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Batteries Not Required

Page 3

by Anara Bella

  Sandy looked thoughtful as she picked up the last of her cookie and brought it to her mouth. “That’s all well and good, but what are you gonna do now?” She shoved the morsel in and chewed.

  Dana leaned forward and speared Sandy with a look of pure determination. “Well, after that amazing kiss I’m not giving up, that’s for sure.”

  Sandy clapped her hands together in glee and avidly leaned closer. “You have a plan.”

  Dana gathered her hair off her neck and leaned back again while she focused on the problem. There were details to work out but she was nothing if not single-minded. And right now she could practically feel the resolve swelling in her. “I do indeed. And Mister Reese Cooper isn’t going to know what hit him.”

  Chapter Four

  Standing outside Reese’s apartment later that evening, Dana wasn’t quite as confident about her perfect plan as she had been earlier, and she had the nerves to prove it. She was good at talking the talk with her best friend, but she wasn’t anywhere near as brave as she liked Sandy to think she was. Talk was cheap, action much harder.

  But to get what she wanted she had to put aside her fears and doubts. Tonight she was a woman on a mission. A mission she was determined would succeed. The fact that she’d never been on this kind of mission before was beside the point.

  It didn’t matter that seducing a man was way out of her previous experience and comfort zone. She’d never known she could be this determined before either and yet here she was. Something about Dana’s last break up had changed her, and kissing Reese had simply solidified that change. It brought out a facet to her personality she’d hidden so well even she hadn’t known it existed. Certainly no one else had ever seen this side of her.

  Last night had been a revelation. She may not have gotten what she wanted, but she knew she had Reese’s attention. And by God, she was going to go for it even if it killed her because she knew she’d forever regret it if she didn’t.

  Only problem was, now that she was here, it hit her that Reese really might not be alone. When Sandy had brought up that salient point, she’d pooh-poohed the notion by saying she could handle it if it happened. Now she wasn’t so sure.

  But, she was here. Against all odds. She’d already managed to get Reese’s address from a friend of hers who also happened to be an ex-girlfriend of his. She’d also managed to get past the doorman, which had been no small feat. And earlier she’d made a hang-up call to Reese. An embarrassingly childish prank, but it let her know he was home and because of the latish hour doubled her chances he was home alone. She figured if he had a date, he’d be out already and since she knew he wasn’t seeing anyone special right now, he wouldn’t likely bring them back to his place for a first date. At least not this early in the evening.

  She hoped.

  Regardless of her uncertainty, she was determined to strike while the iron was hot, while their kiss was still fresh in his mind, and use it to press her advantage. Hopefully, she’d be able to seduce him into taking a chance on her. With their chemistry, persistence couldn’t hurt.

  And for extra insurance she’d brought along her secret weapon. Homemade food. After all, it was a well-known fact that the way to any man’s heart was through his stomach and while she didn’t want his heart, maybe it would get her into his pants at least. Between the yummy food and the sexy lingerie she had on, Dana figured she had all his appetites covered and the odds were stacked in her favor.

  So, everything was in place. Now all she had to do was bolster her nerve and follow through with her plan.

  Dana smoothed down her slinky wrap-around dress, picked up her coat and the picnic basket filled with goodies, took a deep-calming breath, and knocked on the door.


  Reese glanced up from the book he was reading and frowned. The sharp rapping on his door was both unexpected and unwanted. After last night’s party fiasco, all he wanted was a quiet night at home.

  The doorman hadn’t announced anyone so it had to be the super. Hoping there wasn’t a problem, he opened the door and was greeted by the last person he expected to see.

  “Hey, Reese. Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.”

  Before he could comment one way or the other, Dana brushed past him in a flurry of red dress, enticing scent and bustling activity.

  She tossed her coat on a chair. “Which way to the kitchen?”

  Stunned beyond thinking, he didn’t even ask why she was there. “To your left.”

  Her cheery voice wafted back to him, “Wow. Nice kitchen.”

  Still trying to figure out what was going on, he rushed to catch up to Hurricane Dana. Thankfully, his mouth finally caught up to his brain and he shouted after her, “Thanks. Um, why are you here?”

  He crashed into the kitchen doorjamb just in time to see her start emptying the contents of a picnic basket. “I come bearing sustenance.”

  Funny, she didn’t look insane. “I can see that. But, why?”

  Plates, wine glasses and utensils littered the counter. Still unpacking, she grinned up at him. “Aren’t you hungry?”

  He took in her softly curling hair and the significant cleavage exposed in the vee of her dress and his mouth watered. Yeah, he was hungry all right, but not necessarily for food. “I could eat something, but I don’t remember anything about us getting together tonight. Am I missing something?”

  Dana stopped what she was doing and looked him up and down with surprising thoroughness. It was a significant look that didn’t miss a thing and set off a familiar tingling in his groin. “Not that I can see.”

  The woman was being deliberately obtuse. And provocative as hell. Enough was enough. “Dana, what are you doing here?”

  “I already told you.” With that she started opening plastic containers filled with homemade fried chicken, potato salad and other assorted goodies. She’d even brought the wine.

