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Rampage (Bound by Cage Book 2)

Page 5

by Brittany Crowley

  “I missed you Ash.”

  “Besties for life.” I exclaim hoping I’m fooling him. “Okay playboy I need to freshen up from the flight before dinner. I’ll see you down there.”

  “I’ll see you.” He walks over to me and wraps his strong arms around me. I didn’t think all of this through. I stick my ass out trying to pull my stomach off of his so he doesn’t feel my tiny bulging belly. I know I’m being paranoid but I can’t take any chances. He pulls back and looks at me skeptically.

  “Sorry I… I have to take a shit. See you later.” I run into the bathroom and lock the door.

  I look in the mirror and laughter bubbles up my throat. “I need to take a shit?” Did I really just say that out loud? I wash my face and reapply a little make up. Before leaving I also brush my teeth and throw on some more deodorant. All these nerves have me sweating like a beast.

  I grab my purse and leave the room heading for the elevators. As I walk around the corner I yell and clutch my hands to my chest when I see Josh standing with his back against the wall looking at his phone.

  “Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you. Everyone has already headed down and I told them I’d wait for you.”

  I cross my arms across my chest and narrow my eyes all while trying to get my heart rate to slow down. “And Savvy was okay with this?”

  “She suggested it after I told her we’re friends again.” He gives me a big toothy grin causing me to roll my eyes. Of course she’d sell me out. Fucking Benedict Arnold.

  As we step into the elevator I notice Josh is still on his phone. He is obsessed with playing online poker which is funny seeing as we’re in Vegas and he can actually play real poker.

  “I think you have a gambling problem, you should seek professional help buddy.”

  He looks up at me smiling. “I’ve never played with real money Ash. I just love the game.”

  “Apples and oranges.”

  “You are the only person I know that says that. It’s never going to catch on you know.”

  “Why the hell do I want it to catch on? This isn’t Mean Girls and the word isn’t fetch.”

  “I love that about you…” He stops himself. Mother fucker! Why did he have to say love? I clear my throat and look at the ceiling of the elevator. The awkward silence is interrupted by the ding alerting us we have arrived in the lobby.

  As I book it out of there, power walking through the lobby, I don’t stop until we’re at the hotel restaurant. The Maître D’ takes us to the table and when I look around I almost lose it. The only two seats left are of course, together.

  “Jay get your ass up I need to sit here.” When I reach his seat, I pull him by the ear until he stands up and moves to the side. I sit down and look around at everyone staring at me.

  “What? I didn’t want the air conditioner on me…” I pray there is a vent above where I was supposed to sit.

  “First of all, ouch. What the hell was that for? Second, figure out what you want to eat, I’m starving!” He walks around the table rubbing his ear and sits in the vacant seat next to Josh.

  Savvy shoots me a wide-eyed look and I shoot her one right back and mumble “Benedict” under my breath. The waiter arrives and everyone starts to give their order.

  “I would like to start with an order of fried pickles and a bowl of clam chowder…then I’ll have the prime rib with extra mashed potatoes and gravy on top, hold the veggies…and I’ll give you my dessert order later, thanks.” I unroll my silverware and place the cloth napkin on my lap awaiting my delicious feast. I hear a throat clear and look up.

  “Save some food for the rest of us. Are you high? If so, share that shit.” Jay says.

  “I’m not high you pot head. Can’t a girl be hungry? It’s not my problem you eat like a girl.” I sass.

  “I don’t eat like a girl. The ladies appreciate this killer bod.” He stands up and flexes his arm. He’s looking behind me, so I turn and see he’s got the attention of a table full of girls.

  “Seriously. How? I really don’t get it.” I mumble.

  “The ladies know if you’ve got it, and I’ve got it baby.”

  “Jay.” Josh warns.

  “Dude calm your tits, she had her chance but she chose you.”

  The table goes silent. Well, it just got awkward real fast. I’m debating walking over there and cutting his dick off when I hear Jay order a round of shots for the table. Isn’t that just great? This guys trying to ruin my life.

