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If you were my man

Page 20

by Unknown

  If he did as she asked, he wouldn’t stop until he was buried deep inside her, until he had claimed her in every possible way. “No.” He surged to his feet, his breathing harsh and labored.

  He felt more than heard her move. “No,” he ordered. Aware of how stubborn Clarice could be, he took four faltering steps away from temptation.

  “Is—is it me?”

  He whirled. His gaze was fierce. He saw her sitting up in the dim light holding her blouse together. “You’re perfect.”

  “That’s what I’d say about you. This.” Her hands released the blouse. The sides parted to expose pale naked skin and the enticing swell of her lush breasts.

  His hands clenched. “Close your blouse.”

  Grinning, she leaned back on the sofa and placed her arms on the back, causing the blouse to open even more. “I might need you to help me.”

  Despite the almost painful need for release, he wanted to smile. How he loved this unpredictable, sassy woman. “Behave.”

  “You started it.”

  “I kissed you. You pulled out my shirt first.”

  She tilted her head to one side. “You have a great body, Jake.” She came to her feet. “You can’t blame me for being anxious to get my hands on you.”

  “Don’t come any closer,” he told her, a hint of desperation in his voice. “We are not making love the first time I take you home or on our first date.”

  The teasing smile left her face. She blinked rapidly. “Jake,” she whispered and launched herself into his arms, pressing her cheek against his. “You make me feel so special.”

  Clutching her to him, he closed his eyes and enjoyed holding her. In the next moment he realized her cheek was against his scarred one. Panicked, he started to push her away.

  She held him tighter, rubbing her cheek against him. “Not yet.”

  As gently as possible he lifted her away. It had to be said. “I’m fifteen years older, have only a year of college, and have this scar that scares children.”

  Her eyes flared. “You’re the smartest, kindest, most knowledgeable man I’ve ever met. I can look at you all day and never get enough. It’s the person, not the degree, that counts. You’re strong, with a body that makes me salivate. I don’t see a scar. I see a man who makes every day more enjoyable, a man I can always count on.” She grinned. “A man who makes me horny and happy.”

  She didn’t care about the scar. The knowledge drummed through him. He wrapped the words around his heart along with the horny and happy part. He pulled her back in his arms and kissed her long and slow. As he felt himself reaching the breaking point, he lifted his head, kissed her cheek, and stepped back. “Good night. Call me if you have car problems in the morning. I’ll look at it on my break.”

  She bit her lower lip and followed him to the door. “I have a confession to make. There’s nothing wrong with my car. I was afraid you’d try to get out of coming over.”

  He shook his head. “I’m glad you’re smarter than I am. Night.”

  “Nobody is that smart,” she told him. “Good night, Jake. Drive carefully.”

  Unable to resist one last taste, he hooked his hand around her neck for a deep kiss, then he turned and went down the stairs. By the time he reached the bottom step he was whistling.


  Nathalyia made up her mind during the sleepless night to stop feeling sorry for herself and get on with her life. It wasn’t going to be easy, but she could do it.

  Martin had taught her to believe in herself. Life sometimes threw you a curveball; you either stepped up to the plate and took your best swing or sat back and let the ball, and life, pass you by.

  She was stepping up to bat.

  Closing the door to her office, she started for the main dining area. She had given her staff enough to talk about by missing her initial walk-through and her rounds with the lunch crowd.

  Thankfully, the cold compresses she had put on her eyes since early this morning had worked to decrease the swelling, and eyedrops had erased the redness.

  “Good evening, B.J. How are things going?”

  The young man looked up from rimming a margarita glass. “Great, Mrs. Fontaine. Glad to see you’re feeling better.”

  “So am I.” She moved away from the bar and caught Jake’s gaze. She smiled to let him know she was fine. He gave an almost imperceptible nod of his head.

  Like she had told Clarice, he was a good man. He’d cared about Clarice for so long and had never told her. Nathalyia had never asked him why. She didn’t pry into people’s business, mainly because she didn’t want them to pry into hers. She reached the end of the bar and saw Theresa and Clarice, standing close, their faces angry. She quickly approached. “In my office, now.”