  He stilled her hands. “Dana, what’s this about?” He nodded towards the stuff that now filled his counter to overflowing. “Is this some kind of seduction thing you’ve got going here?”

  “And what if it is?” She looked away but not before he saw her blush.

  When she looked back determination was etched on every part of her bearing. The upturned jaw, head held high, back ramrod straight. Pride was stamped on every part of her. She was magnificent to behold and she’d never looked more amazing. Nor sexier.

  Of course, the dress didn’t hurt. Short and figure-hugging, it showed off every luscious curve she possessed, as well as her incredibly long legs. Reese literally fought to hide the drool.

  He sighed. It was a real shame he couldn’t go there because his dick was dying to do just that. “I told you last night, it isn’t going to happen. Not between us.”

  “Why, because you think you know me better than I know myself?”

  “I never said that. Look, I don’t want to fight with you. You need to just forget about me and find yourself the right kind of guy. One who wants the same things you do.”

  “I’ve already found him and I’m looking right at him.”

  He was going to start pulling his hair out soon. “No. You’re not.”

  Hands on hips, she glared up at him and he couldn’t help but admire her tenacity. “I don’t understand what you want me to do, Reese. How exactly do you expect me to find this proverbial ‘right kind of guy’? Put an ad in the paper?

  “Hell, I can see it now. ‘Wanted. Sexually experienced male. Must provide no-strings fantabulous sex. Orgasmic satisfaction guaranteed. Batteries not required to get it’. I shudder to think what kind of men would answer an ad like that.”

  Horrified at the mere thought, Reese shuddered too. He could easily picture the long line of weirdos and losers who’d come running and the thought of Dana going out with any of them sent fear chasing down his spine. He didn’t believe for one second that she had a clue how to handle men like that. They had to be completely out of her sphere of experience.

  But that wasn’t the ki
nd of guy she should be looking for anyway. “You don’t need to go to that kind of extreme. A beautiful woman like you must have plenty of nice men asking you out all the time.”

  “Nice boring men. Whoopee. That’s all I ever meet. Except for you.”

  He sighed. “We’re back to me again.”

  “Yeah. We are.” She started moving towards him and he quickly backed out of the close confines of the kitchen and into the living room. There was more space to maneuver out there.

  But she didn’t relent. She stalked him the whole way, step for step. He thought he was doing well until he hit the back of his black leather couch.

  Damn it. She’d done it to him again. Backed him into a neat corner with no easy escape. Not without looking like a coward, anyway.

  Stopping just out of reach with a calculating look stamped all over her beautiful face, he was more than a little worried about what she was going to do this time. He wasn’t sure he could resist another one of her all-out, groin-tingling kisses.

  She didn’t leave him guessing for long though, and he was anything but relieved.

  In paralyzed disbelief, he watched as she grasped the end of the tie on the front of her dress and ever-so-seductively pulled it free. The dress she’d been almost wearing up to that point parted, then fell open, revealing the glorious display of flesh that lay beneath it.

  Holy shit. He was done for.

  Barely able to breathe, he watched in stunned silence as she let the dress slide down her arms and pool on the floor.

  Dana was a vision straight out of his fantasies. And she’d managed, yet again, to shock him to his very toes.

  She struck a pose displaying all she had to offer. And she had plenty. “Like what you see?”

  He swallowed. Like didn’t even come close to covering it. His cock immediately made a happy salute in homage, but speaking was beyond him.

  The only items covering the pertinent parts of her body were a red bustier and matching thong. Her ample breasts spilled over the tightly confining garment. He could actually see her nipples peeking over the edge of the fabric, capturing his undivided attention. And the only thing running through his head was the desire to free her breasts from their restraints and thoroughly explore their bounteous softness with his mouth.

  Where the hell had this incredible woman been all his life?

  A smile as old as time graced her face and the vision stepped closer, brushing up against him. But this was no vision. Her softness was very real and arousing as hell. This was a luscious woman who wanted him and was determined to get him. No matter what it took.

  He was such a goner.

  She clasped his hands in hers, placed them on her very naked ass and then draped her arms around his neck. “Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider?”

  At least that’s what he thought she said. There was no longer any blood left in his brain. “What?”

  She wiggled invitingly. His cock jumped. “Do you still want to turn down what I’m offering?”

  Was she kidding? “Is that a trick question?”

  “Not at all, Reese. I’d say it’s pretty straightforward as far as questions go.”

  Practically duct taped to him like she was, there was no way she couldn’t feel the agonizing hard-on threatening to burst clear through his fly. She had to know he was weakening fast. And that was the truth of it. Any and all good intentions he’d had were racing to their doom and they were closely followed by his will to resist.

  Damn he was easy.

  He pulled back enough to look into her gorgeous brown eyes. All he saw was determination and passion almost glowing from their luminous depths. A siren call to any mortal man. And he’d never been more mortal than he was at this very moment.

  His breath whooshed out in a blast of capitulation. How the hell was he supposed to resist this? He was only flesh and blood. An extremely fallible man, and not at all accustomed to turning down any beautiful woman he wanted.

