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Page 31

by Cristin Harber

  "Lean on me."

  "You don't know what you're asking. That's a lot to say. I-I'm too much." She looked heartbroken and even disgusted. Jax didn't know if it was because of her family, her background, the things she couldn't control, or the decision she had made, but it did nothing except reaffirm everything he felt for her. "More than anything, I needed you to know how sorry I was."

  He took a step back and ran his hands over her biceps, smoothing up and down. "You think you're too much?"

  She snickered. "Yes, I think I'm too much."

  "You are—for someone else. Those people? They aren't our people. And not the person you're supposed to be with, princess."

  Her eyes rounded as though she were having a revelation.

  "Seven." He let go of an arm and touched her chin. "I'm too much."

  She laughed quietly. "No, you're not."

  "There are many people who'd disagree with you on that. Trust me." He brushed her hair off her face and smoothed it behind her ears. "Come here, princess, I have something to tell you."

  She inched closer. "What?"

  "I love you, Seven."

  "When I first met you, I had no idea that I'd get to say I love you too."


  "Give me my bag!" Bianca threw a fistful of leftover birdseed at Nolan. "How are we supposed to win if he doesn't gimme my bag?"

  "Oh yeah." Adelia pointed at Bianca. "She has a point. If you don't hustle, you're going to lose—"

  "Adelia!" Gennita tried to stop the impending disaster before it crashed, but it was too late.

  Bianca's bottom lip began to quiver. All the sugar from the cake had gone straight to her blood, and Seven's kids were in the process of losing their ever-loving minds.

  Nolan spun around in a circle, his bag and Bianca's in each hand, filling them with air.

  "Nolan." Seven scooped him up as Jax went in for the crier. "You're going to puke. Stop spinning."

  Jax sat next to Seven as she settled back into her chair. With Bianca now on his knee and Nolan thankfully not spinning, he fixed the fuchsia bow in the little girl's hair. "You know what, buttercup?"

  Bianca sniffled. "What?"

  "I hid every ring."

  She brightened, tears instantly gone. "Where?"

  "Get your brother, and I'll tell you where the one no one will find is."

  Bianca hopped off, hugging Nolan and dragging him back to Jax. "We're ready."

  "Under the bubble refill station."

  Her eyes went wide. "Under it?"

  "Yes." He leaned down. "That's top secret. Tell no one and get it without being seen. Go."

  Both kids snuck into the crowd, and Seven laughed. "How very Titan of you."

  Jax leaned close, stealing a kiss but letting it linger as she sighed.


  He slid her onto his lap. "Where are you? Somewhere in here…"

  "Stop it." She pulled the skirt from under her, readjusting. "Better?"

  "Better when I take this dress off of you," he teased. "But until then…" He dropped a kiss on her shoulder, and they looked over as Adelia gagged.

  "You know I'm still here, right?"

  "You could always go hunt for plastic rings with the kids," Jax said. "I hid a few hundred all over the place. You're bound to get one somehow."

  "You're lucky I love that guy." Adelia eyed Seven and pointed at Jax. "And that he looks good in a tux. Because he's toeing the line of getting slapped."

  Jax chuckled. "Worked out well for me last time I was slapped at a wedding."

  "Actually, it didn't." Seven turned, shaking her head. "You were denied."

  "I played the long game, princess, and got married."

  "Twice," Adelia pointed out.

  And this one knocked every hope and dream off the wedding wish list, all the way up to the organ music and big poufy dress.

  "I get two honeymoons," Jax added. "Bonus."

  Though this one wouldn't involve a hangover or cartel but rather an all-inclusive resort and pampering.

  Colin walked up with Victoria and Ryder. She was tucked under his arm as she and Colin tried to jam two plastic puzzle pieces together. One was a heart, and the other a key.

  Ryder just shook his head then eyed Seven. "These games were all your idea?"

  "Absolutely. I wanted to make sure everyone talked to each other." Seven had even made signs for the church that said there was no such thing as sides; anyone could sit anywhere. But when she had seen how much fun Jax had putting the kid games together, it was a natural fit to add adult icebreaker games as well.

  Ryder winked at his wife. "She's going to sulk all night long that I didn't unlock her heart."

