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Personal Best 3

Page 9

by Sean Michael

  Jess wrapped a hand around his cock, tugging, squeezing. His eyes closed, focus on his cock, his ass.

  “Gonna come on my cock again, baby? Gonna show me how much you like it?”

  “Need it. N-need.” The image of Jess in their playroom, pushing that strong hand inside him, stretching him, flashed across his mind, and he shot, room spinning.

  Jess roared, pouring heat into him. He moaned, whispered Jess’s name, and Jess slipped from him this time, curling around him, holding him. Mike just cuddled in, snuggling.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you.” He nodded, moaned.

  “Rest, baby. I have plans for later.”

  “Mmm….” That sounded perfect and kinky and….

  Well, perfect.

  Chapter Fifteen

  THE SPA was amazing.

  The old blue-haired ladies turned out to be young, bored, rich housewives for the most part. Some of them flirted shamelessly with him and Mike, but after it was clear neither he nor Mike were interested, they were more or less left alone.

  After three days of swimming and lying by the pool, they were both relaxed and easy, Mike swimming hard, fast laps, hitting the wall like a pro.

  His cell phone shattered that, the fucking cops calling to let him know they hadn’t found anything conclusive. There would be no arrests. Whoever had done this, they were still out there. He hung up the phone and started pacing.

  Mike picked up on it, laps going faster, the rhythm lost, Mike focused on him now. Damn it. He hadn’t wanted to spook Mike out about this, but they were so attuned to each other. He crouched at one end of the pool, watching for Mike to hit the wall and come to a stop.

  “It’s bad. Have they done something to the house? To Aunt Kathy?”

  He reached out to stroke Mike’s cheek. “Christ, no, nothing like that. They just haven’t been caught. I was really hoping to have this wrapped up soon so you could concentrate on swimming.”

  “Oh.” Mike leaned into his touch. “Oh, good. I mean, not good, but yeah, good.”

  He nodded. “They don’t know we’re here, baby. Let’s not let this ruin the rest of our time.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, it’s been good here, huh?” He got a grin, a nod. Mike was looking good, relaxed and healthy.

  He grinned back, his own worries fading. They could pick back up when they moved to a hotel closer to the venue.

  “You done your laps yet? We still haven’t used those cuffs. I’d hate to have brought them along for nothing.”

  “Oh.” Mike nodded, eyes going hot and horny.

  “Come on then, baby. Time to make you scream.” He stood up and headed toward their room, leaving Mike to follow. Damn, he was hard and wanting already.

  Mike was a bit behind him, heading for the shower to rinse the chlorine away. He stopped and leaned against the wall, watching for a moment, admiring the long, lean lines of his swimmer. Mike soaped up, eyes closed, hands sliding over his hairless body. Christ, it was like a porn movie, only Mike wasn’t trying to be provocative, just get himself clean. And that just made it all the more sexy.

  Mike arched into the spray, face tilted up, humming, enjoying the water, cock slowly filling.

  His own cock matched Mike’s, and he growled softly. “Our room, baby.”

  Mike’s eyes opened, and he got a warm, wanton smile, a nod. “Yeah. Yeah, Jess.”


  The water went off, and Mike pulled on his sweats, not even bothering with a towel.

  Purring, he turned again and headed for their room, already making a mental list from the toys he’d brought along. The blindfold. The cuffs. The vibrating plug. Nipple clamps. The leather cock rings. He was going to get Mike filled and cock bound, and then he was going to stretch him out and play with the controls on the vibrating plug.

  Mike was close behind, teasing, touching.

  He chuckled and sped up, closing the door hard and locking it as soon as they were both in. “We don’t want to be disturbed,” he growled before pushing Mike up against the wall and taking his mouth.

  Mike moaned, opened wide, gave it all up for him. He tugged Mike’s sweatpants away and pushed against him, rubbing. There was something sexy about being fully clothed while Mike was naked.

  “Good. Jess. Love.” Mike was hard, needing.

  “Yeah, baby.” He dropped to his knees and sucked in Mike’s cock, pulling hard and demanding Mike’s orgasm.

  “Fuck!” Mike arched, fucking his mouth, pushing deep.

  He grabbed Mike’s hips, holding them against the wall. He was in control today. Of everything. His head bobbed as he took cock with his mouth.

