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Chosen by the Brothers

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by Sherri Hogan


  Chosen By the Brothers

  Table of Contents

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  Chapter 1 – The Twins

  Chapter 2 – Acquiring Kelly

  Chapter 3 – The Turn

  Chapter 4 – The Shift

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  © Copyright 2015 by Sherri Hogan- All rights reserved.

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  Chapter 1 – The Twins

  Travis and Tyler flipped a coin.

  "Heads," Tyler said.

  Twin brothers, both panther shifters, they were debating on who was going to kidnap the beautiful journalist who'd been asking far too many questions and bring her into their cabin. Deep in the rainforest their kind lived in fear of discovery, they needed to decide what to do with her.

  Kelly Adams asked far too many questions. A fiery redhead, with big green eyes and freckles with an Irish accent. She was incredibly beautiful, stubborn and determined. Her luscious curves had them fixating on her. The twins fought to gain her attention.

  She hadn't noticed either of them. They tried to hit on her and attempted to distract her from her work. She was focused on discovering if the rumors that there were shifters in the local area were true and wanted to prove they existed. She'd gotten photos of a panther mid-shift, but couldn't authenticate it, and it was just blurry enough that no one would believe her.

  But the twins still had to stop her before hell broke loose. If she were able to prove that shifters existed, they would be crawling with tourism and people wanting to either become shifters or trying to eradicate them. People didn't like things that didn't make sense to them, and the ability to shift defied all science.

  "Tails," Travis said with satisfaction. "Looks like I get to do it. I win this time."

  "I saw her first," Tyler said, looking dejected.

  They'd always been competitive, despite being very different in personality. For all their differences, wanting to be number one made the two of them butt heads constantly. It was the one thing the two brothers had in common.

  "You know we can share her, we just need to figure out what to do about her nosy questions first," Travis said.

  "We could always seduce her and keep her so busy she can't prove that shifters exist," Tyler told him. "She'd made a hot sex slave, keep her busy in the kitchen."

  "Or we could change her, and offer her an excuse to protect our species," Travis told him, giving him a droll look. "If she got tired of the sex, what would keep her from going back to trying to prove we exist? Or accusing us of kidnapping her and keeping her tied up."

  "Good point," Tyler said nodding at his brother.

  "I don't always understand you, Ty," Travis said while giving his brother a confused look. "That seems like common sense to me."

  "I think more with my dick, you think more with your brain, what can I say?" Tyler said grinning at his brother.

  "There is more in life than getting your dick wet."

  "Maybe if you got laid more, you'd be less of a grump," Tyler said poking fun at his brother.

  "I get laid plenty; that's not the problem," Travis said, sighing. "You can't be reckless right now; her sniffing around trying to prove we exist could be disastrous for all of us."

  Tyler dropped the grin and nodded. "I know, I know."

  "Good, because we need to be careful, we don't want her totally scared by us either, if she's fearful, she might not listen either." Travis pointed out.

  Tyler was the kind of guy who did everything fast, and hard. He always barreled head first into anything he did without always thinking about the consequences.

  Travis was the type to be slow, logical and make every decision count.

  For dark skinned, dark haired twins, they were nothing alike despite having the same face in the mirror. The twins both had light brown eyes that were almost yellow; that was common amongst their panther bloodline. They were tall, lean, and moved with grace.

  "We will come up with a plan brother, have faith!" Tyler said, confident and slapped his brother on the back, earning a glare from Travis.

  "Just have the truck ready, I'm going to grab her as she's coming out of the local bar tonight. She's been there every night asking questions; it's the best time to grab her."

  "Sure. We can do that, but why do you get to have all the fun?" Tyler said whining.

  "Because I don't consider this fun, there's more to life than sex, excitement, and the next fun adventure." Travis reminded his brother.

  "You're such a stick in the mud; you need to learn to have fun." Tyler retorted.

  "Just stick with the plan, and be ready."

  Chapter 2 – Acquiring Kelly

  Kelly was looking at her phone as she walked out of the bar, feeling frustrated. So far none of the locals would answer any of her questions. Most of them made her feel stupid for having that picture on her phone, telling her it was fake, and she needed to go find something else to do with her life.

  She knew shifters were real, ever since she saw a man shift in front of her into a wolf outside of her bedroom window when she was looking at the woods behind her house, she just knew. Nothing and no one would ever change her mind.

  She had gone into journalism to prove facts. She hated that she'd had to take time off from her job to come down here to do this. She'd heard rumors of shifters, and had even managed to snap some pictures with her cell phone in the rainforest. However they were so blurry and the shifter had moved so fast, it just looked like an ape-shaped blur.

