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David: Older Woman (Members From Money Book 32)

Page 11

by Katie Dowe

  She looked at him and did not say a word.

  “I am so sorry-”

  “Call the doctor,” she told him coolly, not willing to forgive him just yet.

  “Of course.” He schooled the agony at her words and touched the bell. “How do you feel?”

  “Like I fell down the stairs.” He staggered as if she had struck him. Just then, the doctors came into the room.

  “Hailey, good to see that you are awake.” The doctor beamed at her. “Let’s exam you and find out if you are okay.”

  “What about my baby?” she asked anxiously.

  “Fine the last time we checked.”


  “We are so happy you both are okay, my dear.” Martha fluttered around the room making sure everything was okay. David had called and told them that she was awake and they had come straight over.

  “Where is he?”

  The two girls as well as her two friends had come and gone leaving just Martha there with her.

  “He blames himself,” Martha said, taking a seat.

  “He should,” Hailey said firmly. “He should not have allowed that bitch to come up to his suite.”

  Martha looked at the woman and smiled slightly. “He thinks you do not want to see him.”

  “I wanted to punish him a little bit,” Hailey said with a small shrug. “I need him here with me, Martha. I don’t have my phone, could you please call him?”


  He brought her flowers, a gigantic bunch with daffodils, peonies, and larkspur, and a red rose, and a huge teddy bear. She tried hard to keep the laughter from her face.

  “Really?” she asked him dryly as he put them on the table. “Do you think that makes up for what you did?”

  “No,” he said quietly as he climbed onto the bed with her. “I was an idiot.” He framed her face with his hands. “I would never have forgiven myself if you and my child had not made it.”

  “I would have haunted you from the grave,” she told him softly.

  He bent his head and kissed her lightly, but she was having none of that. Her tongue darted inside his mouth to deepen the kiss, her hands going around his neck. He groaned inside her mouth as he gathered her up to him. His erection was painful, so much so that he had to forcibly put her away from him.

  “Baby,” he muttered as he tried to get his breathing under control.

  He jerked as she busied herself unzipping his pants and reaching into his underwear. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like?” she asked him mildly. His eyes snapped to the door wondering if someone would just come in. She took his erection out and held it in her hand, sliding her fingers up and down the length of him. “Very impressive,” she said in a conversational voice. “The first time you entered me in that maze I could not believe the length of you.” Her finger wandered to the tip of him. “No wonder women cannot resist you.” Her hand tightened around him. “For instance, that blonde bitch I saw coming from your suite.”

  “I did not touch her.” His voice was thin and came out as a whisper.

  “I know you did not,” she told him mildly. “If you had, you would not be here right now.”

  “Hailey-” His body shuddered as she forced a nail into the opening and worked it around. “You have grown on me. You are a rich white guy who was always in the papers. I told myself time and again that we did not belong together. I am respected in my field and considered to be one of the best.” She bent her head and her breath fanned his penis causing him to shiver. He could not stop the cry escaping his lips as she flicked her tongue over him. His body went rigid with shock and helpless desire as she took him in her mouth right there in the hospital bed. Her tongue swirled around the large red tip of him. His testicles went hard and he pushed into her, his body shuddering.

  “Christ, woman!” he groaned as she continued pulling him further into her mouth. He felt as if the top of his head was going to explode! She lifted her head and climbed on top of him. “Baby, we can’t!” His body stiffened further as she impaled him. She bent his head to his and took his mouth with hers in a kiss that stole what breath he had left. His body felt as if it was on fire! He held her hips and navigated her around his hard dick, his heart hammering inside his chest. At this point, he did not care who came into the room. He was past that! This amazingly sexy woman was his and had his baby inside her. This wonderful smart and feisty woman was on top of him giving him so much pleasure that he could not stand it! He came before he wanted to. He could not hold back. He had been without her for the past three days and it felt as if it had been three weeks. His hands tightened around her as he plunged into her over and over again. She came all over him, her cries swallowed inside his mouth as the orgasm broke over her!

  She laid there sprawled over him. Both of them were trying to catch their breath. His hands were around her waist as he held her to him.

  “We should not have done that,” he whispered.

  “Why not?” she asked him drowsily. It had felt good! She was insatiable where he was concerned.

  “You are in the hospital for a reason, baby,” he reminded her.

  “And the doctors say I am fine,” she murmured. She lifted her head and looked down at him. “You need a shave.” She ran her hand over his stubble.

  “I could not think about anything but you wanting to leave me,” he said softly.

  “You thought I would leave you?” she asked, quirking a brow at him.

  “I was in the grips of fear,” he said wryly.

  “You are stuck with me, mister.”

  “I am happy to hear that. I really did not touch her,” he told her. “She came into my suite without me knowing it and said she wanted to talk. She tried to kiss me- ” He broke off at the look on her face. “I stopped her before she did.”

