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World Tree Online- the Endless Savanna- 3rd Dive

Page 7

by M. A. Carlson

  - Melee Critical Strike Chance


  - Hit Chance


  - Dodge Chance








  - Spell Critical Strike Chance






  Health Regeneration per 10-seconds:


  Mana Regeneration per 10-seconds:


  Stamina Regeneration per 10-seconds:


  Holy Spell Damage Bonus:


  Holy Spell Healing Bonus:


  Carrying Capacity in Lbs.:


  I was slightly disappointed that the status screen remained unchanged. But as long as I was there, I checked it over to make sure everything was as I left. Unfortunately, I was just about five levels behind on my status points across the board thanks to gaining four levels all at once at the end of the last dive. Thankfully, my gear was where it should be for level 20. Thinking about my equipment prompted me to open the menu and I finally saw the changes Maggie was talking about. The information remained the same, it was just formatted a little differently.

  Equipment Slot




  Holy Fired Light Leather Helmet

  +25 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +15-Intellect, +15-Wisdom, +20-Holy Spell Damage and Healing

  Head Accessory:


  Bonus Stats: N/A


  Holy Fired Light Leather Shoulder-Guards

  +25 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +15-Strength, +15-Dexterity, +15 Intellect, +20 Holy Spell Damage and Healing


  All-Weather Cloak (White)

  Bonus Stats: N/A

  Chest Armor:

  Holy Fired Light Leather Jerkin

  +50 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +15-Endurance, +15-Stamina, +15 Intellect, +30 Holy Spell Damage and Healing

  Chest Clothing:

  White Cotton Shirt

  +0 Armor

  Bonus Stats: N/A


  Holy Fired Light Leather Bracers

  +10 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +10-Endurance, +10-Stamina, +10-Holy Spell Damage and Healing


  Holy Fired Light Leather Gloves

  +20 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +10-Strength, +10-Dexterity, +10-Intellect, +10-Holy Spell Damage and Healing

  Arm Accessory 1:


  Bonus Stats: N/A

  Arm Accessory 2:


  Bonus Stats: N/A

  Finger Accessory 1:

  Ivaldi's Gratitude

  Bonus Stats: A gift of thanks from the God Ivaldi for saving his daughter. +10-Intellect, +20 Holy Spell Damage and Healing

  Finger Accessory 2:

  Holy Order Ring of Justice

  Bonus Stats: +5-Strength, +5-Dexterity, +5-Endurance, +5-Stamina, +5 Intellect, +5 Wisdom, +5-Spell Holy Damage and Healing, Increased experience gains for all Goddess granted skills by 50%


  Holy Fired Light Leather Belt

  +15 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +10-Endurance, +10-Stamina, +10-Holy Spell Damage and Healing

  Leg Clothing:

  Cotton Jeans

  +0 Armor

  Bonus Stats: N/A

  Leg Armor:

  Holy Fired Light Leather Leg-Guards

  +50 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +15-Endurance, +15-Intellect, +15-Wisdom, +30 Holy Spell Damage and Healing

  Feet Clothing

  Silk Socks

  +0 Armor

  Bonus Stats: N/A


  Holy Fired Light Leather Boots

  +20 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +10-Dexterity, +10-Endurance, +10-Stamina, +10-Holy Spell Damage and Healing


  Spear of Gungnir II

  57-60 1h Dmg, 76-80 2h Dmg

  Bonus Stats: The Spear of Gungnir is a legendary weapon of Odin, the All-Father of the Norse Pantheon. While this is but a pale imitation, it is still most formidable. One-Handed Base Attack Speed 2.00 – One-Handed Weapon Damage 57-60 (Scalable to Lvl 20 - +3-Damage per level) – Two-Handed Base Attack Speed 1.80 – Two Handed Weapon Damage 76-80 (Scalable to Lvl 20 - +4-Damage per level) – +20-Dexterity, +20-Stamina,+20-Intellect, +20-Mana Regeneration, +80-Holy Spell Damage and Healing (Scalable to Lvl 20 - +4-Holy Spell Damage and Healing per level) – Unbreakable – Soulbound


  Holy Fired Phalanx Shield

  +50 Armor

  Bonus Stats: +20-Endurance, +10-Stamina, +10-Holy Spell Damage and Healing



  Bonus Stats: N/A


  100 lbs. Traveler's Satchel

  Bonus Stats: N/A

  It brought a smile to my face when I saw all of the Holy Fired armor pieces.

