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The Rising of the Shield Hero Vol 09

Page 7

by Aneko Yusagi

  Filo and Rafu snuggled up next to me and went to sleep.

  Raphtalia took the time to practice with her sword. She was really invested in that new weapon. And as for Rishia, she hunched over a book and started to study. She was either trying to figure out how to read the writing in this world, or she already could and was just reading the book. Probably the latter. She was pretty amazing when it came to studying—keep it up!

  Once I indicated what I wanted the shield to craft, I ended up with nothing to do. I was a little too wound up to sleep. I had time on my hands, so I decided to use it.



  Raph-chan had been sleeping nearby, so I picked her up and set her on my knees. I called up the menu for the shikigami power-ups, and started looking through the list of materials I could use to power-up her abilities.

  Shikigami didn’t have levels like other people and monsters did. Instead, their stats and abilities could be adjusted directly by using various objects and materials. It was a bit like adjusting the bioplant specifications, and it seemed like there was a lot to learn. It was even possible to adjust the shininess of her fur!

  It was deeper than that too. There wasn’t just a single number to play with, but many. The stiffness, softness, fluffiness, sleekness, length, and other things could all be adjusted.

  So, whenever I found myself with some free time on my hands, I’d take to fiddling with Raph-chan’s power-ups.

  At the moment, I had gotten her to the point where she could use illusion magic to back us up in battle. Eventually, I hoped that she’d be able to take over some of Raphtalia’s role as my right hand in battle.


  I was sitting there patting Raph-chan and mulling over the possibilities when I realized something large was nearby. I turned to see what it was and found Ethnobalt sitting behind me.

  He was in his rabbit form, and was just large enough to make a perfect backrest.


  “Nothing. I just . . . this is the easiest place to relax.”


  “Naofumi, you’re so popular with monsters,” Kizuna smiled.

  I had no idea what they were talking about.

  “Mr. Naofumi is a very good caregiver. I am where I am today due to his kindness,” Raphtalia said. She probably thought she was saying something nice, but it didn’t make me happy.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that they were making fun of me.

  “Master! Master is mine! Mine!”

  “I don’t think so Filo. No one owns me—certainly not you.”



  “Filo and Chris sure have hit it off. They’re like old friends now,” Kizuna said.

  I looked to see what she meant, only to discover myself surrounded by Filo, Raph-chan, Chris, and Ethnobalt.

  Glass nodded, “Naofumi may be from another world, but he is the Shield Hero, is he not? Monsters must realize that he is not their enemy, but that he is here to protect them.”

  “Yeah, and Naofumi’s side is probably the safest place to be.”

  “I guess that could be it. But damn! It’s so hot with these things all around me!” I stood up and moved, carrying Raph-chan with me.

  The minute I sat down, Filo, Chris, and Ethnobalt followed me and plopped down around me again. It was a little better than the last arrangement, but not by much. I could hardly understand humans, much less all these monsters. I guess that made sense in a way—they wanted to sleep somewhere they knew they would be protected. It was a natural instinct.

  “I don’t have time to play with these things,” I said, flipping Raph-chan onto her back and rubbing her fluffy belly to see how her fur looked.

  “That’s probably the least convincing thing you’ve ever said.”

  “How so?”

  “Rafuuuu . . .”

  “Mr. Naofumi, don’t pet Raph-chan too much.”

  “How come?”

  Whenever I paid a lot of attention to Raph-chan, Raphtalia looked a little irritated.

  “Well, Raph-chan was made from my hair, and . . . well, I feel a little embarrassed when you pet her like that.”

  “Oh come on. You’re just a little kid yourself. I’ll pet Raph-chan if I want to.”

  Raphtalia puffed out her cheeks, unimpressed with my answer, and went back to practicing with her sword. She looked like she was swinging it harder than she had been.

  “That’s just like you, Naofumi . . .”

  “Rafu!” Raph-chan raised her hand and shook her head.

  Had I said something wrong?

  Raphtalia was like my daughter, and Raph-chan reminded me of her, so of course I cared about Raph-chan too. I don’t understand what’s so weird about that.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Oh nothing. You should get some rest, don’t you think? L’Arc is already snoring over there.”

  She was right. L’Arc was passed out and snoring. It was so loud I was afraid it would attract monsters.

  Just when I started to wonder about it, Therese walked over and placed a blanket over him, then cast a spell that silenced his snoring. It didn’t bother me really, but something about it felt wrong.

  Glass had been talking just a minute ago, but now she was asleep next to Kizuna.

  “There’s still plenty of time. Raphtalia and I will keep watch, so why don’t you get some sleep?”

  “Alright already.”

  Ever since I was betrayed by Bitch , I had trouble getting in a deep sleep. I’d have to take the opportunity to rest while I had it.

  I laid down to rest, thinking that the trip had turned into a training camp.

  We finished our training around noon of the following day, and returned to the castle.

  Filo leveled up a fair amount on our trip, so I should explain what happened there. When we crossed over into this world, Filo turned into a humming fairy, and humming fairies change into different forms as they level.

  Perhaps because she was originally a filolial, Filo was able to change into any of her humming fairy forms at will.

