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Rampage (Bound by Cage Book 2)

Page 15

by Brittany Crowley

  “I’m very aware that your due date is fast approaching. Why do you think I seized the opportunity now? We couldn’t have you delivering the baby before you were in the compound.”

  Compound? Again, what the hell is going on? This lady is looney tunes and I need to do what I can to get us out of this situation. Looking over at…wait I don’t even know her name.

  “Lady what’s your handle?”

  “Pardon me?”

  “Your name.”

  “Gwendolyn dear, but you may also call me mom.”

  “Why would I call you mom? Are you into some weird lesbian shit because I’ll tell you right now, there is no way in hell I’m going down that path. The thought of going down town makes me want to vomit.” I stare out the window and cringe inwardly.

  “Watch your language young lady.”

  Calm, that’s a strange word to use in this situation but it fits. There’s not one ounce of concern in her voice after kidnapping a pregnant lady.

  “Your parents tried to warn me. They said the outside world would corrupt you to the point of no return but I stood up for you, told them all that we can make you see our ways again. Rule one, no swearing dear, ever.”

  “My parents? My mom and dad are drug addicts, what are you trying to say? You know what, screw this. Fuck you and your cult. You’re not changing anything about me and we are certainly not going to make our way back to your crazy headquarters. I’ve seen a lot of A&E documentaries on this shit.”

  “Dear, swearing.” She scolds me. “A cult? We most certainly are not and you need refrain from saying that word in the presence of Mr. Caldwell. He would not be amused and possibly kick you out.”

  “You aren’t hearing me, I don’t even want to be there. Of course I’d want to be kicked out!”

  “Without your baby girl?”

  Fear sets in along with a numbness that spreads throughout my body. What do they have planned for me when we get there? Is this one of those groups that marry an 80-year-old man off to a bunch of young girls? Will they try to marry my baby off once she’s born?

  We turn off the highway and make our way into a small town. It’s the middle of the night, what could we possibly be doing? She pulls the car up to a rundown house and cuts the engine.

  “Well I’d warn you to stay here, but you aren’t going anywhere.”

  She gets out walking calmly up to the front door, heading inside without knocking. Hmmm, she must know the people that live here. I look around the car and try to find something that can get me out of this rope. She must’ve been a sailor because it’s not budging. I try to pull against the handle to break it but it’s no use, all I’m accomplishing is killing my wrists.

  A door slams and I look out the window to see Gwen is dragging some poor girl to the car kicking and screaming. It looks like she has a fist full of her hair. Scrappy thing for such a fruit cake.

  The back door opens and the girl is thrown across the seat.

  “Go away mom! I’m not going back, you can’t make me!” Her voice is full of panic.

  “Now you know where I stand on your language young lady. Don’t make me speak to you about it again.”

  “I’m 20, FUCK YOU!”

  WHACK! Holy shit she just back handed her daughter! I look back and panic when I notice she’s out cold. Surely a smack to the face wouldn’t knock somebody out, maybe she hit her head on something. Sure enough, I see blood trickling through the top of her hair.

  “Let this be a warning to you Ashlyn, don’t mess with me dear.”

  “Yes mam.”

  I turn back around in my seat and hope that girl’s okay. At least I have an ally now, we can hopefully work together to get out of this situation. She clearly ran away from this brand of crazy.

  When she gets back in the car I get my first good look at her. Up until this point I didn’t get a chance to catalog her into my brain. I saw her at the restaurant before but why would I think I’d be seeing her again? She’s wearing this old style little house on the prairie dress that has a hideous floral pattern on it. Don’t even get me started on her footwear, it looks like she’s wearing franken-boots and her hair is up and tucked under some sort of bonnet. She looks like she could be Amish.

  “Um, Gwen, I have to use the ladies room.”

  “No problem I have a bedpan in the trunk.”

  “What? No way am I peeing in this car with both of you in here!”

  “Then you can just pee your pants Ashlyn. Take your pick.” She looks at me with a creepy smile on her face.