  "My key is heartless," Colin added.

  "You're heartless." Ryder craned his neck. "I gave my heart to Hawke, and look at the guy"—they all followed Ryder's nod—"making out in the corner with someone half his age. I'd like to think I had something to do with that."

  "Ugh, things I never wanted to see! Hawke getting his groove on." Victoria's face pinched then she turned to Seven and Jax. "You guys good?"

  Seven beamed. "In heaven."

  "Good. Because I want to dance so I won't sulk." Victoria pulled Ryder up as he groaned.

  "She's using me for my moves."

  "Well, I'm not good." Adelia pouted, holding up her partnerless puzzle piece. "And I've looked everywhere."

  Colin flipped his key in the air. "Didn't ask me, either, V. The non-married crowd is feeling excluded."

  Victoria playfully huffed as Ryder came behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Oh, for goodness sake, you two. Did you even try your puzzle pieces together?"

  Colin laughed at the oblivious mistake, holding his out to Adelia. "Now you're blowing us both off."

  Adelia feigned disillusioned agreement, not paying attention as she pushed the key toward Colin. "They can't help it if—" Her head snapped toward the connected heart-and-key puzzle then up. "Colin! You had the key to my heart the whole time!"

  Victoria's mouth fell open—even Ryder seemed surprised, raising a hand. "I brought him over. I claim this couple, too."

  Seven leaned against Jax. "Aw, I even heard them click."

  "That's not a couple. It's a game."

  "It's whatever happens." Ryder snuggled close to Victoria as Adelia threw her arms around Colin. "Let's go, love."

  It was as though Seven saw hearts bubbling above the forming connection. She took Ryder's cue, turning to her husband as Jax ran a hand down the intricate buttons on the back of her wedding dress.

  "Come on, princess. Time to dance again."

  Seven pursed her lips because Jax never wanted to dance. Even he could see that there was a moment unfolding. "So that's how it's done."

  "What?" he asked.

  She pulled her heavy dress up as she slid off his lap. "A meet-cute at a wedding that doesn't involve a slap."

  "Hardy-har." He winked. "Let's see you shake your booty, babe." Then he followed Ryder and Victoria.

  Seven fluffed out her princess skirt, catching sight of a linen napkin that either Ryder or Victoria had accidentally knocked onto the floor, out of her reach. It was barricaded by chairs and next to Colin and Adelia, who were still very much in their moment.

  Seven's pulse tripped, and she wanted to look away but couldn't.

  "Seven?" Jax made a face. "What's the holdup?"

  He hadn't a clue about that stupid napkin mocking her, and as her blood pressure climbed, Seven watched Jax lift his hand and wait. The muscle-filled tuxedo didn't hurt, but it was the stoic man, silently promising he would always be there when she needed that helped her take that next breath. "Coming."

  Seven swished toward the dance floor, holding up the layers of white tulle, silk, and lace.

  Jax took a step forward. "Mrs. Michaelson?"

  Her fingers took his, and over his shoulder, she saw Nolan and Bianca Michaelson, who he'd adopted, dancing and spinning. They were a family in every sense, but just
like the day she'd signed the paperwork to change all their last names, he reminded her what she'd told him. A name was only a name.

  He was simply Jax.

  Then he reminded her the four of them that made them a family. Not blood, paperwork, or fluffy dresses.

  Seven glided into his arms, glowing with happiness. The big dresses didn't hurt. Bianca was proof of that as she jumped and fluffed hers not too far away.

  "What's that look for?" Jax asked.

  "In case you didn't know"—Seven pushed onto her tiptoes for another wedding-day kiss—"I will never stop falling in love with you."


  Colin and Adelia will find their happily ever after in DELTA: RICOCHET.

  Also, please turn the page to learn about Cristin Harber's next release, NOAH.

  And P.S. if you'd like to see the phone drawing Cristin sent to her research partners and author friends as they tried to map out the logistics for the pony tail and boot ties, GO HERE. But beware, there are sketch art nipples. Perhaps not so safe for work.



  Fall in love with seven sexy and irresistible soldiers who find their courage and heart tested like never before in the battle for love! This multi-author collaborative series of contemporary romance novels is brought to you by bestselling authors Barbara Freethy, Roxanne St. Claire, Christie Ridgway, Lynn Raye Harris, Julia London, Cristin Harber and Samantha Chase. You won't want to miss a single one!