  She didn’t wait for them to answer, just returned to her office. She opened the door and waited as Theresa and Clarice entered. Jake appeared at the end of the hallway. She held up her hand. She’d handle this. She closed the door.

  “Both of you were out of line just now. There is never any excuse for employees in each other’s faces while on duty,” Nathalyia said. “What I want to know is why.” Silence. “I don’t plan to ask twice.”

  “She’s been stealing my tips,” Clarice accused.

  “She’s a liar,” Theresa defended. “Men just like me better, and why shouldn’t they?”

  “Any number of reasons. You have an hour so I can list them?” Clarice returned.

  “You fat—”

  “Stop it,” Nathalyia said, stepping between the two women. Clarice looked ready to blow. “Theresa, stand over there. Clarice, there.” Neither woman moved. “I’m not going to ask either of you again.”

  Clarice’s lower lip trembled, but Nathalyia knew it was from anger. Theresa flounced to the other side of the room. After a few seconds, Clarice went to stand on the other side.

  “Clarice, why do you think Theresa has been stealing your tips?”


  “Theresa, you’ll get your turn. Now, I’m speaking to Clarice.” Nathalyia held up her hand.

  “Because I’ve seen money on my table, and when I’ve gone back to pick it up, it’s gone,” she said, her voice trembling. “I even caught her going though my receipts.”

  Nathalyia faced Clarice. There had been other waitstaff that had done the same thing and they’d been dismissed immediately. “How many receipts have you had thus far?”


  Nathalyia spoke to Theresa. “How many? And before you say anything, rest assured that Jake will know.”

  “He’ll lie for her.” Theresa snatched her arms to her sides. “He’s always looking at her. She’s in his face every chance she gets. Maybe they’re cheating you.”

  “Theresa, if you say another word about any staff member, I’ll ask you to resign,” Nathalyia said.

  “You can’t do that!”

  “We both know I can,” Nathalyia said calmly. “How many?”

  She stared at Clarice coldly. “Nine.”

  “Empty your pockets,” she ordered.

  Theresa shoved her hand into the pocket of her black slacks, pulled out ten one dollar bills, and held them out. “See?”

  “Now, what’s in your bra?”

  The smug smile slid from her face. “What?”

  “You heard me.” Her mother and sisters had always kept their money there.

  “I got money, but it’s what I earned from yesterday,” she claimed. “I get off at five today, and I planned to do a little shopping.”

  “With my tip money,” Clarice accused.

  “You can’t prove it’s yours,” Theresa taunted. If she hits me, she’s out of here.

  “Mopping up the floor with you will give me a lot of satisfaction,” Clarice said. “You’re a liar and a thief.”

  Theresa turned to Nathalyia. “Are you gonna let her talk to your—”

  “Enough,” Nathalyia said, cutting off Theresa’s tirade before she mentioned she was her sister. She’d do it ju
st for spite. “You’re right. I can’t prove the money you have is Clarice’s. But hear this, Theresa. I’m going to ask Jake to watch you. If he has an inkling that you’re stealing, you’re finished.”

  “He’ll lie for her,” Theresa yelled. Shit. She didn’t want Baldy messing up her sideline, but she was too smart for him to catch her.

  “No, he won’t. Take today off—with pay—and we’ll see you tomorrow,” Nathalyia.

  “With pay?” Theresa said. At least she could get something out of this besides Fatso’s tips, since she couldn’t push Fatty into hitting her.

  “Yes.” Nathalyia knew Theresa thought she had won and didn’t correct her.

  Theresa untied her apron. Her nose in the air, she swished from the room.

  “Are you all right?” Nathalyia asked.

  Arms stiff at her sides, Clarice asked, “Why in the hell do you put up with that slutty woman? You know I’m not a liar.”

