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Page 3

by M. Malone

  “Got it.”

  He automatically took his position on the other side of the van. Rafe came out first, using his body to shield the petite brunette behind him. The van doors opened automatically.

  “Go! Go!” Rafe jumped in, and Jonas followed.

  With one last glance around, I jumped into the van behind them.

  “Never a dull day around here.” Matthias smirked as his foot hit the gas, and we screeched away from the curb. He took the first left and then pulled over to the side of the road and put the hazards on.

  “What are we waiting on?” I glanced behind us. We hadn’t gone far enough to be completely out of the danger zone.

  “That.” Matthias raised his eyebrows as several police cars raced by heading for the building we’d just left. “They were too close for us to avoid them completely. It made more sense to look like a waiting delivery van than to try to outrun them.”

  We pulled out into traffic again, and this time Matthias didn’t waste any horsepower hauling ass back to the office. Once we pulled in, Rafe jumped out first, extending a hand to the shivering woman in the backseat. Jonas followed.

  After they got out, Matthias pulled off and took the van to the back of our garage.

  “How the hell did I miss the fact that her husband was this crazy?” Matthias sounded disgruntled.

  Everything we did was a team effort, but being the resident hacker meant that Matthias did all the background checks and digging on our clients and the people in their lives. I was shocked that he could have missed something like this also, but I kept that thought to myself.

  “People can surprise us. Especially when they’re about to be on the hook to pay a ton of alimony.”

  He shook his head as we walked toward the elevators that would take us up to the penthouse. “I already have Tyse working to find video footage of this shooting. If we’re lucky, maybe the asshole walked right in front of a camera before he tried to turn you into Swiss cheese.”

  “Let’s hope.”

  Our newest recruit had shown interest in the tech side of things, which made Matthias very happy. Hell, it made all of us really happy. None of the rest of us were good at that shit. I was the numbers whiz, and that was enough for me.

  When the elevator doors opened, Matthias took off down the hall, probably to go sift through security footage.

  Better him than me.

  Now that the client was on the premises and secure, I could take a minute to think about the morning’s fiasco. We’d been lucky to be there at exactly the right moment, which made me wonder if the soon-to-be ex-husband wasn’t the brightest bulb. If he was watching her, shouldn’t he realize that the time to attack wasn’t when her private security showed up?

  The thought bothered me as I continued into the kitchen to find something to eat. Just as I was pulling out sandwich fixings, Matthias appeared.

  “Found some footage from another building across the street. It’s really weird.”

  “What?” I looked at the grainy image on his tablet, trying to make sense of what I was looking at.

  “That’s her building.”

  Matthias pointed at the shattered window. “Based on the video, the shooter had to be on the roof of one of the neighboring buildings.”

  It took me a minute to process what he said, but once I got it, I understood why he wanted me to see this. “That’s a hard shot. I couldn’t even make that shot.”

  “Exactly. This is crazy. His finances have been under close scrutiny through the divorce proceedings, so how did he manage to hire a sniper?”

  As he walked away, still grumbling to himself, I thought about it. Something wasn’t adding up, and I hated that. Not only did we have the unanswered question of how this guy had managed to hire a professional, but now there was the more important question of why?



  Mentally, I ticked off all the people who I needed to thank. This boutique opening was a soft launch for Never perfume. It was our elegant but accessible line, made for the post-college, first job, professional kind of woman.

  I ticked everything off in my head. The displays were perfect, pristine, just as crisp and as fresh as the perfume itself.

  My father was in the corner talking to his old friends, the Becketts. James Beckett had started as an investor in Livingston, but then he’d sold his shares in the company and started sourcing flowers from South Africa.

  Across the room, Evan was, well, being Evan. He had the same curvy blonde with him, and both of them had forgone the glasses and were just drinking champagne straight out of the bottle. Classy.