  Navy SEAL Noah Coleman knows how to do two things well: underwater demolition and hand-to-hand combat. So renewing his enlistment is a no-brainer until he receives a message about his cousin's aggressive terminal cancer. A quick trip home confirms the worst, which means his niece Bella will become his responsibility.

  Elementary school guidance counselor Teagan Shaw has known Bella since her son announced the two were best friends. The shy little girl is also on Teagan's radar because of Bella's early signs of gifted aptitude. But Teagan is more concerned about the military man thrust into the role of single parent.

  While Noah adjusts to civilian life and Eagle's Ridge, he and Teagan begin forging a friendship. But Teagan has a secret, a shadowy figure from her past who is intent on returning to torment her.

  Don't miss any of the sexy soldiers!

  Ryder (#1) - Barbara Freethy

  Adam (#2) - Roxanne St. Claire

  Zane (#3) - Christie Ridgway

  Wyatt (#4) - Lynn Raye Harris

  Jack (#5) - Julia London

  Noah (#6) - Cristin Harber

  Ford (#7) - Samantha Chase



  The fifth book in the Delta series will release early 2018. DELTA: RICOCHET will feature Colin and Adelia. Find out more here!

  Colin questioned his recruitment to Delta team from day one, but he's made sure to earn his accomplishments twice over. No one could accuse his diplomat father of pulling strings.

  Falling for Adelia is everything he never planned and always wanted. No complications. No agenda. Just a sweet girl who made him smile.

  Adelia has spun a network of lies around the world to help save women from human traffickers, and she's stolen from Mayhem motorcycle club, the men who saved her life, to do it. Anonymous friends back her unseen good deeds—until a link snaps.

  Actions have consequences in the Mayhem MC world. The repercussions are deadly.

  Everywhere she turns, the fallout ripples. Friends become enemies. Family walks away. There's no one left to save her except for the man she's fallen in love with, and she'd do anything to keep him from Mayhem's ricochet.



  Cristin Harber is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling romance author. She writes sexy romantic suspense, military romance, new adult, and contemporary romance. Readers voted her onto Amazon's Top Picks for Debut Romance Authors 2013, and her debut Titan series was both a #1 romantic suspense and #1 military romance bestseller.

  Connect with Cristin: Email | Facebook | Twitter | Team Titan

  Join the newsletter! Text TITAN to 66866 or click here to sign up for exclusive emails.

  The Titan Series:

  Book 1: Winters Heat

  Book 1.5: Sweet Girl

  Book 2: Garrison's Creed

  Book 3: Westin's Chase

  Book 4: Gambled

  Book 5: Chased

  Book 6: Savage Secrets

  Book 7: Hart Attack

  Book 7.5: Sweet One

  Book 8: Black Dawn

  Book 8.5: Live Wire

  Book 9: Bishop's Queen

  Book 10: Locke and Key

  Book 11: Jax

  The Delta Series:

  Book 1: Delta: Retribution

  Book 2: Delta: Rescue*

  Book 3: Delta: Revenge

  Book 4: Delta: Redemption

  Book 5: Delta: Ricochet

  *The Delta Novella in Liliana Hart's MacKenzie Family Collection

  The Only Series:

  Book 1: Only for Him

  Book 2: Only for Her

  Book 3: Only for Us

  Book 4: Only Forever

  7 Brides for 7 Soldiers:

  Ryder (#1) - Barbara Freethy

  Adam (#2) - Roxanne St. Claire

  Zane (#3) - Christie Ridgway

  Wyatt (#4) - Lynn Raye Harris

  Jack (#5) - Julia London

  Noah (#6) - Cristin Harber

  Ford (#7) - Samantha Chase

  Each Titan, Delta, and 7 Brides book can be read as a standalone (except for Sweet Girl), but readers will likely best enjoy the series in order. The Only series must be read in order.


  Copyright 2017 Cristin Harber

  All rights reserved. This book or any portions thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author and publisher except for the use of brief quotations used in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either the products of the author's imagination or are used fictionally.




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