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If you were my man

Page 29

by Unknown

  He tensed. His eyes closed. “It’s all right. I won’t ask for more than you can give me,” she told him despite the hard knot in her throat.

  He rolled from her. She had to clench her hands to keep from pulling him back. She sat up to get out of bed. Naked, Rafael knelt in front of her. He had a printed sheet of paper in one hand and a diamond solitaire ring in the other.

  “You’re everything I want. I printed out an application for our marriage license.”

  She shook her head. “I won’t marry you unless—”

  “I finally realized after I left you yesterday that I love you. I can’t imagine life without you. You aren’t my worst nightmare. You and our baby are my life, my salvation.”

  Tears misted in her eyes. “If you’re just saying that . . .”

  “I’m not.” Picking up her left hand, he slid the heart-shaped diamond ring on her finger. “Having you in my life is everything. Helen helped me face my own fears. It might sound crazy, but so did talking to my parents. I realized that, despite everything, you love me and that you are a courageous woman.

  “I always thought my mother gave up. I needed her in my life, but she left anyway. I didn’t want to go through that pain and heartache again.” He kissed her hand. “It wasn’t just about my fear that I’d leave a family, I was afraid the woman I’d love would leave me. You’d never do that.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. I’ve always known that if you were my man, life would be richer, fuller.” She kissed him and came to her feet. “I need to get to work, hire an assistant, then come back here and continue letting you work on me.”

  Nathalyia couldn’t stop smiling—or looking at the ring on her finger or at the man walking beside her. They were only thirty minutes late, which was a miracle considering they’d lingered over breakfast at his house and in the shower at hers.

  “If you keep looking at me like that, we’re going home and you’re not leaving for a long, long time.” Rafael punctuated the threat with a quick kiss.

  “Your fault.” She kissed him back as they paused at the bottom steps leading to the back door of Fontaine.

  The smile slipped from his face. “I’m glad I didn’t lose you or our baby.”

  “Never.” She hugged him. “Now, I have to go inside and work.”

  “I’ll be back for lunch.”

  “We’ll eat in the private dining room so I can be as naughty as I want,” she said.

  “It’s good having my Nathalyia back.” His fingers brushed across her lips. “Don’t forget to rest, or that we’re going tomorrow to look for a longer sofa.”

  Smiling, she pushed him toward his car. “Go.”

  “Bye, honey.” After kissing her again, he went to his car.

  Nathalyia waved and blew Rafael a kiss as he drove away. Staring at her ring, enjoying the play of light in the diamond, she didn’t notice anyone approaching.

  “What are you looking at?”

  Nathalyia jumped and whirled, then pressed her hands to her booming heart. “You scared me.”

  Theresa didn’t appear to care. She stared at the glittering diamond. “You bought a ring so people will think you’re engaged?”

  Nathalyia was in too good a mood to let Theresa ruin it. “Rafael and I are engaged.”

  “You’re letting him con you. The money is all he’s after,” Theresa said.

  “He’s after me and our baby, and he has both.” Nathalyia punched in the code and entered. Theresa brushed by her. “We need to talk when your shift is over.”

  Theresa turned with a frown. “What about?”

  “We’ll discuss it then.” Nathalyia was putting off the confrontation for as long as possible.

  Her sister studied her for a long time, then continued down the short hall.

  Nathalyia entered her office, put away her handbag, picked up the phone, and dialed. It was answered on the second ring.


  “We’re engaged,” Nathalyia blurted, unable to keep the sparkle of tears from her eyes. “Helen, I’m so happy.”

  “Oh, Nathalyia. He called just before you did, saying he was coming over to tell us something. He sounded so happy.”

  “I keep staring at my ring.”

  “I want to see it.”

  Nathalyia laughed. “Rafael is coming for lunch around noon. Why don’t you come? Sam and Alec, too, if they can make it. It will keep me out of trouble.”

  “I’ll call them. Congratulations again, and welcome to the Dunlap sisterhood.”