  “Jess. Love. Oh. Yours. Yes.” Mike went stiff, cock throbbing.

  Yes, his. Mike was his. He growled softly, sucking hard, head moving on Mike’s cock, hands holding his lover still. It didn’t take any time before Mike arched, shot, shifting beneath his hands. He swallowed, drinking Mike down, taking his lover’s pleasure into himself.

  Then he let Mike’s cock go and looked up into dazed brown eyes. “That was your edge off. Now we play.”

  Mike nodded, lips open. “Yeah.”

  Jess grinned and stood, then gave Mike a hard kiss before taking his hand and leading him to the bed. He went to the drawer and started pulling stuff out. Mike sat, still swaying a little, watching him. He brought over the cuffs for Mike’s ankles and wrists, special attachments included so they could be attached to the hotel bed. He also had nipple clamps and the throat collar, a cock ring, and the vibrating plug. And a big tube of lube.

  Mike’s hand was on his cock again, rubbing slowly, encouraging that pretty prick to fill.

  “Getting it up again for me, baby?” He grinned and tossed Mike the cock ring. It was just a simple one that went around the base of Mike’s cock and held him hard.

  “Uh-huh.” Mike spread a little, hips rocking.

  “No more coming,” he warned, warming the nipple clamps up in his hands.

  “No?” Mike gave him a wicked little grin.

  He growled a little. “No.”

  Mike shuddered, eyes going hot. “Oh….”

  “You get yourself good and hard and then put that ring on, and then I’ll get the rest.”

  “Kiss me?” Mike kept pumping, lips turned up toward him.

  “Pushy bottom.” Despite his words, he bent and brought their mouths together, tracing Mike’s lips with his tongue and slowly opening them up before slipping in to taste. Mike purred for him, reaching to curl both hands around his neck. “You’re supposed to be getting that pretty prick all ready for me, Mike.”

  “Hmm? Oh. Yeah. You distracted me.”

  “I distracted you? You’re the one who demanded a kiss!” He backed away, winking to let Mike know he was teasing.

  “You’re the one who tastes good.”

  “Well, my mouth is full of you—so that would make you the one who tastes good.” He grinned. God, it was good when it was like this, relaxed and eager at the same time, pleasure already coloring their voices.

  Mike laughed, fastening the cock ring on, spreading so he could see. He purred, his own cock hard, wanting. He’d let Mike suck him once Mike was bound and filled.

  “Mmm, love you, Jess.” Mike’s lean hips shifted.

  “I know you do, baby. Goes both ways.” He knelt between Mike’s spread legs, bending to lick the hot drops of liquid from the tip of Mike’s cock. Then he leaned in and took one of the sensitive little nipples into his mouth.

  “Oh….” Mike arched, low cry filling the air.

  He scraped the tiny nub of flesh with his teeth, making it harden, rise up under his tongue. He sucked it a moment longer and then pinched it and put the clamp on.

  “Shit.” Mike twisted, cock rubbing against him.

  “No, baby. Fuck.” He winked at Mike and then treated the other nipple to the same process.

  “Evil bastard.” Mike chuckled and gasped all at once.

  “You love it.” He licked
at the tip of Mike’s cock again and then flicked each clamp with his fingertip, just to make sure they were well-seated.

  Mike jerked, eyes just rolling. “Jess.”

  “Yeah, baby, right here.” He looked into those brown eyes and smiled. “I’ve only just started playing.”

  Mike moaned for him, nodded, and then reached for him.

  “Greedy,” he murmured, pushing Mike’s hands away. “On your hands and knees. I want to put in the plug before I tie you down.”

  “Oh. Oh. ’Kay.” Mike turned, moaning as the clamps tugged.

  He groaned. Christ, his baby was something else, something special. Mike’s long limbs were flushed, glowing. Mike’s sweet ass just calling to him. He climbed onto the bed and put one hand on each cheek, spreading Mike to reveal that sweet little hole. Oh, yeah. Bending, he started licking.

  “Jess. Love. Need. Fuck.” The tight ring of muscles clenched, squeezed.

  “I know exactly what you need, baby.” He kept licking, keeping it slow, easy, teasing. Mike spread, head down, panting and rocking toward his tongue. “So sexy, baby.” He pushed his tongue in harder, fucking Mike’s hole with it.