  At the end of the previous dive, my friends and I were rewarded in a big way by the God Ivaldi for saving his daughter Mardi from the machinations of the Duke of Anvilton who was actually being controlled by Chaos, or Epic as we know It to be now. I mentally chided myself, I couldn’t call It Epic once I was back in the game or it could cause problems with that non-disclosure agreement I signed. Anyway, God Ivaldi had basically upgraded my entire gear set with the Holy Fired armor, it was just too bad it wasn’t a set that provided bonuses for equipping all the different pieces. That is if the World Tree even had such a thing, a guy can dream. I was also missing several accessory slot items, but I could worry about those later.

  As for Mardi, well, she was Marie now, another thing to remind myself of. As far as the World Tree was aware, the Dwarven Duchess Mardi du Hammer was killed by the mad Duke of Anvilton. Having successfully faked her death, she now went by the name Marie Tuesday. I was very happy to have her with us, she was an amazing Blacksmith, my Spear of Gungnir II should have been proof of that, and it was only going to get stronger, which was also why we were going after the monster known as a grootslang.

  And then there was Gras du Anvil, the former Dwarven Duke’s exiled son and Guerilla fighter. He led a rebellion against his father and like Marie, he was also forced to fake his death, adopting the name Sooty Wednesday.

  As if having two non-player characters (NPC) join us wasn’t enough, they both came with baggage. Marie had her butler Barkley, a human of all things. I wasn’t sure how useful Barkley was going to be, but I wasn’t going to argue as he had proven to be rather resourceful in the past. Sooty had his . . . not sure how to define Loral but she was clearly important to him. She was also very useful. She was a leatherworker by profession and a very skilled one from what I could tell. She would be an asset as long as we could keep her safe.

  “I’m good,” Rose said, snapping me out of my thoughts on our newest companions.

  “Yeah, I’m ready,” I said, closing my status and equipment menus.

  “Enjoy your adventure,” Maggie said, smiling kindly as always.

  Just as I expected after last time, my eyes grew heavy and the world faded to black for a brief moment before I was assaulted by the sounds and smells of Root City. The third ring where we logged out was a considerable improvement over the eighth ring we logged out from last time, the fragrant flowery smell beat garbage any day.

  “Let’s go see if the others are here yet,” Rose said, taking my hand and dragging me forward before I had even opened my eyes.

  Eyes open, I dodged around an old woman that Rose almost had me run over. “Hey, calm down,” I said, tugging back on her arm a little. “What’s the rush?”

  Rose slowed and blushed. “Sorry, just excited to see everyone.

  At a more relaxed pace, we walked the few streets to the hotel we secured for Marie, Sooty, Loral, and Barkley, and presumably, Vision stayed with them as well.

  The hotel was nice but a little pricey at 1-Gold per person per night. Even if it was the cheapest place we could find in the third ring, it was still significantly better than anything we had stayed in before. Except for maybe the manor Marie rented . . . borrowed . . . whatever. Anyway, it was nice.

  “Minion Number Two, you’re back,” the all too familiar voice of Vision howled when we were barely through the door. The pup nearly tackled me a moment later. Vision was Micaela’s pet Spirit Wolf, his blue fur was unique, almost like a mist but still soft like fur when I pet him or scratched him behind the ears.

  “Vision, let him up,” Marie ordered, snapping her fingers.

  “Aw, but he just started petting me,” Vision pouted.

