Personal Best 3

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Personal Best 3 Page 5

by Sean Michael

  He still believed it was Anderson or one of his cronies, but he had no proof. He was going to watch Hank’s UCLA boys carefully at the meet. See if any of them were surprised to see Mike swimming and in top form.

  “You okay?” he asked as he slipped on his seat belt.

  “No, but I will be.” Mike smiled, leaned against him a little. “Which races am I swimming this time?”

  “Shorter list would be the races you aren’t swimming.” He put his hand on Mike’s thigh, squeezing, breathing a sigh of relief as the plane started taxiing out to the runway.

  “Is everything okay at the house?”

  “Yeah. The security team was going to lock everything up, keep an eye on the place. I’m thinking we should put it on the market. Look more seriously for a place near the ocean. We could get movers to pack the place up for us.” He wasn’t advocating running away, but the place wasn’t theirs anymore. It had been violated.

  “I like the ocean. I could handle that.” Mike was shivering, just barely, just enough that he noticed.

  Jessy put an arm around Mike’s shoulders, tugging him in close, rubbing his arms. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you, baby.”

  “I know. I know. They’re just trying to fuck with me.”

  “Yeah, they’re not doing a bad job of it either.” And he didn’t know what to do except keep Mike safe and distracted.

  “Hey! I held it together!”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, baby, I guess you did. You gonna show them at the meet? Blow them the fuck away and then own the Nationals?”

  “You know it. Going for the wall. Then? Where to before Worlds? For Thanksgiving? Christmas?”

  “What’ll make you happy, Mike?”

  “I… I don’t know. I don’t want to have to worry, you know? I just want to swim.”

  “I know, baby. I know.” He tilted his head. “Let’s go to Australia.”

  “Australia?” Mike’s eyes went wide, huge. “Can we do that?”

  “We’ve got time after the Nationals. A couple months. They got ocean down there, too, you know?” And he knew some of the coaches; he bet he could arrange a little pool time, maybe even a place near the beach with a good-sized pool. It would get them away, let them breathe. They could come back a couple weeks before Worlds, set up in a hotel, and work the meet pool.

  “I know. It’s summer there, yeah? Hot? Beach season?”

  “So they claim.” He leaned back a little, smiling. It had been a while since he’d seen that eagerness for anything other than the water and sex.

  “I’d like that. We could have Christmas there. We could play in the water. We could be forever away.”

  He nodded. “Yep. Leave everything behind and just go.”

  “Cool. Sounds fun, Coach. Exciting. Have you ever been?”

  “Nope. Nearly made it one year, but my swimmer found a new coach. Something about me being too much of a hardass.”

  “You?” Mike’s dark eyes were shining, bright. “No.”

  “Yeah, I was surprised myself.” He winked.

  Mike’s laugh was sweet, real.

  “There’s my baby,” he murmured, feeling a real, deep smile of his own.

  Mike’s fingers twined with his, warm and relaxed. Easy. He brought them to his mouth and kissed Mike’s knuckles.

  Mike grinned, whispered, “Love you.”

  “I know.” He smiled over, squeezed Mike’s hand.

  Mike nodded, leaned his head back, and, thank God, just fell asleep. Sound. Not moving, not dreaming, not fretting.

  He relaxed himself, making plans as they made their way to Boston.

  Chapter Nine

  JESSY GOT them signed in and had a quiet word with the front desk person, making sure she put a note on their file—their information wasn’t to be given to anyone under any circumstances. Not their names, their room numbers, nothing.

  He took their keys and grabbed their bags. “Come on, baby. We’re on the eighteenth floor.”

  “You sure? You sure this is cool?” Mike was vibrating—vibrating with dark circles under his eyes and a look of pure panic.

  “It’s cool, baby. Nobody knows we’re here, and expensive hotels like this have great security.” He grabbed Mike’s hand as soon as they were in the elevator. “It’s going to be just fine.”

  “Okay. Okay, sure. Right. Yeah. Okay. Is there a pool?”

  “Mike. I’m your coach. Of course there’s a pool.”

  “’Kay.” Mike bounced on his toes, skin pale as milk. “I… I need a shower.”

  “Yeah, we both could use a little wet.” He squeezed Mike’s hand. “The water’s just the start, yeah?”

