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RUSH (Montgomery Men Book 1)

Page 5

by C. A. Harms

  Irritation set in.

  I slipped my finger beneath the seal and ripped it open a little too aggressively. It exposed the card within, which had a simple thank you written on the front in calligraphy.

  I wadded up the torn envelope in my hand as I stared down at the card, taking a few seconds to control my irritation before flipping it open and reading the message inside.

  The flowers were beautiful, and my office smells amazing. Thank you for the kind gesture. Kiera Masterson.

  And the fucking shit was typed out. Not handwritten like the address on the envelope. It was fucking printed using a damn computer, so impersonal and an obvious brush-off.

  “Get Ms. Masterson on the phone,” I said, still holding the card. I didn’t even take the time to look up at Lex. Instead I moved around my desk and sat in my chair, waiting.

  He scurried off excitedly, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes. What the fuck about this entire situation was there to be chipper about? That man needed a Valium

  Within minutes the intercom on my desk beeped, followed by Lex’s voice. “She’s on line two. Be nice. She is entirely too sweet for your arrogant, domineering behavior.”

  Ignoring his warning, I picked up the phone, still staring at the card and attempted to stay collected.

  “I’ve been given the thank-you-card brush-off. I’m offended, Ms. Masterson,” I said into the receiver. My heart thumped rapidly in my chest as I leaned back in my chair and remained calm and cool. “Whatever happened to a simple thank-you call?”

  She didn’t answer, and I couldn’t help but smile. Apparently Lex hadn’t warned her that I was the one who needed to talk to her prior to sending the call through to me. I liked that I affected her. I could see that I did when she came to my office. She tried to seem appalled by my words and advances, but the way her body reacted said otherwise.

  “Mr. Montgomery,” she finally spoke. “I’m sorry if I came across as unappreciative. I just thought a thank-you card was the best form of contact. Though the flowers are very beautiful, they truly weren’t necessary.”

  “I could have gone with my other option, but I can assure you, Kiera, you’d prefer the flowers.” Though I often thought of how her cheeks flushed as we stood close enough for our bodies to react to the mere presence of each other. “Though option two would have given us both more pleasure than flowers ever could.”

  I chuckled when her hitched breath filled the silence.

  “Would you prefer that option, Kiera?” I asked, hoping to push her out of her comfort zone. She had a timidness about her, yet deep down I felt she just needed a little push to find her inner strength. A little taunting message to get the reaction I was in desperate need of.

  “The flowers were obviously the right choice,” she replied in a hushed tone.

  “I don’t agree, because they only left me on standby for three very painful, long days. I’d hoped they would trigger a phone call or maybe a second visit.” I leaned back in my chair and began to play with the tip of my tie. “I’m not a patient man, and your silence over the last few days, followed by this dismissive card, has only left me even more eager to get what I want.”

  “I’d hoped maybe it would give you the impression that what I’d said before was true.” She paused for a moment before clarifying, “I’m not interested in anything further with you.”

  “I think you’re lying,” I challenged without hesitation.

  “Excuse me?” There was that sassy girl that had caught my attention. “You don’t know me well enough to determine if I’m lying. But I can assure you I have no intentions of being yet another woman who willing crawls into bed with the infamous Ashton Montgomery. I value myself a little more than the women who allow you to use them and then toss them aside. Not now nor will I ever be your whore.”

  I was thrown by her instant change in attitude. Before I could argue she continued, “Have a good day, Mr. Montgomery.”

  And the call ended.

  I was left staring at my phone, wondering what in the hell just happened.

  Had I been outwitted by this spitfire of a beauty?


  “I’LL HAVE A VENTI ICED White Chocolate Mocha, light on the cream,” I said to the barista as I peered down at the email that had just arrived on my phone. It was from Mrs. Stockman and contained my full agenda for the day. One particular item on it jumped out at me, making me feel suddenly nauseous.