  Savvy leans over towards me. “You know you ordered enough food for the table. If you want to remain under the radar do what any sane pregnant woman does, binge eat in private.”

  “Then you’re hitting the store with me for a whole bunch of goodies after dinner. I can’t survive unless I eat every two hours. Breakfast was the last time I ate because of all the traveling and I feel like I’m going to die.” Savvy starts laughing. “And I hope you plan on drinking a lot tonight because we are going to have to pull the old switcheroo.” The smile slips from her face but she nods in understanding. They need to think I’m drinking but in reality, Savvy will be drinking both our drinks.

  I’m chatting with Kyle about his college life when I notice Josh staring at me. I give him a small smile and continue chatting again. Friends… I can do this.

  Our shots arrive to the table first. Everyone holds them up in cheers starting to clink them around. I’m just sitting here trying to figure out what to do. Then it hits me.

  “Holy, is that Mike Tyson?!” I exclaim pointing to the other side of the room. When everyone turns, Savvy shotguns her shot and passes it to me, then grabs my full one.

  The boys turn back around as I take my empty shot glass in hand. They look confused but they burst out laughing.

  “I think you need to get your eyes checked Ash, unless you think Mike Tyson is a 65-year-old white guy with glasses.”

  “Not cool Ash. I seriously thought Mike Tyson was here.” Jay grumbles.

  I just shrug my shoulders feigning innocence as I fist my shot in my hand so nobody can see that it’s empty. As everyone picks up theirs, our dinner arrives. I’m starving and want to dive in, but have to wait for these jackasses to make a toast. Real men don’t toast, let me eat.

  I moan as I take the first bite. “This food is unbelievable! These fried pickles are the bee’s knees. I’d offer you guys some but I don’t want to share with you assholes.” I continue eating the little pieces of heaven before moving onto my dinner. When I look up I notice Zander chuckling before placing his hand on Josh’s shoulder.

  Once again Savvy leans over towards me. “You might want to pipe down on the sex show, poor Josh looks like he’s about to combust in his seat.”

  I don’t embarrass easily but I can feel my face heating up. When I look over to Josh I see him adjust something under the table and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to guess what. I dive back into my prime rib and can’t be bothered. At least I try to act like I’m not embarrassed. It’s hilarious when it happens to Savvy, not so much when the tables are turned on me.

  Before dinner’s over, the guys end up ordering two more rounds of shots. That wouldn’t be bad but Savvy had to ingest six shots! God help me, she’s a light weight on a normal day.

  “You know what Zander? I’m going to stick a fucking knife in your shorts for the fight. Then when you get taken to the ground you can shank him.” Savvy slurs while thrusting her hand forward in a slicing motion.

  “I’m pretty sure that’s illegal Sav, and the fight’s not for another couple of months. Did those shots give you short term memory loss?” My jaw’s starting to hurt from clenching it. I need to get her out of here. She gets very chatty when she drinks and I clearly didn’t think this whole situation through.

  I stand up and gesture for her to do the same. “Alright Sav, let’s go to the bathroom.”

  “Oh right, that’s a normal thing that’s supposed to happen. Frequent urination. I’ve got your back girlfriend. Lead the way mamma.”

  “It’s the buddy system.” I hear Jay explaining to the table.

  I roll my eyes and grab Savvy’s hand leading her to the bathroom. She stumbles a few times but I manage to keep her upright. When we get through the door I prop her up on the bathroom counter.

  “Savvy listen to me girl, you need to puke.”

  “What? Why?” She asks appalled.

  “Because giving you alcohol is like truth serum and you can’t be sprouting the truth sister. Therefore, we need to get it out of you. What better way than to purge?” I feel like my plan is genius.

  “Fuck that noise. No way in hell am I throwing up.” She’s waving her arms around likes she’s trying to swat a fly.

  “Savvy, we can do this the easy way or the hard way…”

  “No way-” I cut her off by throwing her into a headlock and dragging her into the handicap stall. It’s not hard because she’s so drunk and can’t put up much of a fight.

  “Stop I’ll do it! I’ll do it!” She concedes.

  “I’m glad you chose the easy way. Get to it.” I cross my arms over my chest and wait.