  Trying to decide what to do next, she wasn't even paying attention to the man who was following her to her rental car. It should have done more than barely register in her brain, but she was trying to decide if she should buy cameras to place in the forest to see if she could snap higher quality pictures.

  When a hand came over her mouth from behind, she tried to scream, but it came out muffled. Kelly dropped her
phone on the ground and attempted to fight back. The man who held her was incredibly strong, and he smelled like moss and the wood.

  She tried to elbow him in the solar plexus and bite his hand, but he was able to subdue her, despite her attempts at fighting back.

  "Kelly, stop fighting, I am not trying to hurt you." A husky voice whispered in her ear, right before she felt a prick in her leg and felt her limbs go weak. "I'm sorry; I promise I'll explain everything when you wake up."

  The last thing she remembered was being hoisted into his arms, and then blackness.

  Kelly's vision was blurry when she opened her eyes, and she jerked, realizing she was stuck to a chair. Kelly struggled for a moment, trying to get her eyes to focus in the dim light in the room she was in.

  When her eyes were finally adjusted, she was able to see that it was a small kitchen, and she was near the table in the middle.

  "Hello?" She called out. She wasn't gagged, but she felt dehydrated.

  A few minutes later, identical men walked into the room. She recognized them, but couldn't remember their names.

  "Why am I here? Who are you?" She asked hoarsely. "Can I get some water?"

  The men exchanged looks, before one of them nodded, and went to the sink and grabbed a cup from the cabinet and filled the glass; he walked back over and put it to her lips. He tipped it up so she could drink some of the water.

  It didn't have the chlorinated taste of city water. Kelly closed her eyes for a moment. She then opened them, staring at the two men again.

  "Tyler." The man with the cup said.

  "I'm Travis." The man who was standing on the other side of the table told her.

  "I remember you two, you both were trying to pick me up at the bar. I wasn't interested. Why am I here?" She asked them, trying not to sound angry. She wasn't really in a position to be arguing with them.

  "We tried to get your attention the right way, but you ignored us. You put us in a position where we can't let you go." Travis said.

  Tyler spoke up too. "We don't plan on hurting you, so don't worry about that, we just can't let you run with your shifter story."

  "Why?" Kelly asked her eyes narrowing as the brothers exchanged a look.

  "It's a long story." Travis told her, crossing his arms defensively.

  "I obviously have time, it's not like I appear to be going anywhere." Kelly told him.

  "Our problem isn't that you know the truth, it's what you tell everyone else." Tyler said.

  "So you admit shifters are real?" She asked him looking eager.

  "Do you think we are real?" Tyler said, almost mocking her.

  "I think if we are having this conversation, I was closer to the truth than I thought. I know shifters are real, I've seen it. I just want to prove I wasn't insane." Kelly said, sighing.

  Tyler and Travis exchanged glances again, and then Tyler leaned down and bit her on the shoulder, hard enough to draw blood.

  "Ouch, what the fuck was that for?" Kelly said, jerking against the chair, almost tipping it over backward. The blood was welling up through her shirt.

  "I guess you'll find out." Tyler told her.

  "Damnit Tyler, you weren't supposed to do that yet." Travis cussed.

  "You're the one who said we should do it." Tyler protested. "It was your idea!"

  "I said it was something we should consider." Travis said. "Can't you ever stop long enough to consider the consequences?"

  "No?" Tyler said, grinning at his brother.

  Kelly watched the two of them bicker back and forth about how the situation should have been handled, and couldn't keep it straight. Kelly's head started to spin, and she felt pain and pressure in her head and her whole body felt like someone had doused her in gasoline and lit a match.

  Travis noticed her whimpering, with her eyes shut and stopping arguing with Tyler.

  "Something's wrong." He said, watching Kelly writhe in pain. "It shouldn't be causing her this much intense pain, I don't understand."

  "Didn't you research this before you suggested it?" Tyler asked his brother. "You're the one who usually thinks everything through."

  "I would have; before allowing you to bite her. I wanted to talk to her first and see where we stood with everything before making decisions. Why do you always have to jump the gun like that?" Travis said, looking concerned.

  "You should have researched this! I didn't know! It's not my fault; I blame this one on you for suggesting it before you knew what would happen."

  "I would have, had you not just bit her out of the blue like that." Travis said flustered. "I need to call our Dad, just stay with her until I get back."