  Pick up the signed documents from Montgomery Enterprises.

  I wondered what the chances were that said documents would be waiting in reception with Blonde Girl and her bitch of a sidekick.

  “Well if it isn’t the one responsible for my hate-filled work environment.”

  I jumped at the sound of someone speaking entirely too close to my ear and spun around only to come face-to-face with Lex himself. Now him I could tolerate. The guy was a sweetheart and funnier than anyone I had the pleasure of meeting before. I knew if he and Meghan were in the same room together, I could have been entertained for hours.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “That’s all you got for me?” he asked. “I have had to work side by side with the male form of a damn fire-breathing dragon and all you have for me is ‘hey’?”

  “I’m . . .” I paused for a moment, trying to figure out just what to say in response. “Sorry.”

  He rolled his eyes. Yep, a full-grown and absolutely fucking adorable man literally rolled his eyes at me as he looked down at his nails. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. I could see myself loving this guy.

  “You’re sorry?” he said in a huff. “I thought you were more compassionate than that.”

  “What?” I laughed. “Did you honestly expect me to pounce on him and ride him like a raging bull?”

  “Oh sweetheart, now I’m envisioning that very thing, and even the thought of it is making me hot. Of course the view would have to be from Ashton’s backside, but I feel my temperature rising.” He placed his knuckle between his teeth and bit it as he groaned. “The image of his ass tensing every time he—”

  I cut him off with a loud humming noise. We had gained the attention of a few innocent bystanders, and I couldn’t allow him to complete that sentence. I would not be responsible for the two older women behind us falling over from heart attacks. Or the mother that was holding the hand of her young daughter smacking Lex for his explicit, over-the-top description.

  “Do not finish that sentence.” I narrowed my eyes in warning before turning around to pay for my coffee. When I faced the barista, she was staring back at us, gaping in shock.

  Apparently talking about riding a man as if he was a bull wasn’t the best topic for a seven a.m. visit to Starbucks.

  Instead of apologizing, I handed her a twenty and told her I’d cover Lex’s drink as well and to keep the change as a deserved tip for the way we were corrupting them all.

  “So you owe me,” Lex said as he jogged to catch up with me as I left the store.

  “How do I owe you? I just bought you a coffee.”

  “Oh honey, you would have to buy my coffee every morning for the next year in order to make up for the hell you have caused.” Lex hip-checked me, and I stopped walking just as I reached the corner of First Avenue and Eighty-Second Street.

  “How am I responsible for the current mood of your overbearing and obnoxious boss?” I was still confused.

  “He’s not used to being told no,” he said with a smirk, and I knew then he was eating this up. He obviously loved the situation his boss had found himself in. “He’s so flustered it’s hard not to laugh. Yesterday he came to the office wearing one chocolate-brown loafer and one black.” Lex shook his head. “And then he had me clear his entire schedule because, and I quote, ‘Those bastards can wait.’”

  I arched a brow, waiting for him to explain why these things were so bad.

  “All those people who make appointments with him, hoping to get even a small donation would bend over backward to gain his sup
port. He’s maintaining control where he can, because he’s so thrown by not being able to gain it over you.”

  Mr. Montgomery’s behavior made sense now that Lex explained it, yet that explanation didn’t make me want to change my mind and kneel before him. Okay, so kneeling before him didn’t sound all that bad, but I would keep that little secret to myself. After all, Mr. Montgomery was a very sexy man despite being pompous and infuriating.

  “Can you just go to lunch with the guy? Maybe he’ll realize you’re a raging bitch and that will be the end of the desire he feels for you,” Lex said with a shrug. “Or you’ll find you are equally attracted to him and mount him right there in the restaurant, riding him like a raging bull.” The asshole chuckled as he repeated my earlier comment.

  I pinched his side, causing him to squeal like a banshee, which made me laugh uncontrollable. I never imagined a man Lex’s size could screech that loud or that high.