  Dunlap sisterhood. She belonged. “I’ll see you at noon. Bye.” Nathalyia replaced the receiver and then went to find her new assistant.

  Clarice was exactly where Nathalyia knew she would be, working with Jake to get the bar ready. Hearing him tell her to behave, Nathalyia’s lips twitched. They were good for each other.

  “Good morning, Jake. Clarice. Clarice, can I please see you for a moment?”

  They faced her. Jake actually looked a bit embarrassed. “Good morning, boss.”

  “Morning, Nathalyia.” Clarice whispered something in Jake’s ear that put a grin on his face before following Nathalyia to her office.

  “Please have a seat.” Nathalyia went behind her desk.

  Clarice didn’t take the seat offered. “What is it? What did she say I did?”

  Nathalyia immediately knew who “she” was. “This isn’t about Theresa. It’s about what a wonderful employee you are. I’d like to offer you another position that I’m hoping you’ll take.”

  Clarice sat down. “Another position?”

  “Because of my pregnancy, the doctor has advised me to cut back on my schedule. I’ll not only need someone personable and smart, and who cares about Fontaine, to be my executive assistant, but someone who can also pitch in with staffing needs.” Nathalyia mentioned a salary that doubled Clarice’s current income.

  “You’ll have a desk in here with me, and work directly under me. I know you’ll want to think about it, but I’d like an answer by tomorrow so if you decline, I can look at other staff members before going outside Fontaine.”

  Clarice shot up from her chair and rounded the desk to hug Nathalyia. “I’ll take it!”

  Nathalyia laughed. “You had me worried for a moment.”

  “I thought you were going to take me out of the bar because of what happened,” she said. “Jake is going to be so proud of me.”

  “He certainly will.”

  Suddenly Clarice screamed and jerked up Nathalyia’s left hand. “Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!”

  The door burst open, and Jake stood there. “I heard you scream.”

  “She’s engaged to Rafael!” Clarice shouted.

  Several employees crowded in the door behind Jake. Nathalyia came to her feet. “I guess this is the official announcement that I’m engaged, and my fiancé and perhaps his family are coming for lunch.”

  Employees applauded and cheered as they surged into the room. The women oohed and aahed over the ring.

  “Thank you. Now, please return to your stations,” Nathalyia said. “We open in fifteen minutes.”

  Clarice and Jake were the last to leave. She told him about the position she’d accepted.

  “I told you how smart you were,” Jake said proudly.

  Clarice leaned her head on his shoulder. “I guess you know he lives in your subdivision.”

  “Actually, I live in his.” Nathalyia folded her arms and leaned back against the desk. “He moved there six months before I did. Martin visited him and liked the security of the estate.”

  “Man, can you two keep a secret!” Clarice said. “We’d better get to work. I don’t want you to change your mind and hire someone else.”

  “Not a chance. You’ll be perfect. We’ll start training tomorrow,” Nathalyia said. “With you and Jake, I won’t worry about not being here.”

  “We’ll always be here, except when we’re on our honeymoon,” Jake said. “If Clarice will have me?”

  Clarice screamed,
then launched herself at Jake. “Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!”

  Grinning, he caught her. “We’ll pick out your ring as soon as possible. I’m letting everyone know you’re mine.”


  Employees rushed back in. “We have another engagement,” Nathalyia announced. Jake and Clarice were well liked, so the congratulations were just as profuse.

  “Come on. Let’s get to work.” Clarice pushed people out the door.

  Rafael was barely out of his car when the front door of Sam’s house flew open. He and Helen rushed out. Both were grinning. “How did you know?”

  “Nathalyia called me.” Helen hugged him. “She sounded so happy.”

  “So am I.” He shook Sam’s hand and hugged him with the other. “Thanks, Helen, for helping me get my head straight.”

  “She’s invited me to lunch with you along with Sam and Alec.” Helen hooked her arm though his, and they started inside. “I haven’t told him yet. I wanted to leave that to you, but do it now, because I can’t wait to tell everyone and plan a celebratory dinner.”