  “Master! Do you think I look more like how I used to look now?”

  “Yeah, much closer.”

  We were back in the castle courtyard, and Filo was changing into different forms to show off.

  I was starting to hope that Raph-chan would be able to change forms, just like Filo could. If she was just a little bigger, she would be perfect for cuddling with when I sleep. Or if she got even bigger, I could lay down on her belly to sleep. I’d seen something like that in an anime once.

  Sure, I could do that with Ethnobalt or Filo, but I’d rather snuggle with Raph-chan.

  Ok, that was a bit of a digression.

  Filo had currently taken the form of something Kizuna called a humming big owl, which looked exactly like you would expect from the name. She was the same size as she used to be when in her filolial queen form. She looked pretty similar, except for the area around her waist.

  She could also turn into a humming emperor penguin, complete with a crest of feathers on her head. Kizuna’s shikigami, Chris, was also a penguin, and he looked over at Filo with jealousy.

  “And you know what? I can sing really good now!” Filo yelled. Then she puffed up her throat and started to sing.

  It almost sounded like there was back-up music. It made for an energized performance.

  I couldn’t figure out how she was making so many different sounds at once, but it sounded like someone was playing a koto along with her song.

  This world’s traditional music sounded pretty Japanese to me.

  The country that Kizuna had established herself in was mostly Western-styled, but the clothing people wore looked like a fusion between Japanese and western elements.

  We were in a bar once and I saw a musician playing a shamisen—it looked strange, to say the least. It wasn’t all bad though—I was certainly pleased with Raphtalia’s new miko out

  “Rafu!” Raph-chan jumped up and started dancing along with Filo’s song.

  “Oh wow. Nice!” I shouted, disinterested, and went back to the magic practice I’d been doing. Filo had said it was a fun song that gave you energy. And I did sort of feel like my magic power replenished faster than usual. Raphtalia’s training went really well too.

  Was it an effect of Filo’s song?

  “I’m about ready to head home for the day.”


  So we spent our days preparing for the coming battle. But then, that night, when we were all asleep, something happened. Thinking back on it now, I’m surprised that we hadn’t been more on guard, especially considering how long it had been since Kyo had tried anything.

  We paid for our lack of caution.

  Chapter Four: Like a Charging Wild Boar

  I woke up suddenly to the sound of explosions. The ground was shaking.

  “What is that ?! ”

  “Rafu ?! ”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Feh! Master Itsuki ?! ”

  We were sleeping at Kizuna’s house in the neighboring town. We jumped out of bed and tried to get our bearings. I ran to the window to look outside. We were on the third floor, and there was a rush of noise coming from downstairs.

  “I don’t know what’s happening, but it doesn’t sound good. Be careful.”

  Everyone nodded.

  We left the room and made for the first floor, where we found Kizuna, Glass, and Chris. Their weapons were drawn and they were facing the entrance.

  Aside from those three, we were the only ones in the house.

  L’Arc and Therese were at the castle, and Ethnobalt was working at the library.

  I was currently using a shield I’d received after the battle with Trash #2, the White Tiger Clone Shield. I had finally reached a level that unlocked it, but I was surprised by how weak it was. The Spirit Tortoise Heart Shield had a higher defense rating, but I hadn’t been able to unlock that shield since crossing over to this world.

  White Tiger Clone Shield (awakened)

  abilities locked: equip bonus: skill: Chain Shield

  equip effect: agility up (medium), impact absorption (low), parry (low)

  The abilities and effects were not very exciting. I suppose that’s all I could expect, since the enemy had only been a clone of the original White Tiger. The agility boost would be useful, but there was an issue with impact absorption and parry. If I were to be positive about it, I’d say that they might end up proving useful against defense rating attacks, like the kind that Glass and L’Arc used.

  If only I could have gotten my hands on some of the real materials, things might have been different. But according to Romina, there were hardly any more left in the world, because so many different people and countries had used them. L’Arc managed the national storehouse, and there was practically none left.

  But they had promised to find some for me before the final battle came.

  L’Arc figured that my level wouldn’t be high enough to access whatever shield the materials unlocked for a while yet, and I couldn’t argue with his logic.

  Anyway, this shield didn’t have any counter effects, so I didn’t really want to use it. Still, it could cover the gap between shields until I got to a level where I could access the Spirit Tortoise Heart Shield.

  I hadn’t used the Shield of Wrath in a very long time, so I figured I could always switch to that if I needed it. But then again, it had a powerful effect on Filo too, and because she had changed so much when we crossed between the worlds, I was a bit worried about how that shield would affect her now.

  Fitoria’s feather had kept her from losing her mind, but I didn’t think it would work in this world.

  So that’s why I was using this shield. Even though it didn’t have the best effects, I could at least depend on it for its defense rating.

  Oh, and Chain Shield seemed to be a different version of Change Shield.

  When I used Air Strike Shield, then Second Shield, and so on, I could use Chain Shield to link them all together in a chain. It was pretty useful because I could move them all at the same time. If I could figure out how to work with it, it would probably be a good skill to have in my arsenal, but as things stood now I wasn’t really sure how to use it.