  “Can you at least loosen the rope so I can use my hands? There is no way you’re getting near my vag.”

  “Of course, just remember that I have a gun.” She exits the car. Just a few short moments later she returns to the front seat with the bed pan.

  “You do your business while I tie up my insolent daughter in the back seat.” She reaches over and unties my ropes easily enough. I watch to see if there is a trick I can pick up on.

  She exits the car and starts moving her daughter around. Trying to maneuver proves to be difficult. We’re in a clown car and I’m almost nine months pregnant. It’s hard, but I get the job done like a pro thankfully not peeing on myself. I look around and find a napkin and hand sanitizer in the center console.

  “Do you want me to dump it?”

  “I’ll get it don’t worry about it.”

  As soon as she’s done, we’re back on the road. My bladder is empty and the girl in the back seat has her hands tied up to one of the handles in the ceiling. It looks incredibly uncomfortable and the poor things gonna have a bad case of pins and needles. Gwen however didn’t tie my hands back up. I need to figure out how to use this to my advantage. Discreetly, I look around again. It’s way too dark to see anything so I’ll have to wait until morning.

  “Dear, you’re going to love it where I’m taking you. Especially Mr. Caldwell. I don’t want to give too much away, but when you were little you two were inseparable. When you guys get married you’ll take your rightful spot next to him like it was always meant to be.”

  “Marriage…what the hell are you talking about? I’m not marrying anybody!”

  Placing her hand on my leg she gives it a little pat. “Don’t worry, all in good time.”

  What the heck is going on? How are my parents, people I haven’t seen since I was four, involved in all of this? There are so many what ifs that I need to figure out.



  I’m fucking drained. I’ve been out of town with Zander for a few days doing PR in New York. Our manager got us onto every TV show they could. Everyone wants to talk to the Cage brothers about their big fights in Vegas. I really wish I could fight without all the other bullshit. Whenever I get on TV I have to smile and play the part. The interviewers always get annoyed that we aren’t theatrical. Why do I want to go on television and smack talk someone? I showed that asshole what I was made of in the octagon.

  I haven’t been able to reach Ashlyn since yesterday morning which puts me on edge. I’m trying not to worry but my instincts are screaming. She stopped working a week ago, so she’s probably going crazy with the baby’s room or sleeping the day away.

  When I pull into the driveway I see Ash’s car parked off to the side. I head up the walkway and reach for the door, but its cracked open. My instincts are screaming at me again, something isn’t sitting right with me. Looking around I notice a lamp broken in the middle of the floor.

  “Ash?” I yell through the place with no response.

  I check through the house and don’t find her anywhere. After dialing Ashlyn’s number, it begins to ring. Shit, I find her phone going off in the distance. She never leaves the house without her cell. Savvy… that’s who would know where she is.

  I dial and the phone begins to ring.

  “Hey Josh are you with Ash? She was supposed to meet me at the house today and never showed up. It’s not like her to skip a shopping trip, especially for the baby.”

  “Something’s wrong.” I explain finding the lamp and the open door.

  “The last time I talked to her was yesterday morning. I’m on my way!”

  I hang up with Savvy and call the police. Ashlyn doesn’t have any enemies, but I have plenty for the both of us. Just look at all the stuff I’ve gone through with Matty. After she schooled him at the diner I wouldn’t put it past him to hold a grudge.

  The red and blue lights catch my attention as a cop car pulls down the long driveway. While on the porch, I explain the situation I walked into. They come inside telling me not to touch anything just in case it’s a crime scene. The mother of my child could be a part of a crime. This is not sitting well with me at all. God help whoever did this because I’ll be coming for them.

  After sitting down and explaining what I know which is barely anything, they tell me to try to think up anyone who would want to harm Ash. I give them the run down on Matty. It has to be him, who the hell else could it be?

  “Sir, we’re going to put out an alert and hopefully someone’s seen her. Sit tight, we’ll call you when we hear something.”