  Rafael stopped and hugged her. “Thanks for being there for her when I couldn’t.”

  “That’s what families do,” Helen said as they continued into the house.

  Nathalyia had planned on making rounds early, but suppliers kept her on the phone longer than anticipated. Thank goodness she’d been able to get the private dining area ready. She planned to serve them herself and since they were family, they could help.

  Family. She had what she’d always desired and had been so afraid she’d never have. Smiling, she entered her office and came to a dead stop.

  Theresa was taking credit cards from Nathalyia’s billfold. Dollar bills were already on the desk. Incensed, Nathalyia slammed the door. “Put everything back! And get out!”

  Theresa’s head snapped up. Hatred stared out of her dark eyes. Grabbing the money, she stuffed it and the credit cards into the pockets of her slacks. “This is no more than I deserve. You promoted the blimp over me. I’m your sister.”

  “No, you’re not. Not in the ways that matter.” Nathalyia stepped in front of her. “A sister is someone who cares. You never did and you never will. You’re all about yourself. Now put it back, and get out. You’re fired.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she sneered. “What will people think when they learn the well-respected Nathalyia Fontaine is knocked up and had to get engaged, let her mother die in poverty, and won’t help her sister?”

  Theresa turned back to the purse on the desk, upended it, and snatched up the car keys. “On second thought. I’m tired of taking the bus, and working here. I’ll be around to get my paycheck, but I want triple unless you want people to know a few things. Get ready to pay and pay big.”

  Taking off the apron, she threw it down. Theresa passed Nathalyia, intentionally bumping her as she did. All the nasty things Theresa would say about her ran through Na thalyia’s mind. The people who loved her wouldn’t believe them, and the rest didn’t matter.

  Out of habit, she picked up the apron on the way after Theresa. She felt something heavy and looked into the pocket. A credit card reader. Theresa had been stealing credit card information. Enraged, Nathalyia sprinted out of her office after Theresa. She saw the back door swing shut and hurried outside and saw her sister walking toward her car. “Theresa!”

  The other woman stopped, then hurried to the Rolls. Nathalyia pounded down the steps after her.


  She heard Rafael call her name, but she kept going. Her sister was not getting away with this. She reached her sister just as she opened the door. Nathalyia slammed it shut and held up the credit card reader. “This time you’re going to jail.”

  “Nathalyia,” Rafael called.

  Her eyes wild, Theresa shoved Nathalyia backward, then reached for the door handle. Nathalyia staggered back, regained her balance, jerked the door open and grabbed Theresa’s arm. “You’re not leaving!”

  “Let go of me, bitch.”

  “Nat!” Rafael caught Nathalyia around the waist with his left arm, set her out of harm’s way, then reached for Theresa with his right. He had to drag her kicking, screaming, and cursing out of the car.

  Rafael twisted her arm behind her back when nothing else quieted her. “Calm down.”

  “You bastard! I’ll have your badge. Just because you knocked her up, you’re hassling me.”

  The altercation had brought some of the staff members out. Customers had stopped to watch. Sam, Helen, and Alec were there as well. Nathalyia wanted to cringe until she looked into Rafael’s eyes. The love she saw there steadied her. “I want her arrested. She was trying to steal my car. You’ll find money and my credit cards she took out of my purse in her pocket. And this was in her apron pocket.”

  “I never saw that before.” Theresa kicked at Sam when he reached for her pocket. “She gave me the money and credit cards to keep me quiet! She didn’t want anyone to know I’m her sister or that she deserted my mother and she died poor, begging for her! She tried to get me to do a threesome with her husband. She’s pregnant and I had to talk her out of getting rid of the baby.”

  Nathalyia could feel the eyes on her. She couldn’t look at anyone.

  “Sam, take this before I forget I wear a badge,” Rafael said. His arm slid protectively around Nathalyia. “Your lies won’t save you, and they won’t discredit Nathalyia. She tried to help you.”