  “So you’ve got new friends. But they won’t save you now!” someone shouted. Whoever it was, Kizuna and Glass were facing her in the entrance, which, by the way, had been completely destroyed.

  A woman in a hakama stood in the rubble.

  Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She stood about as tall as Glass.

  She had a nice face . . . you know, I feel like I’ve been saying this a whole lot lately. But anyway, she was beautiful.

  “What the hell is going on? Kizuna, is she a friend of yours?”

  I hadn’t seen her in any of Kizuna’s group pictures. Maybe she’d been sick that day?

  She didn’t look like she’d just stopped by to pay her respects.

  “Does she look like a friend?”

  “We were about to turn in when she started banging on the door and causing a fuss.”

  “You have no idea who she is?”

  “Judging from her entrance, I don’t think she likes us.”

  “Good point.”

  Back in the world I came from, there were a lot of people who hated me, so many I couldn't count them if I tried. I seriously doubt I’d recognize them all if they showed up on my doorstep.

  “Who are you !? ” Kizuna demanded of the attacker.

  I wasn’t expecting an honest answer.

  “My name is Yomogi Emarl! I come on behalf of Kyo to punish those who hold vassal and holy weapons!”

  “. . .”

  Huh. So she just told us the truth. It was all a bit confusing.

  Kizuna didn’t flinch or let her guard down for a second, but she looked annoyed at the foolishness of her opponent.

  I mean , I’m glad she was so forthcoming with the introduction, but how stupid can you be? Was she really an assassin that Kyo sent?

  “I will defeat you! Come at me!” Yomogi shouted, drawing a strange looking sword and dashing across the room at us.

  “I thought you wanted us to come to you? What the hell?”

  This girl was seriously confusing.


  She was fast though! She was so fast that, had it not been for my recent training and level growth, I probably wouldn’t have been able to react in time.

  I reflexively shot across the room, jumped before Kizuna and Glass, and got my shield up just in time to block her blade, which slammed into the shield. It shook in my hands.

  “Ugh . . .”

  She wasn’t powerful enough to cut through my defenses, but it took all I had to keep my footing.

  I wasn’t sure if the White Tiger Clone Shield was going to be enough to make it through this fight.

  “Thunder Sword!”

  A crackling attack of lightning shot from her blade.

  “I don’t think so!” Raphtalia shouted, drawing her katana from its fully charged sheath. Her speed attack activated, but . . .

  “Your footing is all wrong!” Yomogi clipped, jumping back a step and parrying Raphtalia’s attack with her blade.

  She’d been able to see where Raphtalia was going. Even though she had been in her haikuikku mode. Even though Kizuna and I had trouble seeing it.

  “Raphtalia! Back down!” Glass shouted, opening her fan, “Circle Dance Attack Formation: Flower Wind!”

  Glass spun on her heels and swiped at Yomogi with her fan. A flower made of pure light shot from the fan, and my accessory’s effect activated at the same time, sending out three of them. She’d used that skill before.

  We were fighting in Kizuna’s house, which sort of made me want to hold back. You didn’t want to put years of work into making a house only to bust it up in a battle.


  Yomogi had rushed
to attack Raphtalia, but she had to pivot to dodge Glass’s attack.

  “So, you’re all going to team up on me, are you? It’s just as Kyo said, you’re evil!”

  “Are you kidding? You broke into our house in the middle of the night.”

  “Ha ?! ” Yomogi glared at me. She was sweating. “That’s right! I had to give priority to my mission, so I chose the cowardly way!”

  Huh? Was she joking? Was she an idiot?

  She was genuinely confusing.

  And yet, she could follow Raphtalia’s attack, dodge Glass’s attack, move really quickly, and her attacks were powerful.

  That sword of hers was piquing my interest. Something about it was strange. The design reminded me of my Spirit Tortoise Heart Shield.

  The shape of it was strange too. The gems in the hilt, the shape of the guard . . . Many things about it reminded me of Ren’s sword. And she seemed to be able to use skills too.

  “But even if you team up against me, it won’t save you! I don’t care how many of you I have to face—I WILL emerge victorious!”

  “You think you stand a chance against all of us together?” I laughed, sounding like a cheap pirate. Oh well.

  “Naofumi, that’s what people say before they lose.”

  “Shut up, Kizuna. You’re no good against a human opponent anyway. Back off and leave this one to the adults.”

  “How dare you!”

  Kizuna wasn’t able to fight against other humans, and I was pretty sure this Yomogi character was a human. She didn’t look like a Grass person, and she didn’t look like a Spirit person either.

  “I’ll show you!” Yomogi barked, rushing at me with her sword.

  I was the only guy in the group, and I was standing at the front, so it was only natural that she came at me first.

  “Whoa! Air Strike Shield!”

  The shield appeared in the air and Yomogi’s sword clanged against it.

  “You’re up to something! But it’s not going to work!”

  She’d rushed at me, but now she had decided to be cautious, and she started to back up.

  I’d seen this kind of thing before. I wonder what Kyo had told her about the Shield Hero.


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