  “What do you want me to do? You know I’m not a puker, plus I have a great gag reflex, just ask Zander.”

  I roll my eyes and try to think of what we can do.

  “You just need to shove something far enough down your throat and your gag reflex will kick in at some point, right?”

  “Maybe? What do we have that’s long enough? You can go get Zander. I’m sure he’d be willing to lend a hand so to speak.”

  “Come on Savvy. Why can’t you handle your alcohol like a normal person, just this once?” I look around the bathroom stall and see nothing I can use. The plunger off to the side is not even remotely close to an option.

  “Just shove your fingers down until you puke woman.”

  “No way, that’s gross. Can you, do it?”

  “So, you don’t want your fingers down there but you’ll gladly take mine in your mouth?” I walk around the stall turning my neck from side to side like I’m warming up for a fight.

  “Alright lean over the toilet. Don’t bite me either!”

  As I insert two fingers into her mouth, she closes her lips around them and sucks.

  “What the hell Savvy? This isn’t a blow job! Just open your mouth for Christ’s sake.”


  As I start again, I slowly insert my two fingers in her mouth. I make sure to push on her tongue as I move them towards her throat trying to trigger her apparently nonexistent reflex. They move up more and more…and more and more…She wasn’t lying when she said she doesn’t have a gag reflex. I pull my hand out in defeat after playing with the bulb at the back of her throat with no luck.

  “Okay this isn’t working and now I’m thoroughly grossed out. Also, Zander’s a lucky man. I tip my hat to you Savvy, that’s some skill you have there.”

  “Why thank you!” She curtseys and almost falls to the ground.

  “Here’s the new plan. We’re going back to the table and you’re going to say you just got sick in the bathroom and need to go back upstairs. I’ll bring you back to my room and we’ll watch a movie or something. Deal?”

  “Deal.” She throws her hand towards me like she wants to do a cheer. Really Sav? I’m screwed. We just need to get to the table and get this over with.

  When we get back to the group, Zander gets up and comes over to us.

  “Is she okay? She can’t hold her alcohol, but three shots? She looks like she’s has had ten.” Zander is adorable being all worried over Savvy. It’s times like these I’m so happy she found him.

  “She’s fine but I’m going to take her upstairs to nap it off. She isn’t feeling that great.” I grab her elbow and start to lead her away.

  “What? I’m fine. I want to stay Ash, don’t make me leave. I don’t need you mothering me.” Savvy starts laughing her ass off.

  “Baby what’s so funny?” Zander wraps his arms around Savvy as she laughs so hard tears fall down her face. He walks her back to the table and sits down, pulling her onto his lap.

  “Mother… baby. Might as well let her practice on me, the baby will be here before we know it.” When Savvy finishes, I look over to a wide-eyed Zander.

  “Ash, I’ve decided if it’s a girl we’ll train her to be a nerd. We don’t need our baby on one of those tacky MTV shows. No way. Luckily, she’ll have some bad ass uncles and not to mention an overprotective Daddy. Oh, and let’s not forget a chastity belt.” Savvy starts picking around the table eating people’s scraps like she didn’t just drop the biggest bomb.

  Oh my god, what do I do? I’m going to murder her!

  “Oh no.” Savvy looks remorseful. She should, she just spilt the beans about the bambino. “Zander that was a secret. How dare you tell everyone!” Savvy looks over to me with wide eyes. “I’m sorry Ash I don’t know how he found out. I didn’t tell him anything I swear.”

  “Hold the phone! Ash when the hell did you get knocked up? I’m so confused.” Jay yells loud enough for practically the entire restaurant to hear.

  “Yeah, I think I need to hear this story. Preferably in private with a lot of fucking explaining.” Josh abruptly stands up, scraping his chair loudly on the floor causing people to turn in their seats.

  I cover my face with my hands and take a few deep breaths trying to calm myself down. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to Kyle standing next to me.

  “Come on Ash lets go for a walk.” He looks over to Josh. “I strongly urge you to calm the hell down while we’re gone man. And remember who you’re talking to, the mother of your child who doesn’t need to be stressed out right now.”