  "What if she dies while you're gone?" Tyler asked, sounding worried.

  "Don't let that happen." Travis warned him.

  "I don't want to die." Kelly said while grunting in pain as she talked.

  "I won't let that happen to you, honey," Tyler said, taking the situation more seriously and dropping his typical sarcastic humor.

  "Make this pain stop. Please?" She begged him.

  Kelly started to shake her head back and forth as the pounding in her head increased, and her eyes began to blur and water from the pain.

  "I'm trying, just be patient with me," Tyler told her, feeling bad.

  Chapter 3 – The Turn

  Kelly felt like she was dying, if she had been able to think rationally, she would have. Her insides were on fire; she felt like her skin was going to burn off, and her joints and bones ached like someone had hit them with a sled hammer. She had pressure in her face and jaw with tooth pain that made her start to cry.

  Everything was wrong.

  Kelly was gasping for breath, and her heart was pounding so fast; she thought it would burst right out of her chest. At that moment, she would almost prefer death to this horrendous pain.

  "Help me." She whispered desperately to Tyler.

  Tyler walked over to the kitchen counter and pulled out a knife, he walked back and reached out and cut the ropes and took her into his arms, looking worried.

  "I'm not sure what to do." Tyler said. "We've never turned anyone before."

  "You bit me; I cannot believe you would do that if you didn't know what would happen. What are you? And why would you do something so stupid if you didn't know what the outcome would be?" Kelly asked him, as another wave of extreme pain hit her, and she buried her face against his chest, grabbing his shirt hard with her hands.

  "What do you think we are?" Tyler asked her, not answering her question.

  "I don't know, but I know whatever you did to me, it hurts like a bitch." She said, moaning and digging her fingers into his chest. "Either save me and make it stop, or kill me. I cannot take this much pain."

  "We are trying to help you; I didn't know this would happen." Tyler said, looking panicked. "I never intended for you to suffer or be in pain. Just give Travis a minute to get some answers, just hold on for a few more minutes."

  Kelly buried her face against Tyler's chest and tried to focus on breathing, instead of the pain, he patted her back, attempting to comfort her, feeling helpless.

  Travis walked back in and saw Tyler holding Kelly and snorted.

  "You didn't take long trying to seduce her, did you?" Travis said, shaking his head.

  "That's not it, she was hurting, and I was just trying to help her feel better." Tyler said. 'It's not working, though; I don't know what to do."

  "Please, make it stop." Kelly said, turning her head to look at Travis, her eyes begging.

  "Well, Dad said that the best way to help her ease the pain does what you do best. If she can relax and stop fighting the pain, she should be able to ease into the transition," Travis said.

  Tyler blinked. "You mean what I think you mean?"

  Kelly shook her head side to side as the pain cranked up a notch. She'd have fallen if she hadn't been holding onto Tyler.

  "I've never been into girls who are in pain, so I guess it's up to you to help get her calmed down for now." Travis
said, looking tense. "I'll help distract her though once you get her focused."

  "Kelly, do you understand what that means?" Tyler said, despite liking kinky sex, he wasn't into unwilling partners.

  "Just make the pain stop." Kelly said her teeth clenched. "I'll do anything. Please, just make it stop."

  Tyler and Travis exchanged looks, and Tyler grabbed one of her abundant breasts in his left hand and started to stroke her boob and nipple gently, massaging it until Kelly pushed up against him.

  "Kelly, I know the pain is overwhelming, but if you can try to focus on this instead, the change will happen once you stop fighting it, and the pain will stop." Travis told her, coming up behind her and rubbing her back gently.

  "Don't stop." Kelly told him, as she leaned back against Travis, and Tyler continued to rub her front side. "When you touch me, it doesn't hurt as bad."

  Kelly sighed, feeling the pain dial down a couple of degrees and realized she'd do anything to live, and not hurt. Pain made people act out of character.

  "We hadn't planned on seducing you like this, but if you keep fighting the turn, you could die. We need to help you focus on something else." Travis told her, nodding at Tyler. "We'd planned on seducing you at some point, you're a beautiful woman, and we both wanted you."

  Kelly nodded, understanding sinking in. She'd found them both attractive, but had been to focus on proving shifters were real, she hadn't had time to frolic with men. Not that these two hadn't tempted her before, she just had priorities that didn't include being distracted by sex.

  Tyler pulled her chin up and claimed her mouth with his.

  Kelly moaned into his mouth, and Travis moved up behind her and grabbed her hips, pushing his stomach against her ass, pinning her between him and Tyler.


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