  “The start of what?”

  “Our evening, baby. I’ve got plans for you.” Plans that involved loving Mike into relaxation and sleep.

  “Good plans, huh? Please?”

  “Great plans. The best.” He leaned in to give Mike a kiss when the elevator made its soft ding, and the door slid open. “Damn. Okay, baby. We’re in eighteen twelve. Looks like it’s to the right.”

  Mike nodded but just stood there, almost vaporlocked.

  He put one of the bags into Mike’s hand and grabbed his swimmer’s T-shirt, dragging Mike along. “Come on, baby. No one knows we’re here.”

  “Coach.” Mike’s eyes held his. “For real, huh?”

  Jessy tugged Mike in close and kissed him hard. “For real.”

  “Okay. Okay, Jess. I believe you.” Mike nodded, headed down the hall.

  He swiped his key card in the door and let them both in.

  The place was your typical hotel suite. Small front room and a bedroom with a queen-size bed. Jessy pushed the door closed behind him and nodded toward the bedroom. “We can drop our bags in there and go straight for the shower, baby.”

  He wanted to get Mike clean, relaxed, and then knocked out. Mike needed a good night’s sleep. Christ, they both did.

  “Okay. Lock the door, Coach. Lock both locks.”

  “Both locks. And we’ll lock the door to the bathroom while we’re in the shower.” Whatever made his swimmer feel safe.

  He went over and shot the bolt on the door, put the chain on. “Okay?”

  “Okay.” Mike relaxed a little—he could see it in the line of those shoulders. “Shower?”

  “You bet.” He went through his bag on the way, grabbing a pair of cuffs and a plug, and casually followed Mike into the bathroom.

  Mike had the water blasting, the steam already billowing out. He stripped quickly after setting the dildo down on the edge of the tub, but held on to the cuffs as he climbed in behind Mike.

  “Hey, Jess.” Mike’s eyes were closed, face lifted to the spray.

  “Mmm, hey, baby.” He leaned in and licked the water from Mike’s collarbone and then slid his fingers across the water-slick belly.

  “We’re safe, yeah?”

  “We’re safe, baby.” He ran his hand up Mike’s side, along the thin arm, stretching it up over Mike’s head. “Hold on to the showerhead. Both hands.”

  Mike stretched up, stomach flat and rippling, cock still flaccid.

  “Mmm.” He hummed and clicked the cuffs around Mike’s wrists.

  Mike’s eyes flew open, Mike searching his gaze. “I. It’s okay, right? Tell me it’s cool.”

  “I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t. We’re safe. Safe.”

  “Safe. Okay, Jessy. We’re safe.” Mike nodded, closing his lids, leaning into the cuffs a little.

  “Yeah, that’s it, baby. Just let it all go….” He slid his hands over Mike’s body, fingertips scraping now and then, letting Mike really feel it.

  “Jess.” Mike’s moan made him smile, let him know that he was fucking doing his job.

  “Right here, baby. I know you feel me.” He caught one nipple under his thumb, nail digging in.

  “Yeah. Yeah. Need you.”

  “Got me.” He grabbed Mike’s balls, tugging on them.

  Mike groaned, going up on tiptoe. “Jes
se. Jesse, more. Help me.”

  “More of this?” He scraped his fingernail along Mike’s perineum. “Or this?” Bending, he bit at Mike’s other nipple.

  “Yes. Please. Yes.” Mike’s eyes opened, staring at him. Focused on him.

  He bit harder, pressing his finger back farther, tip pushing into Mike’s hole. Mike rocked back and forth. “Yeah, that’s it, baby.” He switched to the other nipple, added a finger, knowing the stretch would burn a little.

  “Mmmhmm.” Mike was right there with him, moaning, grunting, riding him.

  He nipped his way down Mike’s body, leaving bruises here and there along the sleek abdomen. Mike’s sounds were deep and low, driving him crazy, driving him higher and higher. They echoed around the tile, making everything seem that much more. He went to his knees and covered his teeth, nipping at Mike’s prick.

  “Yours. Yours, Jess.” Mike nodded, staring at him, gasping.

  “Mmmhmm.” He hummed around Mike’s prick and slowly drew it deeper into his mouth. At the same time, he pushed his fingers in, twisting sharply.

