Personal Best 3

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Personal Best 3 Page 7

by Sean Michael

  “I know. You know me, Jess. I bring everything to you.”

  “Never hurts to remind you, though.” He slid his hands up along Mike’s legs, once again checking to make sure he hadn’t missed a spot. And if he lingered on the inside of Mike’s thighs, well, he didn’t hear Mike complaining.

  In fact, what he did hear was a deep, soft moan.

  “I know, baby,” he murmured. “We’ll do your face next.”

  He didn’t always do Mike’s face—Mike was just going to have to shave tomorrow morning anyway, but he liked the intimacy of it.

  Mike smiled. “That always feels so… close. You know? I’d never let anyone else shave me there.”

  He nodded. “Yeah. I’ve never shaved anyone else’s face but yours and my own.”

  “That’s damn cool, you know?” He got a pleased look, a grin.

  Jessy stroked Mike’s face, looking into his lover’s eyes. “I know. You’re special.”

  “Yup. I’m yours.” Mike didn’t have a doubt. Not one single fucking doubt.

  “Yeah, head to toe and all the good bits in between.” He gave Mike a wink and then sprayed gel out onto his hands.

  Mike’s laugh rang out, his hips rocking, shaking the “good bits.” Jessy gave Mike a kiss, loving the taste of his baby’s laughter in his mouth.

  Then he lathered the gel over Mike’s cheeks and chin, stroking, feeling the contours of his lover’s face. Mike relaxed for him, eyes closed, smiling. Jesus, this was his. He shaved Mike’s face so slowly, letting them both enjoy it, their breathing slow, synced together.

  Once Mike’s cheeks were smooth and cleaned off, Mike leaned to kiss him, the connection almost sweet. Rich. Moaning gently into the kiss, he slid his fingers over Mike’s cheeks. Mike’s fingers were on the small of his back, the top of his ass, massaging and rubbing. It woke up every nerve in his body, made his skin sing.

  Groaning, he dragged his lips away from Mike’s and took a step back. “I need to finish.” His voice was thick, raspy.

  “O-okay. Okay. Finish so we can…. You know.”

  “Make love.” He went back to his knees, groaning again as he was faced with Mike’s cock, eager and full.

  “Yeah. Nice and slow, all evening long.”

  He looked up the long body and nodded as he met Mike’s eyes. “Whatever you want, baby.”

  “Want you, Jess. Just like you want me.”

  Leaning forward, he kissed the side of Mike’s cock. “Yeah. This first, hmm?” He found the bottle of shaving gel and poured some out onto his fingers.

  “Uh-huh. You’re like a wet dream, man.” Mike’s cock was starting to leak.

  “I’m no dream, baby,” he teased, stroking over Mike’s pubic area, over the sweet belly.

  “Nope. No.” Mike moaned and arched each time he hit a sweet spot.

  He grabbed a fresh razor and began shaving. Very carefully. It wasn’t easy, making sure he didn’t cut or nick anything important while he was so damn turned on. But there was no way in hell he was going to hurt Mike.

  The balls were the hardest, that skin so delicate and fine, but he managed, the thin skin bare for him. When he was done, he rinsed Mike off and then leaned in, taking one of those sweet balls into his mouth and sucking.

  Mike spread for him, propping one foot on the edge of the tub. “Fuck.”

  He muttered an agreement. Yeah, now they could do what they wanted. He tossed the razor over the side of the tub and took Mike’s other ball into his mouth.

  “Jessy. Jessy, I need you.”

  Groaning, he slowly let go of Mike’s ball, nuzzled it with his nose, and then stood. “Bed, baby.”

  “Uh-huh. We’re gonna run the whole place out of hot water.”

  “We’re paying enough for the privilege. Still, I want you horizontal.” He leaned over, turned off the shower, and shivered at the sudden lack of water.

  Mike reached out, grabbed two towels, and handed one over. “Don’t get cold, now.”

  “You’re starting to sound like me.” He dried himself off quickly, grinning at Mike.

  “You rub off on me.” Mike waggled his eyebrows and winked.

  “Oh God, that was bad.” He laughed and tugged Mike close, taking a kiss.

  Mike let him in for a second, then backed off with a laugh, drawing him toward the bedroom.

