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Third Charm: A Reverse Harem Tale (Lovin' the Coven Book 3)

Page 13

by Jacquelyn Faye

  "You two can talk to each other?"

  Yukie stared at me wide-eyed. "You can hear us?"

  "A faint echo. Why?"

  We say bad things about you behind your back, Dar said dryly.

  "I'm sure you do."

  "What do you two talk about?" I asked Yuki.

  "Mostly your safety. Sometimes your boyfriends."

  Jimmy chuckled nervously.

  I let it go. We could discuss things later. I turned to Jimmy. "Where's Dennis?"

  "Right here," Dennis said softly as he came out of his bedroom. "Holy shit, that's a big dog." He stopped walking forward and backed up a few steps.

  "It's okay, Dennis! He's my familiar."

  "Cool," he said, not taking his eyes from Dar, skirting around the far side of the table, keeping as much distance and as many obstacles between them as he could.

  "Not a dog guy?"

  "Not a big dog guy. Got bit as a kid."

  "You and Chief should start a club."

  "He got bit when he was younger?" Dennis sounded surprised.

  "No. Tonight."

  "What?" Jimmy and Dennis asked at the same time. Dar just gave a throaty doggy chuckle and lay down on the floor.

  "I was pissed at Chief earlier," I narrowed my eyes at Jimmy, who looked around innocently, "and told Dar to bite him on the ass next time he saw him. I forgot about it until Dar saw Chief. Chomp."

  Jimmy chuckled, Dennis looked afraid but noticed Yuki as he was sitting down. "Hi, Yuki."

  "Hi, big guy."

  Jimmy slid my moo goo gai pan in front of me, which worked out perfectly since I wanted something light. I hadn't even told him what I wanted and smiled at his selection. "Thanks, handsome."

  "You're welcome. What do you want to drink?"

  "No alcohol. I have to drive home."

  "Or you could stay the night…"

  "I have to take Yuki and Dar home."

  "It took me less than a minute to run here. I can get back just fine if you want to stay…"

  Dar even woofed.

  The thought did sound appealing, in so many ways…

  "Okay, but let Josie know when you get home," I told her. "I'll have a beer," I answered Jimmy and nearly snorted at the look of excitement on his face as he opened the fridge. He danced all the way back to the table.

  We ate. Jimmy and Dennis devoured theirs, I picked and forced myself to make Yuki happy. She was controlling her reactions since Dennis didn't know she was my familiar, but she kept glancing down longingly at my plastic takeout container. It was very easy to tell she wasn't a fan of baby corn. I'd never seen a vampire turn green before.

  "You okay?" Dennis seemed genuinely concerned when he saw her face.

  "Somebody has garlic in their food," she lied, smoothly.

  "Sorry. I ordered garlic chicken," Jimmy said and blushed.

  "It's true about garlic and vampires?"

  Yuki shifted her attention back to Dennis, shaking her head. "No, but our noses are about a thousand times better than a human's. Not the most pleasant of amplified smells."

  "Ahh. Makes sense."

  Nice cover, I thought at her.

  Yeah. I should probably just tell him. Half the damn coven knows, anyway.

  Well, you can trust Dennis. He wouldn't hurt a fly. Plus, it's not like you have to hide it from the vampires anymore.


  She stood up at the table and looked down at us. "My name is Yuki Abernathy and I'm a witch's familiar. It's been seven minutes since my last embarrassment."

  She sat back down, and Jimmy started laughing. Dennis was staring at her and processing the information. He turned to me and I smiled. "Yuki is your familiar?"


  "That's friggin' cool! I wanted a familiar when I was a kid. Probably would have ended up with a toad or something."

  Rat, Dar's voice popped into my head.

  I didn't share the revelation.

  You can tell what familiar's witches would have?


  What would Jimmy's be?

  He looked over at my boyfriend and narrowed his eyes. Cat.


  He made a clucking noise with his tongue, as if tasting something…or remembering the flavor of Chief's ass. Chihuahua.


  No. He'd definitely have a wolf.

  That's no fair. I have a German Shepherd.

