Personal Best 3

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Personal Best 3 Page 6

by Sean Michael

  His lips opened and closed, but he didn’t have any words. He just needed. That prick thrust deep, Jessy’s hands sliding over his belly and up, fingertips dancing against his nipples. He pushed back, body jerking, riding that thick cock.

  “So sexy. Look at yourself. Look how fucking hot you are.”

  “Jess.” His cheeks went red, dark. God, so intimate.

  “That’s you, baby. That’s what I see every time we make love.” The words were punctuated by thrusts, Jessy pushing in hard.

  “Love you.” Fuck. Fuck, he was going to. He was. Oh.

  “You, too, baby.” Jessy reached up with one hand and pressed against his neck; the other slid to wrap around his cock, both holding tight.

  “I.” Oh. Oh, fuck him. Oh, please, Jess. More.

  “I know.” Jessy kept fucking him, hand on his cock stroking, the one on his throat slowly pressing harder, slowing his air supply.

  Mike shook, so fucking turned on. So excited. Needing this so fucking bad.

  “Look at you. Look at how you respond to every touch, every squeeze and thrust. God, baby. Just… God.” Jessy stopped talking, biting at the back of his neck as that hand on his throat tightened even more.

  He shot so hard his teeth rattled, head slamming back as he gasped.

  “Yeah. Yeah!” Jessy repeated the word, hands sliding to grab his hips and pull him back into each new thrust. Jessy’s hard cock kept hitting his gland, making his orgasm just last.

  And then Jessy was shouting his name and coming deep inside him. His elbows buckled, Jessy holding him up, keeping him upright. Soft kisses pressed along his spine, Jessy humming softly, fingertips stroking his belly.

  “L-love.” Oh, fuck. So good.

  “Mmm… yeah, baby. Big-time.”

  Groaning, Jessy slipped out of him. He could feel Jessy’s come on his thighs, and then Jessy’s hand was there, rubbing it into his skin.

  His eyes rolled a little bit, knees wanting to give out on him. “Damn.”

  Jessy dragged him over to the bed, sat, and pulled him down onto Jessy’s warm lap. “I bet you’re hungry now, baby.”

  “Uh-huh. Steak. Salad. Oranges.” He rested his forehead on Jessy’s shoulder.

  “Yeah. Hell, I’m feeling pretty mellow. We might even share a dessert.”

  “Mmm. Dessert’s good. Chocolate pecan pie.”

  “Whatever you want, baby.” Jessy hugged him tight, kissed his spine, and then pushed him up, popping his ass. “Come on, quit stalling and get your jeans on.”

  “Damn, a guy closes his eyes half a second after a great orgasm and he’s suddenly stalling.”

  “Either that or he’s so sexy that his lover knows if we dawdle we’re never leaving this room.” Jessy gave him a wink and stood, stretched, muscles rippling.

  “Mmm.” He stood and headed in for a quick shower and shave. Yeah. If he did, they’d never leave.

  Jessy grabbed his wrist, tugging him to a halt. “Where are you going? Your jeans are that way.”

  “Shower? Shave? I smell like sex and chlorine.” The rest of the world might not appreciate that.

  “Now you are stalling. We have to leave the hotel room sooner or later, baby.”

  He stopped, blinked a second. “You don’t think…. I’m not.”

  “I think you need to get dressed, and we need to go out and have a meal together.”

  “I just need a shower.”

  Jessy stared at him for a long moment. “Ten minutes. You take a quick shower and get dressed and be ready to go in ten minutes.”

  Like they were in a hurry. Jesus. He slammed the door behind him, trying to figure out why he was so pissed.

  The door opened, and Jessy popped in, eyebrows climbing up his forehead. “Baby?”

  “Yeah?” He knew he had to look fucking confused. He felt fucking confused.

  “What’s wrong, huh?” Jess came in, leaned against the counter.

  “I don’t know.” He headed over, sliding one hand down Jessy’s chest, belly.

  “You still worried about the asshole sending shit in the mail?” Jessy’s hands slid around his waist.

  “Aren’t you? I mean, fuck. Aren’t you scared, Coach?”

  Jessy shook his head. “We’re safe here, baby. No one knows where we are.”

  “But. I know that. I know and it still….” It still worried him.