  He followed, watching that ass move. Fucking stunning. He waited until Mike reached the bed and then pounced. They rocked together, Mike’s hand wrapping around his hip, dragging him closer. Mike’s mouth was right there, and he pressed their lips together, pushing his tongue in lazily.

  Their cocks slid together, moving side by side. Mike was so smooth, and he rocked harder. His baby was right with him, holding on, both of them connected. Together. Needing it. His tongue tangled with Mike’s, his moan filling Mike’s mouth. Mike’s pretty eyes shone for him, open, happy, warm.

  As long as those eyes were happy, then so was he.

  Sliding his hand between them, he teased the tip of Mike’s prick. Mike rippled, and then Mike’s warm fingers tickled his hole.

  He gasped, pushing his prick along Mike’s hip. “Baby.”

  “Yeah.” That touch came again, nice and sweet.

  He rubbed the tip of Mike’s cock, finger lingering at Mike’s slit.

  “Jess. Harder.”

  “That’s my baby.” He pressed his finger in harder, fingernail scraping.

  “Yes.” Mike blushed, stared at him. “I need this.”

  “I know.” He took Mike’s lower lip between his teeth, worrying it gently, just enough to sting, not to leave a mark.

  “Used to scare me, that I liked it.”

  “And now?” He knew Mike loved it, thrived on it.

  “I’m not scared. You got me.”

  “I do, Mike. That’s how it works between us, yeah? I have you and it’s good.” He squeezed the head of Mike’s prick hard.

  “Uh….” Mike’s head fell back, throat working a little.

  He licked his way down, teased one little bud of a nipple and then the other, his fingers pinching and rubbing and sliding on Mike’s flesh. Mike squeezed his ass in response, gripping him. Groaning, he ground his own prick hard against Mike.

  “Yeah. Yeah, there.” Mike caught his bottom lip between sharp teeth, tugged.

  Groaning, he bucked harder, working without thought to bring them both over the edge. Mike was right with him, panting, groaning, hips rolling.

  “Like this, baby, and then we can take all evening to come again.”

  “Uh-huh. Sounds perfect.”

  It did. He pushed harder, playing with Mike’s cock, playing hard.

  Didn’t take any time—their bodies knew what they needed, and soon they were clinging, jerking, coming together. As heat spread between their bellies, he took Mike’s mouth, losing himself in the flavor as his body went lax.

  Mike cupped his head, holding him, tongue moving lazily in his lips. He hummed into the kiss and let Mike take his weight, knowing his baby loved it. Holding on tight, Mike slid his hand down, rubbing slowly with his thumb.

  “You’re going to melt me even more than I already am, baby.”

  “That’s cool, Jess. Melt away.”

  He chuckled but relaxed all over his baby. “I was supposed to give you a massage.”

  “Uh-huh. You can. After.”

  “Okay.” He didn’t take much convincing. “Shall we roll over so you can do it properly?”

  “Whatever turns you on, man.” Their laughter sounded again as they rolled over, Mike’s fingers working his skin.

  Mike weighed nothing, felt good sitting on his ass as those hands massaged him, making him groan and melt into the mattress.

  “That’s good.” Mike hummed for Jessy, moving his hands up and down, up and down.

  “God, you’re good at that, baby. You been taking lessons?”

  “Yep. Massage and blowjobs, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m.”

  He chuckled. “Am
I your homework? And does that mean I should expect a blowjob before this is over?” His prick sure liked the sound of that.

  “That’s it. My senior thesis.” Mike was snorting.

  God, they’d both lost their minds.

  He’d just enjoy this for a moment or two more, and then it was all about Mike.

  Chapter Twelve





  No thinking.





  No thinking.

  Mike turned the music up, bouncing along with the grinding bass.

  Jessy walked through the groups of other swimmers, nodding to people, smiling. Watching, searching. Then Coach was behind him, hands on his shoulders, rubbing. “You’re looking good, kid.”

  “Yeah. The wall, huh?” He was feeling good, relaxed, eager. “How long now?”

  “They should be calling you up any minute now. You just reach for that wall, and it’ll all fall into place.”

  He nodded. “It’ll happen. I feel good. Real good.”