  “I gave her the day off because I know you were a heartbeat away from strangling the life out of her.” Nathalyia approached an angry Clarice. “If that had happened, no matter how I might have wished otherwise, how it would have made Jake upset with me, I would have no choice but to fire you.”

  Clarice blew out a breath, then another. “It might have been worth it.”

  “At first, then you wouldn’t have been here to tease Jake,” Nathalyia said. “I think you’d choose him over putting Theresa down any day.”

  Clarice lifted her hand and held her thumb and finger a fraction of an inch apart. “I was that close.”

  “I know.”

  “Considering that fighting was the reason I had to resign from the school district, I guess you do.” Clarice shook her head. “I was literally crying in my margarita when Jake offered me a job.”

  “Like I said, I don’t want my best bartender, who is also a good friend, angry with me.”

  “It pisses me off that she thinks she got away with it,” Clarice said.

  “Only until she learns that I decided to give the two sections with the highest receipts a bonus at the end of their shift today.” Nathalyia smiled. She often did unannounced bonus days. It kept the staff even more on their toes. “So you’d better get back to work.”

  Clarice grinned. “I can’t wait to see her face.”

  Nathalyia went to sit behind her desk when Clarice left and saw the glass paperweight Rafael had given her. For a few moments she had forgotten. Picking up the orchid, she opened her lower desk drawer and placed it inside. If only it were as easy to close off the emotions and thoughts of the man who had given it to her.

  Jake was waiting for Clarice outside Nathalyia’s office door. “You’re smiling.”

  She hooked her arm through his and kissed him on the cheek before he could admonish her to remain professional at work. But it was hard not to want to touch him at work after the way he turned her on at night when they were alone. “Nathalyia declared today a bonus day, and that thieving Theresa will miss out on a heck of a lot more than what she stole from me.”

  “We have to win first.”

  She laughed. “We’re unbeatable together. You know that.”

  His hand lifted to her cheek. “You’re impossible, and don’t change.”

  “Let’s go kick butt.”

  Rafael heard his fellow officers greeting Sam and looked up from his desk. It was a little after three P.M. Rafael had expected him sooner. His brother and Helen had dropped by last night. Today she’d called shortly after he arrived at work to tell him she was sending him some homemade pralines by Sam with orders that he not eat them all.

  Sam’s gaze, sharp and piercing, stared at Rafael before he sat the plastic container on his desk. Rafael realized that Sam had purposely waited to see how Rafael did later on in the day.

  “Hi, bro,” Rafael greeted, opening the lid of the rectangular container and reaching for a piece of candy the size of a baby’s fist. His hand paused, then he closed the lid.

  “Hi, yourself.” Folding his arms, Sam crossed one leg over the other and leaned against Rafael’s desk. “You’re invited for dinner tonight. Pork chops.”

  “Thanks, but I have a date,” Rafael said, then continued when he saw his brother’s raised brow. “An author. She’s doing research for a book and I volunteered to help her. I just received clearance from the chief an hour ago.”

  Sam simply continued to stare at him.

  “We’re going to Italiano’s.” Rafael didn’t like it that he felt the urge to fidget. There wasn’t a reason in the world why he shouldn’t get on with his life.

  “Not tonight you’re not,” the commander said, coming up behind Sam. “We’re being placed on alert. An elderly woman being evicted from her home barricaded herself inside and refuses to come out. She’s nailed the doors and windows shut. There’s no indication she has a weapon, and her son has been called.”

  “My date isn’t until eight. We might be clear by then,” Rafael pointed out.

  “You never know.” Commander Coats nodded his graying head toward the container. “Helen sent you sweets again?”

  Rafael nudged the candy over. “One piece.”

  His commander opened the candy and took the biggest cluster. “Thanks.” He took a bite before he had taken two steps away.

  Rafael didn’t have to look around to know the rest of his team was waiting their turn. “One piece and no seconds, so don’t ask.”

  Chairs rustled as those in the room rushed to grab pieces of candy. Amid mumbles of thanks, the candy dwindled.

