Book Read Free


Page 15

by T. L. Frost

  “There’s a hell of a lot more of them there now.” Said Jim looking on in awe.

  The vehicles forming the barricade bounced on their springs as the zombies, seeing the oncoming truck, pushed against it. The double-decker bus at the centre swayed dangerously. As they got near to the end of the road Jim could see the sands were still mostly covered by water, still deep in places, he held on tight as Merrick turned off the road. Demon Smasher sped along the sands, bouncing on its hardened suspension. Merrick knew the firmest route but would mostly be driving by memory. He kept the speed high to prevent getting stuck and they were almost there, turning back towards the main road heading around the coast when they hit another bump, the wheels coming down in softer sand on the other side. The wheels spun madly, throwing up water and sand behind the truck as Merrick floored the accelerator, turning the steering wheel as he looked for grip. Jim reached over putting his hand on Merrick’s shoulder.

  “Take it easy Prof.” He said.

  Merrick nodded and eased off the gas, letting the truck roll back a little before gently accelerating again, the four wheel drive and chunky wheels doing their job and pulling the truck forward. They climbed up onto the main road and turned left, speeding up again as they watched a large group of zombies which had peeled away from the barricade chase after them, quickly disappearing in the rear view mirrors.

  “We’ll be there soon.” Said Merrick “They’ll probably be waiting.”

  Chapter 7

  Natalie swung the tyre iron hard as she ran. It hit the side of a zombie’s head sending it spinning away and falling. She didn’t wait to see if it got back up. Beside her Chris was swinging his baseball bat over and over, they had run from the church and into a small group of zombies looking up at the bell. They didn’t hesitate and had lashed out at them before they had a chance to attract others.

  “Keep running!” Shouted Chris “Hit and run!”

  And they had. Away from the church as fast as possible, weapons ready, the sound of the bell ringing out behind them. The church was surrounded though they were pretty spread out, but that wouldn’t last. The loud bell in the tower called the zombies to it.

  Over there!” Called Chris as he pointed to an abandoned van, driver’s door open.

  They rushed inside closing the door and hiding in the back among some undelivered parcels. They were both tired, they had been running for a while, fighting all the way. Their arms and clothes were covered in blood and gore.

  “We need to find somewhere to hold up for a while.” Said Chris exhausted “Can’t keep running around like this.”

  “We should keep going.” Said Natalie “My brother will find us, I know it.”

  “Let’s have a look at that map again.” Said Chris.

  They studied it, they knew the motorway would be clear but it was still more than a mile away.

  “That’s still quite a walk.” Said Chris “Let’s have a rest first. At least that bell has stopped ringing now.”

  “Ten minutes.” Agreed Natalie nodding “At least it will have drawn away most of the zombies in the area.”

  “Probably did.” Said Chris “I’ve got the brains of half of them on my shirt.”

  Natalie smiled “Should be easier now, at least I hope so.”

  They checked outside but there was little movement, a few stragglers in the distance heading for the church.

  “You ready?” Asked Natalie.

  “No.” Replied Chris with a shake of his head “But let’s get on with it, can’t sit around here all day.”

  They left through the rear of the van, avoiding the stragglers they had seen, crouching low and running to the cover of some buildings.

  “Mostly minor roads up ahead, not a lot of housing as it gets near the motorway.” Said Natalie pointing with her tyre iron.

  “Sounds good.” Replied Chris heaving himself up on tired legs “I’d rather sleep next to an empty motorway than among these buildings.”

  “Think positively, he’ll be there.” Said Natalie.

  “Ok, I will.” Said Chris “He’ll be there waiting, with a steak and all the trimmings plus a pack of ice cold beers and a feather bed in the back of his truck.”

  “That’s more like it.” Said Natalie with a grin.

  The buildings thinned out, with just some industrial units as they got closer to the motorway. The whole place seemed deserted and as they stepped up onto an embankment overlooking the motorway, it was completely clear in both directions.

  “Made it.” Said Chris sitting down and resting “Just need that steak and beers delivered now.”

  Natalie sat down and waited too, it had been a hard day and they were both tired.

  “Looks like we might be walking.” Said Chris after a while “I was so looking forward to that feather bed.”

  “Well it’s better than sitting here I guess.” Said Natalie standing “I don’t think we’ll make it before it gets dark so…” She stopped, listening.

  “What is it?” Asked Chris standing next to her, his baseball bat held ready.

  “Did you hear that?” She asked “Thought I heard something.”

  They both listened for a while then Chris heard it too.

  “Is that what I think it is?” He asked facing north towards the sound.

  The sound came again and Natalie smiled “Yep, it’s La Cucaracha, Demon Smasher’s horn.”

  They scrambled down the embankment to the motorway and stood waiting. Soon they could make out the shape of the truck in the distance and they both jumped up and down, waving their arms laughing. Demon Smasher sped up until it reached them and skidded to a stop, Merrick and Jim jumping out to join them.