  Mike’s cry rang out, legs thrumming on the tub. Yeah, that was it. He wanted Mike flying high, nothing on his mind but how good Jessy could make him feel. He looked up, watched Mike, whose face was turned up toward the spray, holding his breath.

  It was fucking beautiful.

  He hit Mike’s gland over and over with his fingers and sucked the long prick as hard as he could. Wanting Mike to have every sensation possible, he slid his free hand up over Mike’s belly and pinched a nipple. Mike convulsed, gasped, cock throbbing hard in his lips. Oh. Right there. He went down all the way, lips pulling hard.

  Seed filled mouth, Mike’s hips jerking restlessly, pumping into his lips. He swallowed Mike down, easing his pinching, his fingerfucking, letting it all slow together.

  “Oh. Jess. Yeah.” Mike nodded, head bobbing on his neck.

  He pulled off slowly, sliding up along Mike’s body, dropping sucking kisses on belly, chest and neck until they were face-to-face and he took Mike’s mouth. Mike’s kiss was soft, almost lazy, tongue pushing in to fuck his lips.

  Jessy rubbed his hard-on against Mike’s belly, the water making the sweet abs slick. It was easy to move like this—rocking and sliding, Mike’s kiss stealing his breath. He slid his hands around Mike’s back, rubbing, feeling. Mike arched, one leg around his waist, Mike trusting in his strength.

  Humming, he reached down and spread Mike’s ass, the water running over his fingers and along Mike’s crack. He got a nod, a smile—his baby eager and ready for him. Wanting him. He reached up to unhook Mike’s hands, and then turned him, putting the cuffs back over the showerhead. He dragged his prick along that crack, groaning.

  That tight ass dragged right back, crack sliding up and down his prick.

  “Baby. Fuck.” He waited until he was rubbing against Mike’s hole, and then he pushed right in.

  “Yeah. Jess.” Mike’s hands clenched, going up on tiptoe.

  “Yeah. I’ve got you.” He grabbed Mike’s hip with one hand and wrapped his other hand around Mike’s neck, pulling him back.

  Mike stilled, panting a little. “Jess.”

  He nuzzled the back of Mike’s neck. “Right here, baby.”

  “Okay. Yeah. You got me.”

  “I do.” He thrust, cock sliding out and pushing back into Mike, all the way in.

  Mike pushed into his touch, throat working hard. He tightened his hold, finding a rhythm as he thrust.

  “Fuck. Fuck.” Mike started gasping, nodding, begging for it.

  He moved faster, slowly gripping harder, pressing his arm against Mike’s throat. “I have you.”

  “H-have. Pl-pl-please.” The words were barely whispered.

  He kissed Mike’s neck again, skin hot and wet beneath his lips. Faster, harder, Jessy gave Mike exactly what he needed. He could feel Mike losing it, feel the violent shudders, the way that ass squeezed around him.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck, you feel so good.” Mike was close, again, flying for him, focusing only on him. “Ride it, Mike. Feel it.”

  Everything went tight-tight, Mike’s gasp only a breath in the spray. Groaning, he jerked a few times, pushing deeper and circling his hips. Heat sprayed out of Mike, the long body going limp for him. His own orgasm washed over him, his hips still pumping as he held Mike up.

  The water poured over them, hot and steamy, throbbing all around them.

  He spread soft kisses across Mike’s shoulders. “Love you, baby.”

  “Love.” Mike was limp, tired, exhausted.

  He let the water wash over them for a while and then helped Mike out of the shower, dried his baby off, keeping it slow and easy. Mike followed easily, humming low, almost asleep already. He tucked Mike in, giving his swimmer a kiss.

  Then he got their bags from where they’d been dumped and unpacked them, making sure everything was in order before he joined Mike in bed.

  Chapter Ten

  HE WAS on his fourth set of his laps, burning through the water, shoulders and lungs screaming.


  So much better.

  Mike turned, the music booming in his ears for only a second.



  Someone sliced through the water next to him, and he felt Jessy’s hand slide across his back for a moment, Coach keeping up with him for nearly the whole lap before dropping behind. He smiled, and then got back to business, pulling harder. On his next lap, the touch was harder, definitely trying to get his attention.

  He stopped at the wall, waiting for Coach to catch up.

