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Rampage (Bound by Cage Book 2)

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by Brittany Crowley


  Brittany Crowley


  Bound by Cage Series


  Copyright © 2017 Brittany Crowley

  All rights reserved

  Cover design and promotional items

  Lisa Reads at BTP Designs

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission of the author, except for brief quotations of the book when writing a review.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.


  This book is dedicated to my real-life book boyfriend, my husband Mike. You may have thought I was crazy when I told you I was going to be an author, but once the ball was rolling you have been nothing but supportive and my #2 fan. Sorry, you know #1 has already been taken. I love you beyond words. XOXO

  I still love you even though you won’t read my smutty books. Let’s take bets on how long it will actually take him to see this.



  Sometimes life has a way of fucking you up the ass. Case and point, my current situation. How does one little decision change the whole course of your life? If I’m being honest it wasn’t a little decision. I weighed pros and cons, thought about it late at night and then in the end after all of the lists I made in my head, my heart won out.

  I’ve had a hunch for a few weeks now that I was pregnant. Telling myself that I didn’t know for sure, that if I could hold it off for a little while longer I could somehow pretend it wasn’t real. Realizing I was acting like a child and could potentially be harming my unborn child I went down to the store last night and decided to take the test first thing this morning. The box said something about first urine or something.

  I think back to this morning when I walked into the bathroom after my timer went off alerting me it was time to pull up my big girl panties and man up. I had never been more terrified in my life as I picked up that test and saw the words I was most scared to see, yet secretly thrilled for. Positive. I was pregnant, with child, had a bun in the oven, whatever you want to call it. I was going to be a mom to a precious bundle of joy and I couldn’t seem to find the negative in it. I would not regret my child, if anything I was grateful for it.

  I shared one beautiful passionate night with Josh before everything came crashing down around us. That night had started like so many others when he stopped by for dinner. We were still teetering on the line of friendship when all of a sudden it felt so right. I could see that Josh was someone I could spend the rest of my life with, so why was I putting this off any longer? I walked over to him, straddled his lap and began to work his mouth slowly, cautiously, trying to gauge his reaction. Plunging his tongue into my mouth I threw caution to the wind. I wanted him so fucking bad and had been denying myself for weeks.

  I gave in that night, I gave him all of me. We made promises to each other and I told him I had fallen in love with him. As we made sweet, passionate love, he told me that he fell in love the moment he laid eyes on me. It was the single most beautiful thing I had ever experienced in my life and I would never trade it for anything. It gave me this beautiful gift growing inside of me.

  When I woke up the next morning he told me he was going to grab some breakfast at the local café. Kissing me on the forehead he left and I was on cloud nine. Little did I know when he returned everything was about to change.

  He was gone for hours and I began to worry. He was only going to get breakfast after all so what the hell was taking him so long?

  I went from pure elation at finding the man of my dreams to complete devastation when he confessed to me that he got a phone call from his ex-girlfriend back home on his way for breakfast. She confessed to him that she was pregnant and wanted to raise the baby with him. I cried, but I knew in the back of my mind that we could make this work. I loved him enough to help him raise another woman’s baby. When I told him as much, he shook his head shattering my dreams of a life with him.

  “I need to be there for her and the baby…” I was zoning in and out of what he was saying, having a hard time understanding what was going on.

  “Moving up here by the end of the month…” what? Who was moving up here?

  “I’m so sorry Ashlyn, I never meant to hurt you…” that’s when it started to sink in.

  Josh decided to choose this woman over me. He made me promises that night, promises that would have taken us to when we were old and sitting on the front porch watching our great grandchildren play in the yard. I wanted to shake him, try to make him see reason because he was throwing away our future over a sense of duty to his unborn child. I would have loved that child because it was a part of him, but he never gave me the chance. I broke down and began to sob as he grabbed his things and headed out the door, apologizing one last time.

  “Fuck you,” I spat out. “You are making the biggest mistake of your life and when you realize it, I won’t be here for you anymore.”

  He actually had the audacity to look heart broken. He chose this, he decided to leave me. I couldn’t seem to care about how he is feeling right now, I can only feel my own heart breaking in my chest.

  Thinking about that night still guts me. I’m still so in love with him, but he decided to leave me and he needs to live with his choices. Marybeth moved up a week ago, or so I hear. The last time I saw him was Savvy’s wedding a few weeks back, why would I want to punish myself by seeing them together? Seeing him do things he should be doing with me. Going to doctor’s appointments, baby shopping, sharing it with our loved ones together. Fuck him, I don’t need those things. I’m strong enough to raise this baby by myself.

  Placing my hand over my belly I vow to my child, that I will never be anyone’s second choice, and neither will this baby. He doesn’t know I’m pregnant and when he does find out it will change nothing. He won’t leave Marybeth just because he finds out and even if he did, I wouldn’t want him back. I would always feel like he was with me just because I was pregnant, exactly how that skank should feel.

