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David: Older Woman (Members From Money Book 32)

Page 8

by Katie Dowe


  She curled against him even when she was spent. He had lifted her and carried her to the sofa where he cradled her in his arms. She stayed that way for a little bit not wanting to face the reality just yet. How she wished that it could work between them, but she knew it could not and also knew that he was not going to give up.

  “I want to marry you,” he said softly. “Before you say anything, please listen to me. We do not have to have children if you are not able to. Marissa will provide the heirs for the family.” He stroked her back soothingly. “And even so, you do not know for sure that you are not able to reproduce. I need you, Hailey, and that is all that matters to me.”

  She lifted her head and looked into his dear handsome face and felt the sharp pain inside her heart. How she wished she could believe him and take him at his word. She had never thought about children until she had met him. Having a home with him and raising children sounded so beautiful in theory, but she was practical enough to know that it was just a beautiful dream.

  “Make love to me,” she told him tremulously. She knew just what she had to do!

  He lifted her up into his arms and took her into the bedroom!


  He saw the announcement in the papers a week later. She had wrapped up her classes earlier than expected and had left her apartment to go and stay with her mother. He had been calling her and she had not been answering.

  “Dammit, Hailey! Please don’t do this to us.”

  David stared at the announcement in the papers and felt as if someone had turned his lights out! He felt as if he was dying! He sank back against the chair and read the paragraph.

  “Business man William ‘Bill’ Stephenson engaged to university lecturer Dr. Hailey Donaldson. The nuptials are yet to be decided on.”

  It showed a photo of the two of them together. He had his arm around her waist and was looking down at her with a gentle expression on his face. She was laughing at the camera and he felt his body tighten as he gazed at her. “Oh, Hailey,” he whispered achingly. “What have you done?”

  He had started getting more involved in the running of the company. It had started out as a venture to prove himself to her and to his mother and sisters, but now he realized that he wanted to be involved. He had told his mother that he wanted to learn the inner running before he put on the very big hat of CEO. He was working in the PR department and would go into finance every now and then. He put away the paper and reached for his phone to call her. This time she answered.

  “Please stop calling me, David.” Her strong sultry voice had him shuddering.

  “Why? Because you are engaged?” he asked her softly. “I am not even mad, Hailey. You have had your fun and I have to admit that you have gone too far to prove the point, but now you have to tell that poor guy that it was a mistake.”

  “We are planning on getting married in December,” she told him sweetly. “Does that sound like a mistake?”

  “Why are you doing this, Hailey?” he asked her gently. “I am in love with you and I am sure you are in love with me. Whatever it is we can find a way around it. I just want you, baby, and I promise that no one is going to love you the way I do.”

  There was silence and his heart quickened as he wondered if she was finally coming to her senses. “I am marrying him, David. We had a very good run, but it is over. I am going to commit my life to Bill.” Her voice broke a little. “You were right. I don’t want to be alone. I hope you find someone to marry and settle down with.” She hung up before he could respond.

  He stared off across the room and with a determined look on his face he got to his feet. We will see about that, Hailey!


  “I cannot believe you are getting married,” Marge exclaimed as she sat next to her friend on the sofa. She had come back to her apartment when she knew it was safe for her to do so. David had not called her and she had told herself that it was for the best. But at nights she could not sleep and kept feeling him next to her.

  “Why not?” she asked lightly as she sipped her wine. It was Saturday and both she and Hillary had come over to chill and drink wine.

  “Because you said you were not interested,” Hilary supplied as she sat cross-legged on the carpeted floor. “Honey, are you sure you are not rushing into this thing? You have known the man, what? A month? And suddenly you are engaged. What is with you?”

  “I thought you liked him,” Hailey said mildly.

  “We do, but somehow he does not seem to be the one for you. He is rich and everything, but somehow I expected something more for you,” Hillary said bluntly.

  “Be careful, honey. I might not make you a part of my wedding party.”

  “I don’t really care about that part of it. I have been married two times and if I never see another wedding then it would not be too soon. I have seen you with him and you don’t look like someone who is about to take that step. Take it from someone who did it two times. It’s best to back out now before the minister pronounces you husband and wife. I wished I had.”

  “Don’t listen to her, Hailey,” Marge, always the peacemaker, advised her. “If you love him, go for it.”

  “Do you love him?” Hillary persisted.

  No! I love David, but I cannot marry him! she wanted to cry out. She got to her feet and went to pour herself some more wine. “I am marrying him, aren’t I?” she asked lightly, feeling her hands trembling slightly as she poured the liquid.

  “I just want to make sure you know what you are doing before you end up hurting both of you.”