  Jessy did, treading water lazily. “You been keeping track of your laps?”

  “Uh-huh. Mostly.” Sort of.

  Jessy snorted. “That mean you know you’re way over?”

  “Uh…. Know is a strong word.”

  Jessy rolled his eyes. “Out of the pool, baby. I’m taking you to lunch.”

  “Yeah?” Was he hungry?

  “I may even relax the rules a little. No pizza, mind you, but maybe more than a chicken salad.” Jessy grinned suddenly. “Race you to the other end.” And then Jessy was gone, the cheater.

  He pushed off, passing his coach easily, zooming through the water.

  Jessy pulled himself up out of the pool, chuckling. “Damn. You’re fast.” Giving him a wink, Jessy tossed a towel at him.

  “Does that mean I get pizza?”

  “Nope. You don’t get a Dr Pepper, either.” Jessy wrapped his own towel around his shoulders and sauntered toward the elevators.

  “Damn it.” He smiled, knowing Jessy couldn’t see him, following behind.

  “I know, I know. I’m a hardass.”

  “Yep.” He actually copped a feel before backing off.

  “Mmm….” Jessy wriggled his ass and then turned to grin at him. “You want something?”

  “I want all sorts of things—pizza, gold medal, caffeine, you.”

  “Well, you’ve got me. That’ll have to do.” The elevator doors slid open, and Jessy stepped on.

  “It’ll more than do, man.” He slid in behind Jess, punching the button. “What do you want for lunch?”

  “We missed supper last night—I could eat a horse.”

  “No horsemeat. How about steaks?” Oh. Steaks. He could eat a huge salad too.

  “Yeah, I could go for a steak. It’s on your diet too. In moderation.” Jessy gave him a wink just as the elevator doors slid open.

  “Jesus. You always act like I’m going to get fat. Protein is good for me.”

  “Not fat. Logy. You really want to have this argument again?”

  “We haven’t had it in days. I kind of miss it.”

  Laughing, Jessy opened the door to their room and held it open for him, smacking his ass as he went by.

  “Butthead.” He pulled his suit off, heading for the dresser with his jeans. “Really, though, I’m craving salad and steak and oranges, believe it or not.”

  “We can
pick up a bunch of oranges or some orange juice while we’re out.”

  He could feel Jessy’s eyes on his ass. He spread a little, bent over to “search” for his jeans. “Cool.” Look here, Jess.

  A soft groan echoed. “Mike….”

  “Uh-huh?” He looked from between his legs, balls swinging.

  “I thought you wanted steak.” Jessy slowly came for him, swimsuit tented out.

  “I do. Steak and salad.” He bent farther, spreading a little more. More than anything, he wanted Jess.

  “You’re going to have to wait for it,” growled Jessy, hands landing on his ass, cupping and massaging.

  “I am?” He pushed right back, flicking his tongue out to wet his lips.

  “Uh-huh.” Jessy’s hands slid up along his back, groin pushing up against his ass, wet suit cold on his skin.

  Mike braced himself against the dresser, eyes rolling. “I’m a patient guy, Jess.”

  “You mean you can wait for this?” Jessy asked, wrapping his fingers around Mike’s shoulders, body humming against him.

  “No. I can wait for food.” He grinned at Jessy in the mirror.

  Jessy grinned right back, sliding one hand away, the cold, wet shorts pushed down and kicked away.

  “Sexy baby.” Jessy ground against him again, hard prick sliding along his crack.

  “Yours.” That was easy. Straightforward.

  “Yes.” He slipped a finger into his ass, fingers of the other hand sliding down along his spine.

  It was a little weird, looking at himself in the mirror, so he ducked his head, closed his eyes.

  “You should look,” Jessy murmured. “And see what I see.”

  “It’s weird, Jess. Looking at myself.”

  “I love watching you. Swimming, sleeping, working out. Making love.” Jessy sucked the fingers of his free hand and pushed two in along with the one from his other hand.

  “Oh.” He went up on tiptoe, rocking on those fingers, over and over.

  “Yeah, yeah. Just look at you.”

  His eyes opened, and there he was, lips parted, cheeks dark red.

  “So fucking sexy, baby.” Jessy’s fingers pulled away, the thick head of his prick pushing in their place.


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