  A police car with lights running and siren blaring pulled up. Two uniformed officers jumped out. “Commander Dunlap.”

  “Book this woman on suspicion of theft and forgery. I’ll be down to file a report later on.” Sam handed Theresa to the police officers, then stepped behind her and removed the money and credit cards from her pockets and put them into a plastic bag that Alec gave him.

  “Sorry, Nathalyia, I’ll have to keep these as evidence for the time being.” Sam gave the bag to one of the policemen. “Take her away.”

  “Come on, Nat, let’s go inside,” Rafael said. “I hope you rested this morning.”

  “Watch out, Nathalyia. He’s going to be as bad as Patrick,” Helen warned.

  “No one could be that bad.” Alec came up the steps behind them.

  “I’ll remind you of that when Celeste becomes pregnant.” Sam slapped Alec on the back.

  Rafael keyed in the code and opened the back door. “A man has to take care of his family.”

  Inside, Nathalyia finally had the courage to look at them. The disappointment and disgust she’d feared wasn’t there. “You didn’t seem surprised that she’s my sister.”

  “No, I wasn’t,” he answered. “I heard you two talking shortly after you hired her. I figured I’d respect your privacy.”

  Nathalyia glanced away. “You didn’t believe what she said about me?”

  Rafael frowned. “If I didn’t know how upset this has made you, I would scold you. I might do it anyway. What in hell were you doing trying to wrestle her out of the car?”

  “She made me so mad. She stole from me after I tried to help her, then threatened to tell all of those lies.”

  “A lot of us have relatives we’d rather forget,” Helen said with feeling.

  “People will talk,” Nathalyia continued.

  “Let them. We have more important things to think about and plan.” Rafael kissed her, then continued walking. “Like how are we going to divide our time between our two homes, and does that mean we’ll need two nurseries? I’ve been thinking that I might have to get another car. I’m not sure the backseat of the Mustang will be comfortable enough for the baby in the car seat.”

  Nathalyia gazed up at him. “You must love that car.”

  He kissed her. “I love you and our baby more.”

  Tears sparkled in her eyes. Yes, she had it all. He pulled her to him and kissed her hair.

  “First we have to decide on a time for the engagement party with just the family,” Helen said. “Nathalyia?”

nbsp; She looked at the people who would become her family. “Whatever time works best for everyone. I’m going to start training my new assistant tomorrow.”

  “Now that that’s settled, I want to see your ring.”

  Leaning into the shelter of Rafael’s arms, where she’d always feel loved and cherished, Nathalyia proudly stuck out her left hand. She had a family and a man who would love her forever.

  She finally had it all. She was going to enjoy every precious, wonderful second.


  1. Rafael wanted Nathalyia from their first meeting. Do you think a strong sexual attraction initially draws most couples together?

  2. Nathalyia was wealthier than Rafael, yet money was never an issue between them. Would you date a man less successful than you? How important is income in a relationship?

  3. Nathalyia was ashamed of her family and denied their existence. The decision came back to haunt her when her sister showed up at Fontaine. Is there ever a valid reason for turning your back on your family? Can anyone, no matter how dishonest or deceitful, be redeemed? Could Nathalyia’s sister?

  4. Clarice had a quick temper, a caring heart, and a record of going out with losers. Why do you think some women have trouble finding good men? Do they settle? Are they impatient and just get tired of being alone, or are some men, especially the no-good ones, very persuasive?

  5. Jake loved Clarice, but he didn’t speak up because of the scar on his face and their fifteen-year age difference. Have you ever cared for someone, but were afraid to tell him/her? If you didn’t speak up, do you regret your decision?

  6. Is there ever a good enough reason not to tell a man he’s the father of your baby?

  7. The road to happiness was not smooth for Nathalyia and Rafael or Clarice and Jake. Lies, secrets, fears, and insecurities all played a role in keeping them apart. When do you know you love a person and that the love is worth the risk? Is it a feeling? Something he/she says or does?


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