  “Okay,” she said briefly. “Go on.”

  “I used to see her, baby, but it was over a very long time ago.”

  “And she wanted to rekindle old flames.”

  He nodded. “I told her my heart belonged to you.”

  “That’s sweet.” She bent to kiss his lips. “The doctors told me that I could leave tomorrow.” She paused. “I was thinking that Marge and Hillary could pack my stuff up and you send someone over for them.”

  His eyes blazed at that. “You mean-”

  “I am moving in with my man.”

  He felt his heart warmed at the term. “Your man?” he asked her huskily.

  “Yes,” she whispered as she took his lips with hers. Conversation was suspended and the nurse who came to check on her saw them through the glass and quietly went on her way.

  Chapter 11

  “I look fat,” Hailey brooded as she turned this way and that looking at herself in the full length mirror. She had settled in at the manor nicely making a few changes to his suite much to his indulgent amusement. He had been horrified when she suggested rose pink drapes, but she had laughed at him. “Pink is not my color, honey,” she had told him.

  “I hate you,” Marge said mildly as she stared at the beautiful woman standing in front of them. The fitting had taken on a party like atmosphere. Her two friends were there as well as her mother and his mother and sisters. Monique Romano had flown over with Leesa and Kelly and Felicia. They were in her sitting room and the maid had come in with refreshments. Monique had traveled with two of her assistants and had come armed with more than the wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses but with a complete wardrobe that Hailey had not time to look at yet. She was one week away from being Mrs. David Snyder and it felt surreal! “When I had my first child, I was as big as a house and still have not lost the weight. Then with my second, it was worse and I have resigned myself to looking like this forever. You are five months pregnant and we have to look closely to see if you are really carrying a child!”

  “You are right, honey. For a forty-five–year-old pregnant woman, I do look fabulous!” she said with a grin as she turned to Monique. “You should put me in
your ad for pregnant mothers, Monique.” She had become fast friends with most of the wives especially Kelly and Leesa.

  “And have those pregnant mothers expecting miracles. You hardly gain any weight, Hailey,” Monique said with an admiring smile as she looked at the girl’s slender body.

  “I watch what I eat. Being pregnant does not give me the excuse to pig out.” She turned back to the mirror and looked at herself critically. She had chosen the dress. She had told Monique that she was leaning to middle age and was not going to wear virgin white so she had chosen a pale lilac color style that hugged her bosom closely and drifted around the rest of her body gently. She would be wearing posies in her hair.

  “It’s really a very lovely dress and not everyone could wear a style like that and pull it off,” Leesa commented.

  “I think it’s settled.” The woman who had been pinning and tucking the material took her hand and helped her off the pedestal. “I like the idea of the bridesmaids wearing different colors.” She looked at Marilyn who had blossomed from a mouse into a very attractive woman. She was engaged to Lee and they would be getting married in April. “The rust color will look great on you, Mar, and the peach looks good against your dark coloring,” she said to Marissa. Marge would be wearing amber and Hillary gold. “I am getting married next week!” She wrapped her hands around her belly.

  They all laughed at that.

  “How do you feel?” her mother asked her.

  “Terrified!” she admitted. She stepped out of the dress not caring that they were there and put her lounge pants and sweater back on. She accepted the hot chocolate Martha handed her and went to sit next to her mother. It was a Saturday afternoon and David had gone to the club to give them space. “You know me, Mom, I am not used to being with anyone. I would get up in the morning and look at David lying there and wonder why is there a gorgeous man lying in my bed! Your son is messy, Martha,” she said, looking at her future mother-in-law.

  “Tell me about it,” Martha said with a smile. She really liked the woman who said what she meant. There had been so many functions and the invitations had come pouring in the minute their engagement was announced. She fitted in well with their crowd and had an incredibly smart mind. Moreover, she had a great influence on David. Martha had never seen her son so devoted and determined to please the woman he was going to marry!

  “This time next week you will be married,” Kelly said to her.

  “I cannot wait to get it over and done with.”


  “Mother thinks you walk on water.” David rubbed the cream over her belly slowly as he looked up and met her eyes with his. He had cut short his time at the club because he wanted to be with her. He felt like a schoolboy with his first crush! He remembered his first crush at thirteen and he had never felt this way! This woman had him by the heart!

  “I like her.” She stretched languidly. He had made love to her in the shower from behind and she could still feel the imprint of his very impressive penis inside her! He was kneeling in front of her naked with that said penis semi-erect and she could feel her mouth watering. He was truly a magnificent man! “What if I start going gray and have wrinkles?” she asked him suddenly.

  “There are hair dyes that can stop that and creams to take away the wrinkles,” he told her calmly. He knew she was insecure about him and not about herself.

  “I want to grow old gracefully,” she told him coolly.