  I felt comfortable with him. I truly hadn’t felt this relaxed in a very long time.

  “Okay, fine, no lunch with him, but I do think you and I must hang out. You, girl, are a riot, and I’m sorta growing an unexpected attachment to you and your spunkiness.” Lex threw his arm over my shoulder as he led me across the street toward downtown.

  Nothing about hanging out with Lex made me nervous or unsettled. In fact I found myself actually looking forward to it.

  My newfound friend had deserted me.

  The moment Lex realized I had to pay yet another visit to Ashton’s office, he suddenly remembered he had dry cleaning to pick up. I knew it was an excuse, and I made a mental note to slip liquid ex-lax in his latte next time I bought our drinks. He would pay for leaving me alone at the hands of the dragon when I was counting on him to serve as a buffer.

  My hands were clammy and my stomach was in knots as I entered the elevator and tapped the button that would whisk me to the floor I vowed never to visit again.

  I smoothed my skirt and fluffed my hair. Why? Fuck, I had no idea. Nervous energy maybe, or the simple fact Ashton made me feel flustered and I needed to keep my hands busy.

  The door chimed, sliding open before I had planned for it to, and I was caught mid-adjustment with my hands pressed against the sides of my boobs, making sure they were positioned correctly.

  Even worse, the person that caught me was none other than the fire-breathing creature himself.

  Ashton stood only a few feet away, arms crossed over his thick chest, which his red dress shirt hugged tightly, looking as if it could barely contain the bulging arm muscles beneath it.

  Suddenly I felt as if the atmosphere within the four walls of the elevator had grown quite hot, but I knew the temperature change had nothing to do with the small space.

  “Mr. Montgomery,” I said in greeting as I stepped from the elevator, choosing to ignore the fact he’d just caught me basically playing with my tits. I stepped past him to gain some distance and walked toward Lex’s desk. “Mrs. Stockman directed me to pick up some paperwork you had for her.” I knew he already knew why I was here. He was the one that had set this meeting up in the first place. I also knew he hadn’t called me over strictly for the paperwork, as he could have had any one of his employees deliver it for him.

  This was a ploy to get me back here, in his domain. The place where he felt he held the most control.

  “I’m fully aware of why you’re here, Ms. Masterson,” he said.

  The way my name rolled off his tongue gave me unwanted chills. I had grown so accustomed to being referred to as Kiera Masterson, I sometimes forgot it wasn’t my given name. Still, I’d learned to live the life of this new person. But something about hearing Ashton say this false name just felt wrong.

  “Why don’t we step into my office and I’ll get those papers for you.” He held out his hand and gestured toward the open door to the left as his eyes appreciatively raked over me from head to toe. I didn’t hesitate to enter his office, but I wanted this entire thing over with.

  The first time I was here, I hadn’t made the effort to look around. I was so nervous after the way he had acted that everything moved by in a blur. But today I took a moment to appreciate the beauty of his office. Everything seemed to have its place, being carefully positioned and displayed. The floor-to-ceiling windows gave him an amazing view of New York City.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  I jumped at the sound of his voice and its closeness and turned, nearly bumping in to him, yet he didn’t move away. He placed his hand on my waist and held me near, smiling knowingly.

  The bastard knew exactly what he was doing.

  “The papers?” I said, ignoring the way my body reacted to his touch.

  A knock on his door had my heart racing even more. I needed to get out of here. I was wound so tight I felt like I would ricochet off the walls like a fucking pinball at any second.

  Ashton didn’t step back from me, obviously enjoying our closeness entirely too much. His lower lip twitched as he tried not to smirk, and his eyes were hazy as he stared back at me, as if he was planning his attack.

  “Just place the tray on the table, Miffy,” he said, and then I realized we were no longer alone.