  I ground my teeth but then forced my jaw to relax. The last thing I needed was an episode of TMJ. Even the slightest ailment to my face threw everything about my sense of smell off. No wonder my father had my nose insured. At first, I thought he was being crazy. It turns out, it was a good idea.

  One of the servers brought over a glass of champagne. “Would you like anything else? I noticed you haven’t eaten. I can bring you something from the back. There’s plenty of food. You know how these things are. No one ever eats.” He shrugged.

  I gave him a smile and he grinned in return. The dancing light in his eyes told me he was asking about a lot more than if I wanted a canapé. “That’s really sweet. But no, thank you. I’m not hungry. This launch has to go well.”

  He glanced around. I knew what he was thinking. The room was full. The event, for all intents and purposes, was a success. People were clearly drinking and enjoying themselves. The boutique owner, Ella McDonald, had already taken orders from several retail chains in attendance.

  But I wouldn’t see this as a success until I saw the final numbers. Not until the night was over, the doors were closed, the samples locked away, and I was home behind closed doors. That’s when I could call this a success.

  “Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves.”

  “Yeah, of course.” He glanced around. “Are you sure I can’t bring you something else to eat?”

  I shook my head. “I won’t be able to eat until this is all over anyway.”

  “You work at this company?”

  I shrugged. “I guess you could say that.”

  Working for Livingston Perfumes was more than a job. It was a calling. And honestly, where my father was concerned, it wasn’t as if I’d had any choice in the matter.

  “Oh, what, you’re like an intern or something? You know, even interns need to eat, and sometimes interns need to party too.”

  I blinked at him. “Intern?”

  “Yeah, aren’t you an intern? You said you sort of work there.”

  “Oh right.” I could have corrected him, but I was too tired, honestly. “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Well, you know, there’s this after-hours spot if you’re interested…”

  Oh boy. Yeah, he’s asking you on a date. Remember dating?

  No, actually, I couldn’t remember dating. Mostly because I hadn’t done it much, though it wasn’t like I was a virgin.

  No dummy. You took care of that in Vegas years ago.

  I didn’t date much, and when I did, the guys I dated were safe. Kind of boring. No real fire. I’d almost married a guy like that. Thankfully, although he’d been initially confused, my fiancé had eventually agreed it was best we didn't get hitched. I’m sure the ironclad prenup my father insisted on also played a part.

  You never should have said yes. Steven was dull. Not like him.

  I shoved the thought out of my head immediately. I didn’t want to think about Steven or the guy who came before him. Yeah, the guys I dated might be boring, but at least none of them had abandoned me in a hotel. So there was that. But I didn’t really have time to date. I was too busy.

  Excuses. You have pretty much locked away your lady parts and pretended they don’t exist.

  I rolled my shoulders. I wasn’t going to think about that until later. When I was alone. With a good glass of wine. Then I could lament all the choic
es I’d made to land me at this point. Besides, I wasn’t lonely.

  My inner diva laughed somewhere deep down in the dark recesses of my soul. Honey, you’ve a different idea about what lonely is then.

  I gave my overly friendly server a smile as I went to check on the rest of the guests. Once the event was over, our marketing agent, Mya Taylor, came running over. The Mirage Agency was headquartered in Washington, D.C., but had clients all over the world. Livingston Perfumes was one of their top-tier clients, so we always got preferential treatment, such as their top agents flying out when we needed them.

  “Oh my God, Hay! This was such an amazing event.”

  I wasn’t sure how I felt exactly about the nickname, but Mya was so much fun to be around, always enthusiastic and happy, that I didn’t care. She was a little older than I was, but with her curvy figure and long, black braid, she could have passed for way younger.

  “Yeah, it worked out really well. Now, on to the big show.”

  She shook her head in mock dismay. “And I thought I was a workaholic. Can’t you just enjoy the fabulousness for one day before you jump right back into the throes of it?”

  “Okay, you’re right. It went off without a hitch. I’m really happy.”

