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Matters to Me: A Football Romance (The Hart Series Book 4)

Page 27

by M. E. Carter

  “You think?”

  “Oh yeah. People are always asking for venues and specific businesses. Hang on.”

  I find the page I’m looking for and begin, searching for a decent venue to hold a party. I know I’ve seen a whole thread about it before. But then one post in particular catches my eye.


  “Well shit,” I grumble.


  “There’s a car accident close to here. I think we have to go that way to get to the store. Let me see how long ago it was. Maybe it’s cleared already. Otherwise we need to go soon so we can find a way around it.”

  “Is it bad?”

  “I can’t tell yet. Just says its major.”

  I click on the post and my heart stops. A picture of the wreck has been posted in the comments and it looks like Spence’s car. With a black sheet over it.

  My breathing speeds up as I zoom in but can’t see enough of the back window to tell if the spot in the bottom right corner is his favorite radio station sticker or something else. Surely it’s something else. It’s someone else’s care. I can’t be Spence’s. I’m just overreacting. Honda has lots of cars out there. Millions. It could be a million different people. Not my Spence.

  The comments, though, do little to ease my mind.

  It’s going to be here a while, guys. An ambulance came out but they never took anyone away and they’ve stopped working. Pray for these people.

  I’m here. Overheard an officer say they’re waiting for the medical examiner.

  Y’all pray for the families. That black sheet isn’t a good sign. Usually that’s only to cover the scene when someone has died.

  “No, no, no, NO!” My voice sounds shrill as I close the app and try to call Spence.

  “Kiersten, what’s wrong?”

  I know Lauren is trying to talk to me, but I can barely hear her over the sounds of his phone ringing and my own heartbeat.

  “Pick up, Spence. Come on, baby. Pick up.”

  Finally someone answer. “Hey, this is Spence. You know what to do.”

  Dammit. I hang up, uninterested in leaving a voice message. I need to hear him, alive and breathing.

  Dialing again, I continue my ministrations. “Come on, Spence. Answer the phone. Pull over if you have to. Please answer.”

  Matters to You, coming January 2021.

  Preorder today!


  It would not be an M.E. Carter book without about a zillion people to thank because gratitude is what I feel for each and every one of you.

  First up is Brenda Rothert for her constant cheerleading, her constant advice and her constant discussion of storylines and how to “fix” my stories when they get bland. I couldn’t do this without you. Especially not sports romance!

  This book would not be what it is without the help of my former teammate, Martha Jenkins. As teenagers, I was in awe of you and your skill, always wishing I could be as good as you, while simultaneously just enjoying watching the beauty you brought to the sport. And I distinctly remember sitting in front of my TV watching Nationals when you got injured during your floor routine. I’m pretty sure you still won the all-around title! I remember squealing on the inside and thinking, “I KNOW HER!!!!” It was so cool. Through the magic of social media and the desire to provide for our families, I’m proud to now call us friends. Even if part of me still wants to fangirl every once in a while. Thank you for all the wonderful team memories and your insight into the world of college competitions. And for introducing me to the magic of Sol-U-Guard. ;)

  I knew Wanda Curry would know all about the current terminology and skill levels. She is more obsessed with gymnastics than any other person I know. Thank you for pointing out the errors I made so they could be tweaked and updated for the current college generation. Wow, it’s weird saying that. I love you so much, friend. And I thank you for always loving my flighty self, even though I may call every day for a month and not again for six more. You’ve always understood me. Oh also… you still owe me a pickle.

  Next is Amie Moore for reading through this with a fine-tooth comb and making sure the innerworkings of an interracial relationship were correct. You said, “If anyone can tackle this and get it right, you can.” I can never thank you enough for having confidence in me. My fear is always that I’ll get it wrong or that I’ll screw up my characters. But you totally understand my desire to get it “right” even when I struggle to express myself the correct way. Not everyone sees my heart. So thank you!!

  I can’t forget Hazel James and her red-lining the first draft. Trust me, I’m not mad about it! It was perfection so that I didn’t end up with a shitty book. I see a beautiful crit relationship forming!

  Marisol Scott would blow up my group if I forgot her. Thanks for your insight, your feedback, and always helping me come up with the organization for take overs and Carter’s Cheerleaders. It is much appreciated!

  Erin Noelle, as always your editing is both infuriating and exactly what I need. How I fix certain bad habits while creating new ones, I’ll never know. Keep calling me out! Eventually we’ll get there!

  Thank you, Janice Owens! For our first time working together, I feel like it was really smooth. You put the finishing polishes on this baby and I’m so grateful.

  Alamea and Jasper, holy smokes you guys. I am so appreciative of you both jumping in at the last minute to just triple check my snafu with positions didn’t screw everything up. This is what I get for not stopping to verify my own information when I’m writing. You’re welcome on giving you a fun “couple’s project” to do during quarantine. Lol

  As always, Mom, you found the final few mistakes. Were you an editor in a former life? I’m starting to think so. Thank you for using your skills on this one.

  And of course Alyssa Garcia, not just for formatting and helping me with promo ideas, but just for being you. A friend, a cheerleader, a confident, a woman of integrity who shares her knowledge just because she’s a good person. You are a true gem in this community and I would be lost without some of your advice and assistance. Especially with, ya know, newsletter imports and crap like that. lol

  Carter’s Cheerleaders, you are the best bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse (Clark Griswold, anyone?). You make me laugh every single day. And I’m so happy not just to call you readers, but friends.

  The Walk, you know who you are. Thank you for keeping me on track and focusing on what’s truly important –

  God. Who I am so grateful to for gifting me with a job that provides for my family without sacrificing their well-being. I will continue to do my best as long as you let me.




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