  Chapter 8

  If she had known he was going to be there, she would have given Bill some excuse as to why she could not accompany him. It had been two weeks since he had called her and she had not heard from him. She had looked in the papers and on the internet and had not seen him with anyone. Every day, she searched the papers with trepidation in her heart expecting to see him with a stunning beauty on his arms, but the times he had been photographed, it had been with his sister Marissa or with his mother. She had found it difficult to start making wedding plans and had told Bill that she was too busy working on a new curriculum. She had dressed with extra care in a dress that she had bought a week ago. It had taken out a big chunk out of her savings, but it was worth it. It was of the softest buttercup yellow and was a Romano original. It shimmered over her body and cupped it so lovingly that she could not wear anything else underneath it. She wore chunky hammered gold necklace and large hoop earrings as her accessories. Her hair had grown and she had not bothered to cut it. It touched the nape of her neck and the glossy dark curls gleamed with life. Her makeup was flawless and she had decided to wear strawberry red lipstick.

  She grabbed a scarf and headed out. She had told Bill she would meet him there. He had tried to kiss her, but she had moved her head and the kiss always landed on her cheek. She sat in her car for a few minutes and then pulled out.

  Bill was waiting for her outside the hotel when she got there. She gripped his hand as he helped her out and handed her keys to the admiring valet. It brought a smile to her lips as she realized that he was young enough to be her son, but he appeared to be star struck with admiration.

  “My dear, you look lovely,” Bill said affably. “Isn’t the dress a little too revealing?”

  Hailey looked at him in surprise as they made their way into the crowded ballroom. It was a charity event and it was well supported. “It depends on who is looking,” she told him coolly.

  “I did not mean-” She did not wait to hear what he had to say but made her way over to where the champagne was being served.

  She was sipping the wine when her gaze wandered over to a group of men in one corner of the room. Her heart skittered in her chest and she stared at him. He was wearing dark blue tux and looked so wonderful that she wanted to weep. He looked up and their eyes clashed. She wanted to run away, but she could not move. She heard Bill come up behind her and had no idea what he said to her. She saw when
he spoke something to the men and knew he was coming over. She could not move even though something shouted to her that she should ask Bill to dance with her. She was mesmerized as he came over to them. His eyes went to the man standing behind her. “Bill, would you mind if I borrow Hailey for a moment?” His tone was one that was certain that the man would not dare say no!

  Bill nodded with a forced smile. “I see some associates of mine that I need to speak to.” He touched Hailey briefly on her arm and she barely acknowledged him as he walked away.

  “You are the most beautiful woman in the room,” he told her softly, his eyes caressing her.

  “Stop,” she whispered raggedly.

  “Dance with me.”

  “I am with Bill-”

  “Are you?” He was not touching her, but she could have sworn she feel his hands all over her body. She was getting weaker by the minute. “I have not stopped thinking about you. That last night when we made love and I kissed the tears from your cheeks, I knew then without a shadow of a doubt that we belong together. I was inside you and I felt the earth move and I knew you felt it too. I want you to stop running from what we share together, Hailey. Stop this nonsense and come let us make incredible magic together.” He took one of her hands and placed it over where his heart was. “Feel this, baby. My heart beats only for you.”

  “David.” She felt the tears coming and knew she had to get out of the room. She dragged her hand from his and putting away the glass she hurried out of the room. She did not look for Bill because she knew she could not stay a minute more. She looked back to see if he was following her, but he was not and she practically ran out to get her car. The valet came to her quickly as if he knew she was in haste and amidst tears flowing from her eyes she drove home. She rushed inside and without taking off her clothes she crawled onto the bed and rested her head on the pillows. Hillary was right. She could never marry Bill while she felt this way about David. She had made a horrible mistake and would probably hurt a very good man by her stubbornness! She closed her eyes wearily. She was going to have to tell him tomorrow. He had called her as she was driving home and she had told him she was not feeling well. She was not used to lying like this!


  She did not wear the small tasteful diamond he had given her but had taken it off and put it in the box and into her pocketbook. She had agreed to meet him for lunch at the restaurant near to his office and felt her heart quaked at what she was about to do. She had gone too far!

  “My dear!” He got up and pulled out the chair for her. “I ordered their iced tea. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No.” She shook her head as she sat down.

  “You had to leave the function last night because you were not feeling well. How are you feeling?”


  He reminded her that she had left the party because she had not been feeling well.

  “I am fine.” She waited until their beverage had been served before she began “I made a mistake.”

  “About what?”

  “Agreeing to marry you.” She took the box out of her pocketbook and put it between them on the table. “I thought it was the right thing to do and I want to apologize for putting you through this.”

  He eyed the box for a moment and then looked at her. “Is it Snyder?”

  She looked at him startled and he smiled a little bit. “Each time you are near to each other it’s as if flames went up. I saw it that time at the gallery opening and for certain last night. There is something there, Hailey, and something that cannot be hidden.”

  “It’s not like that-” She lowered her eyes to her drink.

  “You mean the age difference?”

  Her eyes flew to his, and she nodded.

