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Slam Dunk: A Second Chance Sports Romance

Page 12

by Sinclaire, Roxy

  “You too, baby. Pen and I are ready to go when you are,” Corey said.

  “All right, see you soon,” I said before ending the call. My gaze never left Michael’s.

  “You bitch,” he whispered. “You have no idea what you’re doing. I’m not afraid of you or your boyfriend.”

  I shrugged. “I don’t want you to be afraid. I want you to be gone.”

  “Who do you think the bosses are going to believe? A fame-hungry little whore and her deadbeat boyfriend or the man who has made this branch of the industry what it is today?”

  “I don’t expect them to believe me. I expect them to believe you. See, Corey wasn’t alone on the other end of that call. They heard everything. I doubt you will even make it through the day once they realize I can make this go viral with the press of a button.”

  “How dare you,” he growled.

  For a second, I thought he was going to lunge across the desk. He might have been thinking about it, but a commotion outside made us both jump. It wasn’t long before the three women I’d met at the panel interview came storming in, heavily flanked by the building’s security. Each of them had a matching expression of rage on her face. I didn’t want to be Michael in that moment. There was no way he was leaving the building without an embarrassing scene.

  “Thank you, Brittany,” one of them said.

  I still couldn’t turn around to face them. Fear that Michael would snap and lunge still hung around me.

  “I think we can get it from here.”

  “Okay,” I muttered, though I wasn’t thrilled with being subtly asked to leave.

  Finally, I broke my gaze away and spun around. Sure, I wanted to stick around and see what was going to happen, but I knew if I stopped moving again, I might collapse. I didn’t stop moving until I made it to the end of the corridor. There, I was able to catch my breath. With all of the office attention now directed toward Michael’s office, I was able to look up and see what mattered most to me.

  Corey made his way down the hall, Pen sleeping peacefully in her stroller as he smiled at me. They were my whole world. I couldn’t have done this without him. As he reached me, I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands found my waist, inching their way a little lower, but I didn’t care. Office modesty was the last thing on my mind as Corey kissed me passionately.

  “I think that was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen anyone do,” he said breathlessly.

  I laughed. “I really couldn’t have done it without you. You gave me the push that I needed to bring that prick down.”

  “Only after you whipped me into shape. Face it, you are a rock star at everything you do.”

  “Does that mean you’ll be my groupie?” I asked in a seductive whisper.

  “Baby, I’ll be anything you want. I don’t think you know just how much you changed my life. You’ve given me so much to live for. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “Well, hopefully, you’ll never have to figure that out,” I said with a broad smile. “What do you say we call it an early day and drop off Pen at the sitter’s for a little bit?”

  He moaned softly in my ear as he hit the button for the elevator. As he whispered, his tongue danced around my neck and earlobe. “I think that sounds like a great plan. There’s just one problem.”

  “What?” I asked with a heavy voice. He was already driving me wild.

  “I don’t know if I can make it that long,” he whispered.

  The elevator door opened and the spell was broken as we shuffled inside. His words turned me on, but that was nothing new. In the days since our fight, we’d learned to live together in harmony. The only pressure facing us now was his pending championship tour. His team was already in the playoffs, but we were both hoping that the consequences of today would allow us to stay together. Now, the only thing we could do was wait. Patrick knew how much I wanted the gig. He was a true friend.

  The second he’d found out about Corey’s plan to be rid of Michael once and for all, he was on board with it. I’d known that other women faced the same issues. Corey, bless his heart, was being so supportive. Writing about sports had never been my intention. Still, I’d discovered a passion for it. There was more to it than that. I wanted to be a role model for our daughter and future women in the workforce.

  Corey tugged me closer to him as we descended in silence. “You are one hell of a gal. I hope you know that.”

  “You’re not too bad yourself, basketball star. Wanna come back to my place?” I asked him playfully.

  His booming laughter lit up the space around us as the elevator came to a stop. I could have stayed at work, but what was the point? I had a wonderful man standing in front of me, begging to be taken home. My feelings for him were powerful, so much so that I briefly wondered if we should be more than just boyfriend and girlfriend for Pen’s sake.

  As the baby stirred, I watched Corey cuddle her. He was the kind of man I wanted to marry someday. Maybe even in the near future.

  “So?” he asked as we left the building hand in hand. “Wanna go make a little noise?”

  I burst into laughter. “You’d better believe I do. I love you, Corey.”

  “I love you too, honey. Always have, and I always will. Nothing is ever gonna change that.”

  “You’re such a romantic!” I joked.

  “For you,” he said with a wink, “always.”



  I listened to the rhythmic sound of her breathing as she slept. Her head was on my lap, the movie credits rolling now. I didn’t want to wake her up, but it was almost two. We were going to need to leave soon. Gently rubbing Brittany’s arm, I leaned forward and kissed her gently. She barely stirred but a smile spread across her face. She was still the most beautiful woman I knew. After a smooth two weeks of dating since Michael had been canned, I had no complaints.