  “You’re late again!” Said Natalie as she hugged her brother.

  “Well if you insist on going sight-seeing you should let me know in advance next time.” He replied.

  Chapter 8

  The drive back took about twenty minutes, the wide clear road a relief after the zombie filled town.

  “You two look like you’ve been busy.” Said Jim noticing the blood and gore covering Chris and Natalie.

  “Who knew sight-seeing would be so dangerous?” Asked Natalie with a tired smile.

  “That boat arrived with the supplies.” Said Merrick as he drove “Should keep us going for a while.”

  “That town will be off limits for some time.” Replied Natalie “Looks like all the zombies had been drawn to a church in the centre but they’ll be spread all over the place now.”

  Merrick nodded, concentrating as a few zombies appeared, wandering along the road. He easily swerved to avoid them, keeping the truck at a steady speed to save the fuel. The indicator was in the red.

  “How are the preparations going?” Asked Chris as he relaxed in the back seat, wiping his hands on his jacket to remove some drying blood.

  “Just about finished.” Said Merrick “We will be able to leave anytime. It seems that your friend Barry is a pretty good sailor after all, we should be able to make a trip to the new island in the sailboat and check it out, make sure it’s all clear before we move.”

  They relaxed then, enjoying the drive on a fine, bright evening, Merrick thinking and planning, Jim beside him keeping lookout.

  “There’s more of them.” Said Jim pointing ahead.

  About a dozen zombies were up ahead on the road, some turning to look as the truck got closer, its deep rumbling engine getting their attention.

  “I see them.” Said Merrick turning the steering wheel.

  He turned off the road, travelling along the grassy shoulder. Moans and screams met them as they passed the zombies but an extra burst of speed soon had them racing safely away.

  “This road was clear on the way out.” Said Jim scanning ahead for any trouble “Maybe the sound of the truck brought them out?”

  “Could be.” Replied Merrick “But they were heading north, we were heading south.”

  “Look.” Said Natalie, her hand over her brother’s shoulder, point
ing ahead.

  Another, larger group of zombies were up ahead, spread out on the road, heading north.

  “There are too many.” Said Jim “We need to find another route.”

  Merrick shook his head “Not enough fuel. We’ll have to get past before they spot us and crowd together.”

  Gripping the steering wheel he turned off the road again, pressing the accelerator. The truck’s engine growled in response, sending it surging forward. Ahead of them, the nearest zombies turned to look, some started lumbering towards the side of the road, others stopped and screamed. The running zombies were close, some already on the grassy shoulder, turning and running faster, directly at the truck. Merrick floored the gas, aiming for a gap between two zombies as they closed. The truck shuddered, Merrick wrenching the wheel to the sides as the front bumper hit the zombies, one on the left sending it spinning away in a spray of blood and one on the right, knocking it backwards, the truck’s big wheels crunching over it. The rest of the zombies were too slow and the truck sped past them, leaving them behind. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief as they drove around a final corner, Merrick taking a signposted turn off and coming to a stop next the Chris’ ambulance and the flagpole. Their relief soon turned to worry.

  “What the hell!” Said Jim staring ahead.

  The motorway passing by the barricade was jammed full of zombies. More could be seen coming from the north, joining the crowd there.

  “There must be thousands of them.” Said Natalie in awe “What are we going to do?”

  “No choice.” Said Merrick “We have to get across there and get everyone on the boats, it’s time to leave.”

  “Just one small problem.” Said Jim nodding towards the large numbers of zombies ahead.

  Most were pressing against the barricade, smashing fists against the vehicles, tearing pieces from them, but others were spread around to the sides, looking for a way through.

  “We need a distraction.” Said Chris “And I’ve got just the thing.”

  Chris jumped out of the truck, suddenly feeling very exposed as the thousands of zombies below moaned and hammered at the barricade. Pulling out his keys he saw one of the zombies look up, its head tilting back as it screamed. The sound was drowned out by the large crowd there but one other heard it and they both charged, racing up the shallow hill towards the car park.

  “Dammit!” Said Chris as he fumbled with his keys.

  He got the door unlocked and jumped in, the engine started first time and he rolled the ambulance forwards to the top of the grassy rise. Reaching behind, he grabbed a first aid box then opened the door. He hit the sirens and lights. The area lit up and the sirens blasted out. Suddenly a lot more zombies were taking notice. Chris jammed the first aid box onto the gas pedal, aiming for the two zombies running up towards him, then he jumped. The ambulance jumped forward, picking up speed and flying down the hill. It hit one of the running zombies, crushing it underneath, then raced onwards, smashing into the large crowd of zombies at the barricade. They went berserk, screaming and fighting among themselves to reach the ambulance with its lights flashing and siren blaring. Chris got up and backed away as he watched them tear it apart, the zombies on either side of the barricade crowding in to swell the numbers attacking the vehicle. He watched, stunned as they tore it apart, climbing over each other to get at it. More zombies coming down the motorway, running now to reach the source of the screams.