  Shaking their hands, I think, thanks for nothing.

  Savvy bombs through the door as the cops are leaving. With tears in her eyes she crashes into me and I catch her. Zander isn’t too far behind.

  “What do we know man?”

  “Absolutely nothing. I need to figure out who would take her. She has no enemies; all I can think is Matty’s somehow involved.”

  “Don’t jump to conclusions, he’s an asshole, but I don’t think he’d cross this line.”

  Suddenly my phone rings and I rip it out of my pocket. It’s an unknown number.


  “Josh it’s me, you have to help me!”

  “Ash what’s wrong? Where are you?” Savvy jumps up and rushes over to me.

  “I only have a second. If she catches me she’ll rough me up, this chick is crazy. She keeps mentioning my parents and I think that’s where she’s taking me. Go talk to Gran and see what you can get out of her. We’re at a rest stop somewhere off the highway in Delaware. She took me yesterday after I got off the phone with you.”

  “Are you okay? The baby?”

  “We’re fine so far, but she keeps mentioning some man I was supposed to marry. She’s scaring the hell out of me. Her name is Gwendolyn, please hurry Josh.”

  The phone cuts out and my heart is racing a mile a minute.


  I run over to the table grabbing my car keys while telling Zander and Sav to hop in my Jeep.

  “It was brief but she thinks this crazy lady is taking her to see her parents. She sounded so scared on the phone.” My voice cracks.

  Zander places his hand on my shoulder, taking the keys out of my hand. I walk around and jump in the front seat not even thinking to give it to Savvy. We just need to get out of here now.

  “We have to go see her grandmother. If anyone knows any information about her parents it would be Gran.”

  Savvy places her hand on my shoulder from the back seat. “She’s strong, I know she’s going to be okay.”

  God, I hope so.



  By the grace of god, I get my fat ass over to the payphone then back in the car by the time Gwen gets out of the bathroom. We’re at yet another deserted rest stop. Luckily the payphones worked and not everyone is up to date with the 21st century. All that running has me winded and I’m trying to calm my breaths so she doesn’t suspect anything.

  “You have some balls Ash.”

  I turn around and look back at Georgette. We’ve talked a bit whenever Gwen disappears to do god knows what. She randomly pulls into these deserted rest stops, gets out and disappears. We don’t know where she goes and it’s too risky to make a run for it when we have nowhere to run to.

  “Do you want to go back to camp hell? I know I don’t ever want to step foot there. Now someone knows I’m missing and they’ll come for me.”

  “You’ve already been there.” She whispers.

  “I think I’d remember if I’d been to a cult’s compound.” Right?

  “When you were taken away I was just born. I’ve heard stories about you my whole life. Mom and Dad have been working relentlessly trying to figure out how to get you back. Guess they finally put their plans to action.”

  “What the-”

  The door opens and halts our conversation. What the hell? Now I have even more questions.

  When she gets back in the car she makes no move to turn the car on. I wonder if she needs a break?

  “So, are you ever going to tell me where we’re going?”

  “You always were a curious child. We haven’t had to make as many bathroom stops as I anticipated, we’ll be arriving home early tomorrow morning.”

  She turns the car on and we exit the deserted rest stop. We travel for a few hours before I pass out for the night. Exhaustion has taken over and I can’t keep my eyes open for another second.

  When I wake up the sun has risen and we’re turning down a dirt road. I rub my sleep fogged eyes and try to figure out where we are. You rarely ever see dirt roads in Massachusetts, I feel like we’re going back in time. A real-life Sturbridge Village.

  A giant sign starts to come into view and I squint my eyes trying to read it. It says to turn back because we’re entering private property and some weird symbol.

  I look over at my captor. “It is a cult! Are you guys’ polygamists? Do you have seven husbands Gwen?”

  The backhand that knocks my head into the headrest is unexpected and stings like a motherfucker. I rub the ache in my jaw and stare at her in shock. She did it, she really hit me. A pregnant woman.