  “Sweetie?” I whispered softly. I rubbed her shoulders. “Hey, you have to get up if you want us to leave by five, baby.”

  She moaned. “I don’t want to get up. I feel like I haven’t slept in a month.”

  “I know, but just think—for the next three weeks, we will have a whole hotel staff taking care of everything. All we have to do is get there.”

  “Where’s Pen?”

  “With my dad. After you dozed off, he took her out for a walk,” I told her as I kissed her cheek.

  She’d been asleep for a few hours now, but I didn’t mind. I needed the break. The apartment was spotless and our bags were packed. I still couldn’t believe how much things had changed. Brittany had gotten the job, and of course, she picked my team to tour with. Through some careful deliberations, we were able to get a suite at each hotel we would be staying at. Things were going to be different this time around.

  “All right,” she grumbled as she sat up. “So, what else still needs done?”

  She yawned and I laughed. “Everything is taken care of. The hotel room will be ready when we get there. All we have to do is hit the road.”

  “The crew?” Brittany muttered, still partially asleep.

  “Everything is ready. Candace called while you were sleeping. Your cameraman and the rest will be there first thing in the morning to start shooting. We can get on the road then have the whole night to get settled in.”

  “What would you think about me bringing Pen to the interview? Everyone who watches my podcast wants to meet her again. They fell in love last week.”

  “Can you blame them?” I asked with a chuckle.

  Pen had made her first vlog appearance last week after getting away from her sitter and running onto screen. It was amusing to watch, and of course, they all wanted more of the darling little girl. Now the station and my team had taken her in like one of their own. It made sense. Brittany was at the top of her game and so was I. They loved her just as much as her real family did. I wanted to get moving, though. There was still time for us to get to the hotel before meeting them.

r />   “What’s the rush?”

  I smiled. “Well, I was going to keep it a surprise, but your parents flew into town for the game. They’re meeting us for dinner.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Really? That’s wonderful!”

  She jumped up from the couch, her motivation suddenly returned. Things with her parents had improved as much as our own relationship. They were excited to meet their daughter’s boyfriend and the father of their granddaughter. I was nervous, but it was something I would never let on to Brittany. I didn’t want her to feel like she was rushing me into this. My father already loved them both so much, and everything was coming together perfectly. There was just one thing missing.

  Brittany curled up next to me and wiggled her body. As she tossed her delicate legs over mine, I felt the familiar desire start to burn inside me once again. I wanted to take her into the bedroom. Pulling her closer to me, I kissed her neck and gently nibbled on her collarbone, both of which I knew would drive her wild.

  “I bet we have a little bit of extra time,” she whispered seductively.

  I moaned as her fingers snaked down my body, taking ahold of my already growing shaft. I thrust into her hand through my running shorts. They did little to hide my growing excitement. She moved her hand up my shorts and grabbed ahold of my bare shaft. I couldn’t control myself any longer. We still had a little time before my dad would be back with Pen. My shaft was throbbing as she jumped over my legs to straddle me.

  I knew that she would be wet with desire. When I slipped my fingers into her wet core through the thin material of her thong, she wiggled with pleasure. She rode my hand and pumped my shaft in a steady rhythm until the moment of truth came. With one final scream of pleasure, she collapsed down onto my manhood as I grunted. The tight core of her body sucked my cock dry as I latched onto her body and rode out the wave of passion with her.

  She collapsed down onto the couch, and I went with her, struggling to catch my breath as we both laughed at the spontaneity of the situation. I had a very important night ahead of me. I needed to know that she was going to have my back, and now more than ever, I knew that she was going to be there for me forever. I scooped her up into my arms and carried her into the shower. It was going to be the last one together in our home for a while.

  “Do we have time for a shower?” she asked as she stripped.

  I grinned. “I think we have a little bit more time. Plus, you’re dirty. Should we be doing something about that?”

  “You’d better believe it,” she whispered as she bit her lip.

  I pulled back the door for her and turned on the water. She didn’t need any more beckoning. Making love for a second time was common for us. Plus, all I could think about was getting her naked again. The team, the family, and the plans could all wait for another hour. This was worth it, being with her in a moment of pure intimacy.

  “Brittany,” I told her as she stepped into the water with me, “there was something I wanted to ask you about, but I was going to wait until tonight.”

  “I don’t want to wait,” she whispered as she started to wash my body seductively. “I want to know everything that you’re thinking. No matter how silly you think it is.”

  “Well, I . . . I don’t think that it’s so much silly as it is important. I wanted to wait until your parents got into town.”

  “I don’t want to wait for anyone. Our business is ours,” she said firmly.

  I couldn’t blame her. Though things between us had been perfect, the rest of the world couldn’t seem to leave us alone. They wanted to know everything about us. Most nights, I would come home and find a reporter or two hiding out in the bushes. Brittany didn’t mind them, but I did. Especially when pictures of Pen and my father being followed started to surface.