  “Look out!” Shouted Jim.

  Chris jumped backwards as Demon Smasher surged forward, stopping with a loud crunching sound as it smashed into the other zombie. Chris climbed back in the truck, nodding towards Merrick in thanks.

  “Now that is what I call a distraction.” Said Merrick as he reversed the truck, swinging around to the right and driving down to a gap on the right of the barricade.

  He hit the gas and Demon Smasher surged through it, bouncing down to the sands around the causeway. They wasted no time, racing up to the causeway’s road over the soft sand dunes as the sound of the ambulance died, the vehicle ripped apart. A great scream went up at the barricade, the crowd of zombies there seeing the truck speeding away. Watching in the truck’s mirrors, Merrick could see the barricade moving, the vehicles shaking, rocking on their suspension. Driving up the road to the front of the island’s castle, the truck skidded to a halt on the gravel surface.

  “Get everyone out of there.” He said turning to Jim “We’re leaving, right now!”

  Jim nodded and jumped out, leaving Merrick to turn the truck. A few minutes later Jim came running out with the others.

  “Barry is with the boats, we’ll meet him there!” Said Jim as they all climbed onto the truck.

  The drive to the harbour was quick and Barry was standing at the jetty, looking towards the barricade.

  “Fucking hell mate, what’s going on?!” He said as the truck stopped next to the jetty, everyone jumping out.

  “We’re leaving.” Said Jim as he hurried towards the boats “Get your sailboat under way.”

  Barry nodded and jumped on board, removing the lines securing it, he pushed off with the help of Chris and Lynn who joined him. Merrick turned to look at the barricade as the engines on the two open top cruise boats started, the first pulling away, its supplies and passengers secure. The double decker bus at the centre of the barricade toppled over with a tremendous crash as Jim, in the final boat with Natalie, and Merrick standing on the jetty, watched. The zombies swarmed over it, thousands of them, moaning and screaming as they raced along the causeway with nothing to stop them. Merrick jumped on board and the boat pulled away. Within a few minutes the castle was surrounded and the harbour overrun. The noise was incredible, the large horde of zombies roaring in frustration at their escaping prey. As he stood in the rear of the boat watching, Merrick saw Demon Smasher rocking as it was torn apart until finally it toppled over the edge of the jetty, sinking into the sea.

  Chapter 9

  The light was fading as the boats approached the Farne Islands. The largest island with its lighthouse came into view and Barry steered his sail boat towards the landing jetty, closely followed by the two cruise boats loaded with supplies.

  “We made it.” Said Natalie as she watched everyone tie up the boats and climb out onto the jetty.

  The setting sun lit up the whitewashed lighthouse and surrounding buildings. A large number of birds swarmed around the island, noisy and raucous, diving into the sea, looking for a last meal before night fell.

  “Start unloading the supplies.” Said Merrick “I want as much as possible inside before it gets too dark.”

  The others nodded and got to work, a sense of optimism pervading the group now that they were clear of the mainland.

  “There’s another motor boat tied up here.” Said Chris as he approached, his baseball bat resting on his shoulder.

  Merrick looked over and saw the small craft on the opposite side of the jetty. Stopping work he called everyone together.

  “Let’s check the place out, I don’t want any unexpected surprises in the night.” Said Merrick nodding towards the lighthouse “Everyone stay together.”

  Grabbing their make shift weapons the group headed inland, the group of buildings signposted and well looked after, ready for visiting tourists. They headed for the information centre, a solid looking low building, also whitewashed. A low moan came from ahead and everyone tensed, bats and iron bars held ready.

  “Stay together, watch each other’s backs.” Said Merrick as he checked the area in the quickly fading light.

  From behind the lighthouse three figures walked, slow shambling strides as they turned and faced the group, the high-vis clothing they wore emblazoned with the logo of the Rangers who looked after the islands and their wildlife. The first one spotted the group, grey eyes staring for a second before its head tilted back, mouth opening wide. A blood freezing scream halted the group of survivors in their tracks. All three zombies snarled, lips pulled back as they charged at the group, ungainly li
mbs carrying them forward to attack the new prey.

  “It’s no good, zombies already have the island!” Shouted Bridget from the rear of the group “We need to get out of here!”

  “No!” Roared Merrick “They don’t have the island, we do!”

  He looked around the other’s faces, determination in his eyes.

  “This island is ours now!” He shouted “Now let’s kill those fucking zombies!”

  Then he ran forward, lifting his weapon ready to fight. The others hesitated a fraction of a second, then as one, roared out a challenge. Weapons raised they charged.



  Text and Cover Picture

  Copyright © 2014 T.L. Frost

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Table of Contents

  Part One: SPAM

  Part Two: CROWBAR

  Part Three: TRANSPORT

  Part Four: MALL

  Part Five: ISLAND





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