  “It still worries you. That’s why we need to go out. The only way you’re going to believe it deep inside is if we go and do and be and nothing happens.”

  “I’m not a coward.” He needed Jessy to know that.

  “Shit, baby, I don’t think you’re a coward!”

  “No? Because I’m fucking scared.”

  “Yeah, well, I think that’s pretty normal under the circumstances, baby. That’s why we need to go out, hmm? Get used to the city, start to feel safe again.” Jessy pulled him close.

  “Okay. I just.” He cuddled in, letting Jessy hold him up. “You know.”

  “Yeah, I know, baby.” Jessy stroked his back. “What do you say we skip the shower and just go to the hotel restaurant today?”

  “No. No, I want good steak.” He tried on a grin, and it felt easier. “And oranges.”

  “Yeah. Fresh squeezed, huh?” Jessy gave him a wink, squeezing his ass.

  “Yeah.” He nodded, grinned. “Ten minutes.”

  “All right. Ten minutes.” Jessy kissed him hard and then smacked his ass.

  “Come with me. Keep me focused. I’ll let you watch me shave.”

  Jessy snorted and then straightened and tugged him toward the shower. “Sure. We can always skip lunch and go straight for dinner.”

  “I’ll starve. You wouldn’t want me to starve.”

  “Baby, we go in that shower and you start shaving, I’m going to have to have you all over again.”

  They looked at each other, started laughing.

  “God, I love you,” murmured Jessy against his lips.

  “Good.” He grabbed a couple of washcloths so they could clean up. He could shower later.

  They each cleaned themselves up rather than each other, which would have no doubt led to more delays. The look in Jessy’s eyes was passionate and happy, Jessy’s focus all on him.

  It made everything worth it.


  Jessy tossed his cloth at the tub and quickly brushed his teeth before bumping hips with Mike. “I packed your aquamarine shirt with the pearl buttons. Wear that with your good jeans.”

  “Okay. You wear the nice white one. I like how that makes your throat look.”

  Jessy grinned and leaned his head back, hand sliding along his throat. “And how exactly does it make my throat look?”

  “Dark. Tanned. Sexy.”

  “Baby….” The word was drawn out, husky, Jessy’s eyes suddenly hot. “Come on, we need to get dressed and get out of here.”

  “Uh-huh. I’m hungry.” He reached out, cupped Jessy’s cock, and squeezed a little.

  “Me, too. For food even.” Jessy winked, hips pushing into his hand.

  “Uh-huh.” He stepped away, finally, and headed in to get dressed. At this rate he was going to miss his afternoon laps.

  Jessy didn’t say anything as they got dressed, Coach looking handsome in black jeans with that white shirt he liked.

  When they were done, Jessy whistled. “Looking good.”

  “Looking like a starving man.” He grabbed his wallet, his watch, Jessy’s hand. “Come on, man. Feed me.”

  Jessy laughed as they went out and headed for the elevator. “How come I’ve been saying that for ages to no effect, and now all of a sudden you’re dragging me?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. Steak.”

  Coach snorted, but Jessy’s hand stayed in his as they got into the elevator and headed for the lobby. “Steak and salad and dessert. Oh, and oranges, though I’m guessing we won’t get those at the restaurant. According to the girl I talked to at the front desk this morning
, we won’t have to wander far for either.”

  “Cool.” The sun was bright, shining, and Mike found himself grinning up into it.

  They passed a couple other hotels and some tourist shops, and then turned a corner to find several restaurants within the space of a couple of blocks.

  “There,” said Jessy, pointing to a restaurant called the Double D Brand.

  “Cool.” If they were lucky, there’d be a table by the big window in the front.

  The streets were moderately crowded, but they managed to dash across during a lull in traffic, and the restaurant wasn’t busy at all, the hostess asking them where they wanted to sit.

  “It’s up to you, baby.”

  “In the sunlight, please.”

  “Follow me, please.” The hostess went ahead of them, a little wiggle in her walk that had Coach grinning.

  “That’s for you,” Jessy whispered.

  “No. Quit it.” His cheeks went red-hot, and he shook his head.

  Jessy chuckled. “Well, she’s certainly not doing it for this old man.”

  “She might be,” he whispered right back. “You have that neck thing going on.”

