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Slayers Inc.

Page 10

by Brit Blaise

  I can't shoot with my left anywhere near accurately enough to feel comfortable, but if someone just happened to jump in front of me at five yards or so, I'd nail them. No doubt about it.

  I made it to the hotel with Joe at my side. The moment Joe opened the door, I nearly doubled over in pain. Not only was Sandoval in the hotel, he had an army with him. If we thought things had been bad in the restaurant, this would be hell. The cloying vibes were like sharp needles hitting me from every direction.

  Beside me, Joe moaned. "This is fucked."

  I nodded and pointed to the stairwell. No way would I get on the elevator. I shed my shoes and stayed as close as I could behind Joe without walking on his heels. The sound of his breathing in my earring reminded me we were still linked with our mics and transmitters.

  The piercing scream of a vampire followed by the sounds of battle made me moved faster. When we opened the door on the second floor, our men were in the middle of a bloodbath. My bare foot collided with something furry. I looked down to see one of the werewolves ripped to sheds. Who?

  The sight of one of our men destroyed caused a surge of energy so strong I wondered if I would slit into pieces. I touched the cat's eye emerald, and it grew hot. A glow from the necklace flashed through the hallway like a nuclear explosion. It lasted no longer than the flash of light bulb.

  The vampires disappeared.

  Only the black dust on the floor told us the flash from the emerald had killed them. I pointed to the dead werewolf.

  "Hawk," Joe said.

  I was at once sad for the young man and grateful it hadn't been Coop. I looked away from the body to see the werewolves all staring at me like I'd grown three heads. Only Raul, stakes in hand, hadn't changed.

  "Sandoval?" I asked.

  Raul shook his head and pointed to the door of my room.

  "Open it, Joe," I said.

  Joe pushed the door open. There were a dozen or so vampires in the room, all prostrate on the floor. Only Sandoval stood. His face showed he feared me, and this time he didn't come into my head.

  "Mercy," he said.

  How dare he? He hadn't shown mercy to Rosa.

  But it would be harder to kill the others since they'd obviously surrendered.

  "Queen," one of them said. "Have mercy our queen."

  When and how had I become fucking queen of the vampires? No way! No fucking way.

  Coop, in naked human form, joined me. I wanted to look at him, but I didn't dare. I concentrated on Sandoval. Joe came to stand at my other side. He didn't say anything. Neither did Coop, who'd always been quick enough in the past to order me around.

  I took mental inventory of those on the floor before me. Each had shed the blood of the innocent. Each deserved to die. Sandoval, who no longer had access to my mind, took my slow response as weakness. He threw himself into the air, teeth bared as he barreled toward me.

  I touched the necklace. With another flash, all of them were gone in an instant.



  I didn't want this power.

  I finally turned to meet Coop's gaze. I'd half-expected accusations or worse, but I only saw empathy and sadness. "What am I?"

  "I've no idea, but if not for Joe, I'd worry more."

  "Joe?" I asked.

  "Joe's alive. He didn't die with all the rest. So it isn't that you kill all vampires, just those deserving."

  Coop shamed me. The first time I touched the necklace, I had an inkling something special could happen. The second time, I knew. And I hadn't considered I might harm Joe. Then again, Joe was a part of me.

  "There's so much I don't know. I'd thought I didn't have a clue before. Now it's a million times worse. No wonder Sandoval wanted this necklace."

  The necklace.

  The cat's eye emerald. Did John know this would happen when he placed it on my neck? I needed answers.

  * * * *

  The journey back to the States sucked in more ways than one. We'd lost Hawk. If only I'd been faster, maybe I could have saved him. If only Coop and I hadn't taken two minutes to fuck in the restaurant. Both of us were miserable. And we didn't talk about it.

  Nobody wanted to talk at all, except Joe. He didn't leave my side.

  Symbolic of how I just didn't care about what was going on, I'd even worn one of pink outfits Coop had chosen for me without complaining.

  And I'd left all my guns behind with Chevy, who stayed to visit his family. All of them. I'd be climbing the walls, if not for the fact I'd called John. He promised he'd be at the LA airport when I arrived. Hopefully, no one would search his trunk, since he said he'd bring me replacements.

  "Half an hour and we'll get some answers," Joe said.

  I had the raging hots. I wanted to get some all right.

  Poor Joe. He eyed the necklace still at my throat and I sighed. "Do you regret what I did?"

  "No. I don't have any regrets. I just wonder what's next. Whatever I've become, it's not what I expected. And I thought we at Slayers Inc. are the experts."

  "Some experts." Coop, who sat directly behind me, spoke. "We're all lucky to be alive."

  His words sent flames of heat to every part of me. He didn't hate me? Did that mean I had a chance with him? Right now I'd settle for a quickie in the business-class lavatory. I willed Coop to get up. When he did, I almost lost it.

  Had I done it? Mile-high club.

  Joe groaned. I didn't know if Coop heard my mental wish, but Joe evidently did.

  Coop headed toward the unoccupied lav. I followed close behind him and didn't give him a chance to think when I nudged him aside to get the door shut behind us.

  "Jenna, the guys will all know what we're doing in here."

  "Does it embarrass you to be with a vampire?"