  “You know you just can’t eat one of these,” Henderson moaned, his candy half gone in one bite.

  “Then don’t eat one,” Cannon said. “Give it to a fellow officer. Me.”

  “In your dreams.” Munching, Henderson went back to his desk.

  “Seems you have a phone call to make.” Sam reached over and picked up a piece of candy.

  “We might not have to go,” Rafael said stubbornly, not liking the relief he felt that he had an excuse to cancel. He needed to get back into the dating game. He needed to try and forget Nathalyia.

  “Make the phone call and refer her to someone else.” Sam straightened. “Dinner will be waiting for you at the house.”

  Rafael sat there for a few minutes after Sam left, then pulled the woman’s card from his shirt pocket. Taking out another woman wouldn’t help him forget Nathalyia. He wasn’t sure what, if anything, would. He picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number.

  “Hi, Kurt, this is Rafael. I need to order some flowers for breaking a date.”

  A week later, wearing a bulletproof vest beneath his street clothes, Rafael and Barron strolled casually up the sidewalk of the small house in an older neighborhood that had seen better days. His unit had been tagged by the Narcotics Division to assist them in serving high-risk warrants. His team was to verify the address on the warrant, see if the suspect was there, and buy drugs.

  This was the third warrant they had attempted to serve tonight. The others had been a bust.

  His team members had traded off being the initial contact. Two patrol cars and their transport van were out of sight, waiting. You never knew how it would go down, and it was always best to be prepared.

  “I heard you had to cancel another date tonight,” Barron said. Rafael let his gaze sweep over the front of the house, aware that Barron was doing the same. They were just two men coming to buy a gram of coke. “Yeah. I’m beginning to think the commander is doing it on purpose.” At least Rafael was making the florist happy.

  If he were honest, he would admit that he hadn’t wanted to go either time. He’d finally accepted that it would take more than another woman to help him forget Nathalyia. He kept thinking about her, wondering if she was taking care of herself. Her sister hadn’t seemed the caring type.

  “There’s always another night,” he said doggedly.

  “That’s for sure. Let’s do this.” Barron stepped on the porch and knocked when he didn’t see a door
bell. “Hey, man. I’m a friend of—”

  The spat of an AR-15 fully automatic assault rifle drowned out what Barron had been about to say. The impact of the bullets knocked him off the porch. Rafael’s hand closed around his secondary weapon as the next round caught him in his chest and knocked him backward as well.

  Stunned, his hand clutching his weapon, his chest burning, Rafael lay on the hard-packed dirt and tried to draw a breath. It burned like hell. Beside him, he heard Barron moan, and the wail of a siren.

  Thank heaven they had their mics on. Help was on the way, but it might be too late for either of them.

  The front door burst open. A shirtless man came out with a pistol grip shotgun. He was grinning, his eyes wild. “You’re going to hell tonight, pigs, and I’m the one who’s gonna punch your ticket.”

  Laughing, the man lifted the gun. Rafael fired his .38, heard the blast, and wondered if the gunman had been right.


  Nathalyia had gone over the order for the produce company three times and accepted she would have to go over it a fourth. Things kept slipping away. Each time she tried to concentrate, Rafael’s face, hurt and angry, would invade her thoughts.

  She’d hoped this aching loneliness would get better with time. It hadn’t. She ran her hand though her hair, then took a long swallow of her bottled water.

  Perhaps if she turned off the radio she could concentrate better. She usually liked soft music while she worked, but lately it was proving to be a distraction.

  She reached for the remote control just as she heard a male reporter interrupt the program with breaking news. “Two members of the Myrtle Beach Police Department were shot tonight. Details are still coming in. Stay tuned.”

  Nathalyia’s heart stopped, then pounded. “No. Please, no.”

  Clarice burst into Nathalyia’s office. She took one look at Nathalyia’s face and rounded the desk. “It’s on the TV in the bar. We don’t know if Rafael was involved.”

  Nathalyia was trembling so badly she could barely stand. “Please, God, let him be safe.”


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