  “You look good. The wall.” Coach squeezed his shoulders as they announced the race.

  “Yeah. Wall one of five.” He gave Coach his CD player, his jacket, and headed over. Lane five. He loved lucky lane five.

  Mike got in position, waiting for the buzz. Yeah.

  Just before the buzz went off, a whisper sounded. “Die, fag.”

  He arched into the water, body knowing exactly what to do, brain just screaming, panicking as he stroked. He hit the wall hard, flipping and swimming hard.

  “Come on, baby.” The words whispered in his head.

  Yeah. Yeah. The fucking wall. He hit it hard, pulling himself out of the pool, looking from one side to the other. Who said it?

  The crowd went wild, but all he saw was Anderson, checking the board and slamming his fist against the water in anger.

  He waited until Anderson’s eyes met his. “Be careful. I know what you’ve done.”

  Anderson’s eyes narrowed. “Fuck you, Gauliet.”

  “Not a chance, you coward.” He was furious, buzzing, vibrating.

  “Who the fuck are you calling a coward?” Anderson came toward him, but before he could take a step, Coach was in front of him, blocking his view of the other swimmer.

  “Gold! That’s the way, Mike!”

  He blinked, looking at Coach with a frown. “Huh? Coach, he….”

  “Hasn’t done anything you can prove, kid, and a fight here is going to get you in trouble with the governing body. Turn around and accept the congratulations of the other swimmers, and then go back into the dressing room.”

  “But, Coach.”

  Jessy’s eyes were serious, pissed.

  Mike nodded, shook the hand of the swimmer beside him, and took off. Jess didn’t let him get too far ahead, tailing him closely.

  He got into one of the showers, turned the water on hot.

  “Something happen out there, Mike? Something other than the little shouting match you and Anderson were getting into?”

  Mike nodded, face in the spray. “When the buzzer went off.”

  He could hear Jess’s growl beneath the sound of the water. “What?”

  “Somebody said, ‘Die, fag.’”

  Jessy’s fist was loud as it slammed against tile. “Fuck. That’s exactly what was on those cards.”

  He nodded. “I’m going to…. Uh….” Oh, hell, he didn’t know.

  “You’re going to finish your shower and get dressed; I’m going to go talk to Hank.” Jess growled, sliding a hand on Mike’s arm for a moment before he strode off.

  Mike nodded, rinsed off, and threw on his clothes, jumping every time footsteps sounded.

  Jess came back a few minutes later, looking thunderous. “Let’s get the fuck out of here. You’ve got more races tomorrow.”

  He shook his head, then nodded, then just started to move.


  Jess got him into the car and drove them toward their hotel.

  “Hank claims it wasn’t any of his boys. He actually looked a little green around the gills when I told him some of the stuff going on. I don’t think he sanctioned it, but I think he’s got a pretty fucking good idea who’s responsible. Like we don’t all know it’s fucking Anderson.”

  Jess’s knuckles were white against the steering wheel.

  “I. I don’t understand. I don’t get it.”

  “Mike. Who takes silver every time you take gold?”

  “But…. I.” He shook his head, just sick. “Oh, Coach. I’m gonna puke.”

  Jess looked at him and swore softly and then pulled around a corner and stopped the car. Coach jumped out and opened the door, tugging him out. He stumbled a few steps from the car, vomiting again and again until he was just swaying, muscles tight and cramping. Jess’s hands were solid on his back, drawing slow circles against him.

  “N-no. No pizza today.”

  “No. Not today.” He was tugged against Jess’s body. “Come on. Let’s get you to the hotel.”

  “Uh-huh.” He nodded, let Jess put him in the car, let Jess take care of him.

  Jess drove quickly, getting them to the hotel, and helped him out, arm around his waist as they headed for the elevator.

  “I need something to drink. I want to…. It’s not supposed to be like this, Jessy.” Not supposed to be like this at all.

  “I know, Mike. I know. I’ll get them to send up some ginger ale, maybe some fruit.” Jessy’s hand stroked along his side.

  He nodded, leaned against Jessy’s touch. “Something easy.”

  “Yeah, baby.” Jess growled a little as they went to their room, seeing him in and sitting him down on the bed.