  Hell, his conscience was already listing all the reasons he should take her irresistible offer. And any justification he needed was summed up in one thought—when all was said and done, Dana was no different than any other woman. Okay, so she wasn’t normally into quick flings, but she said herself she’d changed. That it was all she wanted this time.

  The sane, still-thinking part of him knew it wasn’t the right thing to do, but he just couldn’t say no. The very bad, very weak part of him was at full attention and in full control now.


  There was no doubt about it. He was going straight to hell for sure. On the bright side, at least he’d be going there fully satisfied with a great big smile pasted on his face.

  Chapter Five

  He was hers.

  Dana knew the exact moment Reese acquiesced and elation rocketed through her.

  She wanted to skip around the room with glee, but decided that wouldn’t be very seductive so she restrained herself. But damn. He was hers for the taking. And take him, she would.

  She skimmed her hand down his chest, her fingers itching to get beneath his t-shirt. She was dying to feel his skin against hers, but that wasn’t her destination right now. Instead, she soldiered on, momentarily hesitating at his waistband before brazenly settling her hand on the sizeable bulge beneath his fly.

  Reese’s erection leapt. His breath hitched. And his hands contracted, squeezing her butt cheeks. She gasped in response, the erotic sensation taking her by surprise. This was a very good start, but she wanted those hands all over her body.


  Touching. Tempting. Exciting her till she could stand no more.

  She leaned in and with a flick of her tongue tasted the dip at the base of his throat. She nuzzled the throbbing pulse there and lifted her head, catching his eye. “You didn’t answer my question, Reese. Do you still want to turn down what I’m offering?”

  Their eyes locked—scorching brown with smoky grey. Fire and ice. Temptress and tempted. A true battle of wills.

  Hers against his.

  He finally broke eye contact, but only to glance down at her lips. His expression so sensual she could almost taste him already and with deep longing she glanced at his mouth too. Her tongue instinctively darted out to wet her lips.

  His whole body shuddered and she knew she’d won. All she had to do now was get him to admit it out loud. “Well? Do you?”

  “Hell, no.” It blasted out of him as if something inside him had snapped. She actually saw it happen just before his mouth smashed into hers.

  Their lips ate at each other. Tongues tangled, tasted, caressed. Hunger evident in every hot stroke. Dana couldn’t believe how quickly he swept her away on a riptide of desire. She wanted to tear his clothes off and beg him to fuck her senseless, and that was so not like her.

  The kiss went on and on, gradually changing in tenor, growing even more intimate, deeper.



  Dana was drowning in sensations and longing. And, oh God, she was unbelievably wet. More excited than she’d ever been in her life. And that was just from kissing him. If actual sex with Reese lived up to his kisses, he was going to kill her with orgasmic pleasure.

  She could hardly wait.

  Reese worked hard to clear a bit of the fog clouding his mind. He couldn’t seem to think straight, but he forced himself to slow the pace of their kiss. As much as he wanted to fuck Dana up against the nearest wall, he knew she needed a bit more romance than that. Even if she didn’t know it herself. It didn’t matter what she said, quick fling or no, she required a bit of foreplay. No, she deserved it.

  A part of him knew he was a complete bastard for giving in to his carnal desires like this. Knowing what he knew about her, there was a good chance he might regret it, as might she. But this was what she said she wanted, and he sure as hell wanted it too. If he was going to give in, he’d make damn sure she enjoyed the ride.

  He broke the kiss and took in her flushed face and sparkling
eyes. Both of them fought for breath, a mute testament to how worked up they were. There was something about her sweetness that set him on fire. It appeared as if he did the same for her. Thank God, because he didn’t think he could hold out much longer.

  Inspiration struck. She said she wanted excitement, something different and he knew just how to provide it.

  He nuzzled her ear, then nipped it. “Put your hands on the back of the couch.”

  Her eyes went wide with surprise. Then she gave him a shy, uncertain smile that tugged at his heartstrings. He wondered at the unfamiliar sensation but was distracted when he saw the shyness give way to timid intrigue. It totally enchanted him.

  Because that shift was more significant than her doing what he’d asked. Her curiosity and willingness to try things captivated him as nothing else could. And managed to surprise him yet again. Something she seemed to be very good at.

  She turned and placed her hands on the couch as requested, then looked back at him with slumberous eyes and a coy smile. “Like this?”

  The sight of her bent over, with her perfect ass displayed just for him almost brought him to his knees.

  God, she’s beautiful. “Exactly like that.”

  Without thought, he knelt to kiss and taste each soft, smooth globe with sensual pleasure. She shivered in response to the intimate touch. The scent of her arousal was intoxicating, exhilarating him beyond words. He couldn’t believe she was already so turned on. Just from a kiss.

  It was beyond him, how this incredibly sexy woman had been unsatisfied sexually in her previous relationships. She’d obviously had bad luck in her choice of lovers.

  Until now. Because that was about to change. He’d make sure of it.

  He ran his hands down the outsides of her satiny-smooth legs and skimmed his knuckles back up the insides, coaxing her legs apart as he went. Her thighs were as silky-soft as her ass and he couldn’t resist taking a nip, tasting the delicate skin with his tongue. His reward was a deep, throaty moan letting him know she liked what he was doing.


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