  “Don’t worry, bud, I’ll pet you later,” I promised, pushing the little . . . actually, he wasn’t so little anymore. Those levels we got at the end of the last dive must have affected him as well. His head now reached my hip, where just a week ago his head barely reached above my knee when he was standing. “You got big,” I said, giving him an extra scratch.

  “Boss is going to be so impressed,” Vision said proudly. And was it me, or did his voice get a little deeper?

  “Are we the first to arrive?” Rose asked, giving Vision her own brief scratch behind the ears before addressing Marie.

  “Heath is at the bar already,” Marie answered. “I haven’t seen anyone else yet.” Marie was sitting comfortably on one end of a loveseat that decorated the lobby of the hotel. Unsurprisingly, there was a mug of beer on the end table next to her.

  “Rosie,” Baby cried, entering the hotel just behind us. The Fairy flew like a little missile, crashing into her sister. “I was so worried about you!” Baby was our healer and she was quite amazing as healers go. She was a Sage, which according to the Priestess Trinico, is one of, if not the best healer class in the World Tree. I was inclined to agree based on how many times she had save all our lives over the last two months we’d been playing together.

  “I’m good,” Rose said reassuringly, her hand rubbing her sisters back calmingly.

  “Rose,” said another voice, entering just behind Baby. Titan Beast was calm and seemed to be in a good mood. Titan was Baby’s fiancé, he played a Half-Bear, Half-Sprite and was currently the highest leveled player in the game . . . at least as far as I knew. It was possible there were some with higher levels, but they didn’t make it public. He was some kind of Beast Battle Rider, a mounted combatant class. When I first met him, he was riding an ‘Ursa Major’, a kind of giant blue bear, named Perses. Mounted on the bear’s back was a large platform that Titan could supposedly fight from. Although, I have never actually seen him fight, so I had no idea how that worked.

  “Titan,” Rose replied, giving a nod to the small Bearman . . . Bearsprite . . . Spritebear? I’ll need to ask Titan what he prefers later.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Titan,” I said, stepping up to give Rose and her sister a little privacy.

  “Bye-bye, it’s nice to see you again as well,” Titan replied, shaking my offered hand this time without any hesitation. “So, have you considered my offer?”

  “What offer?” I asked, feeling confused.

  “To do the tutorial videos,” Titan answered, then laughed at seeing the horrified look that must have appeared on my face at the suggestion. “Okay, okay, I get it, no videos for you. Still, I am hoping you’d be willing to work with me.”

  I sighed. “I’ll think about it,” I said. It was the best I could do. Once he found out where we were going this month, I doubted he would be willing to stick around.

  “I’ll be hanging out all month, so we’ve got plenty of time for you to teach me what you know,” Titan said, grinning victoriously as my face fell.

  “What do you mean, hanging out all month?” Rose demanded.

  “Well, Babs and I didn’t get to go on vacation last week because of . . . well, you. So, we decided to just have a little mini vacation in the game. So, I arranged it with my producers to have a month off with the promise that I would work on some tutorial videos,” Titan explained. “And assuming Babs is going with you guys, I will be as well.”

  “Sis, how could you do this to me?” Rose asked dramatically, feigning heartbreak and shock.

  “You’re the one that went and got-” Baby stopped herself, her hands quickly covering her mouth.

  The goofing off between the two sisters halted immediately.

  “I get the feeling we’re going to be dancing around this all month,” I complained.

  “Probably, just be careful. My lawyer looked over that NDA before I signed it,” Titan said. “She was not happy when I signed it either, the consequences of breaking it are all kinds of bad.”

  “What is an NDA?” Marie asked.

  “It’s a promise to keep a secret and if you break the promise, you’ll be cursed,” I answered, trying to make it game relatable.

  “A magical pact then,” said Marie. “Well, I promise not to pry then.”

  “Thank you for that,” I said. “Where are Sooty, Loral, and Barkley?”