  Mike’s noises filled the air, hole gripping his tongue. He kept it up until Mike’s thighs were trembling, and then he used his fingers, spreading lube around. Mike bucked, riding his fingers, so needy, so hungry for him. He got the plug slicked up and pushed it against Mike’s hole, letting those bucking motions draw it right in.

  “Oh. Oh. Fuck. Jess.” Mike sat up, hips rolling.

  He pushed up against Mike’s back, sliding his hands, teasing the clamps into tiny movements, wrapping his free hand around Mike’s cock and tugging. Mike leaned his head back, eyes wide, hungry, begging to come again.

  He shook his head. “Not yet, baby. I’m not done playing.”

  Jessy leaned away long enough to snag the controller on the vibrator and the collar. He slipped the leather around Mike’s neck, making it snug but not actually restricting the airway, and then he switched on the plug, just to the lowest setting.

  “Oh….” Mike rippled, purring softly. “Good.”

  He chuckled and rubbed his cock against Mike’s back, turning the plug’s vibrations just a touch higher. Mike moved to kiss his jaw, his cheek, eyes closed, just feeling. He purred, watching the pleasure on Mike’s face, thrusting against Mike’s back, his cock sliding along the warm skin. Soon. Oh, it wasn’t going to take him much longer.

  “Love you. So fucking much, Jess.” Mike nuzzled against him, rocking, moving.

  “Love you, too, baby.” More than was reasonable.

  With a groan he came, shooting come over Mike’s back. Mike moaned, their bodies sliding together, so hot, so slick. Purring again, he bent to lick Mike clean. The taste of his own come on Mike’s skin was enough to have his prick struggling back to life.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck. That’s. Oh. So sexy.” Mike stretched, ass clenching around the plug.

  “You’re sexy,” he murmured, licking the base of the plug, pressing it in and then circling the skin around the base. It made his nose tickle, the vibrations of it.

  “Jess.” Mike went back down to hands and knees, offering him that fine ass.

  He chuckled, gnawing on one asscheek and then the other before licking around the plug again. “On your back now, baby. Time to tie you down and really get the plug going.”

  “Really…. It’s going, Jess.” Mike rolled over for him, skin flushed and warm.

  Laughing, he blew against the skin of Mike’s belly. “It’s only just pretending. Trust me.”

  Mike chuckled, shifted, moving under his lips. He stretched Mike out, getting on the cuffs, attaching them to the ends of the bed. Then he licked his way from the tips of Mike’s fingers to the bottoms of his feet, playing with the controller for the plug all the while, switching it on full, making it pulse, making it stop, mixing it up.

  His baby whimpered, moaned, body thrumming with pleasure, with heat. Christ, the kid looked amazing. Turned him on so fucking much. Made him need.

  “Love you. Shit.” Mike arched, pulling against the bonds.

  “You had enough yet, baby?” he asked. He hoped not. He was just getting warmed up.

  “Enough?” Mike grinned. “I can take anything.”

  “Oh, is that a challenge?”

  Mike’s eyes flashed at him. “You know it.”

  Jessy kissed Mike hard before straddling the lovely face and feeding in his cock. Mike moaned, sucked him in, humming the entire time, eyes warm.

  “Sexy, baby. Real sexy.” He pushed the button on the controller, making the plug vibrate hard.

  Mike’s dark eyes went wide, suction going fierce and desperate. He backed it down a little, hips pushing his cock into Mike’s mouth over and over as he slowly ratcheted the speed back up. He could fucking feel it, feel as Mike’s need grew.

  He fucked his lover’s mouth, wanting to come first, to get past his own need so he could make Mike fly higher than ever. Mike’s tongue moved, pushing hard.

  “That’s it, baby.” He groaned, holding Mike’s gaze as he came.

  Mike swallowed, moaning around his cock. He eased off, bending to taste himself in that hot mouth. Mike opened easy, tongue sliding, pushing, sharing his flavor. He purred, rubbing against Mike, sliding his fingers over hot skin.

  “Oh. Love. More.” Mike’s ass rubbed against the sheets.

  “Sure thing, baby.” He turned the vibrator back up to full.

  The clink of the cuffs was loud, Mike pulling hard. He moved down to take the tip of Mike’s cock into his mouth, sucking as his fingers played with the clamps. Hot and salty, Mike’s cock was throbbing, burning, flushed with blood. He pushed his tongue into the slit, thinking maybe he needed to invest in a sound. Something new to blow Mike’s mind.