  My dog turned to me and cocked an eyebrow over his golden iris. You, my dear pain in the ass, could have an unlimited amount of familiars. You have so far acquired a vampire and me. Be thankful.

  I am. I was just teasing you. Sheesh.

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Have fun! >:)

  I laughed at Josie's text. Yuki must have gotten home and told her I was spending the night at Jimmy's. Dar, on the other hand, seemed quite comfortable curled up on Jimmy's floor in front of the television. That probably had more to do with the belly full of Chinese leftovers. He'd refused to leave me alone, and I was touched.

  Don't be. You die, I die. I like living.

  Way to ruin the moment, Dar.

  I snuggled against Jimmy on the couch and smiled at Dennis. He seemed a little off. "Where's Alista?"

  His face darkened a little. "She flew back to Virginia to start moving and getting everything ready."

  "When she coming back?"

  Dennis just shrugged.

  "Everything okay between you two?"

  Jimmy elbowed me in the ribs, shaking his head slightly but not looking at me.

  "Don't know."

  "Oh, sweetie. I'm sorry. Do you want to talk about it?"

  "Thanks, Dot. No. It will work out or it won't."

  "What happened?" I whispered as softly as I could to Jimmy.

  "She accused him of being in love with you."

  It took me a moment to decipher his words, he whispered them so softly. "Nuh uh."


  "What did he say?"

  "That she cared more about her brother than him."

  I could almost hear the trombones playing, Waah wah waaaah, in the background. "Dennis, you moron."

  I gave him a stern look and instantly regretted it when he blushed and then looked at me with those sad, sweet eyes. "I know."

  "Oh, honey," I said and got up, walking over to him and hugging him gently.

  "She was pissed when she said it, and instead of denying it, I just told her she was too close to her brother. I'm a fucking idiot."

  "Yes. You are. But, look at the bright side. You have all the time in the world to tell her that you're stupid." I squatted down beside him, looking him in the eye. "Just take things slow. I'm sure they'll work out the way they were meant to."

  "I know. Thanks, Dot."

  "And for future reference, if anybody else accuses you of being in love with a crazy bitch like me, just tell them you're not into insane." I stood up and kissed him on the forehead before going back to Jimmy.

  "Awww," Jimmy said and winked at Dennis who launched a pillow at his head, completely missing and blasting me.

  You could have heard a pin drop until Jimmy started chuckling evilly. "Somebody's in trouble!"

  "They are," I said coolly, picking up the pillow and swatting my boyfriend in his smug, laughing face. "He wouldn't have thrown it if you weren't such a shit."

  He just laughed harder.

  I jabbed my finger in his thigh and whispered, "Pléisiúr."

  His ass lifted off the couch and his eyes rolled up into his head as pleasure spread out from my finger. He may even have convulsed once or twice. "Holy shit."

  "Did you learn your lesson?"

  "No. Do it again."

  I should have known better. The spell was for pleasure, but an overwhelming amount, almost to the level of pain. Leave it to Jimmy to actually like it. "There's something wrong with you."

  "Yeah, but you love me."

  That stopped me in my tracks. I probably should have denied it to teach him a valuable lesson, b
ut it would have been a little hard with a grin plastered on my face…

  "Yeah. I do."

  "Awww," Dennis said from the recliner.

  Jimmy launched the pillow back at him, catching him squarely in the face, then he leaned down and smiled at me lovingly, capturing my lips with his. I held up my hand while we kissed, not wanting to get in the middle of a pillow fight with my teeth almost touching Jimmy's.

  "Did you like that?" I asked after he pulled away.

  "Bet your ass, I did." His grin was bigger than mine. "Say it again?"

  "I do."

  "No, say it, say it."



  Well, it's not like I had a choice after he said please and gave me a gentle smile. "Fine. I love you. Happy now?"

  "You have no idea."

  "Yeah. I think I do." I waited for him to say it back. He just smiled. Until I pointed a finger at him, letting sparks arc across the tip. "This one is set to stun…"

  "Well, if I say it under duress, it doesn't really mean anything, now does it?"


  "I love you, Dorothea Blackwell. I love you with all of my heart," he said and leaned forward, kissing me again a hundred times harder.