  My father was saying goodbye to a few of the last guests. And as far as I knew, Evan had already left with his friend, girlfriend, whatever that girl was. And of course, she’d still shown up at my perfume event wearing Glitter.

  God, that perfume was the bane of my existence. It was as ubiquitous as Axe body spray now. It was cheap and accessible and just too much. So sweet, with some cloying citrus added in. Like freaking cotton candy with lemon juice poured on top. It just sat there on the skin. To me, half the time, it smelled like rotting flesh. But far be it from me to criticize anyone else’s perfume blend. What worked for one nose didn’t always work for another, so I just chose to stay far away from anyone who wore it.

  “Sweetheart, you’ve done fantastic.”

  I turned to smile at my father. “Thanks, Dad. We were just talking about that.”

  “And you too, young lady.” He shook Mya’s hand enthusiastically.

  “Thank you, Mr. Livingston. This new perfume is going to become one of my personal favorites. I can’t wait to try the new one Hailey is working on.”

  After a little more chitchat, he checked his watch. “Okay, sweetheart, I’m taking off. I’ll send the car back, or are you going to take a taxi?”

  “No, you go ahead. I’ll call a car. I’m going to just sync up on the last tallies of the night, help them close down, and secure the samples.”

  He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead. “Well, fantastic job. Text me when you get home so I’ll know you’re okay.”

  “Of course, Daddy.”

  What twenty-four-year-old woman called her father Daddy? Well, he was my father, and it made me feel safe and loved to call him Daddy, so whatever.

  The crowds parted, and I could see Milo Hamilton, Mya’s husband, surrounded by a crowd of adoring women. He was one of the few men in attendance so I’m sure he was already regretting joining Mya on this trip. One of the women put her hand on his arm, and I glanced over at Mya uncertainly. Was she seeing this?

  Following my gaze, Mya sighed. “That man attracts women like a dog attracts fleas.”

  I bet that was an understatement. Milo looked like a movie star with dark hair and sky-blue eyes. A man like that was probably used to women throwing their panties at him.

  “It doesn’t do them any good. The man stares at you like a piece of raw meat. But please apologize on my behalf. He came to keep you company, not to be groped by a bunch of random women.”

  She snorted. “Don’t worry about Milo. The man has no shame. Before we started dating, I actually caught another woman with her hand down his pants. It was a company event, no less. He didn’t even bat an eyelash. But that’s a story for another day.”

  I put up one finger. “Um, can that be a story for today? Because I have questions. So many questions.”

  We were both still laughing when Milo walked up. He looked between us before taking the glass of champagne from Mya’s hand. After finishing it in one gulp, he placed it on a nearby table.

  “No more of that for you, Mrs. Taylor-Hamilton. You already can’t keep your hands off me.”

  Mya rolled her eyes. “Did you need me to stay, Hailey? We can wait for you.”

  While she wasn’t looking, Milo made exaggerated cutting motions at his neck. I smiled to myself. Clearly, he had plans for his wife that didn’t include hanging around this boutique any longer.

  “No, the boutique owner is still here. I’m going to check in with her before I call a cab. Thank you again for flying out. Both of you.”

  After they left, it was just me and Ella Once I had the samples secured in their cases, I thanked her again. “Thank you for offering your boutique for the launch party. I think it was the perfect setting. I can’t say enough.”

  Her cheeks turned slightly pink at the praise. “Oh, really, you did us the favor. Our sales haven’t been this high since the holidays. It was a pleasure doing business.”

  I’d already called for a taxi, so I was expecting it when my phone chimed with a text message alerting me to their arrival.

  “All right, my assistant will be in touch. Once the first shipments of our next fragrance come in, you’ll get an exclusive for a few days before everyone else.”

  “Sounds perfect.”

  “Get home safe.”

  “You too.”