  “I thought you were an intelligent woman. As a matter of fact I know you are. Age is just a number, my dear.”

  “He will want children,” she whispered.

  “And I am sure it is something you both can work out.” He took one of her slender hands. “I knew you did not love me, but I had hoped that we could make a life together. I am still in love with my ex-wife so I know what it feels like to love someone.”

  “Is there any chance?”

  He shrugged a little bit. “I would like to think so.” He smiled at her gently. “I am not upset, my dear. I understand and I am happy you saw it before we took the plunge. You are a truly beautiful woman and he is a very lucky man.”

  “I have not decided what to do yet,” she murmured.

  “I think you have.” He lifted her hand kissed the skin lightly. “I hope we can be friends.”

  “I hope so too. You are truly a wonderful man,” she said with a soft smile.

  “I like to think so.” He released her hand and took up the box. “Take care of yourself, my dear.”

  “Thank you, Bill.” She watched him leave and wished that she could have fallen in love with him. She stared down into her drink moodily as she sat there. She had no idea what she was going to do, but she did not want to think about calling David!


  He waited for her to call him. He could have followed her out of the room last night but he gave her time to break off the sham of the engagement with Stephenson. He was not letting her go no matter what he had to do. “Hailey,” he sighed as he leaned back in his chair. “Please call me, baby.”

  He sat up as his sister came into the room. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her. “Is there something different about you?” he asked as he stared at her.

  “We have work to do,” she said briskly as she pulled up a chair and tapped something on her tablet.

  “You did something with your hair,” he said, ignoring her as he got to his feet. They had never been close and he had himself to blame. When they were growing up he had been the wildly popular one even in high school and he had been the one who ignored her. He regretted that now. He had watched her work and realized that she knew what she was about. The company meant a lot to her. His blue eyes wandered over the shiny strands. “You colored it and cut it shorter. Well done, sis. Who is the lucky guy?”

  “Is that all you think about?” Her grey eyes flashed furiously as she looked at him.

  “Lately, I have been thinking about love. How about you?” he asked her mildly, his eyes taking in the flush on her surprisingly flawless skin. A little makeup and some better clothes and she would be on her way to looking very attractive.

  “Work,” she said as she lowered her eyes to the device in her hands.

  “Dibs on which one of us gets married first,” he said softly as he sat next to her.

  “What?” She stared at him.

  “Marilyn, the signs are there. You obviously met someone and I have gone and fallen in love myself. Who knew it could happen to us?”

  “You are in love?”

  He smiled at her lazily. “Way to switch from you to me.”

  “Who is she?” Marilyn demanded. “It’s not one of those beautiful but empty headed women who looks down their noses at me when they think I am not looking?”

  “I am sorry,” he told her softly.

  “About what?” She looked at him in bewilderment.

  “For that and for the way I treated you when we were younger. I was a jerk.”

  “You were, but you are my brother and I’ll always love you.”

  He smiled at that. “She is a super smart woman and when she steps into a room she owns it. Everyone else pales in her shadow, including me.” His tone was whimsical and the tender expression on his handsome face had her staring at him in shock.

  “My God!” she whispered.


  “I have never seen you like this before.”

  “How the mighty have fallen,” he said with a grimace. “Now I only have to convince her that marrying me is the best thing.”

  “Who is this woman?” Marilyn demanded. “I need to meet her and bow at her feet.”

  “Very funny,” he said dryly. He reached over and pecke
d her on her cheek. “I know you abhor fashion and all that, but Romano’s have some clothes that would look great on you and Marco is the best there is in the makeup industry. The guy won’t know what hit him!”


  Hailey heard the knocking on the door but was too busy puking her guts out! This was getting serious! It had started yesterday and she had made herself some tea and it had soothed it a little bit but this morning as she was trying to eat her blueberry oatmeal she had to rush to the bathroom. Lunch had not been any better. She had made some chicken with a fruit salad and everything had come back up. She heard the persistent knocking on the door and made the effort to get to her feet and going to the sink she rinsed out her mouth. God! She looked like something the cat dragged in! she thought as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

  The knocking continued and she walked shakily to the front door. “I am coming!” she called out. She looked through the peephole and uttered a groan as she saw him standing there. With a sigh, she unlocked the door and opened it.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked her as he looked at her with a frown.

  “The fact that you are here?” She stepped back wearily. “What do you want, David?”

  “I will let you know in a minute.” Before she knew what he was up to, he scooped her up into his arms and took her to the bedroom where he placed her on the bed. He felt her forehead and discovered that there was no fever. “What’s going on?”

  “Stomach flu,” she said immediately.

  “You have been throwing up.”

  She nodded and closed her eyes.

  “Are you sure it’s stomach flu?”

  “What else could it be?” she asked him irritably.

  “When was the last time you had your period?” His heart had picked up the pace as he looked at her. Could it be?”


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