  “Barkley is out checking with his contacts for any information on my death, making sure our story stuck,” Marie answered. “I suppose I should inform you of Barkley’s class.”

  “You mean he’s not a Butler?” Rose asked.

  “He is my Butler, but he is actually a ‘Spy Master’ class. Information gathering is his specialty. Which made finding out that he had two spies in my household quite the blow to his pride. Anyway, he promised to return today by afternoon bell at the latest,” Marie explained.

  Okay, so Barkley just became much more useful and valuable, not to mention interesting.

  “As for Sooty and Loral, they have rarely left their room since they made life vows to each other a couple of days ago,” Marie answered.

  “Life vows?” Baby asked.

  “I believe you adventurers call it, marriage,” Marie elaborated.

  “They got married!” Baby shouted. “And without us?”

  Marie nodded. “I tried to tell them to wait for you, but they insisted they waited long enough.”

  “Fine, I suppose I can accept that. We’ll just have a party for them or something,” Baby said ever the social Fairy.

  “We’re back!” Micaela shouted from the door, her large Minotaur form blocking most of the entryway. Micaela was our resident Shaman and a darn good one from what I could tell. Although, she was rather flighty at times. I have many times compared her to a pixie on a sugar rush. It was a stark contrast when you looked at the darker grey stone that made up her armor and the two axes that hung at her waist.

  “Boss!” Vision shouted, charging toward Micaela and jumping into her outstretched arms.

  “Vision!” Micaela shouted, catching the Spirit Wolf and hugging the animal close. “You’ve gotten so big. I was only gone a week, right?”

  “It took a couple of days for his body to grow into his new levels,” Marie answered.

  “Marie!” Micaela shouted, rushing the Dwarf and lifting her from the couch into a hug.

  “Yes, yes, I missed you too,” Marie said, placating the excitable woman.

  “I can’t take her anywhere,” Olaf said, finally able to enter the hotel after Micaela moved away from the door. Olaf, like his wife Micaela, was a Minotaur. Where Micaela was maybe a head taller than me, Olaf towered over me by at least a foot. He had his familiar maul strapped to the large backpack on his back that was usually filled with ammo and a single hand-cannon in his holster. The Artillery class fighter had lost one of his hand-cannons during the siege of Anvilton a week ago and had yet to replace it. Someday, Olaf was supposed to be able to equip an actual cannon and hire a crew to man it. At level 23, he wasn’t quite there yet, but he was far and away the strongest of us level wise. Grinning broadly
, he added, “Good to see you, mates.”

  “Good to see you, Olaf,” I replied.

  “Just waiting on Heath then?” Olaf asked.

  “Marie said he was the first here,” I answered.

  “You’re all so slow,” Heath complained, that fake British accent as present as ever. Heath was the Thief of the group, at least for now he was a Thief. He claimed to have a quest that would allow him to advance to something called a Jack of All, which combined Thief, Illusionist, and Bard into a singular class.

  “Nah, you’re just early,” Olaf replied. “Man, it is so good to see everyone again.”

  “It’s only been a week,” Rose replied.

  “You’ve been with Bye-bye all week, you don’t count,” Baby sniped at her sister.

  I don’t think Baby realized what she just said until Micaela erupted in excitement and Heath and Olaf started catcalling at the pair of us. There was nothing either of us could say about it. There was no point in denying it. Instead, we owned up to it.

  “Yeah, yeah, get it out of your systems,” I snapped, tightening my grip on Rose’s hand.

  I know it was good-natured, but I still didn’t enjoy it.

  “Jack and I are together,” Rose said, backing me up. “But don’t think for a second we aren’t going to be professional when it comes time to work. Now, Jack and I did a lot of research this week. We’re going to the Endless Savanna. We need to buy camping gear, better than what you’ve got. The city is unfriendly to non-Beastkin, so we need to be prepared to camp out. The zone is rated from level 15 to level 25 so it should be a great leveling area for all of us. And, there are supposedly grootslang there, the monster Jack needs for the next step in his spear.”


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