  Mike whimpered, muscles going taut.

  He pulled off Mike’s cock. “Christ, you taste good, baby.”

  “Oh. Love you so much. Need it.”

  “What do you need, baby?” He licked idly at Mike’s cock, teasing.

  Mike purred. “Everything you can give me.”

  “Mmm, that’s what I like to hear, baby.” He tightened the collar around Mike’s throat and went back to sucking, changing the speed on the plug.

  Mike started rocking, muscles working, fighting the bonds. Growling, he pulled out the plug and rammed inside. Fuck! Mike was hot. Tight.

  “Jess! Fuck yes!” Mike arched, ass squeezing him.

  “Yeah, baby.” Having so recently come, he knew he could keep it up for a while, fuck Mike until they were both melted.

  Mike nodded, panting, dark eyes rolling. He bent and kissed Mike hard and then went back to fucking. Finally he was ready, knew Mike was more than ready, and he popped open the snap on the cock ring, whispering, “Come.”

  Groaning, teeth sinking into that bottom lip, Mike clenched down on his cock. He roared, coming hard, the pleasure shaking him. Mike groaned, panting, lips sliding over whatever skin Mike could reach.

  All he wanted to do was collapse, but he had to take care of his Mike. He pulled out, dropped a kiss on Mike’s belly before removing the cuffs, then slid his hands over Mike’s skin, making sure his circulation was okay.

  “Love you.” Mike’s lips brushed his cheek, voice low. “Put a plug in, Jess? Keep you in me?”

  He growled, nodded. Jessy found a nice-sized plug and slid it gently into Mike. “There you go, baby.” He curled up around Mike, hand hovering over those nipples. “Deep breath, baby, this is probably going to hurt.”

  Mike’s dark eyes fastened onto his, a deep groan sounding as the clamps came off, the blood rushing back into those poor nipples.

  “Oh, baby.” He bent and licked them, first one and then the other.

  The groan eased, Mike’s nipples hard and so hot.

  “You sleep now, baby.”

  “’Kay. Love you, Jess. All of me.”

  “I know.” He kissed Mike softly, holding him.

; Mike’s fingers twined with his, his swimmer sleeping, quiet, peaceful.

  He would do everything in his power to make sure it stayed this way.

  Chapter Sixteen

  THE REPORTERS were in the lobby of the hotel when they got there, asking questions about the meet and the attacks and his accident and why he stopped bleaching his hair and everything else. The first reporters had started showing up at the spa, someone in the police or the meet leaking the story.

  It was weird.

  It was creepy.

  Jess said it was normal, and he needed to learn to smile and be famous. Mike just wanted to fucking swim.

  He stuck close to Coach’s side, trying not to be flat-out scared.

  “Let us through. Mike’s gotta focus; he’s gotta train and be ready for the meet this week. Give us a break and take the distraction away.” Jess was using his growly coach voice, shooing the reporters away.

  “Do you have a statement, Mike, about the attacks?”

  “Yeah, he does,” growled Jess. “No comment. Now move.”

  They got to the elevators and headed up, hotel security keeping the vultures downstairs.

  “Man. Are you sure I’m worth all this?”

  Jess chuckled. “Baby, wait until you’ve won the Worlds and are on the Olympic team. The whole world wants a piece of you then—this is just the tip of the iceberg.”

  He looked over, knowing his eyes were wide. “Ew.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ll protect you from it as much as I can, Mike, but it’s a part of your job. You’ll be representing yourself, me, UT, and your country at these events. I’ll write up a bunch of questions we can expect under normal circumstances. Stuff like the attacks? ‘I have no comment at this time’ is a good answer. You just keep saying it until they get out of your face about it.” Jess’s hand landed on his shoulder, massaging. “Relax, Mike. Just focus on the wall.”

  “Right. The wall. Smiling. Representing. No comment.”

  “There you go—a natural.” Jess gave him a wink and led him to their room, where he piled their bags by the dresser.

  He rolled his eyes and headed to look out the window. For the first time ever, he was ready for the season to be over. Jess prowled around the suite, checking all the rooms and picking up the phone, making sure it worked. It was new, this need to check everything out. Then Jess’s warmth wrapped around him from behind.


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