  “You will never grow old.” He capped the bottle and wiped his hands on a paper towel.

  “I am serious, David.” She gripped his hands and forced him to look at her. “I want you to know what you are getting into before it is too late. I meant it when I said that I will not tolerate infidelity and I have a low tolerance for my man looking at another woman with lust in his eyes. I am ten years older than you are and commonsense tells me that there is going to come a time when you look at me and realize that. I am heavy with your kid and it will be me and a kid and that means that I will be fighting dirty. Look at me please and tell me that there is no turning back.”

  “There is no turning back,” he said quietly as he looked into her dark brown eyes. The light from the lamp caused them to appear hazel and he knew she had several mixed blood in her. Her hair had grown somewhat and she had not cut it but had trimmed the edges and the curls were wild around her beautiful face. How can she be forty-five? he wondered for the millionth time! “I have been with a lot of women,” He stopped as he watched her flinched. “I need to say it, baby. I have been with women of all descriptions. I decided that with my looks and wealth that I was going to take advantage of what they threw at me. I always came up empty and bored and want to move on to the next one. When I met you and took you in that maze-” He stopped and took a deep breath as his flesh hardened. “I made love for the first time in my entire life! My soul reached out to yours and touched you and after that night I never felt the same again. You asked me how can I be sure that I will never look at another woman again and I can tell you with absolute honesty that no other woman exists for me again. It’s you, Hailey, and only you and that is a guarantee.”

  “When I am sixty-five you will be fifty-five,” she whispered, her throat dry.

  “I can do the math.” His hands cupped her cheeks. “When you are one hundred and five I will be ninety-five and I will still love and want you.”

  “We are not going to live that long,” she said huskily.

  “We might. How else am I going to live long enough to enjoy my woman?” He bent his head to hers and his breath fanned her face.

  “Your woman?” she asked him, her brows arched.

  “My woman, my heart, and everything in me,” he told her as his lips bent to hers. “My all.”


  “I am not going to sit around and wait until Saturday comes. I will be home when I have the baby for a little while and I have classes to teach,” she told him firmly. “You get to go to the office, so why shouldn’t I do the same?”

  “Because you are pregnant.” He looked at her in frustration. She had been given the time off from the university, but she refused to take it. She was working all the way up to Friday afternoon.

  “The key word being pregnant. I am not sick.” She turned and knotted his tie firmly. She had come to do these things without being aware of it. She loved his style of dressing and had been amazed at the amount of clothes he possessed. Their huge walk-in closet was neatly arranged by one of the maids and Hailey was slowly getting used to it. She had on black dress pants and a soft red cashmere sweater. Diamonds glinted at her lobes and she was wearing a large Gessner watch that he had given her along with several more pieces of jewelry. She placed her hands on his shoulders. “Stop making a big deal out of this, David.”

  “At least have on of the drivers take you.”

  “That I will do.” She brushed at his lapel. “My handsome fiancé,” she murmured.

  “Thank you.” His lips curved into a smile as he looked down at her. “We have a dinner party tomorrow night.”

  “I know,” she said with a sigh. “The burden of being of high society.”

  “Such a burden,” he said wickedly as he bent to kiss her.


  Hailey clicked on the painting and brought it life on the multimedia. It was a painting by a fairly new artist and was just starting to receive recognition. It was a curious blend of bold colors and one could faintly see the woman lying on the lounge chair with her hands above her head.

  “I need several interpretations,” she called out to the group.

  Several hands shot up, and she pointed to a young man in the front. “Sylvan?”

  “Anyone can see that she is asking for it.”

  “Asking for what?” Hailey asked him coolly.

  “Asking to be taken and subjected. She is naked and her hands are above her head in clear supplication. She is begging for it.” She waited out the laughter from the rest of the class.

  “Anyone e
lse has a view aside from Sylvan’s one sided opinion?” Hailey asked mildly. “Jennifer?” She pointed on a shy brunette at the front.

  “A woman in supplication not the way Sylvan puts it, but if you look closely at the her expression you can see that she is a woman in love and she has given herself to the man she loves. There is a soft vulnerable look about her but that does not necessarily means that she is helpless. It means that she is a woman in love and wants to please her man.”

  Hailey stared at her for a moment and could not say anything for the moment. It sounded like her. She was in love with David and was carrying his child. She was going to be married to him and she knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was the only man in her life and would always be the only man! She smiled at the girl and nodded. “Thank you, Jennifer.”


  “Is everything okay?” Marge asked as she slid into the seat opposite her friend. Hillary hurried over and sat next to Marge.

  “Why? Because I called you gals here for drinks?” Hailey asked mildly. “We have not done this in a long time and I thought it would be nice if we did.” She curled her fingers around the cup of hot chocolate. “If you bitches had told me that I would meet and fall in love with a man ten years my junior I would have laughed you to scorn.”


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