  He leaned back against the arm of the couch, pulling me with him. I could feel his need through his lips. He wanted to devour me, and I wanted to let him. His hands slid up my back, under my hoodie, igniting wherever he touched. When he realized I wasn't wearing a bra under it, he groaned and reached up to my shoulders, pulling me against him harder.

  Involuntarily, my back arched as I felt his hardness press against me, breaking our kiss. He let go of my shoulders, letting his hands leave tingling trails as they glided over my back, down my sides, and then back up over my ribs, stopping only to cup my breasts as I leaned over into another kiss.

  He caught my nipples between two fingers of each hand, and I shuddered in ecstasy. "Take this into the bedroom?" I managed to ask after shaking my head.



  "You don't want him to watch?"

  I felt myself twitch as the thought raced through what few working braincells I had left. A twitch that didn't go unnoticed by Jimmy.

  "Somebody likes that idea."

  "I think two somebodies do. Maybe three," I said and looked over at Dennis, who was pretending to flip through channels. I caught his eyes as they shifted away from us, focusing on the infomercial he had stopped on.

  Jimmy squeezed my breasts again, my hips bucking involuntarily. "Take off your sweatshirt."

  I reached down and grabbed the bottom, pulling it over my head and tossing it on the ground. Jimmy's eyes feasted upon my exposed flesh. From the feeling I was getting from Dennis' direction, he was, too. I grew even wetter, making my jeans mighty uncomfortable.

  "Take off your shirt," I said imperiously above him. I wanted to see his chest, almost as much as he had wanted to see mine.

  He leaned forward and I lifted myself off him, letting him pull his shirt over his head. Before I straddled him, I pushed my jeans down and off, sitting on him in my panties.

  "Holy fuck," was all he managed to say.

  "I don't know if I'll go that far," I replied with a grin.

  Dennis' gaze became a steady heat at my back, warming my chilled, exposed skin. I wasn't sure if he was watching, but just the thought of it had me on edge.

  I reached down and undid Jimmy's belt, struggling to get the prong out of the hole, a thought that wasn't wasted on me. I chuckled throatily as I watched him watching me, unsure if he was watching my hands or the front of my panties. He answered my question with the tips of his fingers as he lightly brushed them across the lace front.

  I had undone his belt, but the button on the jeans was giving me trouble. Jimmy laughed at my struggling and reached down with both hands, popping it open.


  "My pleasure."

  "I'm sure it will be."

  He wasn't wearing boxers, and I don't know why but it excited me more. Carefully unzipping him, I reached in and pulled him out with my fingers. His soft hardness blazed in my fingers, I could only imagine how warm it would feel inside me. Pulling him against me, I rubbed him against the silkiness of my panties as I stroked him slowly.

  He half-closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation. I could see his gaze flicker from me to Dennis behind me as the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slightly in a pleased smile.

  I'd never been more turned on in my life.

  "Put it in you," he whispered softly.

  I gasped, not sure if I could go that far. I shook my head.

  Jimmy cocked an eyebrow at my reluctance and smiled even more. "You want to."

  It wasn't a question, and he wasn't lying… I wanted to. I wanted to feel him inside me while his friend watched. I wanted to, so bad.

  "Are you sure?" I whispered my question, almost begging for his approval.

  It came as a small nod.

  Not wanting to stand, I pulled my panties to the side, exposing myself completely to the man I loved in front of me. His eyes locked on to me and didn't shift in the slightest. He watched hungrily as I lifted myself up, parted myself, and used my other hand to place the tip of him at the very opening he craved.

  Instead of dropping on him, I lowered myself and slid forward, pushing him into me. I gasped with every inch and every ridge. When he could go no further, I stopped moving and lowered my face to his, trailing my tongue over his bottom lip as pleasure flowed through me.

  "You feel so fucking incredible."

  "So…do you," I stammered through the pleasure.

  I pulled back a little before pushing myself forward, his cock driving the last of my thoughts from my mind. I managed to make only a few strokes like that before my body took over, demanding more. Almost crazed, my rhythm intensified as my hips began bucking on their own. My face in his neck, I curled into him over and over until I felt his hands on my shoulders.