  Walking over to my purse, I look around the kitchen to make sure nobody is looking as I pull out the pregnancy test, the only piece of evidence that I am pregnant. Smiling to myself I think about a little girl with her father’s eyes or a little boy with his father’s sandy brown hair and toothy smile. I know that Josh was it for me and I’m okay with that and I’m thankful that I will always have a little piece of him to love. Our one night together, the love we had for each other created this perfect little miracle regardless of how our relationship ended up.

  “Order up!”

  The hustle and bustle of the kitchen jars me out of my thoughts as I tuck the test away and wash my hands. Heading back to the oven I spot Savvy over in the door way looking at me with concern in her eyes.

  “Ash you okay?” She knows me better than anyone in this world. She knows something is up.

  “No…but I will be.” We will be.



  “Did you just spank me?”

  A stinging on my ass is the only answer I receive. Fuck, I never thought being spanked would turn me on but with every
measured smack my body thrums in anticipation. Josh lays his whole body atop mine with his now hardening erection laying between the cheeks of my ass.

  “It’s so sexy seeing your ass all red. I’m not done with you yet,” he growls into my neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

  He pulls back, forcefully grips my hips and pulls them back to where they’re met with his eager tongue. Oh god!


  When I rock back against his mouth he pulls away. I groan out in frustration needing more so I try pushing my hips back and I’m met with resistance.

  “Hold still or I’ll stop. I’m controlling your pleasure tonight, Hellcat.”

  The grit in his tone and his tongue returning to my aching clit nearly pushes me over the edge. As he continues to push me closer and closer to my orgasm he adds two fingers making me break apart. As euphoria crashes over me, Josh’s mouth leaves me and he impales me in one forward thrust. Christ, his fevered pace adds to my orgasm as my body continues to shake.


  “Another,” he growls.

  “I can’t.”

  “You will.”

  When he cups my breast, and pinches my taut nipple, the orgasm I didn’t feel coming sneaks up on me and I know I’ll be completely lost to it.

  “I’m going to come.”

  “Not yet.”

  Is he fucking kidding me? It’s not like I have a say in the matter with him pounding into me. When he angles his hips and starts hitting the perfect spot inside of me, I bury my head in the blanket.

  “I have to...”

  “Not yet.” I feel another sharp sting on my ass.

  Collapsing onto the bed Josh covers me as he continues to drive into me.

  “Come now.”

  He bites my shoulder and…

  A loud horn brings me back to the present. As I look at the stop light in front of me I see it change from green, to yellow, then red. Shoot, I missed my turn. Every time I think about that night with Josh it messes with my head and I just wish it would stop. He left and I need to remember that, not the way it felt when he whispered dirty things in my ear or held me tight while we were sleeping. Certainly, not the spanking.

  I’m already so freaking late for my doctor’s appointment, this sets me back even further. When I look at the clock on my dashboard I groan. I was supposed to be there two minutes ago and I’m at least five minutes away.

  The asshole behind me starts honking his horn again and it’s overkill if you ask me. The light is red, what does he want me to do? As he lays on the horn for a good ten seconds, I start seeing red.

  I roll down my window and stick my head out. “Slow your roll asshole! Want me to skip another one?” I flip him off after giving him the stink eye.

  I put the window back up already feeling the perspiration forming at my temples. It’s hot as balls out and I can barely tolerate it. I’ve never believed half the stuff people preached about pregnancy. Come on, are you really that miserable all the time? Hot flashes, peeing like a motherfucker, eating like your life depends on it. Check, check and check.

  Just thinking about this pregnancy still freaks me the hell out. I’m only 23 years old and I still have so much I want to do with my life. Well, maybe that’s a lie. The bar and owning my own home are pretty up there for me as far as accomplishments go. But I still want to travel, hit up Disney one more time, maybe go to England and have high tea wearing a big floppy hat with a giant gaudy bow. Not to mention meet the Queen.

  The light turns green and I put the pedal to the metal. I’m really anxious for this appointment and being this late makes it worse. At least my current predicament is taking my mind off of what I’m about to go through, my first ultrasound.

  As I pull into the parking lot I cut the engine and speed walk to the front door. My doctor’s office is in one of those buildings with a million offices so I have to ask where to go. When I get to the waiting room I’m out of breath as I approach the receptionist. I opted to run up three flights of stairs instead of waiting for the elevator like a sane person.

  “Can I help you?” she eyes me.

  “Yes,” huff “I’m Ashlyn Cox,” puff “I have an appointment for an ultrasound.” I take a few deep breaths trying to stop myself from sounding like a 70-year-old smoker. You’d think being an avid runner would help me run up a few flights of stairs.

  “You’re late.” She narrows her eyes.

  I can’t catch a break, of course I get nurse hard ass. “I know and I’m really sorry. Traffic was a bitch, then I was day dreaming about someone and missed the green light. Then some asshole was honking at me and the light was red.” What the hell is wrong with me? Am I going to cry right here in front of the receptionist? I dig my fingernails into the palm of my hand to distract me from my emotions. I don’t cry, ever.