  I ran out of the door and glanced around. I didn’t see the taxi. When I checked my app, I saw they were around the corner. With a wince and a groan, I skipped down the sidewalk to go and meet them. When I turned the corner, my heart slammed against my chest. At the same time, the hairs on my neck stood at attention, and pure adrenaline flooded through my veins.

  My body knew exactly what was happening before my brain even registered it.

  An arm wrapped around my waist, and another covered my mouth. I tried to scream, but I couldn’t. The sticky stench of sweat and fear burned my nostrils.

  I tried to remember every self-defense class my father had insisted I take, all the anti-kidnap training. But all I could remember was kick, which was really not that useful. I should have kept it up.

  I slammed my elbow back into the person’s gut. And thankfully, I was pretty heavy, so he oofed and loosened his grip just enough for me to be able to bite his finger.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  And with the loosening of the hand in my mouth, I delivered another elbow, and I kept it up until he was forced to let go.

  Panting and dizzy, I whirled around and screamed. “Fire! Fire!”

  I knew not to scream help. Studies showed that people ignored that. They assumed someone else would call the police and that it was best not to get involved.

  But when you said “Fire” everybody responded.

  The guy reached for me again, and I threw out a feeble fist. But luckily, the diamond ring on loan from my mother’s collection connected with his nose, and blood spurted everywhere. On the silver evening gown I’d worn, all on my face, in my uhhh— in my hair. Blood, so much of it. I flailed some more. The door opened, and I heard a rush of footsteps.

  “Hailey? Oh my God, Hailey.”

  The guy took one look at Ella coming for me, and then he took off down the alley, sprinting. A wave of dizziness and nausea overtook me, and I couldn’t stand.

  I realized two things. First, I needed to work out more. A little cardio probably would have helped with this whole situation. Second, oh my God, I really needed another self-defense class.

  You’re overreacting.

  Even while that voice in my head told me to be rational, and calm, something deeper, something far more primal and instinctual, told me I had not been imagining things the other night when the power went out. Considering that someone had just tried to grab me on the street, I should have listened to my instin
cts. Instead, I’d rationalized it away, and now someone had almost hurt me.

  But who would have done something like that?

  Distantly, I could hear Ella talking to my father. “Yeah, I don’t know what happened, but there was this guy, and there’s a lot of blood, but I think it’s all his. She’s fine. She doesn’t look hurt, but I don’t know… You should probably come back.”

  I tried to wave my hand and tell her not to do that. But I really was dizzy.

  And God, I just wanted to sleep. I wanted to sleep so bad.

  I don’t know how long it was between the time Ella made the call and when I heard my father’s voice in my ear. All I knew was that I sat with my back against the brick wall.

  “Sweetheart? Baby, are you okay?”


  “Do you see what I mean? I absolutely need to hire a security team. It’s not safe for you to be out on your own.”

  “Dad, it’s okay. I just—I have to be more careful.”

  “Enough. In the morning I’m calling the top security firm in the city. You really want to tell me you can handle this yourself?”

  I knew he was right. I didn’t want to it to be true, but I knew. I hadn’t just been paranoid the other night. Someone had been in my home. “Yeah.” I nodded. “Make the call.”

  Even as I said the words, I knew I could pretty much kiss my freedom goodbye.


  I hadn’t slept much. I kept running through the events of the previous day over and over in my head. Something was… off. What had we missed?

  I knew I was obsessing, but it was like finding a number out of place. Counting wasn’t exactly sexy, although I clearly made it look good. But it was about solving the puzzle, making something fit. Sure, I liked to do things with a little flair, but I still needed the numbers to make sense to me. And something about last night certainly didn’t make sense.

  A set of fingers snapped in front of my face. “Oskar, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

  I turned my glare on Noah, giving him my fiercest scary-Viking face The problem was Noah, having been a former killer himself, he wasn’t afraid of anything. Well, except his wife. And his daughter. Actually, come to think of it, we were all terrified of Izzy when she cried.


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