  He gently lifted me up and looked at me like no man had ever looked at me before. There was heat, and passion in his eyes, and something else. Love.

  "You should turn around," he said and gave me a gentle smile.

  He wanted me to finish while Dennis watched. He wanted Dennis to see my pleasure. A shiver started in the back of my neck and bounced down the length of my spine. I clenched and felt myself squeezing Jimmy as the thought raced through my brain, lighting the rest of my pleasure centers.

  There was no way to say no. I wanted it too much. I'd become a slave to the show, and I hated how Jimmy knew me better than I did. He wasn't telling me what to do, he was telling me it was okay to do what I wanted.

  Lifting myself off him, I closed my eyes and turned around, using my hands to guide me back down. I repositioned him and let him slide inside me, the curve of him sending waves of pleasure in different places than moments before. I was on fire and I put my hands on his thighs to steady myself.

  I couldn't lift my head, unable to look Dennis in the eye as ecstasy swirled inside me like a small storm. Concentrating on my breathing, I began lifting myself up and dropping back down with every breath until Jimmy slid his hands up my back and around my sides, straightening me and stopping me from hiding.

  Sitting up, I took one last breath and opened my eyes, letting my exhale bring Dennis into focus. He was still in the recliner, the long forgotten remote on the floor beside him. He had put one leg over the arm of the chair and unbuttoned his jeans, his fist slowly stroking himself as he watched us.

  Feelings I couldn't even begin to describe, drowned out the pleasure emanating from inside me. He was gorgeous. His light brown hair bobbing with each stroke as his hips curled up to meet his fist while he watched me. His gaze drank it all in from my head to my toes, sipping on the agony of my ecstasy.

  I stared hungrily at his cock. It was almost as handsome as he was, straight and cut. He was little smaller than Jimmy but thicker. I could almost feel it in my hand, wantin
g to draw it in my mouth. But Dennis wasn't mine. I hadn't laid claim to him or even discussed it with him. His eyes alone told me he wanted me, but that was a decision best made between just the two of us and not engulfed in the throes of passion.

  Jimmy began to tense beneath me. He was nearing his limit and I picked up my pace, not once tearing my eyes from his best friend. It pushed me over the ledge I'd been holding onto with everything I had. It started deep within me and the rhythmic motions of my hips took on a jerky, needy motion. "Oh, goddess," I managed to draw out over the space of twenty syllables as my body betrayed me, turning me into a quivering wreck as I gasped for air.

  Jimmy's orgasm ignited my secondary fuse and the world around me exploded in patterns of light and sound. The only clear point in my vision was the tip of Dennis' cock as he cried out as he came all over the gray T-shirt he wore, staining it dark.

  Falling backward, Jimmy lowered me slowly to his chest, my angle forcing him out of me. Even after unloading, he was still hard as it flopped back against me.

  I lay there, panting, trying to think straight.

  Dennis looked at me guiltily, blushing a furious shade of crimson. Still holding himself, he slipped out of the recliner and padded quietly to his room.

  That was going to be an awkward conversation, later.

  And you people call us animals, Dar said in my head with a little chuckle.

  Chapter 13

  Waking up with my head on Jimmy's chest, naked in his bed, was something I could definitely get used to. His arm was around me, his fingers tracing gentle circles over my shoulder. I grinned and rubbed my face against his chest, stretching languidly.

  "Morning, beautiful lady."

  "Morning, handsome man."

  "Did you sleep well?"

  "Uh huh," I said sing song, relishing in the moment.

  "Beautiful and cuter than a fucking button, all rolled into one."

  "Somebody's in a good mood. Or did something wrong. Two compliments in the same sentence? What did you do?" I popped my head up concernedly and stared into his eyes, ignoring his soft laugh.

  "Nothing yet," his hand slid down and aimed for my ass, which was just out of reach.

  "Haha. No tushy for you."

  He extended his arm and brought his palm playfully down on it, swatting me. I laughed and put my face back in his chest, snuggling closer.


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