  “There’s nothing you can do about it,” she told me at the time.

  “How are you so calm?” I shot back. “That is your daughter out there, you know. What happens if you get another stalker but this time, I don’t get back here in time to protect you?”

  She winced. “That reminds me. I got another letter today.”

  My blood instantly ran hot. “I thought the prison was supposed to keep him from writing to you. I don’t want that pervert thinking he can go back to stalking you when he gets out.”

  “You won’t need to worry about that any longer,” she whispered.

  “Oh?” I said playfully. “Did he get another girlfriend? Someone he isn’t going to stalk?”

  “No,” she whispered. “He’s dead.”

  I froze. “What?”

  Brittany nodded her head. “Yeah, he killed himself a few days ago, I guess. He didn’t leave a note, but still.” She shuddered. “He was in there because of me.”

  “No,” I told her firmly. “You don’t get to blame yourself for this. You had nothing to do with that creep. If he’s dead, it’s because he wanted to do it. I, for one, am not sad. You saw the way his letters were getting. He was crazy!”

  “I know he was crazy. Jeez, I knew that the first time he started to stalk me, but it’s still sad when someone dies. I don’t care what you say.”

  I pulled her close to me. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be insensitive. I’m sorry you’re upset.”

  Brittany took a deep breath. “Thank you. But I’m glad he won’t ever be out again.”

  “Have you heard anything about Michael?” I asked her carefully.

  She shook her head. If anyone would have the information, it would be her. She kept one hand on the pulse of the community. “Nope. He’s vanished without a trace. I wish the same could be said for Elisa.”

  I winced at the mention of her name. She was still a thorn in my side. Elisa was smart and determined. Even though she had to keep her distance from me, the order said nothing about Brittany and Pen. Though we were in the process of closing that loophole, I still worried about it. She’d even approached Brittany once. It was a terrible idea on her part. Brittany had slugged her in the face after a threat was made against Pen. Her maternal instinct took over and that was the end of Elisa.

  Now as she dripped soap onto my chest and started rubbing it in circles, I let my attention travel back to her and the shower. Everything about her turned me on, but it was the way she bit her lip that drove me totally insane. She did it now and I scooped her into my arms.

  “You aren’t getting off that easily,” I whispered as I pinned her against the wall. “Brittany. There’s something I want to ask you. I need to do it now.”

  Brittany moaned, her spread body rubbing against my slick skin. “Talk later. I need you right now!”

  I shook my head and cupped her face in my hands with a smile. “I promise to rock your world, but you need to answer a question for me first, okay?”

  Brittany rolled her eyes but nodded her head. “Is this torture for last night?”

  “No, this is a promise I made myself that if I ever found someone as amazing as you are, I wouldn’t let them go. You’ve given me everything to live for. I know that we’ll be together forever. This might seem sudden, but . . .”

  “Oh, my God,” she whispered, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Now, I’m not saying we should do things right away, but I sure would like it if you would marry me in a few years.”

  “Yes!” she screamed, jumping up and down as she wrapped her legs around me. “A thousand times, yes!”

  I laughed and spun her around. The water cascaded down over us. The joy was overwhelming. I couldn’t stop the single tear from slipping down my face as a sign of how happy I was.

  “You are my life and my world,” I reminded her. “I don’t know what I would do without you. How did I get so lucky, huh?”

  Her laugher warmed my heart. “You aren’t the only lucky one. Pen and I love you. You are everything to both of us. The way you are as a father and a lover is beyond compare. I hope you know just what a catch you are.”

  “Right back at you, doll,” I whispered as I slipped the tip of my
shaft into her body.

  She pulled me closer. “I love you so much, Corey.”

  “I love you too.”

  It was the most honest thing I’d ever told anyone. There would never be anyone else. We had a beautiful life together to look forward to.

  * * *

  If you liked this story, make sure to check out Touchdown, book 1 in the Pass To Win series! Click here to read now!

  If you already read the rest of the Pass To Win series, then you will love One More Kiss, book 1 in the One More series! Click here to read now!

  About Roxy Sinclaire

  Roxy Sinclaire writes steamy, suspenseful romantic stories as the main genre, and this includes a variety of different topics. Some of these include dark romances, action packed romances, mafia romances, and many more. She currently works in customer relations in New York City, but is trying to fulfill her passion in writing and eventually have her dream job become a reality.

  Follow her on Bookbub to know about upcoming sales and new releases!

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  For more information, be sure to check out the links below!

  Also by Roxy Sinclaire

  Pass To Win Series:

  Touchdown: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Book 1)

  Line of Scrimmage: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (Book 2)

  Between The Tackles: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Book 3)

  Fourth and Goal: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Book 4)

  Game Winning Catch: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (Book 5)

  Second Chance Draft: A Second Chance Sports Romance (Book 6)

  Slam Dunk: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (Book 7)

  The Obsession Trilogy:

  Buried Obsession (Book 1) (FREE)


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