  Jessy didn’t say anything as they arrived at their table, but he could see the laughter in Mike’s pretty eyes.

  “Your waitress’ll be along shortly.” She gave him a flirtatious smile and headed back the way she’d come.

  “There, see? She barely noticed I was here.”

  “Bullshit.” Mike opened the menu. “I want fried cheese and a rib eye and two baked potatoes.” Oh, man. They had an oriental salad with mandarin oranges.

  One of Jessy’s eyebrows went up. “No baked potatoes, baby; they make you logy.”

  “You let me have potatoes. You’re just being weird.” Maybe not two loaded with sour cream and bacon.

  “I’m letting you have the fried cheese, baby. And dessert. Pick a salad instead of the potatoes.” The push and shove of this particular debate was familiar and easy. It felt good.

  “I’d rather have one potato than the cheese, really….” Hell, he really wanted the big salad and a steak.

  “You’d have to give up the dessert if you’re having the potato. Come on, baby—steak and salad—you know that’s what you want.” Jessy knew him too well.

  “Yeah.” He grinned, nodded. “Can we try the lettuce wraps? They look good.”

  “Yeah, sure. Did you see the oriental salad they’ve got? Salad and oranges.” Jessy winked.

  “I know. Dude. It has almonds too. I’m going to get that and the sirloin.”

  “I’m going to have the T-bone and the Caesar.” Jessy signaled to the waitress and placed their orders.

  The lettuce wraps came, and they attacked them, both starving. Crispy, spicy, perfect.

  Jessy caught his hand as he started licking his fingers, bringing them over to Jessy’s mouth. Jessy’s pink tongue came out, swiping at his fingertips.

  “Jess.” His eyes went wide, breath caught in his throat. “Someone will see.”

  Jessy pulled one finger in and then let it go with a pop, giving him his hand back. “Sorry.” Only Jessy didn’t look or sound the least bit sorry. His cock wasn’t sorry either, heavy and full, tapping against his zipper. Jessy gave Mike a shit-eating grin and licked his own fingers clean.

  “You are evil.” He drank his milk, drained it.

  “I do try, baby.” Jessy winked at him and then smiled up as the waitress came with their meals. “Mmm, excellent. I’m still starving.”

  “Yeah. Could I have another glass of milk, please?”

  “Of course. Can I get you boys anything else?”

  “We’re good, thank you.” Jessy gave her a smile and a nod, but he could tell Coach barely saw her.

  The smile that was turned on him was far brighter.

  “What are you grinning about, Coach?”

  “Steaks, salad, sunshine. You. It’s a good day.”

  “You know it, Jessy.” He dug in, the little orange segments sweet and tart in his mouth.

  Chapter Eleven

  THE DAYS had flown by, Mike working hard at his laps, keeping in shape.

  They’d had no contact with any other coaches or swimmers, and there’d been no incidents. No threats, no threatening cards, nothing. It made Jessy more suspicious than ever that the cards and stuff had come from a competitor. He kept his suspicions to himself, though, not wanting to freak Mike out. His swimmer was on track, and they’d found a peace here that had been missing the last few weeks at home.

  He glanced at his watch. Mike should be up from his last laps of the day any minute now. He was keeping an eye on the time and taking bets with himself as to whether he’d have to go get Mike or not.

  Ten minutes passed and Mike still wasn’t up, so he went to the door, smacking right into his swimmer. Chuckling, he grabbed on to Mike’s arms, steadying the kid. “I was beginning to think you’d lost track of your laps.”

  “Nope. I was being good. I stopped to get a Sprite from the vending machine. I was a little queasy.” Mike held up a green can, kissed the corner of his mouth.

  “Queasy?” He rubbed Mike’s belly gently as he closed the door. “When did that start?”

  “I think the chlorine balance in the pool’s a little off is all. It’s not bad. Just enough that I wanted some bubbles.” Mike’s eyes went all heavy-lidded at his touch.

  “You let me know if it gets worse instead of better, okay?” He slid his arm around Mike’s shoulders, still feeling up those stomach muscles as he led his swimmer toward the shower.

  “Mmmhmm.” Mike followed easily, muscles a little tight, but not bad.

  “Shower time. Shaving time. I might have to give you a massage while we’re at it.”