  We stop in front of big iron gates. “We’re all so excited to have you back Ashlyn. You’ll adjust to our ways in no time. It’ll be like second nature.” Her gaze turns icy. “Don’t ever question our beliefs behind these gates. I’m trying to help you out here dear. Say thank you.”

  “Thanks.” I mumble.

  Some kid that appears to be no older than 16 opens the gates and we proceed through. He’s wearing weird Amish clothes too. Black pants, a button up shirt and a hat on his head. These people need a stylist.

  About a quarter mile in we finally hit some houses. They aren’t much to write home about, each one being a carbon copy of the next all lined up in a perfect row. They’re the same egg shell color with small yards. I haven’t seen anyone other than the kid at the front gate and I wonder if everyone is working or something. This doesn’t strike me as a place that sleeps in late.

  Gwen pulls up to a house and cuts the engine. I look up when the front door opens and two people exit the house. Holy shit. They’re a lot older than the last time I saw them, but there’s no mistaking them. My parents. They sure don’t look like drug addicts.

  My dad comes around my side opening the door. He gestures for me to exit the car and I do as I’m told. No way am I getting back handed by a man. I can’t underestimate these people.

  “Genevieve, welcome home.” My dad says.

  I just stare at him and think, welcome to hell. Oh, and also, who the hell is Genevieve?



  My dad pats me on the head as if I’m a dog and smiles. I move my head out of the way trying to side step him. As I back up a few feet I look around. We’re in the middle of nowhere and now I’m in the lion’s den.

  “I told you guys on the phone that she’s a little…apprehensive.”

  “Apprehensive? I’ll fuc…. freaking give you apprehensive.”

  “She definitely can’t be presented to Mr. Caldwell until she’s been conformed. Let’s go inside to discuss everything, shall we?”

  Even though it was a question it’s said more as a command. I definitely don’t want to test these people so I join as they head towards the house. As I walk through the doors I’m shocked by the décor. I was half expecting mud walls and ceme
nt floors. It’s actually small but quaint. There are family pictures all over the walls and I find myself gravitating towards them.

  “You can look around later, join us in the dining room.” My father can’t keep the disgust out of his voice. Where did this come from? He seemed fine outside.

  I take a seat next to Georgette, the two of us sitting on the opposite side of the table of my parents and Gwen. My baby starts kicking me in the ribs and I gasp. When she digs up under my ribs it always catches me off-guard.

  “Everything alright?” My mother smiles at me.

  “Yup. Just fine. So, what’s going on? Gwen hasn’t explained anything to me and I really don’t understand all of this. I thought you guys were drug addicts. Why would Gran lie to me?”

  “Don’t even speak of that vile woman.” My father seethes. “She ruined our lives and she will get what’s coming to her.”

  “Don’t you dare threaten her.” I yell.

  “You will not raise your voice to me. I’m your father and will be treated as such. If anyone hears you disobeying me outside these walls you will be punished. You do not want to be punished Genny.”

  For the next half hour, they explain to me about the cult. And it’s exactly that, a cult. I don’t dare say the word remembering Gwen’s threat in the car. They follow a form of Polygamy. Apparently, Gwen is my dad’s first wife. They got married a few years before he met and knocked up my mother. None of this is ringing any bells in my head making me wonder why. Surely, I should remember something.

  “And that brings us to Mr. Caldwell…” My father states.

  “I’m not marrying someone I don’t know. Hell, I’m not marrying anyone from here period. I don’t care what kind of archaic rules and beliefs you have here. Josh is my fiancé, he’s the man I’m marrying.”

  “Josh is the worst possible man you could’ve chosen. He beats people for a living and how do you know he’s actually being faithful to you?” And now I want to smack my father.

  “You left once and because of that you made our lives a living hell. We’ve been black listed ever since. Now that your back, you can take your spot next to Mr. Caldwell, like it was meant to be. Do not argue with your father.” Gwen adds.


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