’s over. I have you, sunshine.”

  Blair leaned into the
wolf, his eyes closed, shaking his head slightly as if he were trying to rid the experience from his mind.

  Drew was taking this all in. He was learning more about the other mates tonight then his whole time here combined. It made his problem seem a little more manageable knowing the other mates were dealing with their own set of issues.

  Hawk enveloped Johnny in his arms and stormed out of the office, snapping and growling, his mate whimpering and shaking

  “Remind me to never do anything to harm that little guy in any way. Hawk is nuts.” Drew shuddered.

  “It’s his job to protect his mate, and Hawk is a workaholic. I’m surprised he lets Johnny out to play.” Remi chuckled.

  “Okay, enough excitement for one night. Everybody off. You don’t have to go to your rooms, but you have to get the hell out of my office.” Maverick lowered his head, speaking softly to Cecil, as he clung tightly to the Alpha. Drew knew how he felt. Tonight was something he never wanted to experience again, ever.

  Remi entwined his fingers with Drew’s and led him upstairs.

  Oliver was leaning against the wall outside of the Alpha’s office. He was shaking badly.

  “It’s okay, you’re safe.” Micah ran his hands over Oliver’s hair. “I’m proud of you for defending them.”

  “But I killed him.” Oliver whimpered.

  Micah pulled his mate into his arms, giving him the comfort he knew Oliver needed right now. His mate may have everyone else fooled into thinking he was an uncaring prick, but Micah knew better. It was a defense mechanism that Micah was slowly stripping away from him. He was safe here, Oliver needed to realize that.

  “He’s not dead, mate. He’s a shifter. He’s healing at this very moment.

  Oliver stared up at him in shock. “I didn’t kill him?”

  “No, Oliver, you didn’t. Come on, let’s get you upstairs. Enough drama for one night.”

  Jasper stood at his bedroom window, looking out into the night, his heart heavy with the decisions ahead of him. He knew that a shifter was granted only one mate per lifetime, and that Zeus was chosen by fate to be his.


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