  “Oh, man. That sounds good. We haven’t had a massage in a while.”

  “Then we have our plan for the evening.” He gave Mike a kiss and went to start the shower. He made it hot enough to steam.

  Mike slipped out of his Speedos and stepped into the water. Jessy spent a moment watching. Mike looked good enough to eat. Groaning, he stripped his own clothes off and tossed the jeans and T-shirt into a corner. Then he climbed in with Mike, grabbing the soap and rubbing it between his hands.

  His swimmer smiled and turned toward him, a smile on that face. He stroked over Mike’s skin, soaping his swimmer up. Feeling him up at the same time.

  “Mmm. You’re in a good mood, Jess.” Mike’s fingers ran through his hair, thumbs rubbing his temples.

  “Yeah, I am.” He nuzzled into the touches, eyes half closing.

  “Cool.” Mike stole a soft kiss, grinning against his lips. “Feel good?”

  “Feels great, baby. Maybe it should be you giving me a massage later.”

  “You feeling okay?” The hands fell around his shoulders, rubbing nice and easy.

  Jessy groaned. “I’m fine. That just feels really, amazingly good.”

  He let himself lean into it a bit longer, and then he stepped back, grinning and working the soap over Mike’s skin. Mike stretched for him, the little hairs catching his fingers. It was time to wax the swimmer—one of his favorite jobs.

  As soon as the chlorine was washed away, he reached out of the shower and grabbed the shaving gel and a couple of brand-new disposable razors he’d set out earlier.

  “What are you up to?” Mike slipped a couple fingers over his nipple, pinching a little.

  He gasped softly at the touch, hips jerking in response. “Just getting the shaving equipment.”

  “You need a shave?” Mike’s fingers teased his chin. Someone was in a playful mood. It was cute as hell.

  “I could probably use one, but that’s not who’s getting shaved.” He rubbed up against Mike.

  “I’m just getting a manly stubble!” Look at that grin. Mike had been bare so long it was the natural state of being.

  “Manly stubble.” He could hardly even say it without laughing. “Oh, baby.” Grinning, he tugged Mike in for a hard kiss.

/>   Mike was still laughing as their lips met, that slick, wet body sliding against him. He opened his mouth wide, pushing his tongue between Mike’s lips. Mike’s cock was filling, rubbing against his belly, trying to get his attention. He ignored it for now, licking through Mike’s mouth one last time before breaking the kiss.

  “What do you want shaved first, baby?”

  Mike chuckled, arms up in the air. “Pick something, man. No cutting, though.”

  He snorted. “This is shaving, baby. And I’m good at it.”

  “You are, and it’s way hotter when you do it.”

  “Most things are hotter when we do them together.” He started slicking Mike’s arms up with the shaving cream.

  “Yep.” Mike relaxed back against the tiles, easy and long.

  “Mmm….” He hummed, admiring his swimmer: the long lines, the wiry muscles, Mike’s amazing abs. He worked on Mike’s arms, careful not to nick his swimmer anywhere.

  “The butterfly felt good today. I think you should come watch next time. Make sure I’m right.”

  He grinned. He’d been down there partway through Mike’s laps; he’d seen. “It was good. It was awesome.” He tugged Mike back into the spray, sliding his hands along the shaved skin to make sure he hadn’t missed a spot.

  “You…. Oh. Oh, hot. I didn’t see you. Jess. Damn.”

  Stroking Mike’s skin, he grinned. “No, you didn’t. You were really in the zone, Mike. I was impressed.”

  Oh, that was a great grin he got in return. “I was feeling good.”

  “It’s a perfect time to be in the groove, babe.” He went to his knees and spread the shaving gel along Mike’s legs, enjoying the sensation of those muscles against his fingers.

  He’d hold off shaving except around Mike’s pretty cock and balls and the dark, dark line of hairs running up Mike’s flat belly for last. The razor slid over Mike’s thighs and down. Again, careful and quick, he removed the stubble.

  “I keep looking for ways to get faster. Did you know there’s all sorts of tricks on the internet? Take this vitamin; starve yourself before a meet. Wrap yourself in banana leaves.”

  He looked up at Mike. “Most of those tricks are a piece of crap, baby. You see something you honestly think’ll help, you bring it to me, and we’ll discuss it, okay?”


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