  He curled up, eyes closing, head just pounding. He could hear Jessy pick up the phone and call down for their drinks, food. Then he dialed again, talking low and quick. Mike scooted closer to Jess, head settling on the warm lap, wrapping his hand around Jessy’s knee.

  Jessy’s hand dropped to his head, fingers sliding through his hair. “Yeah, I’d appreciate it if you could take care of that. Yes, we’ll be here. Of course we’ll cooperate; we want this taken care of before they escalate this. The National Championship is in just over two weeks, and that’s the first really big one. Thank you.”

  Jessy hung up the phone.

  “Who were you talking to?”

  “Police in Austin. They’ll notify the police here and send someone to talk to us, talk to the other swimmers. They’re going to keep it casual, keep from scaring a lot of innocent kids.” Jessy shook his head, hand still moving on him. “This is one disturbed kid. I’m sure of it. He just can’t take it that someone out there might be better than him.”

  “Is he going to hurt us?”

  “No, baby. I’m not going to let that happen.” Jessy lay down behind him, curling around him.

  “’Kay.” He stroked Jess’s wrists, upper arms, cuddling back. A kiss dropped onto the back of his neck, Jess’s tongue soft, gentle. “Oh. That’s good.” He leaned his head forward.

  Jessy hummed. “This?” His neck was licked again, Jessy’s tongue sliding on his skin.

  “Yes. It makes me warm all through.” He nodded, hummed.

  “Gonna love you, baby.”

  “Oh, promise?” He nodded. He knew it was breaking the rules, but he was scared. Scared.

  “Yeah, baby. I promise.”

  Jessy’s mouth went back to moving along the skin of his neck, tasting him, seducing him.

  “Thank you.” He drew Jess’s hand up to his mouth, kissing the knuckles, humming low.

  Jess purred, free hand going to his buttons, undoing them slowly. He nibbled at Jess’s knuckles, licking and nuzzling, the heat between them sweet and low. Jess undressed him slowly, as if they had all the time in the world, just the two of them. Mike closed his eyes, focused on feeling and touching, on loving. Jess’s mouth slid along his spine, mov
ing slowly down, leaving a path of fire in its wake.

  “Oh. Oh, Jess. That’s. That’s sweet.”

  Jess’s purr vibrated along his spine. He was melted, needing, the dull sickness fading. Down and down, Jess slid, licking, kissing, making him shiver. He ended up on his stomach, legs spread, hips rolling.

  “So sexy,” murmured Jess. That warm tongue slid along his crease, teasing his hole.

  “H-hot. Make me s-so hot.” He spread wider, moaning.

  “Gonna make you burn right up.” Jess stopped teasing, pushing his tongue into Mike.

  “Y… oh!” He arched up, knees drawing up beneath him.

  Jess hummed, sliding his hands along Mike’s thighs. Oh, so hot. So good. He started rocking, purring. Jessy fucked his ass, tongue working him, wetting him, making him crazy.

  “Love. Love you. Please.” He moved faster, pushed back, panting.

  Jessy slid one of his hands beneath Mike, circling his cock, thumb sliding across his slit, taking the liquid leaking there and spreading it over his heat.

  “Oh.” Mike lifted his head, blinking. “In me. Oh, Jess. Please. Deep inside. I need you.”

  Jess growled, and suddenly his tongue and hand were gone. His lover didn’t make him wait long, though; in no time at all, the blunt, hot head of Jessy’s cock was pushing into him.

  “Yes!” He nodded, pushed back with a cry, the pressure just perfect.

  “Baby.” The word was little more than a groan, Jess’s hands hard on his hips, tugging him back against the hard body.

  “Yours.” He pushed himself up and back, nodding, moaning low. Needed it.

  Jessy started to thrust, hot length pushing into him again and again. It eased him, always had, the steady pressure, the heat, the way Jess filled him. Jess’s arm went around his middle, the other one around his chest, tugging him up so his back was plastered against Jess’s chest. Mike leaned his head back, riding hard, panting.

  One of Jess’s hands slid around his cock, the other one around his throat. “I love you, baby.”

  “Love you. Please. Make me fly.” He met Jess’s eyes. “Yours.”

  “Mine.” Jess nodded, both hands tightening, cock thrusting hard.


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