  “Aw sweetie, take a seat. They’ll call you back in a few minutes.”

  Good to know all I have to do is turn on the water works to get some sympathy in this place. I walk over to the chairs and grab a magazine before taking a seat. When I open it to the middle, the first picture I see is of a woman using a breast pump. Huh. Doesn’t look comfortable or appealing at all.

  “Ashlyn.” I raise my head from the torture devise in the magazine to see the technician waiting for me. Bending over, I grab my purse and follow the tech to the exam room.

  When we get in the room she tells me to take everything off from the waist down and cover myself with a blanket. Hmmm…what the hell?

  Doing as I’m told, I wait patiently half naked sitting on the exam table. She comes back in a few moments later and tells me to lie back.

  “Why did I have to take my pants off? I thought ultrasounds were done over my stomach?”

  “That will be the case later in pregnancy, because you’re so early we need to do an internal ultrasound.”

  “Um… okay let’s do this.”

  She reaches over and grabs this giant dildo looking thing. That thing has to go inside of me? Son of a bitch.

  “Do you want to insert it or do you want me to go ahead and do it?”

  “It will be awkward as hell if I do it. Have at it.” I bend my knees and spread my legs open. Kill me now.

  She chuckles slightly before lubing up the wand and sliding it inside me. The image on the monitor changes when an image appears.

  “It doesn’t look like much, but that’s your baby right there.”

  It’s hard to believe the blob on the screen is a baby, but I’m not about to question her, I’m sure she knows what she’s doing. She zooms in on something and a quiet whoosh whoosh whoosh fills the room.

  “That would be the baby’s heartbeat. Nice and strong at 160 BPM’s.”

  “My baby? That’s its heartbeat?” I ask in amazement.

  “Yup. Now let me see…you are measuring right at eight weeks and five days.” I don’t tell her that I’m actually eight weeks and six days, close enough.

  When we’re finished the tech hands me some pictures then leaves to let me get dressed. I exit and she leads me into another room where I’ll meet the doctor. Before the tech leaves I ask if I’m going to be violated in any other way today. I wasn’t prepared for the probing so I’m trying to prepare myself for the next phase of this appointment. She assures me the violation portion of the appointment is over. Thank god.

  I look down at the picture of my blob and think back to the day I found out I was pregnant. It still hasn’t fully hit me that there will be a baby in my life soon. I remember battling back and forth with myself over what to do. Termination was never a thought in my mind, ever. But the question’s always there. Am I ready to be a mother? Can I take care of another human being and protect them from harm? Can an innocent life depend on me? I smile at the blob. I may not be the perfect mother, but I will try my hardest.

  Someone lightly knocks on the door and seconds later my doctor enters the room with a warm smile on her face. I chose her because her picture online screamed I can deliver your
babies and I can do it well. Also, her last name is Cook, it’s like a match made in heaven!

  “Hello Ashlyn, I’m Dr. Cook, it’s nice to meet you.” She reaches her hand out and I accept it.

  “You too.”

  “Is there anyone else here for this appointment?” She looks around the room as if someone’s about to jump out from behind the trash can.

  “Nope, just me…” Why am I so nervous? Surely, I’m not the only single mother to ever come in here.

  “No problem. Let’s get to it, shall we?”

  We talk about what to expect in pregnancy and I ask all my questions.

  “Have you started taking prenatal vitamins?” Dr. Cook questions.

  “No. Was I supposed to?” I need to get a freaking book. There must be manuals out there to tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing.

  “Just stop at the drug store when you get a chance. Most of the mothers I see swear by the Gummy Vites, they say they’re easier on the stomach.” She winks at me and bids her farewell.

  Man, I love my doctor. She definitely lived up to her picture and reviews on Yelp. Looking at my phone I groan when I see how late it is. I’m already running behind having been late for my appointment, but I shot a quick text off to Savvy already warning her of my late arrival.

  That girl watches one too many cop shows because I know she’s on to me. She’s been looking at me funny and trying to line up time for girl talk. I’ve avoided it by putting myself on the night shift every time I work. No matter what shift she’s working I have an excuse. Sorry Savvy, I’m working tonight and can’t hang out. If she’s working the night shift, we’re both so busy we barely have time to say two words to each other. But I can only put her off for so much longer.

  I make a quick detour and pull into the local Walmart to grab stuff from the doctors list. I’m oddly hyper aware of everyone in the store as I reach out and grab a giant bottle of prenatal vitamins. Of course, the gummy kind, I don’t need anything else upsetting my queasy stomach. As I look around I feel like everyone knows, they know and they’re judging me. Poor thing, she’s knocked up and heading into single parenthood. This is how I felt when I was 17 and buying condoms for my date with Brad Winthrop. I reach over and grab a basket deciding I need to get a few more things to offset the vitamins. Tampons, that’ll throw them off, so I grab three boxes.


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