  "No. You are one of the best things that's ever happen to me."

  I didn't expect that. "Tell me more. Talk to me." I couldn't believe the words coming from my mouth. I'd just really pissed my pussy off.

  "There're going to be complications."

  Inside I was doing a happy dance. "There are always complications."

  "I think we can work it out."

  Woo-hoo! "I know we can."

  "It won't be easy."

  Trust me, I can be easy. "Now that's settled, there's this other little thing..." My gaze settled on the bulge in the front of his tight jeans. I kicked off my mules and pulled up my short pink skirt. A moment later, Coop helped while I undid his jeans.

  The second I freed his cock, I threw my arms around Coop's neck and he lifted me. My knee collided with the wall with a resounding crash. Foreplay!

  He turned my back to the door, and I wrapped my legs around him. We were destined for this--to be like this. I lifted and he positioned his cock. I came down, while he thrust up. I clamped onto him and when he tried to pump, he couldn't. I didn't want to hear my ass slamming against the door. I'd never live it down.

  I clenched and released. Clenched and released. Each time I tightened my grip, my pleasure increased. Coop's raspy breath in my ear encouraged me on. The next time I clenched, I didn't dare let go. I teetered on the verge. My preternatural heart hammered against my ribs. My necklace started to glow.

  Energy swirled around us, filling me until I wanted to burst. Coop began to push into me when I believed I'd held him tight. Each thrust carried me higher. The emerald pulsed. And so did I. Exquisite thrums of sparkling pleasure squeaked through my concentration.

  Coop pumped harder and then exploded inside me. Impaled on his large cock, I ripped into an orgasm so strong I didn't know if I'd survive. I panted and clawed through it. Woo-hoo! Yodel-lady-hoo!

  * * * *

  It's been three months now. Coop and I spend a good portion of the night making love every single night. Even the night he tried to kill John Wilson. We agreed to disagree where John is concerned.

  All this time, ever since Sandoval killed Rosa, I'd always believed Sandoval was my maker. Sandoval damaged me, but J
ohn had saved me. He's a vampire, too. While I don't have all the answers yet, I know more now. John says I'm not fully turned. Joe isn't either.

  And Coop couldn't be happier to know he's not in love with a full-fledged vampire. He's perfectly content this way and so am I...most of the time. If I could find a reason to carry a gun again...

  John wears a ring with a cat's eye emerald like the one I wear on my neck. He says the emerald reveals itself with age. The emerald is the reason I don't need to drink blood. It allows me move about in daylight and lately it's been giving me hour-long orgasms. Coop hasn't decided how he feels about that.


  John gave Joe an emerald, too, and he's almost normal now. And we all work together at Slayers Inc., except John. Coop's incessant jealously would never allow that.

  Joe stuck his head in the doorway of my office. "You're wanted on the phone."

  "Thanks, Joe. Who's calling?"

  Joe harrumphed and rolled his gorgeous, gun-metal gray eyes. I knew what that meant and looked over my shoulder. The door to Coop's office was closed. This was Joe's way of saying John Wilson was on the phone.

  "John," I said when I picked up the nearest phone and watched Joe moved closer.

  "What's my favorite vampire doing?" John's familiar voice made me smile.

  "I didn't know if you were still speaking to me." I'd sided with Coop during their fight.

  "Are you two getting married yet?"

  "Not yet. I'll make sure you get your invitation. Besides, you're too important for us now. Didn't I hear a national magazine named you Hollywood Hunk of the Year? Why do you care if I'm getting married or not? You must have your hands full with all the little starlets."

  "Coop's an ass."

  I didn't like John talking smack about my man. "Coop asked me to marry him. I haven't answered, since he wants me to hang up my guns."

  "The fool."

  "I'll tell him you said so. What can I do for you?" John's name-calling pissed me off. If anyone was going to call Coop a fool, I'd do it.

  "I have a job for you and it's a big one."

  My vampire heart started to race. It wasn't about the money. Slayers Inc. was in the black, even though Coop had hired Rosa's mother to work in the office. Plus my own mother had recently informed me she wanted a little something to keep her busy.

  "What is it?"

  "Someone murdered my hairdresser and made it look like an accident. Rumors have surfaced that I'm next."

  A reason to wear my guns! "When do I start?"

  Brit Blaise

  More than two years have passed since Brit wrote her first story for Amber Quill, and it's been an adventure. No longer in Arizona, she resides on the outskirts of a small Ohio town with her extended family, which includes her daughter's family, too. The dream of restoring a Victorian has passed and the home she's found is big enough to get lost inside...while writing her next story. She's taking the drastic changes one day at time! Keep in touch with her latest project at:

  * * * *

  Don't miss Wanton Warrior, by Brit Blaise,

  available at!

  Tye and her beautiful sister need a miracle, but they never dream they'll find it in a Tifcan warrior from a colony of misfits. When the family's future is in jeopardy, they have nowhere to turn. A shapeshifter can't hold the key to their deliverance, can he?

  Cradon is a warrior with a mission. Not only does he intend to save his colony from extinction, but he also intends to win the heart of one of the Hajan sisters. When Tye gives him her virgin body, she opens his eyes to what he's never But can a Metran woman ever love a Cadite man with a beast inside him?

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