  “If it’s even mine.” Josh spits out.

  “Really Josh? There hasn’t been anyone since you asshole.” I get up from my seat and walk out with Kyle. I shouldn’t look back, but I do anyway. Josh is fighting to get past Zander and Jay who are blocking his path to me.

  “Ash, wait!” I hear him yell.

  “Faster, faster little boy.” I urge Kyle. Josh is so angry right now I don’t want to get into it with him.

  “I’ve got your back, let’s go find somewhere to sit down and you can explain all of this to me.

  When we get to the lobby I turn and face Kyle. “Go help out your brothers with Josh. I’ll be fine. I’m going to take a walk around the strip and let Josh cool down.” I try to smile but it doesn’t reach my eyes.

  “Are you sure? You shouldn’t be alone right now Ash.”

  Kyle is the sweetest Cage. “Don’t worry about me. Go ahead and tell them I’ll be back later.”

  I exit the lobby and start walking down the sidewalk. A little ways down I come upon an ice cream parlor and walk in taking a seat near the front windows.

  How dare Josh think this isn’t his baby. Does he think I went from him to somebody else the next day without a care in the world? What kind of shit is that? I think what kills me is the fact that I know this isn’t him. He’s sweet and considerate, well, most of the time. His calm demeanor takes a back seat when he’s in the bedroom. As the flashback hits me I try to stop it but I’m helpless to it.

  Sprawled out in bed I half lay on top of Josh. We’ve been relaxing in companionable silence for a while and enjoying each other’s company. There is so much to be said, but what just happened really hasn’t sunk in yet.

  It was a big deal deciding to take our relationship to the next level. I didn’t plan on taking the leap tonight but it felt so right, we felt so right.


  I look up and meet Josh’s gorgeous blue eyes. “Hi.”

  His eyes soften as he looks at me. “Hey.”

  “We need to talk.”

  A worried look passes his face and in an instant, it’s gone, and so is Josh who’s creeping down my body. He kisses around my belly button and looks up at me with a mischievous smile.

  I throw my head backwards into the pillow when he spreads my legs apart and begins kissing his way up my th
ighs. As much as I love this I just want him inside me. I sit up and crook my finger at him, telling him to come up towards me.

  He crawls up my body and when he’s in reaching distance I weave my fingers through his hair and eagerly dive my tongue into his mouth.

  “I’m not a machine Ash.” He growls.

  “I beg to differ.”

  I sit up and grip his cock then slowly sink down on his impressive length.

  “Fuck Ash…”

  “What can I get for you?”

  How long has the waitress been standing there?

  “Can I have a large chocolate chip cookie dough with whipped cream and jimmies please?” At least I know what I want.


  “Chocolate sprinkles. Sorry, I’m from New England.” I laugh.

  “Of course, coming right up.”

  When she leaves my table I get up and head for the bathroom. I place my hands on the counter and stare at my reflection. So much has changed in such a short time frame. My reflection looks the same, I still have the same long brown hair and my lively blue eyes are staring back at me like they have so many times before.

  Thinking about Josh and his doubts makes my stomach turn. Crap, I’m going to be sick. I run for the stall and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. Fried pickles are not very pleasant when regurgitated.

  I rinse my mouth, wash my hands and head back to my table. When I sit down, the waitress is walking up with my ice cream. Surprisingly I’m hungry again so I eat half of it. I’m not a complete heathen.

  My phone lights up with a text message. I look at the time and I’m surprised to see that I left the hotel almost two hours ago.

  Savvy: Where are you?

  Me: I’ll be back soon.

  Savvy: Ash I feel horrible. Where are you? I’ve had six cups of coffee. I’ll come to you.

  Me: I’m fine. Leaving now. I should be back in 20 minutes.

  After I pay my bill I make my trek back to the hotel. I’m anxious as hell not knowing what I’ll be walking in on. What kind of mood or horrible things will Josh say to me when he sees me again?

  You know what? Screw him. If what we shared means nothing to him, if he doubts me that much, we don’t need him.


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