  I looked over his shoulder and found an attractive blonde putting what looked like serving dishes on the small table in the corner. The plates were covered with lids, making it impossible to see what was beneath.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  “Breakfast,” he said as he curled his arm tighter around my waist and led me toward the table. “Since you’ve refused to allow me the chance to take you out on a proper date, I figured I would give you no choice but to share a meal with me here.”

  He was insane. It was the only explanation.

  “I have to get to work,” I said as he pulled out a chair and guided me into it as if I was a child. “I have errands to run and things to pick up,” I continued, remembering the list Ms. Stockman had emailed me.

  “It’s taken care of,” Ashton assured me.

  “Excuse me?” What the hell was he talking about? “What do you mean it’s taken care of?”

  Without answering my question, he pushed my chair closer to the table and sat in the chair opposite me.

  “Mr. Montgomery?” I needed him to explain what in the hell he meant.

  “Ash,” he corrected me. “Call me Ash.” The ease with which he spoke annoyed me. He honestly didn’t believe he was doing anything wrong. Had he truly grown so accustomed to everyone doing everything and anything he demanded at the drop of a hat that he didn’t see how messed up this behavior was?

  I didn’t have time for his games. I just needed him to give me the damn papers so I could be on my way. And explain what in the hell “It’s taken care of” meant. Something told me I wouldn’t like his explanation, but I didn’t like not knowing either.

  “All the items on your to-do list have been taken care of, and everything will be waiting for you once we’ve finished with our meal.”

  I sat perfectly still giving him a what-the-fuck look. “Are you insane?” I said, my irritation multiplying with each breath I took. “That’s it, right? You’re a control freak who strives to overpower everyone in your path.”

  Ashton looked at me as he leaned back in his chair with his arm resting on the edge of the table. He didn’t speak, only smirked. “You’re feistiness is quite appealing, Kiera.” He trailed his tongue along his lower lip. “And to answer your questions, I am completely sane. I do, however, strive for control. I love power, in all things.”

  I think he meant for his response to be appealing, but it only confirmed my suspicions that he was not a man I wanted or needed to be involved with. Flashbacks of my life with Jase came rushing in, and suddenly the expansive office felt as if it was no bigger than a shoebox.

  As if he had noticed my uneasiness, he added, “But I also enjoy giving up that control and being at the mercy of a beautiful woman such as yourself.” He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table
. “You’ve caught my attention, Kiera,” he said in a softer tone. “I’m not a bad guy.”

  “That’s what they all say,” I mumbled, and he squinted.

  I had to gain some control over my emotions. I had to step into the shoes of Kiera Masterson and tame Kinsley Hellman, because she died when I left Miami.


  KIERA LOOKED AS IF AT any moment she would run from the room in a panic. She was doing her best to appear strong and in control, but I could tell I was losing her.

  “I know you don’t know me,” I tried to save this day one last time, “but I can assure you, Kiera, I am a good guy. I do have a domineering side, but I respect women and would never hurt them.” I took her hand in mine. She tried to pull it back, but I refused to let go. “I just want to spend time with you, and this here”—I motioned toward the serving dishes between us—“is just breakfast between two friends.”

  The silence stretched out between us, and my heart raced in anticipation. She could stand and leave or choose to stay. Either way, the situation was out of my hands. Given that I usually held the upper hand, I wasn’t familiar with being in a position like this.

  “Just breakfast,” she said, and I offered a reassuring nod.

  “Yes,” I replied, “and possibly the opportunity to watch you do a little more adjusting.” Her eyes grew wide before she pulled her hand back and covered her face in embarrassment. But her mouth lifted in a smile, and I felt a little more relaxed.

  Kiera honestly made me feel all tied up inside. I had never been this needy for the company of a woman. I still had no idea what about her made me feel this way, but I intended to find out. I no longer cared if it took months, I would suffer through it for the chance to find out what this beautiful woman was hiding.

  She wasn’t as tough as she appeared to be.

  “I’m sorry you saw that,” she added as she lowered her hand.


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